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•∞One Week Later∞•

Marinette cradled Emma as she sat on her hip crying. "Mama! I-I'm scared!" The thunder clapped again and Emma shivered and cried into Marinette shoulder. Marinette shushed her child but nothing worked to calm her down. "M-M-M-Mama!"

"It's okay Emma. It's just a thunder." Marinette kissed her head.

"I-It's scary!" Emma cried.

Marinette shushed her and tried to think of something to calm her down. "Emma, you like Chat Noir and Ladybug right?" Emma nodded. "Then, think of the thunder as Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting the evil akumas. Can you think of thunder as that?" Emma nodded and slowly lifted her head. The thunder clapped again and she thought of Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting and looked at Marinette with a smile.

"I did it Mama!"

"See, you can do anything Emma," Marinette smiled as she put her back in bed. "Now get some sleep." Emma lied her head against the pillow and soon fell asleep. Marinette walked into her room and got dressed into her pajamas. She slid on her shirt and heard a knock on her window. She sighed and opened it. She leaned on the windowsill as his green eyes pieced the night.

"Hey Princess." He smirked and she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms against the windowsill, leading on her arms.

"What do you want Adrien?" Marinette lifted a brow.

"Last week I caught Lila cheating on me. I just thought I could see you." He smiled and she sighed.

"Are you just making excuses to see me?" Marinette lifted a brow.

"Well, kind of. Lila did cheat on me but you always made me feel better. I thought I could see you," he smiled up at her and she sighed. "Can I come in?"

"So you don't get a cold but as soon as the storm lets up you're gone." She let him in and he smiled and crawled into her room. He sat on her floor and she threw a towel at him. He cleaned off himself with the towel and smiled at Marinette as he stood up. He gently held her chin in his hand.

"You know, I really did miss you while you were off living your life and I was doing me," he held her other hand and gently pressed his lips to the back of her hand. "Did you miss me?"

She stepped back from me. "No I didn't. Everywhere I turned I saw you with another girl. Why the hell would I miss the man who ran out on me while I was bleeding out, pregnant, on the floor? Even love him anymore?" She crossed her arms and turned her back to him.

"I was young then Marinette. I didn't mean to hurt you like this. I just, couldn't take care of a baby when I was twenty. I was still a kid. I couldn't just, drop my life to take care of a baby. That's why we decided on adoption." She turned to face him, a scowl on her face.

"We decided? You practically forced me into thinking so! Yeah it was best for us in the long run but now she's back," she pursed her lips and looked down. "Now she's back and I love her more then when she was born, and when I gave her away," She looked up at him, teary eyed. "But I can't handle her on my own. I need help. I can't bring her to work anymore on the weekends and I can't watch her and pay bills, make designs, fix her bedroom, run a company-I can't do this all by myself." Tears started to stream down her face and she sat on her bed.

"What about that nanny?" Chat sat on her bed.

"She quit and I can't find the time to find another." She wiped her red cheeks.

Why don't, I help you? I can come in early and watch her or I can live here to always watch her." He waved his hand in the air as he spoke. Marinette pursed her lips in thought. A loud clap of the thunder erupted through the house creating Emma's cries. Marinette sighed and ran down the hall to her daughter.

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