Chapter 1

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Hello guys I am back, for those of you who read It All Started With A Locker, welcome back.

Who's ready for another adventure? I am, that's for sure.



"Mia, its time to get up or else Matt would leave us!", Mason yells.

"Tell Matt to hold his damn horses or else I'll tell dad that he sneaked out to that club last month", I answer.

"You wouldn't dear sis!" Matthew states.

"Try me."

I got off my bed and stretch, the first day of junior year. I open my closet, what to wear?

"Matthew I need your help!" I yell.

"I'm here where's the danger?" He demands burst opening my door with a bat.

I roll my eyes, "fashion emergency."

"Oh, well in that case", he walks over and examines my closet," here", he passes me high waist denim jeans with rips and crop top and my brown boots.


"You're welcome, now hurry up I need to see what fresh meat we have this year", he pushes me out the room to the bathroom.

"You're such a player", I roll my eyes.

"But you still love me sis", he ruffles my hair. He's the captain of the soccer team and doesn't do dates. After that bitch Claire dated him back in eighth grade and then dumped him last year, he had a cold heart ever since.

"Did you know that Claire's back?" Mason ask as we got into Matthew's car.


"Yeah I'm surprised too, last semester she said she wasn't coming back", he replies.

"Just hope this time, she doesn't make a move on Asher", I grumble.

When she dumped my brother, there was a rumor that she was interested in Asher.

"If she does, you know Alyssa would put her in her place", Matthew laughs.

Alyssa Fraser my friend for two years, we met freshman orientation and she immediately had a dislike for Claire who was bragging about her new clothing line her mother got her.

Matthew picks up Asher and he sits next to me in the back seat.

"What's up troublemakers, any pranks today?" He smiles, his blonde hairstyle and green eyes shining with mischief.

"Sorry man not today, but tomorrow for sure", Matt smirks in the review mirror.

"So Mia, how was your summer?" He asks me.

"You saw me almost every day for the past month", I laugh and push him.

Then it should be great", he winks making my heart skip a beat.

"Hey no flirting with my sister once I'm around", Mason growls.

"Chill she just know I'm playing around", Asher grins.

"Claire is back", I whisper.

"What?!" He exclaims and Matthew shifts into the wrong lane then back to the right one quickly.

"What the heck man?"

"Sorry, but I was taken by surprise", he mumbles, "why is she back?"

I shrug, "I can careless why she's back, but if she thinks about coming here you, Matt or Sam I'll-"

"Relax tiger", Asher laughs.

"If she makes a move on Alec, Alyssa will have her head as well", Matt adds.

"yeah no doubt."


"Hello guys", I greet my other friends who're hanging around Derek's jeep.

"Hey, bitch I missed you!" Ally shrieks and hugs me.

"I missed you too", I chuckle," and you dyed your hair?" I gasp.

"yes I wanted a new look", she laughs and flicks her now platinum blonde hair. She had dirty blonde hair before.

"Don't forget about me hoes!" Gloria screams coming out of her father's vehicle.

"Hello babe", Alec smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want Ace?"

"Why you of course?" He winks and Mason glares at him.


"You'll change your mind", he says determinedly and then we hug.

"We have to pull a prank soon", he says.

"Of course, people have to know we're back", I laugh.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late", Sam says.

"Sammy!" Alyssa shrieks and bolts to him wrapping her legs around his waist then kiss him.

Yep, they're together.

"You shameless people", Matt snaps and covers my eyes.

I remove it and glare at him, "I'm not 11 anymore."

"But still I can't have you watching rated things."

"Ally chill, you saw him just Friday", Derek sighs, he's her older brother and also a senior.

"Hey deer, how does it feel to be a senior?" I ask.

"Great in nine months I'm out of here, hasta la vista baby."

"Did you guys hear that Claire's back?" Gloria announces.

"Oh yeah that bitch, I heard she slept around a lot during the summer", Alyssa says as she and Sam walk to us.

"We all know she was secretly a hooker", Gloria says and flickers her auburn hair.

"Here she comes now", Mason tilts his head to the road.

We turn around and see Claire coming waving at some people as she passes them, she's in a short tight fitted skirt and a short crop top, with heels and lots of makeup.

"Is it me or did she did a boob job to make it look big?" Alyssa frowns.

"True though", I agree.

Last semester they weren't that big.

When her eyes land on me, she glares and I glare back.

"Last night was fun Derek!" She shouts.

"Bitch you wish you can get him!" Gloria replies.

"I don't wish I know I will, unlike you", she snaps.

"You're not getting my brother, you'll be dead before you can touch him", Alyssa says.

"Whatever and Mia be prepared when I take away your captain position this year", she smirks.

"You wish if you're thinking about getting it just to get back my brother you're wrong!"

She storms off and we all laugh.

"Look guys fresh meat, let's give them the traditional welcome", Alec smirks pointing to the group of guys who look kind of scared.

"Be easy on them", I remind them.

"We got this sis", Mason ruffles my hair and they all went over to them.

"So girls, how was your summer?" I smile.

"It was great, I went to my grandmother's house in Canada, had a summer romance as well", Gloria smiles.

"Did you do the naughty?" Ally wiggles her eyes.

"No, we're not you and Sam", she rolls her eyes and I laugh.

"Whatever", Ally rolls her eyes.

"Let's go get our timetable", I suggest and we head inside, people part the way for us as we pass.

Boys check out us out, but they know they can't come near me or else Matthew and Mason will have their heads.

"This year should be a change, maybe you should start dating Mia", Ally suggests.

"But guys are scared to ask me out", I roll my eyes.

"But Alec isn't". she points out.

"He's just my friend Ally."

"What about Asher?" Gloria suggests.

I blush," he doesn't know that I like him like that."

"Then you should tell him before it's too late", Ally urges.

"But I'm afraid he may reject me and then our friendship will be ruin", I sigh.

"Stop overthinking it."

"but I-" I bump into someone.

"Sorry", the red-brown girl says looking down.

"It''s okay", I move out of the way for her to pass.

"I can't tell him, I have to know if he feels the same way first."


"Welcome back, how was your summer?" My homeroom teacher asks with excitement.

People reply with a grumble and some alright.

"Okay, well my name is Mr. Allen and I'll be your homeroom teacher for the next year", he introduces himself.

"He's hot", Ally whispers from behind me and I roll my eyes.

He was like ten years older than us with dark brown hair and bright brown eyes.

"He's alright", I shrug.

"What is Mrs. flirty gossiping about now?" Asher whispers beside me.

"How hot our teacher is", Ally says out loud.

"Thank you miss Fraser", Mr. Allen grins and she turns red, we laugh at her embarrassment.

Someone walks into the class, "is this the homeroom?" She asks shyly.

"Yes, and you are?"

"Crystal Cole, I'm new", she replies. She's the same red-brown hair girl I bumped into earlier.

Guys are already checking her out, she's pretty no doubt.

"Well Crystal, I'm Mr. Allen", Mr. Allen says, "you can take a seat next her", he points to me.

She watches me then nods.

"Hey I'm Mia and this is my best friend Asher", I introduce myself.

"Sup?" Asher nods.

"Nice to meet you", she replies.

"Alright class today-"

"Your king as arrives", Matthew announces bursting into the room.

I roll my eyes.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the king, also team captain", he replies.

"You're not on my rooster?" Mr. Allen frowns down at his book.

"Actually, yes", Matt points," see Matthew West."

"Ahh yes the troublemaker, I heard so many things about you".

"Hope its good things", Matt says then when he walk pass my desk he winks and sits down next to Ally.

"What's up Ally?"

"As I was saying, we'll be doing something different this year, the principal thought it would be wise to have a project", we all groan.

"This project will be a little different, sure you'll have a partner, but this isn't an ordinary project, no its a baby project."



Hope you enjoy this story, more chapters to come.


First chapter, what do you think?

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This is your new year present from me. :)

Thank you for supporting throughout my last book @chantalstowell @hopewithxtrasuga @waiting_4_a_miracle @kitty101_ 

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