Hermione- Chapter 6

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Cho is actually really nice. For the past couple of weeks, Ginny and I have been hanging out with her a lot. She's not the same person as she was in 5th year, when her and Harry split up and she defended the friend that sold out the D.A. 

She seems... less confident. Quieter. Timid.

But on our walks, she opens up more, laughing and chatting normally. She won't talk about Ron though. Just like I won't talk about Draco. 

We're 2 weeks into the project, and I'm starting to feel some symptoms. I'm getting really bad headaches, as if someone is inside and thought, "hey, why not hit Hermione's brain with a hammer?"

I usually get headaches before my period every month, but not as bad as this.

So I am lying in bed one Friday evening, my head pounding, when I start to feel it. Nausea. I rush to the bathroom, brushing past Draco in the process. I collapse next to the toilet and retch, but hardly anything comes out.

Spots appear at the edge of my vision, and I feel weak and tired. It would be so nice just to fall...

I am a baby. I am in Mum's arms, and she is carrying me to the kitchen to get my milk. She is telling me to, "stay still" and "hold tight, we're almost there". 

If I keep my eyes closed long enough, I can imagine it. But I know I have to bring myself back to a fuzzy, distorted reality. 

I miss my Mum.

The first thing I realise is that I am being carried. I know this because I am swaying and I feel strong arms around me. 

Then I smell cologne. I slowly open my eyes, blinking at the gleaming lights. Were they always this bright?

I look up.

Draco Malfoy is carrying me.

Draco Malfoy is allowing himself to be near to, and not only that, but to actually touch, a mudblood? Have I gone mad?

I must have. But I can distinctly feel is arm across my back and his hand gripping the back of my knees as he carries me bridal-style. I almost faint. Again.

Then, too soon, I am out of his arms and placed gently on a bed in the hospital wing.

"Oh dear, what happened?" Madame Pomfrey asks, bustling over to us. 

"She threw up... well, kind of... and then fainted," Draco said bluntly. 

"Ahh. Thank you Mr Malfoy. You can leave her here now." Then, she turns to me. "You haven't been eating properly."

I flinch slightly. How could she possibly know?

She sighs, seeming to sense my questions. "Miss Granger, you've lost weight when you should be putting it on. Your face is thinner. You fainted, I'm assuming, due to dehydration. So," she says authoritatively, yet kindly at the same time. "Tell me why."

I don't tell her it's because I need to lose weight. I don't tell her that I am fat and ugly and just losing a tiny bit of weight would make it all better. Because I know she will think that something's wrong. And it's not; everything is ok. I'm ok.

I think.

"I've not been feeling hungry recently... because of the nausea," I say, in what I think is a convincing tone. 

"Miss Granger, I understand, but you need to eat. Try to eat at least 2 meals a day, will you? The baby needs food just as much as you do." 

I nod, digesting this information. Fine. So I'll keep it a secret a little longer. I haven't lost enough weight yet. Just a little bit more...

Satisfied that I am fine, Madame Pomfrey lets me go back to the apartment, under strict orders to rest. When I get there, Draco is in the kitchen, so I plop down on the sofa, bringing my knees up to my chest. 

I am exhausted, but I can't find the strength I need to drag myself up to bed right now. So, I burrow into the sofa, switching the television on. 

The pillow smells of Draco's cologne. 

Then, Draco comes into the room, carrying 2 mugs of something that smells like hot chocolate. He puts one down in front of me, and I shy away, repulsed by the smell.

Or maybe pretending to be repulsed. 

"Drink," is all he says, taking a sip from his mug.

I cross my arms defiantly. 

He sighs, putting down his mug. 

"You only started feeling nauseous today. So don't spout that crap to me about not eating because of feeling sick!"

I suck in a breath, already feeling angry. 

"You were LISTENING?" I ask incredulously. "That's low, even for you."

He runs a hand through his floppy hair, seeming frustrated. Finally, he looks up, his grey eyes piercing mine.

"What's really going on, Granger?"

I go still, but unfreeze almost instantly, picking up my mug and pretending to take a sip.

"What do you mean?" I ask half-heartedly, thinking about how many calories are in this drink. 

"Granger, stop starving yourself," he says. 

"I'm not!" I protest, but he sees right through it. "Why do you care anyway? You haven't said a word to me for the past 2 weeks, and NOW you're suddenly concerned about me?"

He pauses, seeming reluctant to answer. 

"I don't know why." 

He gets up, seeming uncomfortable. 

"Just drink the hot chocolate and rest for a while." He scratches his head, blushing a tiny bit. "It's not good for the baby or whatever."

And with that, he leaves me on my own again.

A/N: Hi! There was a bit more Dramione in this chapter, I hope you liked it! Sorry it's a bit shorter than the others!

Lots of love

Saf xx

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