Tail Pulling

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I know I haven't updated in a long time, but here you guys go. XD Enjoy..


First Day


' He looks cute when he's a'sweep'."

'Shush!' You'll wake him up!'

Tomoe moaned as his eyes flew open. He was kind of surprised to see two little girls in front of him but he soon remembered his promise to babysit his mentor's children. What got to him is why they were sitting in his room and watching him closely.

The fox sighed lightly and sat up, rubbing the last of his sleep out of his eyes and then looking at the two children. Amaya, Te older of the two, was looking like she was craky with her arms folded why Cho, the smallest, was giggling and clapping about how her, 'Prince' Was waking up.

When he looked at tem e quiestioned why Amaya was pouting but was soon met with an ice cold glare, " I'm not fully awake." She spewed.

Tomoe rolled his eyes. Niether was he but he wasn't trying to kill people off with his looks. The fox sighed and stood up slowly, his body aching in all the right places as he went to his bathroom and closed the door.

Amaya and Cho were going to be there for a month and all he knew was that he was in for it. He knew nothing about women or little kids for that matter. The teen got dressed quickly and then opened the door to see that the kids had wondered off..


Tomoe graoned in irritation but decided to go upstairs to the kitchen and start making Nanami's tea. He walked upstairs to hear giggling and crashing coming from the kitchen. He blinked as panic came over him and he ran into the kitchen... Only to slip on flour.

The fox slipped on his bottom and then blinked as he looked forward and saw Nanami and the girls icing cakes.. He glared suddenly and then looked at Nanami who was letting the girls eat the icing. He knew one thing..

Kitsune liked sweet things; whenever they saw sweet things they would get riled up and they wouldn't be able to control themselves. This didn't always mean sweet food. It also meant people...

Tomoe looked ahead at Nanami who was laughing and rubbing icing everywhere.. Right then.. She looked sweet.

He blinked and then shook his head; not wanting to think about things like this around the children or at all for that matter. Nanami was his master, nothing more.

He stood up and glared at the mess before Cho went to turn around; Sadly she slipped and grabbed Nanami, who in turn dropped spoons and tuble ware all over the little girls head.

Tomoe felt his heart stop as a scream went through the air; he shuddered and darted over to look at Cho and whatever she was holding. Nanami was already trying to comfort her but the little kitsune was too upset. Her body was heating up so when Nanami went to grab her litle hands? Nanami got badly burned.

The girl god yelped in shock and then looked at Cho; Tomoe saw it. She was panicking. She had no clue as to what to do. This was a kitsune child, and she couldn't even hold it. In fact the girl looked like her burn was hurting her to greatly.

The olderest fox sighed heavily and looked over at her, " I told you that we're different. Cho is at the age where she can't control her emotions.." Tomoe turned towards the little girl and grabbed her hands.

It didn't hurt him since he felt the same type of fires that the little child did; He patted the little girls head and she wailed again..

" Did you hurt your ears?" He whispered out slightly as the girl started to calm down. He ran his hand through her hair to calm her down and patted her hands to cool them down.. In the end?

There was a mess everywhere; a little upset Kitsune, and a burned god.

Tomoe sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't know where to start next, this wasn't workin gout for him. He didn't know much about children.. When he was younger he was forced into adult hood...

The fox sighed and looked at Amaya, " Why don't you too go watch something?" He muttered this rather quickly but Amaya still continued he angered, morning glare. He narrowed his eyes and she glared back..

" I don't want to sit around and do nothing." She ground her teeth and Tomoe sighed in defeat.

" Go play outside until we're done in here. Then we're all going to town to get first aid supplies and Sasamochi." He muttered this but the little girl caught it and nodded with a slight smile. She giggled and grabbed cho's hand before turning to look at Nanami and smiled,

" When your alone with him?" She smiled innocently, " Pull his tail, REALLY hard." She giggled and ran off making Tomoe gasp. WHY THAT EVIL LITTLE! He blinked, How old was Amaya anyway? He cursed in hate but then looked at Nanami.

Thank god she was to busy cringing to pay atenttion to what Amaya had said. Her hands were hurting her greatly... If Nanami yanked his tail..He.. Didn't know if he could hold back. Which ticked him off giving that he was a familiar.

The fox gently grabbed his masters hand and led her to the sink. He ran some water and gently stunk her hands under the water facet... The water ran down her hands and sopped into the sink as Nanami winced and whimpered.

"I told you that Kitsune children are different, did I not?" He questioned as he ran his thumb over her burn. He could of sworn she shived but then again.. That could of been his imagintion, " They have temper tantrums but they are far worse than a humans." He sighed heavily.

This wound would not heal; not now.. It was to servre. He was shocked that her skin was already peeling and showing the raw skin underneath. He sighed, This wasn't going to heal without help.

He paused as his breath stilled and he lifted her hands to his mouth.. The girl froze, her eyes growing wide as Tomoe started to run his hot tongue over her palm and between her fingers. His saliva covered her slightly and he sighed as his tomgue slipped over her skin like silk.

Hot, Smooth, Silk...

Nanami blushed crimson as Tomoe licked the back of her hands; she wouldn't move. She knew what he was doing.. but oh how strange it felt to have him do so. His white hair fanned across his face as his tongue worked..

Then he needed air.. And he needed it badly. He pulled his mouth away, gasping slightly as the oxygen flooded into his airway. He breathed in and sighed in relief... Her hand looked slightly better. The skin was okay and the red was already fading... Giving that he didn't want to stop.

She tasted to good or his liking..

He dropped her hand and then winced; only to feel his body go rigged when he heard slight gasp and giggles. His eyes grew wide and turned rapidly to look at the doorway.

Amaya was there with her mouth hanging open while Cho was giggling at Tomoe's moaning noises. The older fox winced and rushed forward,

" Did I not say to play outside?!" He gasped out in panic; his breathing still heavy.

Amaya sighed, " Yes, but we weren't going to listen. That boring.. Its kind of like how she didn't listen when I told her to pull your tail!" She pouted and Tomoe snapped his head in her direction.

" How do you know about such things?" He ground his teeth and she sighed.

" How old were you when you found out?" she stared at him and Tomoe felt his ears flop over. This kid had a point.. in fact he knew at Cho's age. He glared and stood up before grabbing his coat,

" Nanami we are leaving now!" He swore and looked out the door as Amaya and Cho started to cheer, They ran out and Tomoe reached out in dismay. Great..

Again, What was he thinking?

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