part 3

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I started writing this from moday... Everyday I write a little little in nights as I am busy the whole day...
Just to write the story I am sleeping late....
No no no no... I am not asking for vote or cmnts...
I am just showing my craziness for writing... 😘😘😘😘😍😍😍

Longggg chappy... 3500 words.. Don't feel bore ok😁

No proof read 😶😶😶

(All edited pics are belongs to the real editor... I didn't made them)



After dinner Rikara is sleeping on bed....
Both are widely awake....
They are in thoughts of past...

How was their life and how it changes....
Is it better now ?
Or worse than before?
Living with a stranger as life partner....
They don't know.....
But one thing that now they are not living with the fake people...
Who just pretend to be their well wisher...

They lost in their past....
How all those things started and they ended up marrying each other....


3 months ago from now....

Evening time....
A big restaurant....
A man is sitting there drinking his coffee...
He is looking upset....

His thoughts are disturbed to a noise....
He turn to see a girl... Who is shouting on a waiter....

He go near the place...
Many people are there....
He reach there and saw a young girl is so angry and shouting on the waiter....

"Ma'am I am sorry"

The waiter said terrified....

"What sorry? Don't you have ears or eyes? I ordered something and you are giving me something else... This is the way you work? "

She is continuously shouting..
Finally the manager came....
But that girl brust out on him too... He feels angry on that girl.... How can she behave like this with someone....?
She is surely a spoiled child of a rich family... He thought...

Finally he interrupt her....

"Why are you shouting at them? If you don't like than just exchange.... They are saying sorry again and again but still you are misbehaving... Are you mad or what? "

He ask....
The girl turn to him in anger and attitude....

"Who are you? "

She ask...
He is confuse...

"What? "

He ask...

"Can't you hear? Having hearing disability? I am asking who are you? "

She ask again... And this time insulting him...
He gets angry...

"Are you a spoiled child? Don't you behave properly? "

"And who are you to ask me all this? I am shouting on them... Not on you? And who the hell are you to talk with me like this? Just mind your own business"

She said pointing her finger to him...
Ommkara see her in disbelief...

The girl flip her hair in attitude and go from there...

Ommkara is in disbelief....





Night.... Ommkara is sitting in a night club... List in his own thoughts...

Ommkara is angry and upset...
He came to Singapore for a deal... But he decided to stay here at least for one week...

The reason is his pinky mom...
No one knows how much she taunts him... In fact everyone in that house made him feel miserable... He just want some peace, some love, some affection... But he never get that...

After his grandmother died he is alone... And now pinky is Pressurising him to marry a girl name komal... Because they are their standard family.... And when he said he needs time... Pinky taunt him talking about his mother and making him feel unwanted... That's why he just run from the home....

You can recover from physical injury in a period of time.... But when you hurt mentally, emotionally since your childhood... It's too much difficult to overcome from it....
He is frustrated, hurt, angry...
His father never support him...




(Let's come to gauri)

After the argument with ommkara she comes to her room in the hotel...
She is angry.... Who is he to talk with him like that?

"How dare he... Looking like a jatadhari and arguing with me? "

She get a msg from komal about her whereabouts...
She rolled her eyes and msg komal she is fine where is she...

Well.... Her story is not different from ommkara...
She literally escape from her chacha, chachi....
Reason? They wanted her to marry one of their relatives.. Of course for her property...
So she has to escaped untill they dropped the idea....
Komal was also Pressurising her for this... She likes her komal di... But sometimes she feels like komal is just pretending to be her friend...

Well, it's all her parents their will they written that her chacha chachi will be her guardian untill her she can't use anything by her own...and those people are enjoying everything...her parents trust them but they never keep that trust....

After her parents died she is all alone.... She is living in that house.. Her own house but she always felt alone.... Komal gets so much love from her parents while she cried every night holding her parents photos... They never torture her physically.... But the emotional and mental torture are more than anything...
Whom to tell how much she craved for a little love, A little care and affection... But what she got? Taunt to be an unlucky, curse on the earth...

She comes 5 days ago here...
Because her chacha, chachi fix her engagement with their relative without asking her...
So she has to fly.... She escape at the engagement day... And now they are searching her everywhere..... She didn't say komal where is she as now she is doubting her....

And now after coming here she is just taking out all her anger on everyone... That waiter, that manager, even that poor long haird guy...
She feels guilty but still her frustation is more....
She grab her purse and go out...




(It's a short story so I don't want to pull it long)



1 AM...

Ommkara still in the night club drinking....
When his eyes fall on a girl...
The same girl with whom he had an argument in the evening....
She is dancing like a manic...
She is probably drunk....


He said and ignore her and start drinking...
But after few minutes his eyes automatically go to her...
It's like there is something in her which is pulling him...
Maybe the pain... Same as him..

Gauri comes to the club and drink... And mistakenly she takes a strong pack.. She never used to drink but today she did... Thinking it would help her to feel a little peace.... And now she is not in her sense.... And dancing...

Ommkara noticed she is drunk... And 2-3 guy are dancing with her and trying to touch her in wrong intension...
Tough Gauri is drunk but she knows her limit... She pushed those guys again and again but they still come to her... Gauri couldn't protest because she is weak due to the drink... Actually those guys changed Gauri drink to get her...

First ommkara ignore... But when he realise Gauri is struggling to get out from them he March towards them...
He knows he doesn't need to..
But his heart wants to save that spoiled girl from those spoiled boys...

Gauri is irritated to their behavior... But couldn't save herself.... But..
Suddenly someone pulled her and she bumps with a hard thing....

She looks up and find an Ifill tower like man is standing there with long hair and handsome face... Holding her waist.... She smile in sleepy mode...

Ommkara looks towards those guys who were confuse....

"What you were doing with her? "

Ommkara ask in anger....

"What's your problem dude... We were enjoying with her... And she too"

One guy reply...

"Yaa... I can see... You were trying to touch her in wrong way... "

Ommkara accuse....

"So? Who are you to ask this? Are you her boyfriend? "

Second guy reply...

"Yes... She is my girlfriend... It will be good if you leave us alone... Otherwise I know how to fix boys like you"

Ommkara warn...
Those boys get scared and run from there....

"My boyfriend? Awww chhoooooooo cute you are... I don't even know I have a boyfriend"

Gauri said smiling and pulling his cheeks...

Ommkara feel irritated and leave her...

"Just shut up.... And go back to your home.... You are drunk"

He said and turn to go but she hugged him from behind...
She is not in her sense...
Ommkara is shock...

"No... I'll go with you only... You are my boyfriend na? It's your responsibility to take care of me... "

She said...
Ommkara turn and come out for her hold.... He see she is too much drunk and couldn't even stand properly....
And those creepy boys are still looking at her....
What to do? He should drop her in her hotel...
But why do he care?
At least for humanity....
Yeh really...

He try to ask Gauri her hotel name... But she couldn't remember...
He ask the manager and waiter and others but no one knows her....

He doesn't know what to do...
And suddenly Gauri passed out....
He has no option and take her to his hotel room....

He enter his room and make her lay down on sofa... He pat her cheeks and sprinkle water on her face... She open her eyes sleepy....

"Are you ok? "

Gauri look at him blinking...
Now she gain some sense...
Who is he? Why he cares for her?

"Hello? Now can you tell me your hotel name? "

But before he complete Gauri vomit all her food and drink on his shirt... Yaak 🤢🤮

Ommkara close his eyes feeling disgusting as his whole shirt is spoiled now...
Gauri look at him and laugh...
Ommkara glare at her...


He suddenly pick her up in bridal style... Gauri gasp...
He take her insider bathroom and throw her in the water tub... Which is fill with water...
Gauri gasp and fully drained...
She look at him in shock...

"Now stay here until you come to your sense...aarrghhh...why on earth I decided to help spoiled girl"

Ommkara said in anger and went out to take shower in another bathroom.... Because his shirt is. . Yaak...

It's 2 AM late night... So he decided let her stay till morning then he will drop her in her hotel....

Gauri feels her headache is fading slowly because of that cold water... So she stay inside the tub dipping her face inside again and again....
Little did she knows what is happening... So she have to come to her sense before she trouble that long haired man again....




After half an hour...
He return to his room...
He locked the room.... And turn... He go straight to washroom to see if she is ok..
He doesn't know why he is thinking about that rude girl this much...

He checks the washroom but it is empty... He gets confuse...
Where is she? In that venerable situation? Oh no did she go somewhere? But how? He locked the room...

He comes out from the Washroom and get shock to see something...

Here is she....
Laying down on sofa with closed eyes.... Wearing his one of white shirt.. Which reach till her knees....
Open wet hair.... She is looking like an goddess of pure beauty...
Ommkara eyes automatically scan her....
Her milky white bare legs are giving him some other vibes...
But he quickly composed himself....

"When you come here? And why you are wearing my shirt? Who gave you permission? "

He ask coming near her...
She open her eyes and look at him...
He is wearing a black kurta and open wet hair... Looking damn hot 🔥🔥🔥

She sit on sofa properly and look at him innocently.... Now she is I her sense....
The way she is looking ommkara hear his own heart beat is racing....

"So what should I do? You just throw me on water without thinking that I have no clothes to wear... So I just grab from your cupboard whatever comes in my hand and wear it... What do you want me to do? Roam around naked in front of you"

She explain... But politely...
This time she is not rude...
Ommkara feels embarrass...
She is right... What should she wear.. He control his heart beat...

"Are you fine? "

He ask her....
She looks at him like she heard something new...

"What? I am asking are you fine? "

"Yeh... Just a little headache... But why are asking me?

She said....
Ommkara is confuse...

" No body ask me if I am fine or not... You are the first"

She said looking into his eyes...
And then ommkara noticed something....
Something that is familiar to him... The same emptiness... The same loneliness he feels is showing in her eyes...
His heart softened....

"Why? Don't you have family? "

He ask....
Gauri realise what she said...
She looks other side...

"My head is spinning a little... Do you have any medicine? "

She said holding her head...
She try to divert the topic...
Ommkara understand and don't pressurised her...
After all she is no one to him...

"I don't have any medicine... But drink a little lemon juice... You'll feel better"

He said and went to the fridge...
Gauri looks at him...

"I opened the fridge before... Why there is no bear in your fridge? "

Gauri ask and ommkara is shock.... What she is asking?

"What is the meaning of this question? Do you want to drink again? "

He ask...

"No no... I didn't mean that... I mean you are a boy... So usually boys have drinks na... And there is no any girls clothes in your cupboard too.. Are you that much saint? "

Gauri ask....
Ommkara looks at her giving are you serious look....

"What? I am just asking out of curiosity.... Don't you have any girlfriend"

Gauri ask again....
Ommkara rolled his eyes...

"Don't you think you are asking too much to a stranger? We still don't know each other name"

Ommkara said and Gauri went silent....

Ommkara give her a glass of lemon juice... And sit beside her... She drink the juice....

"I don't have any girlfriend.... And I don't drink... I just drink when I feel upset"

He said looking other side..
Gauri finish her drink and look at him....
He also looks at her....

Both could see the emptiness in each other eyes... The same pain... The same craving of love and affection....

"You were upset today? Why? "

She ask as she also noticed him in the pub drinking....
Ommkara still looking into her eyes...

"You are also not looking like a girl who can drink this much without any reason... What was your reason? "

He ask back...
Gauri is surprise... How much he observers her? No one noticed her pain behind her rude nature... How he noticed... ?

And she unknowingly place a soft kiss on his cheek.... Ommkara close his eyes... For the first time he is feeling this... A little affection from her...

Both look into each other eyes...

And they pull towards each other automatically and their lips meet....

And... That's it... There is no coming back from there.. Where they headed...
Both are in their sense...
Both of them are aware that this is wrong....
But the craving for a little love is more than anything.....

They forgot everything and just go with the flow....
Try to find peace in their heart..
Trying to heal each other...
They ended up doing a big mistake...







Next day...

Gauri is inside the washroom...
Under the shower.... Like a statue....
Then she cover her mouth and cry... Cried her heart out...
What she had done to herself...
She slept with a stranger?
Just like that?
Is it what she had learn in her life?
Is she a one night stand girl?
Is she that cheap?

She knows she is not....
She is not that type....
Then how can she does that?
She know now she can't go back and correct everything...
She lost herself... She lost the most precious treasure of her... Her purity....
Now what will happen?
What should she do now?
Nothing... She can only curse herself....

In the morning when she wake up besides him on bed...
The warmth... The comfort she felt was unexplainable....
She never felt that much calm and peaceful... She wanted this comfort since ages...
But then reality hit her...
And she realise what she lost last night..

Who is he... Only a stranger...
She doesn't even know his name.... And she slept with him....

Ommkara open her eyes....
He is seeking for the warmth he was feeling few minutes ago.... But doesn't feel...
He open his eyes and sit on bed... What was the thing giving him that peace and happiness last night..?
He looks here there...
And his eyes fall on the shirt which she was wearing yesterday...

Then... He remember everything....
What he had done to her?
How can he do that with an innocent girl?
He takes advantage of that innocent girl... He protect her from those creepy guys and he himself did the same...
What is the difference between them and him?

He hold his head feeling ashamed.... Cursing himself...
The girl was alone and he?
How can he rectify his mistakes now?
He looks here there...
Where is she? Is she ok?
How can she be ok after whatever he done....

He wear his clothes and stand up to search her.... No matter what he has to search her...
He has to say sorry... Ask forgiveness...

But can this is enough?
Can this will heal her wounds?
He stand up...

But he see she comes out from washroom wearing her own clothes....
He could see her red eyes...
Her broken shelf....
She comes and look at him...
Both look at each other for few seconds... Ommkara don't has courage to talk with her...
He is ashamed....

But gauri.. Don't know what is going on in her mind....
She looks down...

"Tha..... Thanks for your help"

She said and move towards the door....
Ommkara is cofuse......
Is she doesn't care about last night?

"Hey stop... Where are you going? "

He stops her...
She turn to him...
He can clearly see the pain in her eyes....

"I am going to my hotel.... Why? "

She said showing her brave face.... But he see her unshed tears....

"See... I.... I am sorry for last night... I don't... I don't know how to explain or what to say... I know my sorry is not enough for what I did with you... I know I did a sin.... I don't know how this happened.. What gotten to me that I ended up doing this.. "

And he goes on...
He is blabbering....
Gauri see his condition and surprised.... She expect him to stay silent and forget the incident like any other boy.. But he?
He is ashamed for all this?
He is not a bad boy...

But what can they do now...
Nothing... There is no solution for this.. She has to move on forgetting all this... And he is not only responsible... She too equally responsible.... But she can't let him stay in regret when he is not in fault...
So it's better to make him believe she is a bad girl and she doesn't care about it.. Only then this innocent guy will live peacefully....


She said and he looks at her....

"What the hell are you talking about? Why you saying sorry? It happens... Now a days it common... We just enjoy one night stand... That's it... And you are behaving like you never did that"

She said controlling herself...
Ommkara is shock....

"What? One... One night stand? "

He ask in shock...
He is not that kind of guy...
He want to be a one woman man and not like his father...
But he did a big mistake...
But this is talking so casually about all this...
Is she really a bad girl or she is just showing? Because her eyes are saying something different....

"You... You really think it's nothing but... One night stand? "

Ommkara ask again...
His heart doesn't want to believe....

"Of course... O hello Mr... If you are thinking about any love drama then I am sorry... I am not interested... I just enjoy and then... Ta ta byby"

Gauri said...
Ommkara is standing like a statue...

"Any ways thanks for the help... And... Thanks for the night... By"

Saying this she literally run holding her tears....
While he is standing there...


To be continue.....

In next chappy you'll know how they met again... How Gauri pregnancy disclose... And how they get married...
Till then stay tuned 😉😉😉😘

Micky... 😘😘😘😘

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