part 5

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I can see less vote for this story... But today I want more because I am writing in between my busy schedule... 😔😔😶😶😶

Karo vote... Cmnt...
Jabardastii hai... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Flashback continue....

Next day....
The whole night ommkara couldn't sleep... He knows Gauri is lying.... The baby is his... But tomorrow is his marriage... He doesn't know what to do... What about that tiny life which still not come into the world....
He is in a mess...

He doesn't have the courage to talk with anyone... Because no one is going to understand him... But Gauri ?
How can she think to kill a tiny life? What would he do now....


Next day....
Today is marriage day....
Before marriage the haldi function will start in the afternoon....

Ommkara is so much tensed...
Don't know what to do....
Then he decided to talk with Gauri one more time....

But he couldn't get chance....
Then he thought to call her but he doesn't have her number...

After one hour... The haldi function is about to start but komal still not come....
Ommkara feel something is fishy.... Everyone is here but komal and Gauri is missing...

He excuse himself and call komal.... But she was not receiving....
And then his phone received....



Here in guest house....
Komal and Gauri are arguing....

"How can you do this to me Gauri? I gave you so much love like my own sister and you cheated on me with my husband"

Komal said angrily...
Gauri is crying bitterly...

"Di... It all happened 3 months ago... I didn't even know who is he... I didn't cheat on you di believe me"

She is trying to explain....
Komal phone ring but she throw it on bed and accidentally it received... It's ommkara who is on call... He heard their voice and listen...

"I don't believe you Gauri.... If you really Love me then do what I said"

Komal said....
Gauri is crying....

"But di... How can I... I kill this little life... Di please... And... And you know what doctor said yesterday... If I abort it then I'll be never able to be a mother again... Please di"

"Shut up Gauri.... First you did a sin... Got pregnant without marriage.... That too from a stranger.... And now you don't want to abort this illegitimate baby? Did you imagine what will happen if anyone knows"

Komal wants to make Gauri feel disgusting about herself... So she would abort the baby and there will be no danger for her married life...
Because yesterday she saw how much ommkara was affected by the baby....

"No one will know di... Please I can't"

"It means you want to ruin my life... You want to snatch ommkara from me? I'll die Gauri"

Komal started crying.... Gauri don't know what to do...

Yesterday komal listen rikara conversation and about to know everything..
Then she brust out on Gauri...
After saying so much she suggest Gauri to abort the baby.... Gauri was scared....

In the morning komal arrange for abortion in a private nursing home from her contact.... She was scared that maybe ommkara break this marriage because of the baby... So she just want to get rid of it...

But her bad luck... The doctor said no for abortion because it will be risk for Gauri health...
The doctor doesn't want to get into any trouble so she said no..
She also warn Gauri that if she did abortion then she might get infected and not able to get pregnant again in the future....

So now komal take out an idea... She bought some abortion pills and now forcing Gauri to eat them... She doesn't care if Gauri alive or dead.... She just want to marry ommkara and get the luxurious life....

First Gauri agree for the abortion but then her heart ache... She can't kill the little life... She was responsible for all those things ... Not the baby...
But now she is in delima...

"Di don't say like this please...
I will go away from your life... Ommkara will never know that I have his baby... I promise... But please don't force me"

Gauri plead.... But komal is stubborn...

"You have to chose one Gauri... Me or your illegitimate baby.... I'll kill myself or you have to kill this baby"

Komal clear.... Gauri is numb...
Here ommkara heart stop beating for few seconds hearing it.....
His baby is going to die??
No Gauri you can't chose anyone over our baby... Never...
The he heard komal was saying...

"Believe me Gauri... I really love you... I just want you to be happy.... And don't worry nothing will happen with your health.... I'll take care of it... Go and have these pills"

Gauri look at komal once with tear stain face then take the pill with shaking hands and go to washroom to have them sobbing... She has no choice... She has to do it....

The moment ommkara hear it... He decided what he wants... He wants their baby...
He can't lose....

"Gauri don't"

He throw the phone and run from the oberoi mansion to the guest house like a mad person....

Everyone see him and shock...

"Ommkara... What happened"

Swetlana shout but no use..
A servant comes in his way holding haldi plate.. He collide with him and run... The haldi spilled on floor....
He was not listening anyone...
Only one thing is in his mind..
His baby....

Everyone is utterly shock....
They follow him to know what's the matter...







Komal is waiting outside the washroom and saying Gauri  again and again to eat that pills....
Gauri is crying bitterly and her hands are shaking.... But she has to do it....


Komal starlet to hear the loud voice... And turn in shock to see ommkara....
He is huffing due to run...
He doesn't run like this in his whole life....

"Oo.. Ommkara"

Komal was shock...

Here Gauri was about to eat but stop in shock by hearing him...

"Where is Gauri? Gauri where are you? '

Ommkara shout at peak....
Komal was shock...

" What are you doing here ommkara? Today is our marriage... We do not supposed to see each other... Please go"

She try....
Ommkara get more angry to see her behavior....

"Just shut up.... Don't act smart... I know your real face... Tell me where is Gauri? "

His voice is so loud that anyone can afraid...
Gauri is scared while inside the washroom...
He might kill someone if they try to stop him today...

Komal shakes in fear... She looks at the washroom door....
Ommkara got it...
He quickly bang the door...

Gauri got starlet in fear and pills slip from her hand....

"Gauri open the door... Don't you dare to eat those pills... Don't you dare to kill my baby... I'll never forgive you.... I am warning you....You have no rights to snatch my baby from me... I said open the door"

Gauri is.... Don't know how to explain her situation...
She is scared but she could feel his painful plead behind his warning...

At last he kick the door and it open...
Ommkara quickly comes to her and grab her arms tightly and ask in a dangerous tone...

"Did you eat those pills"

Gauri gulp in fear... Words couldn't come from her mouth... She nods in no...

Ommkara take a deep sigh of relaxation and leave her...

"Thank god"

Gauri is looking at him scared... But then her eyes goes wide to see something...

Ommkara look at her then turn to look at the direction and get shock...

The whole family is standing there in shocking expression...
There is silence for more than 10 minutes.... They heard everything what ommkara said...

Finally shakti ask...

"Ommkara.... What.... What is all this"

Ommkara unable to say anything... Yes he decided that he will tell them the truth...
But not like this....




To be continue....
Hope you all like it..
Love you all ❤❤❤❤....


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