On The Wings of Keeradaks

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Trapped! On an unsanctioned mission to rescue ARC trooper Echo, General Skywalker, Captain Rex, and the Bad Batch travel to Skako Minor, headquarters of the Techno Union. After a harrowing encounter with the natives, our heroes infiltrate the city of Purkoll, only to find themselves surrounded by Wat Tambor's forces.


Hunter, Slash, Wrecker, and Crosshair continue to shoot and cut down droids alongside Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin: Hunter, hold them off. I'll check on Rex and Echo.

Slash jumps off the side of the wall before slicing three droids with one stroke.

Slash: Three more for me! Hey, Wrecker! How many you got?

Wrecker: Still up by twenty!

Slash: Not for long, big guy!

Anakin runs into the room and sees Tech still working on unplugging Echo, while Rex keeps Echo calm.

Anakin: Situation's almost under control out there. How's it going in here?

Tech: I'm still trying to decrypt Echo's cerebral interface. Until I do, we cannot disconnect him from this computer system.

Anakin: How is he, Rex?

Rex: He's too weak to walk. Very disoriented. Doesn't even remember how he got here. He remembers being at the Citadel, but that's about it.

Anakin: Any word on the extraction squad?

Rex: We called it in, but no word back.

Anakin: Well, that's no surprise. We knew when we got into this we'd be on our own.

The Bad Batch gets pushed back into the room as Crosshair damages the control panel to keep the droids out.

Hunter: It's gonna get more difficult to get out of here. There are several squads of droids closing in.

A droids pries it's head through the door, only for Wrecker to rip it off.

Slash: Crosshair, give me a hand with this.

Slash tosses him a spare torch and the two clones start sealing the door shut. Once they finished, Crosshair lowers his scope and activates his thermal detector.

Crosshair: Enemy approaching. Droids. Lots of 'em.

Anakin: How long do you think you can hold them off?

Hunter: How long do you need?

Anakin: Tech, how much longer?

Tech: Not yet. I need more time.

Suddenly torch marks started melting through the door.

Slash: Crap. Seal the second door!

They move back and start torching the second door into the room shut.

Tech: I've got it! We can unplug him now.

Rex gently pulls the wires out one by one, until he pulls the last behind Echo's head, making the former ARC trooper fall down.

Echo: (groans) Rex...

Rex: (kneels down) What is it?

Echo: (coughs) I got a big headache. (chuckles)

Rex: Better to feel something than nothing, old buddy.

Anakin: It's a touching reunion, guys, but we need to get out of here now.

Echo: (coughs and points up) There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling system right there.

The group looks up and sure enough there was a hatch directly above them.

The second door starts being torched open.

Hunter: They've breached the front door. It won't be long before they get through the second.

Echo plugs his right hand port into the console and twists it.

Echo: That should get it open.

The hatch sure enough opens.

Crosshair: Great. Now how do we get up there?

Wrecker: Oh, I can help with that.

Wrecker gets behind Slash and positions him forward.

Slash: Hold up, Wrecker. What're you-WOAH!

Wrecker tosses Slash up into the vent and he grabs onto the sides.

Slash: How 'bout a warning next time?!

Wrecker tosses up the rest of the squad until Anakin was left. Wrecker moves to toss him up, but Anakin stops him.

Anakin: It's okay, Wrecker. I've got this.

Wrecker holds his hand out for him to go, and Anakin jumps up into the vent. Wrecker runs forward towards the console.

Anakin: What are you doing?

Wrecker: I'm puttin' an end to Tambor's little science experiment.

Wrecker then tosses several thermal detonators that stick to the console.

Anakin: Are you done? Time's up!

Suddenly a small floating orb cuts through the door and sends purple electricity throughout the room.

Anakin uses the Force to pull Wrecker up before it touches him.

Wrecker: Whoa, whoa! What is that thing? I don't like it! I don't like it! It's trying to get me!

Anakin pulls Wrecker into the vent and the hatch shuts just as he's pulled in. The group then starts making their way through the cooling ventilation corridors.

Tech: Huh. This ventilation corridor acts as a cooling system for all the computers in the facility.

Anakin: How did you know it was up here, Echo?

Echo: Well, they got access to my memory, and I got access to the Techno Union database. All their plans, inventory, building schematics— everything.

Hunter: You mean you can find us a safe way out of here?

Echo: Well, there is a way, but you're not gonna like it.

Slash: Why does everybody always feel the need to say that about something?


Anakin opens a hatch and feels the wind hit his hair as they see a large pipeline between the towers.

Slash: Oh, come ON! Please tell me this is a joke!

Echo: I'm telling you, there's a landing pad on that other building.

Hunter: So you think there's a ship there we can steal?

Echo: Well, I hope there's a ship there we can steal.

Slash: I thought you said you had access to the Techno Union's database. Shouldn't you know if there's a shuttle there or not?

Echo: I didn't have access to their camera systems, if that's what you're asking!

Slash: Ugh, Dank Farrik!

The group then starts slowly walking across the pipeline one by one.

Wrecker: Oh, boy. I can't even look. Just keep walking, Tech.

Tech: That's fine, but if you fall, don't take me with you.

Wrecker: (peeks down) Uh-oh. I looked. Ahh! I think I'm gonna be sick.

Hunter: Hang on, Wrecker. We're almost there.

Droids then start coming down the other side, firing at them.

Anakin: Go back!

They all turns and see droids coming out the way they came, surrounding them on the pipe. As they start to fight back, Crosshair loses his footing and starts to fall forward.

Wrecker: Oh, boy...

Wrecker jumps down and grabs Crosshair by his leg, holding onto one of the poles underneath the pipeline.

Wrecker: Gotcha!

Anakin: Anybody got a brilliant idea?

Tech: I do have a brilliant idea!

Wrecker: I'm hanging here!

Tech: When the locals attacked us, I recorded the creatures' distress call.

Hunter: He records everything. It's a hobby.

Slash: It's Tech. (deflects a shot) Everything involving anything technological or scientific, he does as a hobby!

Tech: Which allows us to call those flying creatures to us.

Tech tap his wrist and the creatures' call starts screeching out, making the others cover their ears.

Wrecker: Ow! Enough with the sound!

Tech: (points down) There is our ride out of here!

Sure enough, the Poletecs' creatures start flying up towards them.

Anakin: Now, how do we get on them?

Tech: How else? We jump!

Everyone looks at Tech as if he'd lost his mind.

Anakin: I'll right. I'll go first!

Anakin jumps down and lands on the back of one of the creatures. Echo and Rex then land on another.

Wrecker: I don't wanna do this, but here I go!

Wrecker drops Crosshair and they both land on top of another creature.

Tech: See you later!

Hunter and Tech jump and land on the last creature. Slash continued to deflect shots from the droids.

Hunter: Slash! Jump!

Slash: No way! I've had enough bad experiences with those things!

Anakin steers his creature around and dives down grabbing Slash by the leg, making him yell out in fear.


The creatures fly away from Purkoll, as the droids hop off and sprout wings and soar after them.

Tech: Uh, that wasn't part of the plan! Those things can fly!


Anakin: (deflects a blaster bolt) We have to shake those droids!

The creatures dive down through the clouds, and the droids fail to find them as they head towards solid ground.

Rex: How you holding up, Echo?

Echo: Never better, sir! (chuckles)


The team heads toward the Poletec village, and lands down by the leader and his guards. The Poletec leader walks up and points at Anakin.

Tech: Their leader is impressed we tamed the Keeradaks, but he wants to know why we returned.

Anakin: Tell him we had no choice. Tell him that we wore out our welcome in Purkoll.

Tech translates to the Poletec leader, but gets interrupted by several blasts around them as several droids flew in, firing.

Crosshair managed to take out one, but the other escapes and flies off.

Anakin: Not good. If I know Tambor, he'll come after us, us and the Poletecs, with everything he's got.

The Poletec leader spoke in an angry tone.

Anakin: What's he saying, Tech?

Tech: He says that we have broken our word. We have brought the war to his village.

Rex steps forward and takes his helmet off.

Rex: You're right. Tell him he's right, Tech. Tell him, we didn't plan to drag his people into war. But look what the Separatists did to one of our people!

Rex points at Echo and the Poletecs step back, horrified.

Rex: They took away his freedom, his humanity. They tried to turn him into a machine.

Tech translates placatingly to the Poletecs.

Rex: The Techno Union claims it's neutral, but they have chosen sides. Now your people have to choose.

Anakin: Couldn't have said it better, Rex.

Crosshair: Uh, let's hope it works, because I see forces coming, more than we can handle alone.

Slash: Then let's lay a trap for 'em! On our turf!


Droids start flying into the village, looking for anyone. Above, Anakin, Echo, and Crosshair look down. Anakin signals to Wrecker to spring the trap.

The buff clone runs behind a boulder, where the Poletecs, Hunter, Tech, Rex, and Slash are hiding. Wrecker grunts as he shoves the boulder down and takes at least a dozen droids as they all attack.

The Poletecs start getting overrun until the Bad Batch fight back. Slash runs through the village and takes down droid after droid. Wrecker tosses his knife to Hunter and takes out several more.

Two Octuptarra walkers then start stomping into the village and blowing up the Poletecs.

Anakin: Rex, we've gotta take out these walkers. I'll take one, you take the other.

Rex: Don't worry, General. The boys and I can handle it. Hunter, Slash, Wrecker, you're with me.

The four clones run around the walker and start firing, to get it's attention.

Anakin takes a few steps back from the ledge.

Echo: Still showing off, huh, General?

Anakin: You know me, Echo.

And runs and jumps off the ledge onto the walker, slicing off it's cannons. Rex and the others see.

Rex: That seemed to work, but how do we get up there?

Wrecker then grabs Slash.

Slash: Wait, wait, Wrecker, no, NOOOO!

Wrecker throws Slash at the walker, grabbing into the cannon before climbing up and shooting it's eye. Wrecker throws Hunter up and he does the same to the second eye.

Crosshair snipes the last and the walker starts blindly moving back and forth. Wrecker sees one of the walker legs about to stomp on the Poletec leader helping one of his people, and shoves them out of the way before holding the leg above him.

Anakin jumps off his walker after slicing one of it's legs and uses the Force to knock it into the other, causing both of the walkers to crash to the ground. The remaining droids retreat as the Poletecs hold up their weapons and cheer.

Wrecker helps the other off the walker and they all take off their helmets.

Hunter: It's hard to compete with a Jedi.

Slash: I'll second that.


After returning to the Marauder, the Poletec leader and his people come to bid the squad farewell.

Anakin: Thank you for helping us in our fight.

Tech translates to the Poletec leader who replies back gratefully.

Tech: He said the Jedi will always have an ally here on Skako Minor.

As the Poletecs leave, Anakin and the Bad Batch board the ship except for Echo and Rex.

Echo: Rex, thanks for coming after me.

Rex: That's what brothers do. I'm just sorry it took so long. Hopefully it's gonna be just like old times.

As Rex boards the ship, Echo slightly smiles.

Echo: Yeah... just like old times.


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