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Ok so I actually wanted to post this chapter this Wednesday, but since so many of you already asked for an update I just couldn't disappoint you. Hope you guys are still here with me :3


P.S. Dedicated to tragicaly. Her book Nocturne Skies is simply amazing!



Of course, I couldn't get past the troublesome boy without being noticed.

Unfortunately for me, the way to my class was right past the locker area, and it just happened that Michael was there. As soon his gaze landed on me, he straightened in his spot by the locker. A smirk grew upon his face.

Now there were times when I would've given anything (no exaggeration here) to be noticed by Michael. But thinking back, I was just a naïve, awfully in love girl. I should've realized he'd never had good intentions for anything he ever did.

And here came the part when he usually began his jokes.

"Oh, hello there, ner -"

He stopped midsenteced. Something flashed in his eyes, his smile dying. He swallowed down his words.

He was going to call me nerd.

And he stopped.

I frowned.

Michael reluctantly closed his mouth and took a quick glance at his phone, worry passing through the surface of his expression.

"Um... I mean, hello there, Bree."

Oh my god.

He called me Bree. Not nerd, or geek, or even loser. I don't think he'd ever called me by my name before.

I didn't even think he knew my name. Looks like he'd paid attention in class when the teachers called my name.

"Uh, are you okay?" I asked, mimicking his worried expression.

He pursed his lips, his gaze falling to his feet. "Yeah. Sure. So, what's up? Skipping class?"

He passed me a smirk - his signature smirk - but I could notice that he looked troubled. He was good at hiding it, though.


It's working, isn't it?

He was really taking my words seriously. The conversation we'd had on Wattpad yesterday was paying of. He was treating people nice (well, he was nicer to me, at least) so his secret wouldn't be exposed. I never would've imagined having Michael wrapped around my little finger with something like this.

Guess things really do get better with time.

Who would've thought?

I rolled my eyes at him. "No. ActualIy, I was called in the principal's office."

"Aw, good girl turned bad," he cooed. "How cute."

Well, people don't change completely.

I glared at him. "Shut up, Michael."

"Ouch. Telling me to shut up? That hurts, Bree." He put his hand on his chest and faked a pout.

There it was again. Bree.

I really should've discovered his Wattpad account earlier.

"Whatever. Shouldn't you be in class, too?"

He shrugged. "You know how it is. Math is just really boring." He emphasized the last word with so much contempt that it made me want to really skip my current Algebra class.

I glanced at his phone still gripped tight into his right hand. "And what are you doing here?"

Michael followed my gaze and looked at his phone, as if he forgot about its existence in these two minutes of talking to me.

He blinked and shoved his phone into his jeans pocket. "Oh, um, just... waiting for a text from someone."

My eyes remained locked within his as I watched the hesitation grow on his face.

He knit his eyebrows. "What?"

"Nothing. You didn't seem too certain, that's all."

"I was. And since when do you care what I'm doing anyway?" He took a step closer, his tall figure looming over me. His jaw tightened and his stare turned from friendly to icy in a matter of seconds.

I'd never seen that look before. His intense scowl made my legs go all wobbly, but I struggled to keep my straight position.

He clearly wasn't acting as his usual self. And I had a thought why. I'd actually thought I'd spotted a glimpse of the Wattpad logo on his phone right before he'd hid it in his pocket.

I shrugged, trying to ignore the shaking of my hands. I didn't want him to realize how much he was intimidating me right now. "You're right. I don't care."

I shoved his shoulder as I walked past him. The last look I was able to see on his face was made of pure shock, completed by utter confusion and slight - what was that? Shame? Embarrassment? Constipation?

"See ya, Michael," I said, my steps echoing their way away from him on the empty corridor. He clearly didn't expect me to walk away just like that. One point for me.

I returned to my class and knocked on the door in front of the classroom, leaving all my Michael/blog related thoughts in the back of my head.

I was going to get back to those later.


"I'm telling you, Chloe. This could really work."

"Are you serious, Bree?" Chloe's voice sounded from my phone. "You're actually posting THAT on the blog?"

Her panicked voice made my eardrum ache. I nodded nevertheless.

I was surrounded by the four light blue walls of my room, my back pressed against the chair as I sat facing the computer screen in front of me. My phone was pressed against my ear as I listened to Chloe rant about how my idea was such a bad one.

"- You might get in trouble," she finished saying, inhaling more oxigen into her lungs.

"Yeah, well, do you have a better idea?"

"Um ..."

"See? I have no other choice. I have to do this if I want to keep my position as a blogger."

I heard her sigh from the other side of the phone. "Fine. I guess you're right. Oh, and by the way, can you send me the screenshot you made of Michael's profile again? I accidentally deleted it."

I pressed my lips in a thin line. "Come on, Chloe. Why do you need it anyway?"

"It's hilarious," she simply stated, as if that explained everything. Well, it kind of did actually.

"Okay, just a sec."

I put Chloe on speaker and searched through my pictures for the screenshot. I clicked on it and selected Chloe's name before pressing the send button.


There was a long pause. I waited for Chloe to speak, though I assumed she was searching for the picture I'd just sent her.

"Cloe?" I offered.

"Yeah..." She reluctantly spoke, her voice filled with confusion. "I don't think you sent it."

"What? Yes, I did."

"I don't see it, Bree."

I frowned. Of course I'd sent it, I saw it with my own eyes. "Wait," I muttered, and opened our Facebook chat bar from my computer. I figured that maybe the image wasn't showing on her phone because of some resolution thing or something.

But apparently I was wrong.

Much to my surprise, our Facebook chat only showed our previous conversations, which were dated from yesterday.

And no picture.

No screenshot.


"What the ham? I don't see anything on my computer, either."

"Told you," Chloe sighed. "Try again."

"But I don't get it." I whined and crossed my arms as Chloe slightly chuckled from the phone speaker. "I'm sure I sent it."

"Well, that person wasn't me," she joked, but to me those words stung like a bee's needle.

A cold chill travelled my whole back like a premonition. And it wasn't from the chilly breeze of the night coming from the opened window right next to me.

No. It was much worse than that.

How did I know?

Well, it was Carly Duncan's name on my Facebook chat bar that gave it all away.

That's right.

I'd just accidentally sent a screenshot with Michael's Wattpad profile to one of the professional gossipers in our school.

Ah, yeah. She also happened to be Michael's former girlfriend.

I must've clicked on Carly's name when I was trying to send the picture to Chloe. Their names were right next to each other in my Facebook friends list, and I didn't realize that I clicked on the wrong name.

Damn you, Facebook chat.

My jaw hung open in shock as my eyes grew wider than a plate of sushi.

"Uh, I-I gotta go, Chloe. Call you lat-later." I stammered the last words and quickly hung up.

My lower lip quivered as I saw the picture appear right in the Facebook chat with Carly. The very clear, obvious proof of Michael's embarassing secret, which probably she had no idea of.

I didn't think anyone beside me knew about his Wattpad account (much less book) since it would ruin his 'bad boy' reputation forever.

I plunged myself to the keyboard and quickly pressed all the possible buttons.

Please God, let me delete the image before Carly will see it. Please. Please. Please.

I mouthed a silent prayer as I was working my hacking magic. (Just kidding. I was just trying to find that tiny delete button.)

And just as I thought things were going to be alright again, the worse possible thing happened.

Carly Duncan is typing...

Oh, flying monkeys. I couldn't catch a break here...


Hello guys! Thanks so much for reading this. Hope you liked it! *fingers crossed*

Things aren't looking good for Bree, eh? Will Michael get the picture too? Will he realize Bree is the one who talked to him on Wattpad?

Comment down your thoughts :*

And please, please do vote if you enjoyed it. Silent readers, that's the only way I will know your opinions. Of course, I would really appreciate comments too XD

Once again thanks so much and let's make this book discovered, shall we?

See ya to the next update.


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