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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to XSimply-BernieX for her support on my other book, My Sick New Year's Eve. Thank you!

The cover above is made by kimberly_taylor. Thank you so much, dear!

Okay, enjoy reading :)



I climbed on my bed and rested my back on the large pillow, making myself as comfy as I could. Today's school day had been nothing but an endless trail of boredom. Same old classes, same old teachers and, much to my dismay, same old noise filling the hallways during the five-minute break between periods.

Nevertheless, I still felt tired and all I wanted to do was crawl under a blanket and spend the rest of the day doing nothing.

Well, not exactly nothing, but Wattpading - as I liked to call my favorite activity.

I'd found this reading app called Wattpad about a year before, and I couldn't let it go ever since. I'd been obsessed with it. That's the most accurate way to put it. The universes of books on Wattpad had caught me into their charms of beautiful worlds and now I was lost within them. But I didn't regret it. Gosh, no.

And since I was a nerd with, quite literally, no real social life whatsoever, I'd even tried to create my own stories. But the success was not exactly my best friend.

My most recent story had just hit 100 views. For me, it was definitely something. But in the Wattpad world, that was shamelessly little.

I took my phone and tapped on the Wattpad app. If the Wattpad logo on my phone menu were a real button, it would've been broken already.

The bar displaying my notifications popped open almost instantly. I scrolled down and checked for something new, but like most of the times, I found nothing.

No notifications for today, I sighed.

I might as well just find something new to read. I tapped on the little house-shaped button and entered the Browse section, where numerous stories appeared.

I scrolled aimlessly through the recommended books with their incredibly eye-catching covers, but I couldn't find anything to suit my tastes.

I went like that through all the other stories but no luck.

I guess sometimes it's better to let a book find you instead.

My phone buzzed in my hand just as I clicked the exit button from my phone. I instantly checked my notifications bar in anticipation, and saw a new one from Wattpad. I clicked on it and it directed me back to the app, where I noticed that someone had just followed me.

"Yay, new follower," I said out loud and checked the profile.


And like most of the people I followed on Wattpad, I didn't know him. Not personally, at least. I hovered over his bio and read the small description underneath his username.

Hey. Wattpad newbie here. If you're a girl, don't be afraid to message me ;) if you're a dude... idk check out my book or something.

I rolled my eyes. Seeing people asking for reads in their bios had always been a pet peeve for me. But I didn't really blame this Michael guy, though. I'd been in his shoes back when I'd first published my story. I'd been hungry for any signs of reads, votes, comments... Heck, whenever I received a comment I did some sort of improvised victory dance. Now I'm more chilled, as you would call it. I learned to cope with my excitement with time.

I looked back at my new follower's profile picture. I hadn't paid attention to it at first, but now my eyes did a double take.

Why does this guy look so familiar?

I zeroed in on the boy in the picture, his face slightly hard to discern. The picture was a close-up of his face but the dark background around him made it unclear. From what I could see, he had dark hair and a smirk plastered on his face.

Why do I feel like I've seen this picture before?

Well that was odd. Maybe I did know this boy after all...

I re-read his bio. If you're a girl, don't be afraid to message me.

I looked below to the 'works' section on his profile. Judging by his current Teen fiction book, he was a writer.

But I didn't know anyone who wrote teen fictions on Wattpad.

Wait a second.

His username was @MichaelL99.


And the profile picture...

I gasped.

Oh my God...

The realization hurt. It hit me like a wrecking ball in the head.

My new follower was Michael Langwood.

The annoyingly-handsome-and-very-much-egotistical jerk of Eagle High. The brown-eyed bad boy, ultimate player, and my one-year former crush. (People make mistakes, okay?)

So cliché and yet so unmistakably true.

My eyes remained locked within the screen of my phone, my mouth opened in shock.

I couldn't believe it. There was no way he had a Wattpad account.

He of all people, who always complained about having to read books and failed in Literature class. He, who didn't seem interested in any sort of school-related activity. And yet he was apparently writing a story.

A story.

One of the most appreciated hobbies at Eagle High.

It dawned on me. The information managed to sink further into my brain. Michael Langwood, the bad boy in our school, wrote stories on Wattpad.

I found this sudden realization hilarious. My mouth broke into a grin, and then came a series of unintended laughter.

I threw my head back and laughed, until I heard footsteps outside on the corridor. They seemed to have stopped in front of my room.

It was mom who opened the door and burst inside a second later.

My laughter instantly died as I turned in her direction. Nevertheless, Mom walked closer to me and eyed me as if I were growing a third head.

"Bree, are you okay?"

I nodded and suppresed a chuckle. "Yeah, why?"

I realized the question was a rhetorical one.

She is probably asking because you were caught up in a laughing fit not even ten seconds ago, my inner voice chided.

She answered with another question as she stood beside me. "Why were you laughing so hard? Was there something funny?"

"Oh, yeah," I smiled, "it's something I didn't think I would ever see... I just went a little bit out of control, that's all."

"Oh, okay..." She gave me an awkward smile and turned around in her heels. She opened her mouth to speak but still looked slightly confused. "Well... have fun."

"Don't worry. I will."

She left my room and closed the door behind her.

I turned my eyes back at my phone, my stomach aching from all the laughter.

Without any sort of hesitation, I made a screenshot of Michael's Wattpad profile and sent it to Chloe, my best friend. Underneath the screenshot I wrote the caption,

Guess what. The bad boy has Wattpad!

And put two laughing emojies at the end.

The thing is, Chloe and I liked to hear and/or share gossips about the popular gang in our school - as we called them. Michael was of course the leading man of the gang. He was always in the spotlight while walking through the halls of the school, as if he was some sort of messy-haired rockstar. However, Chloe and I found his arrogance distasteful, along with the rest of his personality, which quite frankly, also needed a lot of improvement.

So we enjoyed a little giggle behind his back every now and then. Not so nice, but after all so very human of us.

She responded in less than three seconds.

Lmao I can't believe he actually followed you XD

I laughed at her message. However, the complete information hadn't managed to sink into my brain just yet.

Michael Langwood followed me on Wattpad.

Now this was something I didn't think was possible.

Though, I knew he hadn't followed me because of me. No. According to his profile, he was following more than five hundred people. I just happened to be one of them by accident. He'd probably stumbled upon my profile and decided to follow me. I didn't have a picture of me nor my real name, so there was no way he knew it was me he had followed.

I replied something quick to Chloe and returned to his profile.

There was one thing I needed to do.

I clicked on his only book on his profile. Much to my surprise, it was a teen fiction and it had gathered 1K reads so far. It had quite a pretty cover, with a black background and the words Just another life were centered in the middle, written with a Cursive font and colored in crimson. Underneath the title lay a picture with a boy from the waist up, with only his back diplayed on the cover. Simple, but still eye-catching.

I clicked on the first chapter entitled simply with 1.

Just as I was about to read it, my phone buzzed with another notification. I tapped on it and this time it came from my private messages on Wattpad.

I tapped on the first name that appeared in the list of my total messages. @MichaelL99.

Hey, check out my story if you want. Ik you'll like it ;)

My eyes widened, and I was pretty sure my face was covered in even more shock. A chill passed through my spine.

Well, that was going to be interesting...


What did you think of this chapter?

I had this idea late at night when I was trying to sleep and after a lot of debating whether or not I should go for it, I figured why not :)

Don't forget to vote and comment and stick on with me. I have a whole thing planned for this book (while still working on my other teen fic ofc) and I can get it done only with your help XD

Thank you for stumbling upon this book (tho I should thank fate for this one :D) and please vote, comment, share.


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