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Guys thank you so much for the 1K reads omg♡ I can't even tell you how happy I am!! Your support means a lot to me!

If I could, I'd give you all a hug through the screen but I can't so I'll just have to settle for a pillow :'))

Ok enough with my speech. Enjoy this earlier update!



You know that thing, the calm before the storm?

If you don't know how it feels like, let me tell you. When the storm part comes, you eventually realize why it wears this name.

And this is exactly what happened to me the next day at school.

My pancake breakfast at home was my calm part. When I got into the car and drove to school with my radio blasting Aerosmith, that was still part of the calm.

But as I entered the school's perimeter, my winter boots making crunching sounds on the crispy grass covered in rime, I began to spot the first glimpses of the storm.

I stepped into the crowded hallways. Students were walking in all directions, hushed tones and whispers following them as they went to their first period classes.

I shoved my way on the corridors. The whispers echoed around me, coming from different voices each second.

"Did you read it...?"

"I had to check it three times to believe."

"I forwarded it to everyone."

"I wonder how he reacted when he saw it."

"Who is the blogger anyways?"

The last question made me flinch. I turned around in my heels and gazed around the hallways, but whoever said that already vanished among the crowd.

And from that point on, the storm began.

Michael strolled casually into the school, not aware of all the glances that were stolen in his direction. A trail of whispers followed as everybody had their intense stares locked at him.

He looked around and a smile grew upon his face. He lifted his head higher and kept his walk with his daily cocky attitude.

Looks like he hadn't read my latest blog.

But he was enjoying the attention, alright. Too bad that he didn't realize what kind of attention he was getting.

People whispered and chuckled among themselves. Michael travelled the hallway and passed a quick smirk to a few girls of the popular gang, but they only laughed in return and shoved past him.

He frowned, looking puzzled. I don't think he'd ever had to deal with this kind of reaction from other girls.

The more he looked confused, the more people laughed at him, and his expression showed even more confusion. It was a vicious circle.

I kept walking down the hallway and tried to keep my best innocent face as Michael was coming toward me from the opposite direction. When he was barely ten feet away from me, the laughs reached their maximum point. All eyes were peered toward him, gossips and jokes being passed around.

He was still oblivious to the whole situation. I almost felt bad for him.

Maybe I should do something. At least try to cut the embarrassment a little for him.

"Michael!" I called over the noise.

He didn't seem to be noticing me. He stopped in the middle of the hallway, his gaze shifting toward each passer by that gave him a funny look.


His eyes landed on me. He looked even more dazzled but walked closer to me anyway.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Bree? What's going on?"

I opened my mouth to speak but I reluctantly closed it. I looked around. The bell hadn't yet rung and the hallways were still crowded with students. There was no exit here, no quiet place.


The library.

"Come on." I grabbed his arm and opened the door right to our left, pushing him inside.

The quiet library stood before us, a small room stacked with dozens of book shelves. Luckily, there were only about three people inside who only minded their books, so we were isolated from all the fuss.

Well, at least for five minutes until the bell would ring.

Michael turned around in his heels as we stood by the library door. He passed me a questioning look. "What the hell was that? And why was everyone looking at me like that?"

I chewed on my lower lip.

Don't give yourself away.

I decided to go for a determined look. I cleared my throat. "Quick question. Do you have Wattpad?"

Of course I knew the answer. I just needed to hear it from him. I guess a small part of me just wanted to make sure it was indeed the real Michael I'd talked to on Wattpad.

His look was priceless. Confusion, shock and embarrassment all flashed before his eyes in a couple of seconds.

"What? How did you- "

"Just answer."

"I have no idea what yo- "

"Michael," I looked at him through narrowed eyes, "Just answer the friggin' question."

"Fine... I have. Okay? I use Wattpad. So what? It's not even my account." He crossed his arms over his chest. He stared at me, his eyes shooting daggers, but I could notice that it was just a cover. His gaze eventually falled to the ground as he tried to blink the embarrassment from his face.

I had to say. It was kind of funny to hear those words coming directly from his mouth. Still, his expression made me feel a little bit guilty, but I couldn't let him see that.

"Michael Langwood has Wattpad," I repeated and smirked at him, trying not to laugh.

"I told you it's NOT my account," he grunted, "It's a friend's who stopped using it so he passed it to me and -"

"Shhh," I pressed my finger on his lips, making him flinch, "I won't tell anyone about your Wattpad account and well, book. But there is a teeny tiny problem. They're kind of posted on the school's website..."


"Yeah, well- "

"You gotta be kidding me." He shook his head, his eyes wide. "This is why people looked at me like I was some sort of weirdo?"

I pursed my lips and averted his eyes. "Might be. I dunno. I mean, I read the blog myself, but, um, maybe there is another reason they laughed... To be honest, I don't understand why people would laugh at you for using Wattpad. I mean, it makes you look... smart?"

I tried for a smile. Yes, I knew I was lying. I had written the blog myself, but as I kept watching his expression, I started to have mixed feelings about this whole thing.

Apparently the news about Michael's Wattpad account was all over the school now. Which meant that the blog did manage to attract a lot of attention.

At the same time, in a very strange way, I felt like this information about Michael was meant to be shared.
As I'd said those words to him, I started to realize that he did seem smarter to me, now that I knew he was using Wattpad.

Surely more people should know that he was actually smarter than he appeared to be, right?

And yes, I'd found the fact that he used Wattpad rather funny at first, but now I'm starting to wonder if my reaction was actually wrong.

Michael shook his head. "No, Bree. I look like a nerd. I'm a loser in everyone's eyes now. And it's all thanks to -"

He blinked. His words remained on the tip of his tongue as he did a double take. "Wait. Who posted the blog?"

"It's anonymous," I quickly added, feeling my cheeks tinge pink.

He chewed on his lip and shook his head repeatedly. "Why would someone do this to me?"

"Well, maybe they had their, um, right reasons," I offered with a timid smile.

He rolled his eyes at me. He really looked mad. "That's great... So you dragged me in the library just so you could tell me that my reputation is totally ruined?"

Ouch. That hurt.

But it was the truth.

Still, I'd secretly hoped he wouldn't be this mad. That he would laugh it off perhaps and display his I-don't-care attitude. But deep down I knew how much he'd struggled to keep his reputation intact. He was supposed to be the bad boy, the player, the indestructible charisma machine, if you will. Not the guy who spent precious minutes of his life reading and writing on Watttpad.

I blinked and looked anywhere but at him. "Um, I just... I wanted to get you out of there. I felt bad..."

"Don't feel bad... It's not your fault, anyway."

I moved my gaze back at him. His expression looked so fragile, so frivolous. I just couldn't look at him without feeling this wave of guilt surging through me. This Michael wasn't the usual cocky jerk. No. He now looked angry and sad altogether, like a small kid having the most embarrassing moment yet.

And it was all my fault.

So the least I could do was try to make him feel better. Somehow.

"Look, Michael. I'm sorry about this, but you don't have to worry. Everyone will just forget about that blog in a few days and everything will go back to normal. You've done nothing wrong, you've barely even done anything. You just happen to like spending time on Wattpad."

"Yeah," he pouted, "Like a nerd."

"That doesn't make you a nerd."

"Yes, it does."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, whatever. I was just trying to help you."

He frowned and took a couple of steps closer to me. "Why?"

I shook my head. "What do you mean why?"

"Why are you trying to help me? All I did was mock you. All this time I thought you hated me."

"Who says I didn't hate you?" I chuckled. "You're a pain in the ass."

He suppressed a laugh. "Thank you. So that's my point. Why are you doing this?"

I swallowed and let his question process inside my head. "Let's just say I like this side of you. I didn't think I would ever say this but, the Michael who reads and writes is the Michael I want to get to know better."

His eyes remained locked within mine as he stared at me in awe. Seconds passed, and he didn't utter a single word. For a moment I thought I had something on my face and even brushed my cheeks to take it off.

The bell rang.

The kids in the library simultaneously put their books back on the shelves and marched their way out past us.

"Uh, we'd better get going," I breathed, and dropped my head to the ground as to avoid Michael's already penetrating gaze.

"Yeah... Yeah, let's go." He broke from his trance and opened the library door, exiting the room in quick motion.

We both got out, only to meet the perfect image of the deserted hallways.

Michael's shoulders seemed to have relaxed at the sight. "Okay. Guess I'll see you later, Bree."

I nodded. "Yep."

He reluctantly turned around and started walking away. "Oh, and..." He turned his head back in my direction as he spoke, "Thanks. For trying to help me."

My lips curved into a smile. The guilt faded a little. I nodded.

He passed me a smirk - for old times' sake - and strolled down the corridor to his first class.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was how we defeated the storm.

The first part of it, at least.


Heya what's up? Thanks so much for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it and please vote and comment if you did cos I wanna know :)

What do you think of Michael and Bree? Are they cute? Ik I love them XD

You're going to see more of them during the next chapters so embrace yourselves for a wild ride lol

See ya to the next update!


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