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So like I previously mentioned in the small A/N at the end of the last chapter, I added a surprise in here, at the very beginning. Comment when you spot it ;)



Matt was a complete idiot.

He was my best friend, yes, but otherwise a complete idiot.

How could I say that about him?

Well, I got my confirmations regarding his state when I'd spotted him talking to none other than Bree Hayland in the hallway.

Now with this part I could've lived, really, but it was his words that made me acknowledge his idiocy.

"Be grateful you're not his tag along friend. Well, at least not until he asks you to be his girlfriend."

I was about to head over to Matt to tell him an amazing story about how I'd just managed to get away from a detention, but his words made me stop dead in my tracks.

My feet came to a halt. I peered from behind the small wall before them, over in Bree and Matt's direction.

The word girlfriend buzzed in my ears.


What was Matt talking about?

And most importantly, why the heck was he telling Bree that?

I couldn't believe this. He was out of his mind. He'd sworn not to tell her anything... At least not before things became clear for me.

I had no idea where my feelings where at this point. Everything was so confusing to me, so weird and strange... Like I wasn't even myself anymore.

Well, on the inside at least.

That night at Carly's party changed everything.

I'd promised myself I wouldn't get that drunk ever again. Especially because I'd woken up with a broken nose and a massive headache.

Unfortunately, my promise didn't get to last for too long. Somehow I'd managed to get invited to another party the very next day, and the drinks were free, so... I'd drunk again, only to try and forget that stupid party at Carly's.

The drunken conversation I'd had with Matt on that night... It was still playing in my head, in a sleepless place in my mind. That was the last thing I remembered from that night. How I wish I hadn't.

And now I was standing in the hallway, in the shadow of a wall, watching helplessly as Matt was gradually spilling bits and pieces of that drunken conversation.

I snapped out of my thoughts and gazed back in their direction. The hallways were now completely drowned out of students, who were probably already gone to their classes.

"... If he really likes me," I heard Bree saying, "Why wouldn't he just tell me himself?"

I saw Matt stiffening in his spot, his head turning towards me as he gave me a pleading look. He noticed me listening to their conversation, and now he wanted me to step out and confess my feelings?

Yeah, right. Like that's going to happen.

Because I didn't like Bree. Despite of everything I'd told Matt that night, I didn't.

You don't like her. You don't like her. You don't like her.

I'd told myself those words so many times in my head, they stopped sounding rehearsed. Even more, I started to believe them.

I looked at Matt through narrowed eyes, hoping he'd get the message.

And he did. He dropped his gaze to the floor and remained silent all the way through Bree's departure.

She murmured something to Matt and skipped across the hallway, probably realizing she was late to her class.

I watched her as she got further and further away before her silhouette was no longer visible, and I hurried my way toward my confused best friend.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you tell Bree that I want her to be my girlfriend?"

"Well don't you?" he shrugged.

"No," I growled at him. He backed away one foot and looked at me with horror flashing before his eyes, as if he was afraid I might turn into Hulk the very next second. And to be honest, so was I.

I felt so angry at Matt, and I wasn't even sure why. He'd simply told Bree that I liked her. That's all. He hadn't made fun of me, hadn't insulted me, and certainly hadn't ruined my reputation (unlike that stupid blog), so why was I so angry at him?

As far as I knew, I didn't care what Bree thought about me. Why would I? She was just a simple girl... a nerd. So why would the fact that she believed that I liked her bugged me so much?

"You know you like her," Matt offered with a neutral tone, "So why wouldn't you admit it for yourself?"

This is what he'd told Bree not even five minutes before. And now he was telling me this.

Who did he think he was?


Bree didn't believe that I liked her. And I didn't blame her, though. It's in the social statistics. She was the nerd, I was the popular guy... And according to all the movies and books out there, we didn't belong with each other because of that. (Or was it the other way around...?)

So why would I pick her of all girls?

That's what I kept asking myself, too.

"I don't like her, and that's it. Okay? Stop saying this and definitely stop telling her this."

I shot Matt one final dagger look and walked away.

Note to self: never tell your best friend about your feelings.

(Especially if you're a guy. It will turn against you.)

"Fine, deny the truth. But it will keep coming back to you," Cupid murmured, but I just ignored him and kept walking with my gaze to my feet, a heavy feeling settling into my stomach.


When I got home from school and decided to run another check over my blog, all my thoughts regarding Matt's weird chit chat with me today melted like the ice from the tip of an iceberg.

I bit my lip, my thighs shifting across the surface of the chair.

Looks like I had something new to occupy my mind with.

My eyes hovered over the comment section. A new comment appeared on the screen.

What the - ?

It was actually a reply to the last hateful anonymous comment.

Anonymous #2: Ik, she's a total b*tch right? I mean if she's doing this to get Michael's attention it's not gonna work. I saw Matt today, who looked like, really hot, and he was talking to that geek girl Bree Gayland or something. Can you imagine? Anyways, so I thought I actually heard him saying that Michael was planning to make Bree his girlfriend? I mean, is that crazy or what??

Another reply from that first anonymous person came.

Anonymous #1: Omg Bree? Are you freackin' kidding me? There is no way! Michael is like, waaay out of her league. He would never like that nerd.

Anonymous #2: Ikr?? Maybe Matt was on pot or something. Or maybe I heard him wrong? Let's just hope he wasn't serious.

Anonymous #1: Yeah! Michael can't like Bree... I'm sure you heard that wrong.

A third person joined the comments party.

Anonymous #3: What are you two talking about?

Ah, finally someone to talk some sense into these two gossipers, I thought to myself.

Anonymous #3: Bree and Michael are totally good for each other!

Wait... What?

Anonymous #3: Michael has a Wattpad account. He is a nerd guys, and so is she... duuh.

What the fig is going on here?

A new comment jumped on the screen.

Anonymous #1: Gurl Michael is so perfect he would never date that loser ok? He needs someone to satisfy all his needs and she clearly can't do that with her virgin lips.


That, I took personally.

Since when the fact that I'd never been kissed was the equivalent of having the word L.O.S.E.R tattooed on my forehead? And how could these girls just assume something like this about me based only on my social status?

A wave of rage spread within me. My cheeks burned and my stomach twisted. I was so tempted to write back to these 'beaches', but something managed to keep my anger in control.

Calm down, Bree. They're probably mean to everyone. There is no reason to answer back to them. You can't show weakness. You can't give yourself away.

No, I couldn't do that.

But who said I couldn't block them?

I remained stuck in my position in front of the computer, my eyes moving back and forth between the comments that kept speeding up on the screen.

The three Michael fangirls were now fighting on whether my relationship with Michael would last or not - again, what on Earth was going on? - while one of them came with different ship names for us.





Ugh, my head began to spin.

I pressed the laptop cap down and put my head in my hands. I heaved a loud sigh.

This blog thing started to get out of control. People started new gossips, new rumours, and I couldn't even keep up.

Soon everyone would start to think Michael had a thing for me, and... Oh, God. Michael would hear that, too. He might think I made that up. I'd be screwed. Extremely screwed. A thousand times screwed.

Buzz. Buzz.

The sound of my phone broke me out of my surrounding thoughts. I snapped my eyes open, my pulse racing from the remaining adrenaline of humiliation inside me.

Nevertheless, I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, checking the new text.

Michael: Can you come to Hills Park in 20 minutes? I need to talk to you.


Soo guys Ik a lot of things are happening, hope you don't mind a little bit of tension, do you? :>

Don't foget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter, and add this book to your reading lists! Thank you :')

Your support means the most to me and I can't even thank you enough for making my day happier with your hilarious comments ♡ Thank you so much my dear readers!

So that was it for now, see ya to the next update aka this Friday!


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