chapter eight

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  I heard a knock at the door so I looked at the clock. It was twelve-thirty in the afternoon.

   I headed down the stairs to open the door. When I opened the door I was met with a tall figure.


   "Hey princess, see I know we never really met but I wanted to invite you to a party I'm having tonight. I hope you show up because as neighbors I believe we should hang out more," he said.

   "Um sure what time is the party?"

   "If you don't mind showing up early so we can have a chance to get to know each other more then does five-thirty sound good?"

   "Yeah five-thirty sounds great, I will see you there."

    "See you there," Ash said while walking back towards his house.

   I closed the door after I saw him make it to his front door. I'm still in so much shock that Ash Jones of all people knocked on my door and asked to get to know me and invited me to a damn party! ME OF ALL PEOPLE!  Maybe Krystal was right. Maybe he does like me. Nahhh that's crazy. The only boy I know to like me is Andrew, and he likes me as a friend.

   Still, this is so crazy. WAIT!!! What am I going to wear? I guess it's time for a trip to the mall.

   I grabbed my car keys and headed straight to the mall.

  When I arrived, I headed straight to the clothing area of the multiplex.

  The first clothing store I went into was Nike because I did need to look around. As I was shopping in Nike I remembered a perfect store for a dress.

  I marched my happy behind right into the store and started browsing the shop. As I was looking I spotted the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. The dress was knee length, pink, and had rhinestones on the sleeves. The sleeves were short but not too short. This is the perfect dress. I grabbed it and hurried towards the cashier. I paged for the dress and now had a new mission, the shoes. I headed to the next store and found some silver high heels. After I paid for those I headed to my car and headed home.
Hello everyone, I know I haven't updated in a while but I hope you love this update!
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