Chapter one

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   "Sarrah wake up your going to be late for school!," my mom screamed from the kitchen.

I got out of bed and tripped over the book I was reading the night before. After I regained my balance, I walked over to my closet to get dressed. I decided to go with a white crop top and black pants with black boots. I went over to my vanity I had in my room, and brushed my hair and did a simple makeup look.

I walked down the stairs and met my mother in the kitchen. "Good morning mom," I said while yawning. I'm not much of a morning person.

"Good morning sweetie, would you like some breakfast?"

"No thanks, if I eat I will be late to school, I'll just grab an apple," I said while I grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl.

I grabbed my car keys and my backpack and headed for the door. "Have a good day honey," my mom said.

I walked out the door and climbed in the driver seat of my Jeep and started driving the ten minutes to Cregmont High School. I pulled into the first parking space available and parked. I stepped out my car to be met with a bear hug from my best friends, Krystal Peterson, and then followed by a bear hug from Andrew Mikaleson.

"I missed you," Krystal said with excitement in her voice. "I missed you too," I said with a smile. Andrew still hasn't let me out of the bear hug, so I softly push him away. "That's enough hugging Andrew," I said while laughing.

We walked into the school together laughing, and I ran into something, making me fall over. I got up and looked at what I ran into, it wasn't something it was someone. Ash Jones, the schools bad boy, he has green eyes, raven hair, and is extremely hot.

"Watch where your going princess," Ash said smirking and walked away.


Hi everyone hope you like this book so far I know this chapter isn't as long as normal chapters are but I couldn't think of anything else to write. Comment and vote on this chapter if you would like.

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