~Chapter eleven~

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There's something about
you that keeps me
wanting more.

After what feels dancing for hours, I inform Jess that I am going outside for some much needed fresh air as well as a long overdue rest, which thankfully she doesn't protest against me doing,

"Enjoy the air, honey. I'll be in the kitchen with the guys." she shouts, attempting to be heard over the loud music as I make my way towards the back door.

I offer her a small smile over my shoulder before pushing myself through the crowds of many people all chatting and drinking; freezing instantly when one guy attempts to grab my ass. I ignore the small action, figuring I'm in no way ready to have an argument over such pettiness and focus on getting to my destination instead.

Air, that's what I'm in desperate need of right now.

I eventually step out onto the decking leading to the back yard, which just so happens to be the size of two football fields pushed together and welcome the cool air as it whips at my face. Brightly lit fairy lights decorate the areas entire length and I notice a rather impressive contraption resembling a water fountain sitting in the middle of the grass; the extravagant sculpture certainly giving off a very regal aura.

To my left is a group of girls laughing and joking with one another, each and every one of them dressed in outfits that are jazzy enough to pass for an A list party and while one of them makes longing eyes towards something  positioned behind me, I twist my head around to get a better look at whatever has grabbed her attention. To my utmost surprise, I find Aidan leaning on the wooden fence that circles the parameter of the garden, looking out towards the darkness with a saddened expression claiming his otherwise beautiful features. I sneakily take advantage of the moment, studying his face intently to make sure every one of his frown lines are etched into my memory as this may very well be the only time I witness the truth behind what Aidan is feeling.

His serious expression and deep scowl all create a mass of sadness and with his rich, chocolate-like hair hanging freely over his forehead, I physically find myself having to fight back the urge to take him in my arms and comfort him with all I have. Of course, I do neither of those things and instead, decide to leave the poor guy to wallow in his own silence, making sure to go unnoticed as I attempt to re enter the house.

However, that doesn't happen, as much to my annoyance, a tall guy with slicked back blonde hair exits through the back door, allowing it to slam behind him which, in turn, causes a loud ripple of sounds to echo through the air. This instantly grabs Aidan's attention and as his gaze turns towards the commotion, his emotion-filled eyes lock onto mine, taking my very breath away.


He remains staring at me for a few earth shattering seconds before he slowly returns his line of sight back to where it was originally and puffs out an audible sigh, telling me more than I need to know. Figuring I have nothing to say, I settle on the idea of simply walking away but get stopped before I can put my plan into motion.

"You owe me two beer's now," he gently states, his voice cutting through the night air like a sharp knife,"you spilled my first one and tonight you resorted to straight up theft." he adds, clearly cracking a joke, although his monotone voice would suggest otherwise.

His words lacks any amusement but I assume he is participating in some friendly banter, or at least I hope so as
I quickly asses the situation and take his statement as an invitation to start up a conversation.

"We're seventeen, it's illegally to be drinking anyway." I point out, a trace of humour tainting my own voice. "I'm merely acting on the greater good." I ensure, enjoying the slight smile that plays across his face as a result of my words.

I move closer and join him in leaning on the fence; following his line of sight in the process to stare out into the darkness. The view is rather chilling and sends an unsettling sensation pulsing through my stomach, in turn, making me shiver. Aidan's attention is distracted, once again, by my sudden movement and he offers me a look of concern.

That's a first.

"You cold?" he asks, his frown line deeper than ever.

I shake my head quickly and smile.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." I say, unconvinced by my own reply.

He seemingly evaluates my face for a brief second before moving his sight away again and sensing there is more to his odd behaviour than meets the eye, I clear my throat and say something that both shocks and confuses me.

"You know if you ever want to talk I've been told I'm a good listener." I offer, not daring to look him in the eye.

I'm now convinced there is something on his mind and the sudden urge to find out what that is has me questioning my involvement with him. Why do I find myself caring about him so much? I don't even know him.

"But also, if you like, I can leave you to your own company. I don't want to impose on your night." I add, knowing only too well how interfering people can be annoying.

Aidan shifts uncomfortably from next to me and just as I'd expected, I know he's going to tell me to leave him alone, so I prepare myself for his rejection by pushing myself off of the railing and turning to leave.

"Stay." is all he says, halting me in my tracks, mid exit.

His eyes, once again, find mine, taking my breath away in the process. He shoots me a weak smile which I am in no way fooled by; the insincerity of it not going unnoticed. I find my heart oddly aching as I look further into his eyes and recognise the emotion hidden deep within them. I know pain when I see it and right now Aidan's eyes are drowning it it.

"So, why do you hate living here so much?" he suddenly asks out of nowhere.

What? Where did that come from?

I try shaking my head to prove him wrong and in an attempt to sound convincing, spout him some lie about how fine I'm doing.

"I don't hate living here." I defend, not swaying his opinion in the least.

"Amelia, I can read you like a book, I know you hate being here." he replies, matter of factly.

Suddenly aware of how serious this conversation is going, I decide to lighten the mood a little and raise an amused eyebrow at him.

"Well, if you're so good at reading me, how about you tell me why I hate it so much?" I fire back, daring him a little with my insistent tone.

A dare in which he seemingly accepts if his ever growing eyes and amusing smirk are anything to go by.

"Fine." he sighs, suddenly removing himself from the railing and studying my face for a considerable amount of time. "I think you hate it here because you left someone behind at home." he inputs and does so rather abruptly. "I'm not sure who; boyfriend, best friend maybe? Whoever it is, I can tell you miss them terribly." he concludes, gazing into my eyes as he deeply evaluates my every emotion.

We both remain glued, permanently, in our position, neither one of us daring to speak as we simply stare at one another. Aidan eventually breaks the moment by reaching up to cup my chin with his hand, seemingly providing himself with a much better angle of my face as he proceeds to caress my cheek using the pad of his thumb.

"Not a boyfriend." he confirms, more so to himself than anything by using a soft tone meant only for us to hear.

I continue to gaze at him with a, no doubt, unflattering expression and desperately try to wrap my head around his freakishly accurate conclusion of me. How can he know so damn much about me when every day I make it my personal mission to act like everything is OK. Sure, I'm grieving for my Mom whilst having to deal with a somewhat messed up Father-Daughter relationship, but I thought I had my emotions under control.

Obviously not.

I soon find my erratic thinking invades my every thought but, thankfully, it doesn't stay my point of focus for long as quick to distract me is the gentle caress of Aidan's thumb as it drags along the length of my jaw. My breath instantly hitches in my throat and with his face growing increasingly closer to mine, I find all attempts at gaining oxygen futile; made only worst when his lips brush against mine.


We both quickly rip away from each other at lightning speed whist simultaneously making urgent eye contact with the person who just shouted, no screamed, my name.

"You need to come quick, it's Anna!" elaborates the rather gothic looking girl whose name I don't know.

I don't recognise her but the urgency behind her voice has me running back towards the house, frantically searching for my idiot sister who I'm assuming has had one shot too many.
Once inside, I half expect to see Anna sprawled out on the carpeted floor but what I actually catch sight of is far worse. The thing that baffles me the most is how a large group of people can stand by and allow two, clearly alcohol induced girls, beat the crap out of each other without interfering.

"Talk about her like that again and I'll do more than rip your fake hair out!" screams Anna at the girl, who I now recognise as the one making longing eyes toward Aidan outside.

Her face contorts in a rather painful looking twist as she soothes her, no doubt, throbbing head and readies herself for her almighty come back.

"Screw you and your whore sister!" she yells, quick frankly knocking the wind straight out of me.

What did she just say about me?

I'm sure the rage in her eyes suddenly mirrors mine and it just so happens to intensify when she launches forward, slapping Anna across her right cheek. The sound pierces the air on a deafening crunch and and I don't think twice before stepping in to put an end to this pettiness.

"Don't even think about it, darling." warns an all to familiar voice, just as a protective hand comes to rest on my shoulder.

"Don't get involved, A. Jenna can be a nightmare. Let Drew and Aidan sort it out." soothes Jess, taking over Aidan's hold on my body with her own vice-like grip.

I watch in awe as Aidan signals to Drew to help him out, Dylan apparently nowhere to be seen. The pair soon take control of the situation and only when Aidan physical hauls Anna over his shoulders does the fighting actually stop. Whist all this takes place, Drew holds on to the other girl, Jenna I think Jess said her name is, and repeatedly tells her to calm down, much to his failure.

Aidan, struggling to maintain his strong hold on Anna, rushes for the front door and practically falls through it as Anna voices out her protests.

"Put me down!" I hear her yell from outside, sounding far from happy.

"Jess, I should probably go. I'll text you tomorrow." I frantically state, pushing my way threw the even bigger crowd of people that have gathered, thanks to my sister and the show she and Janna have put on for us all this evening.

I shoot her a quick smile over my shoulder before finding both Aidan and Anna outside in the front yard; Anna very clearly taking her anger out on poor Aidan.

"You had no right doing that, you jerk!" she shouts, pointing a perfectly painted finger at his chest. "I'm going back in and so help me God, if you try and stop me-"

"Anna! What the hell? Calm down." I demand, physically having to block her path as she attempts to push her way past me.

Her right cheek is screaming loud and proud with a fresh hand print and Lord only knows how much it must be hurting her.

"Let's go home." I offer, sensing a fast approaching break down.

She clearly has other ideas.

"No, I'm going back in." she snaps, turning her determined blue pools on me.

"You can't go back in, Simon told me your not welcome." I lie, figuring that may very well be my only option in stopping her from re entering the house.

She stops dead in her tracks at my revelation and shoots me a look of pure disgust, sending an unwelcoming chill pulsing through my entire body.

"Jesus, Anna what's going on?" I plead, ignoring Aidan's ever curious expression in the distance.

I don't recognise the girl staring back at me; her usually straight caramel hair wild with knots and her cheek sporting an awfully impressive bruise. Her eyes look empty, hollow even and with tears effortlessly pouring from them, I grab hold of her shoulders and thrust her body into mine as I uncontrollably hug her.

She collapses her full body weight onto mine and I fire Aidan a pleading look regarding the issue, to which he, thankfully offers a solution for.

"I live around the corner from here, I'll get my car and drive you both home." he suggests, looking somewhat apologetic as he watches Anna with a close eye.

"You can't!" I gasp, shocked he'd even consider the dangers of driving under the influence. "You've been drinking." I further explain, noticing the odd smirk that graces his lips as I do so.

"No, I haven't. A cute girl stole my drink, remember?" he smiles, making me blush uncontrollably, which is very inappropriate considering our current predicament.

He really shouldn't be flirting right now.

I hope he doesn't notice my reddening cheeks and in an attempt to lower the chance of him doing so, I find myself nodding my head at an inconsiderable fast pace, making myself dizzy in the process.

"OK, hurry please." I breathe, growing increasingly concerned for Anna, who is now shaking with rage.


Within ten minutes, Aidan pulls up in his grey, jeep-like car and we both battle to get a still drunk, still angry Anna seated in the back seat.

"You know, you two could try being a little less patronising. I'm more than capable of putting my own seatbelt on." sneers Anna, sounding like much the spoilt brat in her protests.

"Yeah? Well if you're so capable, do it yourself." I snap, flinging the seatbelt at her whilst slamming the door shut on her belittling expression.

She's pissing me off and I certainly don't appreciate her rude behaviour toward Aidan, who has somehow found himself unwillingly caught up in tonight's drama.

We end up sitting in complete silence for most of the journey home; me sat in the front seat of Aidan's car after deciding it would be wise to put some distance between Anna and I. We're both running on short fuses and blowing up in front of curious eyes is the last thing I want right now.

"I can't believe you let your fucking boyfriend man handle me like that." she spits, slurring on certain words as her drunken mind tries to cooperate with her argumentative brain.

I loose my cool and turn in my seat, whipping my head around so fast, I'm seriously considering the possibility of self inflicted whiplash.

"He's not my 'fucking boyfriend' and if it wasn't for him man handling you, that girl would've done much more than just slap you." I bark, intensifying my gaze on her. "So instead of moaning like a little child, you could maybe try thanking him for saving your sorry ass tonight!" I add, somewhat telling her off in my statement.

Poor Aidan is currently sat in the drivers seat, having to listen to our childish back and forth whist maintaining a neutral expression. I would've waiting until we got home but it appears Anna can't wait that long.

"Don't tell me what to do, you're not my fucking Mother." she spews, bringing my heart to a complete stop.

My mouth physically gapes open in shock and I desperately attempt to shake off her spiteful words, unsuccessful in my doing so. I don't necessarily want to do this with Aidan present but I cannot simply sit back and ignore what she just said, nor the huge amount of pain she's just caused.

"I can't believe you just said that." I whisper, seeing no regret in her features what so ever.

My response has Aidan shifting in his seat uncomfortably and I know it has his interest peaked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you would rather completely disregard the fact that we have a Mother and that she died a month ago." yells Anna, looking me dead in the eyes as she wickedly reveals the true extent of our past month, living in hell.

"Shut up Anna, you're drunk." I warn, turning back around in my seat, unable to stomach her evil expression right now.

"Well I may be drunk but at least I'm dealing with it." she responds, clearly not willing to let this conversation drop.

Fine, have it your way. Prepare to hear some home truths, Anna.

"Dealing with it? You call getting drunk and throwing yourself at every guy you meet 'dealing with it'?" I scoff, noticing the slight rise in my tone.

Anna's eyes glaze over with rage and to give credit where it's due, she gives as good as she gets.

"Well, I'm not the one carrying on as if nothing has happened. I'm not the one who calls her dad Jack because she can't bring herself to call him Dad due to her fucked up relationship with him. I'm not the one skipping meals everyday and don't fucking lecture me about throwing myself at guys when you're fucking him after knowing him one week!"

By the end of her speech, she's screaming in my face and as the tears spill from her eyes due the sheer force in which our uncharacteristic fighting is hitting her at, I unclip my seatbelt and plan my swift departure.

"Stop the car." I state, strangely calm for someone who has the rage of a hungry lion.

"What?" questions Aidan, concern taking over his every feature as he contemplates my request.

"Stop the fucking car, Aidan!" I yell, instantly regretting my chosen tone.

He brings the vehicle to an immediate halt, knowing better that to deny me in my current state of mind but doesn't let me get out without following me.

"Amelia, I can't let you walk home alone in the dark!" he reasons, all but pleading me with his straining voice.

"I'm fine Aidan, please get Anna home safely. I want to be alone." I ensure, hating the overbearing feeling of grief strike as my legs buckle against my weight and struggle to keep me vertical.

I find myself silently pleading with him and almost collapse in relief as a sense of understanding crosses his features and he re enters his car on an audible "be careful, darling."

His obvious concern touches me in the deepest of places and although I'm in a far from friendly state right now, Aidan will never know how truly thankful I am for him giving me my space. If I didn't know any better, I'd even say he understood my internal conflict but I hope to God that isn't true. Because if Aidan understands, it means he's lost someone he loves, too and I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

Not even my worst enemy.


Oh, everything's coming up roses...🌹
Hope you're all enjoying this story so far, there's lots still yet to come.

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