~Chapter Three~

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"No one looks back on
their life and remembers
the night they had plenty
of sleep."

- Unknown

With the firm instruction to turn right down 'Bushwell Lane' from the Sat Nav, it doesn't take us long to discover where the party is.
An endless sea of bright colours and sequence litter this guy's front yard, the mere sight of it intimidating me slightly. Red solo cups happen to be evenly distributed among all party-goers which, judging by the extremely questionable dancing, not to mention the various couples engaging in heated make-out sessions, seems to be filled with alcohol.
One couple in particular seriously need to consider taking their 'party for two' elsewhere before their public display of affection reaches its ultimate peak.

I'm uncomfortable just looking at them.

"How long has this party been going on for?" I ask, while Anna and I both stare opened mouthed at the scene displayed in front of us.

Prying her eyes away from the continuous amounts of profanities, she locks her crystal-blue eyes onto mine, offering me a look of amusement.

"Umm, Gregg said it stated at 7.30pm, so an hour and a half." she replies, confirming my thoughts that Californian's certainly waste no time in 'getting the party started'.

"Well then, shall we?" I offer, already wanting this night to end.

With an encouraging head nod from Anna, we make our way out of the car and up the path, passing the same couple who are now participating in what can only be described as 'over the clothes foreplay'. Once we reach the front door, we eagerly push our way through the large group of people currently blocking the entrance, desperate to avoid wandering hands while doing so.
After finally breaking free from the crowed, I'm instantly hit with the smell of cheap beer and smoke, causing a deep cringe to settle across my face as the awful smells attack my nostrils.

I Allow my eyes to scan the house, or rather mansion, easily concluding that there are roughly a hundred people crammed inside, much to my dismay.

There appears to be a song blaring out of the sound system, which I'm afraid to say I don't recognise and it's here that I'm brought to the attention of the makeshift dance floor.
I catch sight of different friendship circles, participating in various, questionable social activities. There are a group of girls in the open living room, dancing like a bunch of stripper's trying to impress the perverts that are watching, and in the kitchen, there seems to be a very intense game of spin the bottle.

How very middle school of them.

Everyone else appears to be happily drinking their free beer while engaging in general chit chat, with the occasional game of beer pong taking place.

"Meet back here in two hours, okay?" I shout to Anna over the loud base of the music, pumping throughout the entire house.

"Yep, okay but do me a favour, Amelia, have fun tonight, you need this." she says, offering my hand an encouraging squeeze.

Her eyes suddenly glide past mine before I can respond, focusing instead on something happening behind me.

"Gregg!" she screams and runs over to who I assume is Gregg, the host of tonight's party.

His eyes light up like a Christmas tree as he slowly drinks in the perfect sight of Anna, giving away his every intention with her.

I can only hope she consumes little alcohol tonight and keeps her mind well and truly alert.

Judging by the greedy stare she's currently receiving from Gregg, she'll need a sober mind, or perhaps just an overprotective sister like me will do the trick.

Either way, I'm definitely keeping my eye on them tonight.

Anna soon disappears towards the crowded living room, seemingly ditching me for the evening; leaving me with no other option but to mingle.

Just fantastic.

I aimlessly walk around for a while, eventually finding myself in a rather impressive kitchen, with every drink known under the sun to choose from.
As the responsible designated driver I am, I opt out for a bottle of water, loosening the cap straight away and taking a few calming gulps.

I take this opportunity to study those around me and take particular interest in a blonde haired girl, currently wedged in between two somewhat gleeful looking guys.
Both males are quite clearly interested in her and certainly don't lack in subtlety, pushing themselves closer and closer to her already half naked body, in the attempts to win her over.
I don't judge the situation, I simply allow the scene to play out in front of me, genuinely interested in which one she'll go with in the end.

"Hey sexy, Gregg's my man and has given me permission to use one of his spare rooms tonight, how about you and I put that to some good use?" comes a very rough, albeit slurry voice.

I twist my body around, focusing my attention on the six ft tall, dark haired stranger towering over me. His chocolate brown eyes, although gorgeous, are having a hard time staying still and it doesn't take a genius to realise this guy is wasted.

"I promise to show you the time of your life." he adds, as if somehow that will willingly make me want to drop my panties.

Not a chance.

This guy is highly intoxicated and can barely stand up right, let alone show me 'the time of my life'.

"No thank you, I appreciate the offer though." I politely decline, figuring by being nice, I grantee myself a drama-free, swift exit.

Unfortunately, this guy obviously has other ideas and places a rather strong arm around my waist; pulling me flush against his body in one smooth motion. His breath whispers across my cheek, giving me the knowledge that he's a smoker, and with a gentle squeeze to my waist, he leans in, trying to capture my lips.
Its not that he's unattractive, quite the opposite actually. With ink-like black, shaggy hair, big brown eyes and a body most guys would kill for, I can imagine he's inundated with offers from girls on a daily basis. I, however, will not be one of those girls seeing as he's distinctively only interested in one thing and I have no intention of doing said thing.

"Drake, she said 'No', now I suggest you run along before I get Gregg to throw you out." a friendly voice sounds from behind, causing an overwhelming wave of relief to wash over me.

Her firm, yet caring words make Drake instantly move away from me as though I just contracted some deadly disease but not before he expresses his utmost anger with the situation.
Ignoring his childish behaviour, I turn around and lock eyes onto a very beautiful, very friendly looking girl around my age. She has jet black hair that seems to shimmer under the kitchen lighting and a perfectly slim figure, highlighted by her chosen outfit for this evening; a deep blue dress. Her skin is freakishly pale, clashing beautifully with her dress and her piercing hazel eyes radiate warmth and friendliness, an expression I welcome with open arms.

"Are you okay?" she says in a soothingly tone which instantly relaxes my erratic mind.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That was pretty intense, thank you." I say, offering my genuine thanks to the girl who potentially just saved me from a seriously awkward encounter.

"No problem, everyone's entitled to have a good night at party without having to worry about jerks like him ruining it." she says, suddenly spotting someone behind me and smiling widely.

Before I get a chance to follow her line of sight, a tall guy with light brown hair emerges from my right, his eyes never leaving hers in the process.

"Hey baby!" he gushes, placing a rather passionate kiss on her lips, too passionate for my liking.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable just standing there with nothing to do but watch, I mumble another 'thanks' before sharply making a U-turn, intending on leaving the kitchen.

I don't make it very far before I find my body slamming into what can only be described as rock solid abs, causing a liquid substance to spill all over my shirt in the process.
I'm left momentarily disorientated as my mind try's to desperately process what the hell just happened and it seems to only worsen when I find myself staring into the most hypnotising hazel eyes I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. As I not-so-subtly check this guy out, I notice, although definitely hazel, a strong green colouring dominates his iris', reminding me of a forest in Autumn time, especially with his chocolate brown hair flopping lazily over his forehead.

"Fuck, what a waste of beer!" he announces in what can clearly be recognised as anger.

His harsh tone snaps me from my unintentional trance and I feel myself blushing furiously at my obvious attraction towards him.

"Crap, I'm really sorry!" I state, hoping that this perfectly moulded stranger is the 'easily forgiving' type.

"Yeah well, 'sorry' isn't going to bring my beer back, is it?" he scolds, making me flinch at his absurd insinuation.

Not quite the forgiving type, then.

He glares at me with a dark, intimidating expression, almost as if waiting for an explanation and when he doesn't receive one, he huffs out a stroppy breath while pushing past me.
Assuming he is no longer in ear shot, I exhale a sharp breath and express my feelings on the matter.

"What a dick." I whisper, more to myself than anything, or so I thought.

Obviously I'm wrong in my thinking as dick face himself starts laughing from behind me, the sound, much to my annoyance, awakening things inside my body.

"I'm sorry, are you referring to me there?" he asks, in a tone I can't quite put my finger on.

Highly pissed off, or hugely amused? I can't tell.

I stare back at him with a fake confidence, hoping to just about convince him that he doesn't effect me in ways I'd rather he didn't.

"Yep, I'm referring to you." I say, offering him a sweet smile in the process, purely for good measure.

His beautiful eyes narrow as he seemingly evaluates my entire body, an act that has me self conscious beyond belief and excited against my better judgement.
My already fast beating heart, speeds up and my palms begin to sweat, profusely; something which I hope goes unnoticed by this very handsome, highly annoying stranger.

"I would love for you to explain how I come off as the 'dick' in this situation." he says in an unsettling calm, almost sexy voice.

Who am I kidding? His voice is sexy, his face is sexy, his attitude- not so much.

"Well, guy whose name I don't know, I said I was sorry and you could've simply accepted my apology, which by the way happened to be sincere, but you decided against that. Instead, you acted like a total tool over some beer that you probably didn't even have to pay for, hence the reasoning behind you being referred to as a dick and also the reason why you will now be known in my mind as dick face." I say, crossing my arms over my chest, while feeling overly proud of my put down speech, which I'm happy to say I didn't stutter on.

He looks a little taken back by my response but impressed nevertheless. His raised eyebrow and smug smirk has me quivering in my stance, worried what might occur next.

"So you admit you'll be thinking about me in your mind?" he asks, his selective hearing obviously focusing on the latter part of my speech.

His statement has me at a loss for words and the only thing I can manage to get out is,

"God, you really are an asshole, aren't you?"

His deep, manly laugh is like music to my ears, vibrating through my every fibre. It sends sparks of energy pulsing through my veins and I find myself physically craving the sound of it, once it's no longer audible.

Jeez, why are my feelings towards him so intense? I barely know him and what I do know, I don't like.

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment." he smiles, a brilliant, tooth-filled smile.

"You, my friend, can take that however you want, I'm leaving. Enjoy your night." I say, desperate to put some distance between me and him before I do or say something I may later come to regret.

Before I get a chance to turn away, I notice his eyes suddenly focusing in on the area circulating my chest, making me both blush furiously and shriek in outrage.
My shirt, due to earlier's spillage, has turned rather see-through, enabling everyone the clear view of my bra, dick face being one of those people.

I quickly cover myself up by using my arms, hoping and praying that it just about does the trick.

I'd hate to be known as the girl who flashed everyone at Gregg's party.

"Add perv to the list of things you are!" I snap, finally grabbing his attention enough for him to pry his eyes away from my chest.

He shoots me a breathtaking smile and nods his head.

"Dick, asshole and perv, got'cha!" he states, listing all three off on his fingers.

Deciding against replying, I turn on my heel, ready to walk away but a surge of last minute adrenaline stops me, apparently having more to say.

"Oh and for you information, I am sorry about spilling your beer but I'm not sorry I called you a dick, an asshole and a perv."

With my statement hanging in the air, I finally turn and leave in search for a bathroom, desperately hugging myself in the attempts to hide my ever visible underwear.

"Wait, what's your name?" I hear dick face call from behind.

I twist my head around and shoot him a suggestive look over my shoulder, causing a cute smile to stretch across his face.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I say, returning my head to its rightful position, while I slowly exit the kitchen.

Amelia: one
Dick face: nil


I see you've met this book's love interest... ;)

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