Chapter 13 - Bad Brownies and Big Bets

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Chapter 13 - Bad Brownies and Big Bets.

Lee was still asleep, drooling, when I woke up to go and eat some breakfast. As I couldn't get on the sofa and really didn't fancy waking the grumpy git up, I went over to Hunter's bed and looked at him for a moment, peacefully sleeping. His chest was moving up and down with his deep breaths, so calm and relaxed. 'Not for long', I thought as I lunged myself forward and on top of his chest.

He cursed, straightening immediately and on high alert.

"Oh, you're up," I said, feinging surprise. I'd managed to scramble over to the side of the bed and stand up before he'd gotten his bearings and noticed me there. He grumbled something that I couldn't understand, flopping back on the bed with a grunt.

"Next time, try to miss the crotch," Hunter said through gritted teeth. Huh, so much for being tired, I'd just kneed him in his crown jewels.

"Okay, whatever. Can we go and get breakfast, please? I'm starving." Hunter opened one eye to look at me, his hair still a mess and his face still groggy.

"Don't 'okay, whatever' me, it's you that won't be getting any sex," he muttered, sitting up with a wince.

"I'm not addicted to Hunter Junior, it doesn't bother me too much, I can find something elsewhere," I said with a shrug, throwing his shirt at him. He rolled his eyes, shoving it on and then getting up.

His eyes skimmed over me apprecitively before he grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. I tried to wriggle free, pushing at his chest.

"You've got morning breath, get off me before I do more than just knock your crotch," I hissed. He chuckled under his breath, looking over at Kenzi, who was sprawled across the bed, dead to the world.

"Give me a second to find some khakis and here," he said, holding out one of his shirts. "Wear this," he finished. I raised an eyebrow, looking down at my pyjama top.

"What's wrong with this?" I asked and he gave me a pointed look, thrusting the shirt at my chest so I couldn't help but grab it.

"I don't appreciate walking next to someone wearing an 'I'm with stupid' tank top," he threw over his shoulder. I chuckled, taking the top off and shoving Hunter's on, enjoying his intoxicating smell. Kenzi and I had bought matching 'I'm with stupid' tops when we'd visited America a couple years back, we used to wear them everywhere until we became aware of fashion.

"Stop getting your boxers in a twist, it's pure honesty," I sniffed, sauntering out of the room and letting him trail behind me.

He smirked when he met me outside and pressed me against the wall across from our room.

"Have you eaten a polo?" I asked, his now minty breath fanning my face. He scrunched his nose up and shook his head.

"Tic tac, was my breath that bad?" his brow was furrowed, causing me to chuckle and run my fingers gently along his forehead to flatten it out.

"It smelt like you left during the night to eat shit," I informed him, pressing my lips to his to keep his retort at bay. He didn't complain, just gripped me tighter and ran his hand through my wild hair. He pulled back, looking at my mass of curly hair, which had frizzed up to look like a massive dust bunny.

"Did you put your finger in a plug hole or something?" he inquired as seriously as he could until a laugh spilled from his mouth. I narrowed my eyes, reaching up to flatten it. Normally, my hair either fell perfectly straight or in loose waves.

"It's the humidity, jerk," I hissed, leaning away from him to walk down the corridor. Hunter chuckled, his arms moving around my waist to halt me until he slipped his hand over mine and walked alongside me.

"Someone's touchy this morning," he whispered in my ear. I scoffed, turning to look at him with one eyebrow raised.

"Someone's catty this morning." Hunter laughed, leaning one shoulder on the wall beside him and letting go of my hand.

"You woke me up by jumping on me. I think I have a pretty legitimate excuse," he drawled, looking me over in his shirt, which was far too big.

"Hardly, stop being such a wimp." We walked outside and looked around at the array of cafes and people bustling around..

Hunter and I couldn't agree on a place to eat so I sighed, leaning against the wall behind us.

"Right, I have an idea." Hunter grinned at my announcement, looking around us.

"What is it this time?" he asked and I smiled, looking over at the streets.

"We're going to walk down that road," I started, pointing down the row of shops. Hunter nodded in understanding, waiting for me to continue. "I'll take someone on the left, you take someone on the right. Whoever can hold someone in a conversation the longest, gets to pick where we eat," I explained. Hunter's eyebrows rose and he looked at me incredulously.

"How you think half of this stuff up never fails to amaze me," he muttered before putting his hand out for us to shake on it.

"Right, you will follow me and stay close by to time me and I'll choose a person," I muttered but Hunter put his arm out, stopping me from going anywhere.

"No, I'll choose a person," he said with a mischevious glint to his eye. I frowned, looking down the street as Hunter steered me along, stopping in front of an elderly woman. She looked like the one in Madagascar that kept hitting the lion with the handbag, only scarier.

I turned around to face Hunter, my mouth open with annoyance.

"You've got to be kidding," I muttered, approaching her with caution as Hunter waited behind a stall, his phone in hand, ready to time me.

"Um, excuse me," I started, peering to look at her annoyed, wrinkled face. She scrunched her nose up, glaring at me. I was surpised I wasn't frozen by her icy reception.

"What?" She snapped. I winced, straining my ears to understand her accent. Which was something that I really should've been used to.

"Well, I was wondering if you had any recommendations for me," I started, loosing all enthusiasm when her top lip curled in an almost snarl.

"Recommendations for what?" she grunted.

"Of where there is to go around here," I said brightly, gesturing around us. Hunter caught my eye, sniggering as he waggled the timer in between his fingers. It had only been ten seconds and it felt like years.

"I could give you a personal recommendation, if you like," she offered, sneering. I tried to be optimistic.


"If you down that road," she pointed to the one behind me. "Then you take a right. You'll be as far away from me as possible, which is the best place for you," she hissed, turning away and hobbling off. I frowned, staring after her with an incredulous expression.

"No wonder nobody helps you across the street!" I called but got no response. I huffed, turning around to find the timer in my face on a measly 35 seconds. I grunted, grabbing his phone from his hand as he laughed.

"You're a real people person, Princess," he teased, strolling across the road with me so that I could pick his next victim.

I flickered my eyes over the street, looking at the small amount of people. I eventually settled for a young boy, who looked young enough to understand that he shouldn't talk to people he doesn't know. It would make my morning if he was to shout 'Stranger Danger' and his mum to come running.

Of course, that didn't happen. Hunter lasted a good two minutes and even walked away with a cough sweet.

"I hope you choke on it," I hissed and he laughed, leading me into a cafe where they sold omlettes and toast. The cafe that when we came outside, I said that I really didn't want to go into.

Hunter ordered himself a omlette with a brownie on the side and ordered me some toast with jam. He put the plates down between us and sighed, nudging my shin with his foot. I looked up, meeting his eyes.

"Stop sulking, you're going to eat the toast," he ordered and I couldn't help but smirk when I picked up the toast and took a bite, enjoying the blackberry taste of the jam. He grinned when he noticed that I was enjoying it and raised an eyebrow.

"Glad I ordered for you now?" he asked but I shook my head, stubbornly sticking my chin out and eating the rest of the toast, pretending to not enjoy it. Hunter, of course, knew and was wearing a smug expression all the way through breakfast.

Instead of going straight back to the hotel, he insisted that we went for a walk and maybe stopped somewhere to spend some time alone. In all honesty, I was grateful for it. As much as I loved the company of the other two, somtimes some time alone as needed.

We walked until we passed some back alleys and found a small park that seemed abandoned. I hopped over the gate and took a seat on the balancing beam, Hunter taking his place in front of me. He smiled, clasping his hands on my thighs and pulling me closer, my legs resting over the tops of his as he straddled the beam.

"I want to say something about what we discussed yesterday," I started, taking hold of one of his hands and wrapping my fingers between his. He cocked his head, silently urging me on.

"I don't want to be part of the gang stuff anymore, Hunt," I whispered. I heard him suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"There isn't much of a way out," he answered, looking down at our connected bodies. I chewed the inside of my lip and nodded.

"I love you and letting you go is something that I'm definitely not prepared to do. For you, I will stick with them. But can't you leave the gang to Seb?" He looked up and groaned, shaking his head.

"To be honest, Princess, I'm really not sure. The legacy so far has been the kid has to kill the dad, hence I won't have kids. I don't think I can just hand it off," he muttered, his brow furrowing.

"Can't you just... I don't know, leave it?" he used his free hand to rub the back of his neck and shake his head at my suggestion. Instead of saying anything, he pulled me closer and pressed a tender kiss to my lips, gently asking for permission for entry before kissing me slowly. Something that was different, considering that most of our kisses were hungry.

He pulled away, running his hand through my hair and then cupping my cheek, looking at me with his head cocked to the side.

"I'll try to sort something out, okay?" I nodded and smiled to myself, leaning forward to kiss him again. We were cut short by some clapping behind us.

I stiffened and Hunter looked over my head, cursing.

"For fucks sake, I thought we lost you about fifty miles back," he cursed, moving me and swinging over the bar to stand up, using his gang leader voice. I raised my eyebrows, twisting to see the intruder. Surely enough, it was that idiot from back in Alessandria.

"What can I say? I have a large group of friends and when I'm looking for a man, I always find him," the guy stated, hopping over the fence. His two buff friends stayed on the other side and I stood to join Hunter.

"And you're an annoying son a bitch whilst doing it. Do me a favour and get lost? I really can't be assed," he groaned, raising an eyebrow. The other guy smirked, shaking his head

"You and your little gang of merry men made a fool out of me, you're not getting away that easily," he sneered. Hunter grinned.

"And you've come back for more? God, you are desperate. Right, come on, let's get this over with," Hunter stated, rubbing his hands together in preparation. The guy frowned at first but then stepped forward, meeting Hunter half way.

"You really want to, pretty boy?"

"Look, if you're going to try and hit me, just do it because yapping bores me," Hunter droned, thrusting his fist into the guy's nose. There was a crack, much like when I elbowed him and he narrowed his eyes, throwing a punch, which was quickly dodged.

The guy's men that were standing by the fence had gone, making me nervous as to where they were. Grunts and yelps were heard from the two men fighting in the park and I noticed some red but I did't know who it was from.

All of a sudden, someone grabbed my hand and yanked me forwards. Just as I was about to hit him, I realised it was Hunter.

"We do not want to be around when they find that guy, come on." I jogged along behind him, following him through the streets until we got back to the hotel. He was holding his stomach, making me frown when we burst back through the door, startling both Lee and Kenzi.

"What the?" Lee asked but Hunter had gone, darting through to the bathroom to puke. I turned my nose up, looking at the door and then back to Lee and Kenzi's faces, frozen in horror.

"What happened?" Kenzi asked.

"Well, that gang guy from Alessandria was here, he's trailing our asses and I have no idea why he's puking. Morning sickness, maybe?" I offered. Kenzi chuckled, going towards the bathroom to check on him when the door swung open.

"I think it was the brownies," he complained, dropping onto the sofa next to Lee. I raised an eyebrow but didn't comment and started to pack my bag. We couldn't stay in Florence long if that gang was still there.

A/N Just so you know, these chapter names require so much thinking time, it's unbelieveable :P let me know what you think, please vote and comment and check out she's broken:)

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