Chapter 37 - Ending Epilogue

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Chapter 37 – Ending Epilogue

                I dropped back onto Hunter and groaned, closing my eyes as I rested my head against his chest.

                “They’re going to come back, you know,” he said, a smirk clear in his voice. I hit him, getting him to be quiet so that I could enjoy the peace.

                “I’m taking advantage of them being gone,” I whispered, running my hand down the warmth of his chest, clad in wife beater.


                When we’d moved away, Hunter getting a job in anything that involved taking orders, wearing a suit or authorities had been an immediate no-no so he’d gone straight in with the local garage, building up cars. I, however, had gone back to Uni in Bath, just as he’d promised and gotten my degree in literature to go on to be one of the most respected critics in the business.


                “When have you got to be in?” I asked, rolling onto my front to look up at my husband. He rolled his lip into his mouth and leaned down to kiss me.

                “I don’t have to be there at any particular time. Boss, remember?” I rolled my eyes at his words and got to my feet, ready for our twin tornados to come rumbling in from their brief break to the bedroom.

                “Mummy!” I winced at the high pitched tone and shot Hunter a look that screamed ‘save me’.

                “What is it, sweetie?” I asked, walking into the boy’s bedroom only to find Beck sitting on top of Zach, holding his toy a good foot or so above his head. So much like their father, I thought as I went over to split them up.


                “Beck, give Zach his toy back. Zach, grab your bag and go and see Daddy, he’s taking you both to school,” I instructed, giving them a stern look to show how serious I was on the matter.

                Beck’s dark floppy hair swished as he swiftly moved from his brother and marched into the living room. Zach’s hair was a tiny bit lighter and they both shared my eyes alongside Hunter’s tan.


                Zach’s little arms reached up and I smiled, picking him up and resting him on my hip. With both of them at the age of four, they’d only been attending school for a few months and neither of them were overly keen on the early mornings. No more keen than I was, considering that I rarely had to get up early before the kids.

                “Come on then, trouble,” I mumbled, hitching him higher on my hip before grabbing his bag and taking him into the living room where Hunter was sorting Beck out.

                Instead of staying at home, I followed Hunter and the kids out to the car, planning to spend a little time with Hunter before he shot off to work and I went out for a coffee with Kenzi.

                When the kids were strapped into the backseats, still arguing, might I add, Hunter started the car and leaned back in the seat, resting one arm on the window.

                “Mummy,” Zach drew out. I twisted in my seat to look at him.


                “What if Tyler tries to steal my lunch again?” he enquired. I sighed, giving him the softest look I could muster. Zach, being more like me out of the twins, didn’t stick up for himself as much as he should and immediately dropped himself into trouble with a little boy called Tyler in his school.


                “Hit him around the head with your book bag, kiddo, that’ll soon stop him,” Hunter replied. I shot him a shocked and irritated look, swatting his arm. Both the kids were grinning when I turned back to them.

                “Ignore your father. Violence is not the way to handle this,” I started, knowing the phrase from sheer experience. “Go and tell a teacher, sweetie, let them handle it. If this carries on, I’m going up and seeing the teacher about it myself,” I warned.

                Moving away had been hard on Hunter and I. Although I’d promised that I wouldn’t be too overprotective of the kids, our past experience was always haunting me whenever I looked at them. I wouldn’t call myself the wrap them up in cotton wool type mother, just the watchful type. Kenzi and Seb were the same.

                “Right, off you go. Have a good day, love you both,” Hunter and I recited, watching through the mirror as they got out and ran towards the play ground like we both smelt.

                “That’s that done,” Hunter said with a grin, pulling the car into a spot covered by the trees. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my forehead, moving my hair back tenderly with his thumb.

                “You stink of ham,” he commented with a frown, pulling away from me. I narrowed my eyes and smelt my hair, disgusted.

                “I suppose that’s what I get for trying to be a good mother by making their dinners,” I grumbled and leaned back in the seat, glancing down at my ring finger. We’d done pretty well for ourselves. With Hunter owning his own garage now and my lecturing bringing in a pretty hefty salary, we were living better than I could’ve possibly imagined when we ran away over ten years ago.


                We hadn’t heard from Shack since. Dylan wasn’t with Maya and had moved over to America a few years back to carry on with his dancing. Kyle was a single father, still suffering from commitment issues and the Bridges brothers were moving into the spotlight with their bike riding.

                “What time are you meeting Kenzi?” Hunter asked, giving me a sly smirk. I grinned, already moving to the backseat.

                “Whenever you get back to work,” I replied, raising a suggestive eyebrow.

                “I thought you were seeing your mum as well,” he added, following me. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

                “She cancelled again. It’s the last time I try,” I said with a shrug and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him towards me.

                My mum and I rarely saw eye to eye anymore, I’d reached out a few times but was beginning to get fed up with her incessant behavior.

                “You’re like a sex starved teenager,” Hunter taunted, pulling back from my hungry lips to move my top up. I sighed, arching against him.

                “We have kids now, smart ass, I’m deprived,” I retorted with a pout, grasping onto his arm where his crown tattoo still lay.

                “That makes two of us,” he whispered, pushing me back against the seats with such force that it just made my blood pump harder.

                “I do love you,” I muttered against his lips and he grinned.

                “Love you, too, Princess. Do me a favour and undo those buttons?” he asked, motioning down to my jeans. I let out a bark of laughter and worked on them myself, giving him a kiss on the cheek before I started. I had to give it to him, the buttons weren’t the easiest to undo.

                Just as we were getting to the good part, I heard the personal ringtone of my boss come from the front seat.


                “Leave it,” Hunter muttered, pressing a hot kiss against my neck. I shoved at his chest, squirming to reach to the middle of the seats to grab it.

                “Hello?” I answered, my voice embarrassingly husky.

                “Mrs Jacobs?” my boss asked. I huffed, resting on my elbows.

                “Yeah, sorry.  I’m here.”

                “We need you in this afternoon, you’re booked for a lecture by some exchange students. You don’t happen to know Italian, do you?” he asked. I grinned to myself. That was one excuse to get Lee to come down.

                “Yeah, I’ve got someone I know. I’ll be there at 2,” I said. Hunter hung up for me and chucked the phone back into the phone before hooking his fingers in my belt loops and grinning.

                “Now, where were we?”

A.N: Not proofread, sorry! But yeah, that's the end! :'(  But I'm immensly proud of myself that I managed to keep the alliteration in the chapter titles up for so bloody long, such a task!

Check out the first book 'Bad Boy Isn't My Type' if you haven't already.

Please check out my newest story 'The Roommate Rulebook' I'd really appreciate it, thank you!

Until next time, Wattpadians!

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