Chapter 5 - Slippery Stairs and Smelly Spaghetti

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Chapter 5 - Slippery Stairs and Smelly Spaghetti

"You reek." I shot Lee a look in the mirror, raising an eyebrow. "In the nicest possible way," he added. I thwacked the back of his seat, leaning against the window.

"Seriously, guys. Where have you been and have you been using cow dung for soap?!" Kenzi exclaimed, twisting in her seat to look at us.

We hadn't travelled far. Apparently, Lee was getting bored of driving and had found us a hotel only a few streets down from where they'd picked us up.

"Kenzi, we woke up on a bench in the middle of nowhere and had to stay in a hotel that was only 50 Euros for the night. We're not going to smell the best," Hunter muttered, rubbing his hand on the top of his head to muck up his hair.

"Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bench this morning," Lee replied, looking at Hunter in the rear view mirror. Kenzi was clearly trying to stifle her laugh but failing miserably and I couldn't help but smile.

"You're not going to live until we make it back to Catanzaro at this rate," Kenzi joked, nudging Lee with her elbow. Hunter smirked, kicking the back of Lee's chair.

"You got that right." Lee glared at Hunter in the rear view mirror.

"Oi, watch the leather," he warned. Hunter just raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"If you tell him that, he'll only threaten your car when you chat back," I informed Lee, opening the car door and slipping out onto the pavement. Kenzi didn't seem to find use for a car door; she got up and jumped over out of the car, walking to back to get me my bag. I had a bag! I finally had belongings. I didn't have my credit card but who cares, I had clean underwear!

"Go have a shower," Kenzi urged, pushing me into the bathroom when we reached our room. I waved my hand dismissively.

"If you carry on like this, I'll climb into the same bed as you and stink up the sheets." She laughed, falling back onto one of the beds with a grin.

"If you dirty my sheets, you won't live to see tomorrow. I had to sleep in a car, just to come and get you!" she exclaimed, giving one final point towards the door.

Without any further complaints or arguments, I went and had my shower. Boy, was it nice. Hot water, proper soap and a clean shower was all that I needed to put me in a better mood and have me practically flying out of the door and into meet Kenzi.

"You seem chirpier. Lee and Hunter are waiting for us downstairs in the cafe," Kenzi replied, checking over her nails and toenails. They were painted a dark red and as per usual, no chips or imperfections.

"I am chirpier and I'm clean! Here, smell me!" Kenzi laughed, pushing herself up from the bed whilst shaking her head.

"I'm good, thanks. Your clothes are over there," she said, nodding her head towards my bag in the corner. She'd packed a few of my tank tops and another pair of shorts as well as my vans. She was practically my saviour.

The hotel resturaunt wasn't too posh but it could give that cafe a run for its money. The decor was a light cream and there were gold table accessories and chairs. Hunter and Lee were sitting by the window with the sat nav on a stand between them. Unsurprisingly, they looked like they were bickering.

Hunter's hair was still wet from where he'd just had his shower and he was wearing his khakis with a white top, contrasting against his tanned skin.

I smiled when I sat down next to him and looked at the screen.

"Why are you looking at Rome?" I asked, peering closer. Lee scoffed, shaking his head.

"Because this absolute wacko seems to think that taking a detour would be a good idea. Dante needs us back there, man. I don't fancy paying my way through, it'll burn a hole in my piggy bank." Hunter sighed at Lee's argument, groaning.

"I just think that while we're here, we may as well check out a few of the places, it's not as if we'll be coming back, is it?" Hunter asked, placing one of his hands on my thigh and gently rubbing his thumb in a circle.

"I'm up for that. Dante won't freak too much, he knows that there's a problem," I replied and Kenzi nodded with me, looking through the menu.

"Don't be such a fuddy duddy, Lee. It's Italy and you're the only one that speaks Italian and the only one that has a car," Kenzi rambled before glancing at our blank expressions and grinning. "Okay, okay. Lee, pretty please?" she pleased. Lee sighed, shrugging.

"Depends, are you all going to pitch in with petrol?" he asked. We all nodded, grinning.

"Right, so where to first, then?" Kenzi inquired, spinning the sat nav around to face her. She stuck her tongue out a little bit and concentrated on the screen.

We heard a few little beeps until all of a sudden, Yoda blared of life.

"Turn right at the next corner, you will." I let out a bark of laughter, spinning it to face me. Kenzi was grinning as she watched and both of the boys watched us with amused expressions.

"Drive 0.3 miles then turn right, fool!" Mr. T was my experiment and Lee chuckled, taking it back and looking at the map.

"Pisa is only two hours and 45 minutes away," Lee said, looking at us for input. I shrugged. Geography was a waste of time for me, I was awful so there was no point in asking me.

"What's in Pisa?" Kenzi asked.

"The Leaning Tower of Pisa," Lee replied and then seemed to come up at a blank as he said nothing else.

"Well, let's go then," I said with a shrug and Kenzi nodded in agreement. Hunter leaned back in his seat, moving his hand onto my thigh under the table. He started to move it higher until I grabbed his wrist, stopping it moving under the fabric of my shorts.

"Not here." Hunter just smirked at my hushed tone, looking around the table at the others.

"Can we hurry this up?" Hunter whined. I laughed, glancing over at Lee who had an eyebrow raised.

"Why? Want to get up in your room and have ass sex with Lee?" I asked, causing Kenzi to nearly spit her water all over Lee.

"He'd be lucky enough," Lee sniffed, glancing over at my boyfriend with a cheeky smirk. Hunter raised a quizzical eyebrow, giving us a lopsided grin.

"I wouldn't go near him with someone else's," Hunter defended, grasping my hand and twining his fingers with mine on top of the table cloth. Lee had the decency to look slightly offended.

"That's just as well, you're not good enough for this," Lee bragged, flexing his arms. Kenzi snorted, shaking her head.

"What?" Lee questioned but Kenzi shrugged.

"Nothing." I smiled, sitting back in my seat. Hunter just shook his head.

"We need to swap rooms," he told Kenzi but my best friend shot him an incredulous look.

"So you can bonk her brains out all night? I don't think so." I pretty much choked on my saliva and both the waiter and Lee looked over at us with shocked faces.

"Do you have to be so crude?" I hissed but Kenzi just chuckled, dismissing me with the wave of her hand.

"No point beating around the bush." I didn't even supply that with an answer, I just tried to pick up some of the Italian that Lee was speaking to the waiter.

The food was actually amazing. I mean, granted that all I'd eaten the past couple of days was stale pizza, god awful coffee and some strange Italian brand of biscuits. In that case, anything would've tasted like heaven.

"Say something nasty," Kenzi said suddenly. It wasn't clear who she was speaking to so Hunter opened his mouth. I thwacked his leg in warning before he could say anything to her. He shot me a look but Lee just frowned at her.


"In Italian, say something mean. Like, swear or something," she rambled. Lee shook his head, looking around the room at all the posh people eating.

"No way. There are people in here who would understand me," he retorted. Kenzi raised an eyebrow and Hunter looked amused, putting a bit of spaghetti in his mouth.

"You're kidding me, right? Lee, you drive a motor bike and walk around in a leather jacket, you're meant to be badass," Kenzi mumbled, twirling her spaghetti on her fork.

"I am an English, badass motobike driver, not Italian. Here, I'm a vision of innocence," he replied sweetly, causing Hunter and I to snicker.

"Yeah, alright then," Kenzi mumbled under her breath, turning her nose up when she put the fork to her mouth.

"This stuff stinks, what is it?" she asked. I looked down, prodding it with my fork.

"I don't know, Lee ordered it." Lee shrugged, pointing to the spaghetti bolognaise on the menu. Kenzi sighed, calling the waiter over.

"Um. What. Is. This?" Kenzi was speaking with deliberate slowness. Even Hunter stopped eating to look at the unamused waiter who raised an eyebrow.

"I can speak English," he replied flatly. I stifled my laugh, stuffing my mouth with the pasta to avoid saying anything. Kenzi's face fell slightly before she smiled again.

"In that case, what is this stuff? It smells off," she continued. The waiter sighed, picking up the plate and taking a sniff. Hunter and I shared a look. If someone did that to him, he'd probably knock their nose in.

"It's the cumin, a spice. This is spaghetti bolognaise as ordered," he informed her before walking off to deal with another customer.

Kenzi and Lee disappeared up into our room, giving Hunter and I some time to finish eating.

"Right, let's make a deal," Hunter remarked, pushing his empty plate away from him.

"Oh no." Hunter grinned, slinging his arm over my shoulder to get me to my feet.

"Ah, don't make that sound. The outcome will be good for both of us," he soothed, walking us through the door to the lobby. I gave him a curious look but he didn't say anything else until we were both standing in the middle of the lobby.

"I highly doubt that," I said with a grin. Hunter put his hand over my mouth.

"Shush, let me speak." I licked his hand and he pulled it away, his face wrinkled in disgust.

"If you licked me somewhere else, that would be hot. But not my hand, that's not a turn on." I smiled, throwing my arms around his neck.

"This may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn't trying to turn you on," I whispered. His face was a mere few inches from mine and I could feel his slight stubble against my chin when I gently pressed my lips to his. The kiss was brief but Hunter's hands worked their way down to my lower back, securing me in place against him.

"Right, we're going to have a race back to your room, okay?" I didn't like the sound of where this was going.

"I don't do exercise," I complained and Hunter laughed.

"You dance, that's exercise." I didn't really have any answer to that so I kept my trap shut as he explained the rest of his little 'deal'.

"You want to sleep in the same room with Kenzi, right?" I nodded. "Well, I'm not too keen on sharing with Lee so we're going to race back to the room. If you get back first, I'll room with Lee but if I get back first, you ditch Kenzi and sleep with me tonight," he rounded off.

"Ever the charmer," I said flatly. Hunter just raised one side of his mouth in a lopsided smile. I backed off slightly, leaning forward as if to kiss him before shouting in his face.

"Go!" He looked a little shell shocked when I took off running away from him and towards the stairs. We were on the fifth floor up so it was going to be a lot of stairs but it was a damn sight quicker than the lift.

The floor was slippery and my shoes weren't exactly known for their amazing grip. I was sliding around the corners on the small landings, veering into a total of six angry people. Well, they weren't angry until I rammed into them.

Hunter was nowhere to be seen so he must've taken the lift. I was the third floor up when I was beginning to get a stitch. The pain in my side burned as I climbed the rest of the stairs and jogged to our door.

Much to my amusement, Hunter was nowhere to be seen. I did a little victory dance and looked around before letting myself in, basking in my own glory.

"I need to get you on a freaking treadmill," Kenzi exclaimed, lobbing a pillow at my face. I frowned, extracting it and then seeing my very smug, very hot boyfriend lounging on the sofa next to her.

"Oh!" I whined, slumping down next to Lee, who was grinning.

"Have fun tonight, Andy, he farts in his sleep," Lee said with a wink.

"Enjoy your spooning, lovebirds," Kenzi chimed. I sighed, settling in next to Lee.

They were watching a film. A film with dance to be precise and it was doing my head in.

"This is utter bollucks," Kenzi complained, resting her head on the side of the sofa. Hunter shushed her, leaning forward with Lee. Typical guys.

"Stop staring at her stomach, your girlfriend is over there," Kenzi mocked. Hunter dismissed her with the wave of his hand.

"Have you seen that stomach?" he asked.

"Those legs aren't too bad, either," Lee added.

I looked over at Kenzi and she rolled her eyes, gesturing at the back of the room. I frowned but she nodded again and I got up, following her over.

"What?" I asked. She glanced over at the TV.

"They talk shit but their dancing is amazing. I was thinking that we could improvise on their moves and take them back to the crew," Kenzi suggested, her eyes locked on the screen. I nodded and she grinned, taking a few steps back.

Kenzi stripped off the extra jacket she was wearing and kicked off her shoes, watching Katerina Graham move. I did the same, just with my shoes and tried to stretch out my legs.

"Right, if we just follow what they do and then try to put our own spin on it," Kenzi rambled but I wasn't listening.

Their dancing was spot on but they did far too many hip thrusts and body rolls, they looked like they were trying to get off with each other.

We changed it a little bit, just rolling our body but using more of the foot movements. Because the guys weren't there with us, Kenzi and I had to work with each other, pressing against and then moving away, copying the girls on the screen. It wasn't as if we were lesbians because one, I had a boyfriend and two; we'd known each other since birth. I'd bathed with the girl when we were younger, a little bumping and grinding during a dance routine was nothing.

"That's hot." I looked to the side, following Lee's voice where him and Hunter had completely abandoned the film and were watching us instead.

"Watch Katerina Graham with her perfect stomach and toned legs," Kenzi spat, moving lower and bending backwards and flip over. I mirrored the movement, stopping when I got inches from the floor and then moved back up.

Lee and Hunter had just laughed. We'd finished watching the film before Hunter and I left for the other room. It was the same as ours, just less tidy.

Hunter didn't waste any time in pressing his lips to mine and running his hands slowly down my back until they slipped into my back pockets, boosting me up until my legs coiled around his waist.

My back was pressed against the cool wall, Hunter's lips not leaving mine as his hands moved from my pockets to caress my upper thighs, making my blood race through my veins.

My fingers moved up his back, twisting in his soft, dark hair at the nape of his neck. His skin was hot against mine when his top rode up and his bare stomach pressed into mine. His hands quickly ran along my sides, soothing every inch of skin as he worked my top over my head and threw it on the floor next to us.

A low moan escaped his throat when I gently bit his lower lip, kissing down his jaw line and his neck, feeling his pulse rage against my lips.

He ground his lower half against me, making my breaths come in pants.

"Glad you lost the bet?" Hunter made out in between his heavy breaths, my legs tightening around him.

"Uh, huh, just shut up and kiss me," I grumbled against his neck as I felt it vibrate with his deep, husky chuckle.

"With pleasure."

A/N: As I've said before, I'm crap at semi heated scenes for forgive me if it isn't any good but I had to get a little spice in there somewhere ;) anyway, please pop me a vote and a comment, it would be greatly appreciated!:)

Question: Favourite Character this time around?:)

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