Chapter 1

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Wile: Trolls, huh?

Sylvester: It's the Rolls-Royce of rodents.

Wile: Yeah, but it's still a rodent. You know what I mean? Don't mind us, just robbing this place. Go bad...

Sylvester: Or go home.

(both laugh)

Wile: Hey, you. Get over here. Little bit closer. Oh, I know what it is. You're afraid because I'm the... the Big Bad Coyote. Well, I'm not surprised. I am the villain in every story. Isn't that right, Sylvester?

Sylvester: (chuckling) Yep.

Wile. Say hello to Sylvester The Cat. Serpentine, safe-cracking machine. Imagine Houdini. Kind of guy who'd tell you the glass is half empty, then steal it from you. He's also my best bud. (singsongy) And today's his birthday!

Sylvester: Not relevant.

Wile: He's a sweetheart. You're a sweetheart. Well, look who's here. Took 'em long enough. Watch this. Three. Two. One. And over here is Lola Bunny, our in-house hacker, our pocket search engine, our traveling tech wizard. Very slick, Lola.

Lola: I also took over the police dispatch, blurred their satellite imaging system, grounded their chopper. (singsongy) And one more thing.

Sylvester: You didn't.

A guy: I got a special delivery for... Ah! Ooh! Don't eat me! Please! Don't eat me!

Lola: Happy birthday, Mr. Grumpy Pants.

Sylvester: I think I hate you.

Daffy: (chuckling) Guys, it's me. I was the construction worker.

Wile: And this is Daffy Duck, master of disguise, apex predator of a thousand faces. His greatest trick: stealing the Mona Lisa disguised as the Mona Lisa.

(sirens wailing)

Dig that.

Sylvester: Watch it, duck. I'm trying to work here.

Daffy: Keep it cool, baby. Birthdays should be chill.

(sirens wailing)

Wile: And rounding out the crew...


Taz: Surprise! (laughing)

Wile: Tasmanian Devil. We also call him Taz. He's a loose cannon with a short fuse, willing to scrap with anyone, or anything. He's brave, he's fearless -- Who am I kidding? He's crazy.

Taz: (laughs) Santo cielo, that's a lot of popo!

Lola: Uh... Taz, did we forget something?

Taz: What?

Daffy: The present... You know...

Taz: Oh... um, of course I didn't forget... (farts)

Lola: You know, you fart when you lie, right?

Taz: (embarrassed) What? No, I fart when I'm nervous.

Lola: Yeah! Nervous about lying!

Taz: (embarrassed) Sorry.

OTHERS: TAZ!!!!!!!

Wile: Don't breathe it in!

Daffy: I breathed it in!!!

(officers groaning, gasping)

Wile: Yeah, they're a bit eccentric, but when you're born us, you don't exactly win many popularity contests. Do I wish people didn't see us as monsters? Sure I do. But these are the cards we've been dealt, so we might as well play 'em.

Sylvester: Sufferin' succotash! Jackpot!

All: YES!

Sylvester: Umm...

Lola: What the thorax?!

Taz: Are you crazy?

Wile: What? I just wanted a longer car chase. (?) It's the best part.

A cop: MacArthur... it's...

MacArthur: THEM!

Wile: Lola, hit it.

("Stop, Drop, Roll" by Can't Stop Won't Stop playing..., ?)

MacArthur: GET THEM!!! I'm gonna put you guys away for so long, your fleas will have fleas.

Daffy: MacArthur. You want some cake? You seem a little hangry.

MacArthur: Get that thing out of my face before I...

Wile: Excuse me, MacArthur.

MacArthur: What? (screams) (chuckles) You're mine.

Taz: Hermano.

Wile, Sylvester, Lola, Daffy and Taz: (screaming)

Wile: Yeah, we may be bad, but we're so good at it.

MacArthur: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Keep running, Coyote! One of these days, your luck is gonna run out!

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