Chapter 2

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Inside the police station. A cop runs inside the chief's office.

Officer: "Chief. It's..."

Misty Luggins: "Them! Hopps, Wilde! Come with me!"

Judy: "Oh great. I think I know who it is."

Nick: "This better be the day we get them."

They kick the door down and see the Bad Guys in front of their station.

Wolf: "Webs, hit it!"

Webs starts playing "Stop, Drop, Roll" by Can't Stop Won't Stop. Then they all put on their sunglasses.

Chief Luggins: "Get them!"

They drive away laughing while the cops get in their cars and start chasing them. The bad guys start singing to the song playing.

Shark and Ralph: "Hooked on hip-hop phonics!"

Everyone: "Yeah it works for me.
So jump aboard, yeah, this train is free.
The conductor, let me toot my whistle."

They continue singing while driving down the road. They are chased by several cop cars, with two of them up front. One driven by Chief Luggins, and the other with Judy as driver and Nick at the passenger seat.

Chief Luggins: "I'm gonna put you away for so long, your fleas will have fleas!"

She holds the pedal down with a rod while she gets out through the window and hangs on to the car.

Nick: "What's she doing?"

Judy: "The same thing I'm gonna do. Take the wheel, Nick!"

Nick jumps on the driver seat while Judy gets out and does the same thing as the chief.

Both cars get on the passenger side of the bad guys' car. They grab it and pull it closer.

Judy: "Ha. We got you now!"

Shark: "Chief, you want some cake? You seem a little hangry."

Everyone laughs.

Judy: "Really?

Chief Luggins: "Get that thing out of my face before I..."

Wolf: "Excuse me, officers."

Luggins and Judy: "What?"

Sly: "You know the term 'Keep your eyes on the road?'"

Judy: "Why do you ask?!"

They point to the road and show her that they were approaching a bus very fast. Judy and Chief Misty Luggins let go of the bad guys' car and narrowly miss the bus. The bad guys get away while both cops get back in their cars and start chasing them again.

The chase continues on in a neighborhood. Then more cops were driving towards the chase on the other side of the neighborhood. Wolf decides to speed up towards those cops.

Piranha: "Hermano!"

Wolf pulls the brake lever up and then pulls it down to drift off the road and down a steep staircase. The cops crash into each other and cause a massive pileup. The bad guys fly out of their car but hang on to it before it lands on the stairs. They scream as they ride down the stairs. Once they get to the bottom, they fasten their seatbelts.

Wolf: "Yeah, we may be bad, but we're so good at it."

They cheer as they drive away.

Chief Luggins gets out of her car uninjured and sees them driving away. She throws her hat down and stomps on it.

Chief Misty Luggins: "Keep running, Wolf! One of these days, your luck is gonna run out."

Nick: "Yeah like our luck ran out today. We almost had them again."

Judy: "Shut it, Nick! It's not a good time to be sarcastic."

The Bad Guys drive under a bridge and into a tunnel. The tunnel leads to an elevator. They drive in the elevator and park there. The elevator goes up and it takes them to their home. It is filled with money, jewelry, gold and so much more.

They clear the table and place the birthday cake on the table.

Wolf: "Alright Piranha, Murray, and Sulley, you're up."

They start singing Happy Birthday to Snake, but he blows the candles out quickly.

Tarantula: "Seriously?"

Red: "And I thought I was the party pooper."

Wolf: "Snake, come on. At least make a toast."

They do a toast, much to Snake's displeasure. Then he speaks.

Snake: "Fine. I've made a lot of enemies. And I mean a lot. But out of all the people in the world, I hate you guys the least."

Everyone: "Aww."

Piranha: "That was actually kinda beautiful."

Murray: "You're so sweet."

Ralph: "I feel the same way too."

Shark: "You're a poet, man."

Wolf: "To Mr. Snake, and his strange dislike of birthdays."

They clank their cups together for a toast. Then Wolf pulls out a camera and takes a selfie.

Wolf: "Everyone say Robbery!"

Everyone except Snake: "Robbery!"

Wolf: "Aw look at those dimples. Happy birthday buddy."

Sly: "Another birthday in the books!"

Snake: "Okay now dig in, fellas!"

Before anyone could get a slice, Piranha eats the cake fast. Everyone gets upset.

Wolf: "Don't do that!"

Sulley: "He already did."

Tarantula: "That was so gross."

Skipper: "And rude."

Shark: "That was my lunch."

Piranha: "You snooze, you lose."

Red: "We didn't snooze."

Snake slithers to the fridge and places the picture below a pin to hold it up. Then he opens the freezer door to grab a push pop.

Shark sees him. "Wow, I forgot we had those push pops."

Murray: "Really? Let me have one."

Snake refuses to share.

Shark: "Man, my tummy is rumbling like a kraken right now."

Murray: "My tummy is rumbling like an elephant. Let me have it!"

Snake: "Want it?"

Tarantula: "You know he's not going to give it to you guys."

Shark: "No. I believe that deep down, Snake is a kind and generous soul."

Murray: "He just needs to show it."

Red: "Really."

Snake: "Here, take it."

Shark: "Oh yeah! Pop me please."

Murray: "No. Pop me!"

Shark: "Back off, bro. I saw it first." Shark pushes Murray away and opens his mouth. Snake puts it close to Shark's mouth. Then he swallows it whole.

Snake: "Ha. Sucker!

Shark: "Come on man. Now you gonna make me get all aggressive." Then he attacks Snake and tries getting him to spit it out.

The rest of the bad guys try breaking up the fight. Wolf, Sly and Red walk to the TV to see what's on.

News Reporter: "What up? It's Tiffany Fluffit, Channel 6 Action News. The Bad Guys have struck again."

Wolf: "Guys, guys, stop it. We're on TV."

Ralph: "Really?"

Tiffany: "Proving once more that they are the most diabolical criminals of our time."

Tarantula: "Ooh, diabolical. That's new."

Bentley: "I like the sound of that."

Shark: "You know what it sounds like? A cologne. Diabolical.

Wolf laughs

Skipper: "Ha Ha Ha. Very funny."

Tiffany: "To address this heinous crime spree is the newly elected governor, Diane Foxington."

Wolf: "Governor?"

The camera points to Diane speaking to the news team. On her right was Silver, her assistant. On her left was Carmelita Montoya Fox, who protected Diane and Silver.

Diane: "Okay. Yeah. I hear you. I hear you.
Listen, listen. We all know how dastardly the Bad Guys are."

Wolf: "You bet we are."

Ralph: "Yessir!"

Diane: "But more than anything, I feel sorry for them."

Wolf: "What?"

Sulley: "Sorry for us?"

Sly: "Did she actually say that?"

Diane: "These so-called Bad Guys are really just second-rate has-beens. Behind their amateurish antics and, frankly, unoriginal capers. I mean, really, another bank? It's nothing but a deep well of anger."

Piranha: "I'm not angry! You're angry!"

Murray: "Quiet. She's still talking."

Diane: "Denial."

Tarantula: "Untrue!"

Diane: "Self-loathing."

Snake: "The only one I self-loath is you."

Diane: "And those are holes that no amount of cash or priceless art can ever fill."

Snake: "What's on the Food Network?"

Red: "Why? Is it because you want to see them cook guinea pigs?"

Snake: "Duh."

Wolf: "Who is she to judge us?"

Skipper: "She's not judging. She's lying. Like any politician would do."

Wolf begins growling.

Diane: "And what could be more positive than the Annual Good Samaritan Awards? Silver and Carmelita have more on this."

Silver: "Thanks Governor Foxington. At tomorrow night's ceremony, the Governor will present the Golden Dolphin to this year's goodest citizen."

Carmelita: "And with the Bad Guys on the loose, we will have a heavy security system that will guard this special award."

Wolf turns off the TV.

Tarantula: "I can't believe I voted for her."

Sulley: "Same. I don't know what I was thinking back then."

Piranha: "You guys voted for her?!"

Tarantula: "What? She's good on climate change."

Sulley: "And affordable healthcare."

While they argued, Wolf got an idea. Sly and Red see him.

Red: "You don't suppose he has an idea, do you?"

Sly: "I'm thinking about it too."

Snake: "Wait, what's going on? You've got that twinkle in your eyes. And you two are whispering."

Wolf, Sly, and Red get up from the couch.

Wolf: "Guys, who's up for another job? A big one."

Sly: "Very big."

Wolf pulls the shade and lets it go. It slides up and reveals half of a billboard advertising the Good Samaritan Awards with the Golden Dolphin on the billboard. Everyone gasped.

Snake: "The Golden Dolphin? Seriously?"

Ralph: "Now that is big."

Piranha: "Oh. I thought I was the crazy one."

Bentley: "You are crazy. He is nuts."

Snake: "That job has broken every criminal who's tried it."

Bentley: "The Bucharest Bandits."

Ralph: "Lucky Jim."

Shark: "The Crimson Paw and the Silver Whiplash."

Tarantula: "Actually, those two were never arrested."

Skipper: "I don't know how they did it but they were awesome at their job."

Snake: "Yeah, but they never stole anything again."

Bentley: "It's like they died or something. No one knows what happened to them.

Wolf: "Snake, what better way to wipe that smirk off the governor's fuzzy face than stealing the Golden Dolphin from right under her whiskers? This is the Holy Grail of thievery. If we pull this off, we'll cement our legacy as the greatest criminals of all time.

Sly: "I can see it all now!"

Snake: "Whoa, whoa, buddy. I thought we weren't supposed to make things personal. Besides, we've got a good thing going here. Friends, freedom, and just look at this loot."

Wolf: "All right, you're right. Forget it. The Dolphin job is off."

Snake: "Good."

Wolf: "I guess the pig and bird will get their trophy after all."

Snake: "Yeah, I guess he would... What do you mean pig?"

Red: "And bird."

Snake: "I don't care about the bird! And it better not be you!"

Red: "No not even close."

Wolf: "Oh yeah. Did I not mention that? I thought I mentioned that it was..."

Sly pulls down another shade and lets it go. It slides up to reveal the other half of the billboard. It showed a guinea pig and a cockatoo."

Shark: "The Good Samaritan is a..."

Tarantula: "Guinea pig?"

Ralph: "And a cockatoo?"

Snake starts slurping in excitement.

Wolf: "What do you say, Snakey? Better than cake."

Everyone starts laughing. Snake looks around.

Snake: "Skipper, help me out here."

Skipper: "Well he's not wrong about it."

Snake: "Ugh! Okay fine. But he better be delicious."

Wolf chuckles. Red and Sly high five each other.

Wolf: "Are we all in this together?"

Everyone puts their hand in.

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