Chapter 6

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Many people protest outside a large building. Chanting 'Free the pigs'.

Marmalade: "That is an animal testing lab. Within, 200,000 helpless guinea pigs, all being poked and prodded by sadistic scientists."

Nigel: "This situation is worse than the time they did this to parrots."

Snake: "Guinea pigs, you say?"

Wolf: "Snake."

Marmalade: "We want you to rescue them. But this is a heist for good, so we brought something more friendly for you to wear."

Nigel: "Go on. Put them on."

Sulley: "You've got to be kidding me."

The limousine drives off leaving them dressed up in pajama like clothes.

Tarantula: "Well, there goes our street cred."

Piranha: "At least it's comfy."

Ralph: "Not for me. It's too tight."

Red: "And too itchy for me."

Wolf: "Okay guys focus. we need to distract that scientist. Shark, Murray, you're up."

Shark: "Copy that."

Murray: "Back in a flash."

They leave them.

Wolf: "Okay. We're gonna need a rope and a hook."

Snake: "I got this one."

Everyone: "What?"

Piranha: "You're volunteering?"

Skipper: "Well that's new."

Tarantula: "You've never volunteered for anything."

Snake: "Sure, I did. Right now."

Bentley: "But that doesn't..."

Snake: "Throw me up there. Giddy up!"

Wolf: "Really?"

Snake: "Yep. I'm 99% sure you can make it.

Wolf: "Okay."

Snake: "Let's do it!"

Sulley: "This is not gonna work."

Snake: "Quiet! Come on Wolf. Go for it."

Wolf starts swinging Snake like a lasso and aims for the window. Meanwhile, Shark and Murray walk towards the scientist disguised.

Shark (deep voice): "Hey there, son."

Murray (light voice): "How's work?"

Scientist: "Mom? Dad?"

Shark: "I know you've got an important job, but I hope you still have time for a catch with your parents."

The scientist gasps. Snake hits the window and slides down it. Before the scientist could look back, Shark and Murray grab his head.

Shark: "Hey, kiddo. You'll always be my special boy."

Snake hits the window again.

Murray: "We love you very much, son."

Scientist: "I've been waiting my entire life for this moment." He hugs them

Snake hits the window a third time.

Shark: "Okay. Now go long!" He throws the baseball down the hall and the scientist chases it. Shark and Murray quickly get Snake hooked onto the window and the others climb him.

When they get inside, they look down the hall and see a door that's keeping the guinea pigs locked inside.

Marmalade: "Right. The guinea pigs are locked behind a three-foot-thick steel door. The only way in is through the vents."

Snake: "I got it. Upsy-daisy." He begins singing as he slithers through the vent.

Shark: "I have never seen him so chipper. Has he been meditating?"

Red: "Why do I have the feeling that he'll mess up?"

Snake: "To Guinea Pig Land we..."

He falls down a vent that went to a room where all the guinea pigs were kept. He slurps at the sight.

Snake: (whispers) "Oh Snake Attack!"

Outside, Marmalade and Nigel exit the limousine. People see them.

Marmalade: "Yes, that's right. It's us. Help has arrived. Just keep your eyes glued to that door."

Nigel: "You'll be very surprised at the result."

Wolf: "Snake. Come on, Snake. Open up."

Sly: "What's taking so long?"

Snake: "Relax. These doors are complicated."

He opens the door and reveals that he ate many of the guinea pigs in that room.

Tarantula: "Are you kidding me?"

Red: "I knew you would blow it!"

Wolf: "What do you think you're doing? We're supposed to save them, not eat them."

Snake: "Well, I'd say they've gone to a better place. (Hiccup)"

Wolf: "All right, that's it. Spit them out."

He and Sly begin swinging Snake around and guinea pigs get launched from Snake and thrown around the room. Everyone tries saving them.

Shark: "We gonna save you whether you like it or not."

Ralph: "Get over here!"

Tarantula: "We're saving you, you stupid hair balls."

Skipper: "If only I wasn't the same size as you squeak machines!"

Piranha: "Not that door. The other door."

Sulley: "Can I roar at them?"

Bentley: "No! They've been through enough already."

While Snake continued spitting out guinea pigs, some land in Shark and Murray's mouths and one hits the button that opens the door in front of the crowd outside.

Marmalade: "Any second."

Once it opens, many guinea pigs were crammed together against the door they begin flooding the walkway.

Nigel: "Run!"

Some people run away from the guinea pigs while others stand and watch. Once the guinea pigs flee the area, The Bad Guys are seen.

Shark and Murray still had guinea pigs in their mouths. Wolf and Sly were still swinging Snake around to make him spit them out. Piranha and Skipper were punching a few guinea pigs. Red was about to step on one. Tarantula pulled on a guinea pig's ears. Sulley, Ralph, and Bentley tried catching them. They stop what they're doing.

Sly: "Uh oh."

Wolf: "It's not what it looks like."

The alarms start going off. Snake spits out one more guinea pig and it runs away while squeaking.

Later on, Diane, Silver and Carmelita saw that the Bad Guys were on the front page at Marmalade's house.

Diane: "Trespassing, burglary, mayhem, assault with a deadly reptile?

Silver: "As if those poor rodents haven't been through enough already."

Carmelita: "What were you thinking?"

Marmalade: "No, listen please."

Diane: "Okay. I'm sorry, Professor and Mr. Cockatoo, but I'm calling the chief."

Nigel: "Oh don't do that just yet."

Marmalade: "Please. Come on."

Diane: "This experiment is over."

Marmalade: "Experiments take time."

Carmelita: "How much time do you want?"

They continue talking while walking away from The Bad Guys.

Wolf: "You couldn't help yourself?"

Snake: "So I had a moment of weakness."

Sly: "It was more than a moment of weakness you legless idiot!"

Snake: "So what! Sue me!"

Wolf: "That's gonna be difficult to do from prison."

Tarantula: "Guys, what do we do now?"

Ralph: "We more than likely cemented our chances in jail for the rest of our lives."

Wolf: "Hmm. Time to launch a charm offensive. Red, Sly, come with me."

Red: "Got it."

Sly: "Okay."

Shark: "Oh, yeah. The full Clooney."

Sulley: "Let's see how this one works."

Wolf: "Madam Governor. Diane."

Diane: "Do not Clooney us, boys."

Silver: "It's not worth it."

Wolf: "Oh, I see what's going on. You think we're still Bad Guys, trying to bamboozle our way to freedom.

Sly: "But we've changed. That flower of goodness is blossoming all over the place."

Carmelita: "Prove it!"

Sly: "Well, I um."

Diane: "Don't you ever get tired of lying?"

Wolf: "No."

Red: "No that's not what he meant."

Wolf: "I mean, Fudge. That was that was a trick question, right?"

Diane: "We gave you an opportunity, a chance to show the world that you're more than just a scary stereotype."

Silver: "Obviously we were wrong. You're too proud or too gutless to take advantage of it."

Wolf: "Gutless? We're gutless? Oh ho ho. I'm sorry, have we met? I'm the villain of every story. Guilty until proven innocent. Even if by some miracle we did change, who's gonna believe us, huh?"

Sly: "What's the first thing people are going to say when they see us? Just guess!"

Carmelita: "Run. Help. Call the police."

Sly: "Exac... Oh wow. You got it right."

Red: "But you're right, Miss Fox! If only you could feel something like that."

Wolf: "Of course, you wouldn't with your Little Miss Perfect power suits and your friends to keep you company and back you up!"

Diane: "Is that so?" She steals back the ring that he stole at the awards ceremony.

Wolf: "Wait a second." He searches his pockets.

Red: "How did you..."

Diane: "A wolf and a fox are not so different. Maybe they will believe you, maybe they won't, but it doesn't matter. Don't do it for them. Do it for you. This is a chance to write your own story. To find a better life for you and your friends. Come on, what have you got to lose?"

Wolf: "I don't know. My dignity?"

Sly: "Really Wolf?"

Silver: "Wrong answer."

Diane: "Yeah, well, that ship has already sailed." They walk out of the house and towards their limousine.

Diane: "Believe it or not, we're rooting for you, guys."

Red: "Really? I mean. Cool. Thanks."

Wolf: "So you're not gonna call the chief?"

Carmelita: "Consider this a warning."

Diane: "We'll see you at the gala."

The limousine drives away. Leaving Wolf, Red and Sly with a shocked look on their faces.

Later that night, they watch the moon rising at the distance. They hear meowing from behind. They turn around and see the cat still stuck in the tree.

Sly: "Wolf?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he begins walking towards the tree. Red and Sly follow. They approach the tree and the cat sees them.

Wolf: "I think we got off to a bad start. The name's Wolf." He tries climbing the tree. Then he looks at Red and Sly. "Could you give me a boost?"

They start pushing him higher up the tree. Sly on the bottom and Red in between Wolf and Sly. As Wolf gets closer, the cat gets nervous.

Wolf: "Yep. I get that a lot. First impressions and all."

The cat tries getting away but it steps on a leaf. It snaps and it begins falling. Wolf catches the cat while his legs hang on to the tree. Red almost dropped Wolf when he went to catch the cat.

Red: "Don't worry I got you."

Wolf puts the cat back to where it was.

Wolf: "It's okay. It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you. I know you're scared. I would be, too, if I were you. Just give us a chance. Truth is we actually have a lot in common. Don't tell anyone, but I love a little scratch on the spot behind my ears. You know, right there. The best. And I'm talking to you too, Red and Sly. Don't tell anyone okay."

Red: "It's all good. We wouldn't break your trust."

Wolf reaches out to the cat, it gets more scared.

Wolf: "Come on, kitty."

The cat sniffs Wolf. It gets closer to him. Then it lets him scratch his ears. The cat purrs. Then he lets Wolf hold him. The cat purrs and cuddles with Wolf. Wolf's fur spikes in excitement.

Wolf: "Okay guys, you can let me down."

Red and Sly lower Wolf down to the ground and he lets go of the tree.

Sly: "Wolf, you did it."

Red: "Aww. Cute little fella."

Wolf: "Go ahead. Pet him."

Red and Wolf start petting the cat.

Wolf: "Aww. Who's a good kitty? Who's a good kitty?"

Tarantula: "Uh Wolf, you saved him?"

Sulley: "But didn't he scratch you earlier?"

Red: "We were gentle this time."

Marmalade and Nigel were hiding behind a rock.

Marmalade: "Yes!"

Nigel: "That was amazing."

Marmalade: "It's working!"

Wolf: "You filmed that?"

Marmalade: "Yes, and they're starting to like you."

Nigel: "Isn't that great?"

The Bad Guys start cheering.

Marmalade: "This might just be enough to win over the guests at the gala."

They continue cheering and walk inside to go to bed. Wolf, Sly and Red followed, but Marmalade stopped them for a minute.

Marmalade: "Uh, Wolf? Red? Sly?"

Marmalade: "I must say, you three really turned a corner. You're really getting it."

Wolf: "Really?"

Sly: "Well thank you."

Marmalade: "Now, I mean it. And I can see it from tip to tail."

Nigel: "The change is spectacular."

Marmalade: "It's just a shame that you have to carry all that baggage."

Marmalade was referring to the other Bad Guys.

Wolf: "You mean the guys? What do you mean?"

Red: "They're not baggage. Are they?"

While everyone else went inside, Snake and Skipper overheard what they were talking about outside.

Marmalade: "You have great potential, boys, but at some point, you're going to have to choose between your friends or the good life."

Sly: "What?"

Red: "Well let's hope that it doesn't come to that point."

Nigel: "Mr. Red, I admire your attitude towards this situation, but he's right. We can't hang on to them forever."

Snake and Skipper didn't like what they were hearing. They get an angry look on their faces.

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