Chapter 8

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After the dancing and singing, the donations hit $999,999,992. Fireworks shot up at the sky and everyone cheered after an incredible performance by the Good Guys.

Marmalade: "Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Red, and Mr. Cooper."

Nigel: "That was an impressive performance. I enjoyed it very much."

Marmalade: "As you know, the money raised tonight will be delivered tomorrow to schools, hospitals and other worthy causes across the city."

Nigel: "This is definitely the most money I've ever seen be raised at a gala. It will definitely be helpful to those charities."

Wolf walks towards Marmalade and Nigel and clears his throat as a way to tell them that he'd like to speak. Red and Sly follow.

Wolf: "I just want to take a moment to recognize the ones responsible for our new outlook."

Snake and Skipper look at the Golden Dolphin, getting ready to switch it.

Red: "Our brilliant mentors."

Sly: "Paragons of enlightenment."

Wolf has the button behind his back and is ready to press it.

Tarantula: "Do it."

Piranha: "Come on."

Sulley: "That's it."

Wolf: "The brilliant Professor..."

He looks at Diane and begins rethinking about his plan.

Tarantula: "Wolf, do it."

Bentley: "Come on buddy!"

Wolf: "Uh, Professor..."

Snake hisses in excitement.

Wolf looks at Red and Sly. They nod in agreement.

Sly (whispers): "We can't do this."

Red: "Hey it's okay, Wolf. We'll be just fine."

Wolf smiles at them. Then he takes his thumb off the button.

Wolf: "Professor Marmalade and Nigel Cockatoo!"

Everyone cheers while the Bad Guys were in shock.

Murray: "What the?"

Chief Luggins unlocks the glass box and grabs the Golden Dolphin.

Wolf: "Chief. May we do the honors?"

She hands him the award.

Sly: "Thanks for trusting us with this."

Wolf hands Marmalade and Nigel the Golden Dolphin and they raise it up to show the audience.

Piranha: "That's not the plan!"

Ralph: "Maybe it is but we missed part of it."

Sulley: "No, we did everything he said!"

Tarantula: "What is happening?"

Shark: "He's gone rogue!"

Bentley: "But why would he do that?"

Murray: "It's not just him. Red and Sly are with him!"

They see Red and Sly applauding.

Snake and Skipper look at each other.

Diane, Silver and Carmelita walk up to them.

Diane: "A deal's a deal."

Carmelita: "Nice job, boys."

Diane: "By the power vested in me, it is a pleasure to grant the Bad Guys a full..."

All of a sudden, the lights go out. Then they turn back on in 3 seconds.

Wolf: "That was weird."

Red: "I wonder what happened."

Man: "The meteorite is gone!"

Everyone looks up and sees it not in display.

Bentley: "We didn't do that."

Everyone looks at the Bad Guys angrily.

Sly: "Wait we didn't."

The cops walk towards them.

Wolf: "Chief."

Chief Luggins: "Wolf!"

Red: "Deputy."

Judy: "Red!"

Sly: "Officer."

Nick: "Sly!"

Wolf: "Come on you can't possibly think that we did this."

Then the Jumbotron shows Wolf with sunglasses.

Speakers (Wolf's voice): "So long suckers!"

Red: "Oh we forgot about that."

Skipper: "What do we do?"

Snake: "Run!"

The Bad Guys flee while the party guests clear the way. Judy and Nick start chasing them. Wolf grabs a map and is cornered with Red and Sly. They grab champagne bottles, shake them and spray them at the cops. Then they run back towards the stage, knocking tables over and dodging cops. They stop in front of Diane, Silver and Carmelita.

Diane: "What are you doing?"

Wolf: "Here. we're giving it all back."

He writes something on the map and they run.

Carmelita: "Giving what back?"

Sly: "You'll find out."

They run towards the cops. They jump on a table and run on them. They reach the bar area and climb the shelf filled with drinks. They climb a balcony and meet up with Snake and Skipper.

Skipper: "There they are."

Snake: "What happened back there?"

Wolf: "I couldn't do it!"

Snake: "What do you mean you couldn't do it?!"

Red: "Hard to explain but we'll tell you later."

As they were about to exit, Piranha stops them.

Piranha: "NO! I do not run. That is not how I roll!"

Skipper: "Buddy I know what you're thinking but it's a real bad time for it."

Wolf (gasping for air): "Piranha, don't do anything crazy."

Piranha laughs. "Crazy is what I bring to the party, chico!"

He launches a grappling hook to the sky to try and escape. It falls down and hits Shark on the head. He spins around and falls down knocked out.

Ralph: "Uh, medic?"

The camera for the news point towards The Bad Guys getting arrested.

Wolf: "Hey, you're making a mistake. We didn't do it. I know we always say that, but this time it's actually true."

Red: "You gotta believe us!"

Chief Luggins: "A-la-la-la-la. Can't hear you. Guilty, guilty, guilty."

Judy: "Now get in!"

Sly: "No it's true. We're not bad anymore!"

Wolf: "Talk to Marmalade and Nigel. We're really good now. They'll tell you. Professor!"

Nick: "You can tell that to the judge."

Sly: "Help!"

Chief Luggins throws Wolf into the van, Judy throws Red into the van, and Nick throws Sly into the van.

Tiffany: "Tonight's headline: Change is impossible. You should always judge a book by its cover, and all stereotypes have been affirmed."

Diane, Silver and Carmelita stood nearby watching with confusion.

Marmalade: "Stop, for goodness' sake! Let us speak to them."

Nigel: "I'm sure there's been some huge misunderstanding.

The door to the back of the van opens.

Wolf: "Ah, Professor Marmalade."

Sly: "Mr. Cockatoo!"

Red: "Thank goodness."

Chief Luggins: "You've got five minutes. No deals this time.

Nigel: "Don't worry ma'am, we've got this."

The door behind the two gets slammed shut.

Wolf: "You have to help us. Tell 'em. Tell 'em we didn't do it."

Marmalade: "There, there. Of course you didn't do it. How could you? After all, you're such good boys."

He walks up to Wolf, Red and Sly and they tap their hands. The way they did that to them seemed a bit too familiar. The three get flashbacks from the gala when they helped the old lady.

Old Lady: "You're such good boys."

Marmalade: "That shiver up my spine. The wag in my tiny tail."

Chief Luggins, Nick, Judy: "Arrest them!"

Marmalade: "What if we tried a little experiment, Diane?" As you know, my Gala for Goodness..."

Tiffany: "...Where the legendary Love Crater Meteorite will be on display for the first time ever."

Nigel: "And remember, all eyes will be on you tonight, not us.

Old Lady: "You're such..."

Marmalade: "...Good boys."

The flashbacks shows that the Old Lady was actually Professor Marmalade and Nigel. Nigel was on the bottom walking, while Marmalade was standing on top of Nigel, doing a voice impression of an old lady. They remove the disguise and high five each other. The setting returns to everyone in the van. Wolf, Red and Sly realize the truth.

Wolf: "You. It was all you guys."

Sly: "I don't believe it."

Tarantula: "What are you talking about?"

Bentley: "It was all who?"

Wolf: "The old lady. The Golden Dolphin, good training, it was all to get us here so they could steal the meteorite and let us take the fall."

Red: "We planned to set everyone up, but really they're the ones who set us up."

Snake: "Woah wait. What old lady? And why would a guinea pig and a cockatoo want a meteorite anyway?"

They hear Marmalade and Nigel start laughing.

Shark: "Uh guys, he's creeping me out."

Sulley: "Are you two okay?"

Piranha: "Wait what's going on? Someone turn me around."

Piranha was chained facing the wall. Murray turns him around so he can see.

Marmalade: "Well, well. So, you finally get it."

Nigel: "It took a while, didn't it?"

Marmalade and Nigel reveal that they were evil.

The Bad Guys: "What?"

Shark: "You stole the meteorite?"

Marmalade: "Oh, it's not just a meteorite."

Piranha: "I told you guys it's a butt."

Murray: "Piranha and I were right!"

Marmalade: "It's not a butt!"

Nigel: "He didn't say that it wasn't a meteorite, he said it wasn't just a meteorite. Now shut up and listen."

Marmalade: "It's the ultimate power source. You see, when it struck, scientists found that it emitted an electromagnetic frequency unlike anything else on Earth."

A flashback scene showed the meteorite hitting the city. Marmalade walked up to the crater and smiled.

Marmalade: "We're going to harness its power to pull off the greatest heist the world has ever seen."

Sulley: "Hold on. Why is Nigel with you on this?"

Nigel: "Oh long story short. He needed help to succeed. He came to me he told me that I could be more than a superstar on the big screen. He's proven me correct. All we had to do was get rid of you guys. And that's exactly what we did. No one would have ever predicted that someone like me would assist him.

Tarantula: "You should've eaten him when you had the chance."

Snake: "Yep."

Wolf: "But why us?"

Sly: "You could have gone after the Crimson Paw and the Silver Whiplash."

Nigel: "Oh pfft. No one has seen them in years. They haven't been mentioned for so long now."

Marmalade: "We chose you because you're the perfect patsies. Come on, when people look up "bad" in the dictionary, do they see a sweet, adorable guinea pig?"

Nigel: "Or a famous, talented cockatoo?"

Marmalade: "No. They see you."

Nigel: "And they always will."

Snake: "Okay, fine. But you set us up."

Marmalade: "Oh, pish-pish. Let's be honest evolution set you up. But Wolfie, Eyebrows, and Sly the not-so sly one here really clinched it. You three fell for every one of our traps, starting with saving a helpless little old lady."

Snake: "Guys, what's he talking about?"

They look at him guiltily. Snake realizes what they have done.

Marmalade: "Whoops. Did we say too much? Anyhoo, looks like, yet again, the Big Bad Wolf got outsmarted by a little piggy.

Red: "How could you!"

Wolf gets angry and starts growling.

Sly: "Wolf. Take it easy."

Wolf: "You little pouchy-cheeked, feathery rats!"

Wolf lunges at Marmalade and Nigel. Marmalade kicks the door open right as Wolf attacks. Wolf is held back by the chained handcuffs hooked to the van. Everyone sees Wolf trying to get to Marmalade and Nigel.

Wolf: "I'll kill you both! You hear me?"

Everyone sees Wolf trying to attack Marmalade and Nigel.

Marmalade: "Help! Help! Help! The Big Bad Wolf is attacking us."

Nigel: "Someone do something!"

Diane, Silver and Carmelita were stunned. The cops walk back to the van.

Chief Luggins: "Oh, now you are done forever, Wolf!"

Judy: "And you said you were good now. Liar!"

Nigel and Marmalade get out of the van while the cops shut the door. The van is escorted by the police. Wolf, Sly and Red look out the window and see Diane, Silver and Carmelita in shock, along with everyone else.

As the van leaves the sight, Tiffany interviews Marmalade and Nigel while Diane, Silver and Carmelita watch.

Tiffany: "Professor, Mr. Cockatoo, any thoughts on how the Bad Guys managed to steal the meteorite in plain sight?"

Marmalade: "Well, off the top of my head, perhaps they accessed the site previously and set up an intricate system of tunnels and trapdoors that could be remotely triggered to suck the meteorite down into a holding area, but how should I know?"

Tiffany: Totally.

Nigel: "Obviously, they're the deranged masterminds, not us. I mean look where they ended up."

While they spoke, the three ladies walk away and look at the map that Wolf, Red and Sly gave them. What Wolf actually wrote was where The Bad Guys lived.

Silver: "Where is that?"

Carmelita: "Only one way to find out. Let's go."

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