Another nightmare attack

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early morning, wolf was on the phone, apparently Nancy Thompson was at the same place princess was, the dirty hat in his paw.

"Ok goodbye" he hangs up and faces everyone, "that was Nancy's mom, she said she got attacked in her sleep and is in the hospital"

"She said she snatched it off his head in a dream"shark muttered.

"I know we did, we all..."

"Wolf, I think it's about time we told her"

Princess wakes up when she over hears, "are you kidding, no shark we can't tell her"

"Can't you see what's going on, he's back bad he's going after princess"

"We don't know that"

"Don't you remember what happened all those years ago, he said he was gonna come after our kid, and look what happened"

"Ok I admit this is bad"

"This is bad, we have to tell her...NOW! It's the only way to protect her"

"You don't think I can't protect princess"

"You can't protect her in her dreams, you need to tell"

By now the girl has an extraordinary look. Her hair is ashen, her skin transluscent, and eyes dark-ringed. Her right forearm is heavily bandaged over the slashes.

Then as princess enters the room, piranha saw which got everyone's attention and they stopped talking,

"You didn't sleep, did you? The doctor says you have to sleep or you'll --" wolf says.

"Go even crazier?"

"Honey, we don't think you're going crazy"

"Then how can you explain the hat, It's real, wolf. Feel it"


"Wolf, we need to tell her now" shark glared at him.

"Tell me what?" She was puzzled.

"His name is even in it -- written right in here -- Fred Krueger" shark grabs the hat and points at it.

"Fred Krueger! Who's that? You know who is that?" Princess asked and now wolf was torn.

"You better tell her, right now! cause now he's after her too!" Shark was now furious.

"What's going on?"

"Princess, there's something we need to tell you but wolf won't say"

Wolf swallows, "ok fine, princess there is something we need to tell you but I don't think you're gonna like it"

"What ever it is you can tell me"

"Ok so many years ago, there was a man named: Fred Krueger, He was a filthy child killer who got at least twenty kids, kids from our area, kids we all knew because we were kids too. It drove us all the parents crazy when they didn't know who was doing it"

"But it got worst when they arrested him, Oh lawyers got fat and the judge got famous, but someone forgot to sign the search warrant in the
right place, and Fred Krueger was free, just like that"

"So he's alive?"

"Not quiet, He wouldn've stopped. The bastard would've got more kids first chance he got --
they found nearly ten bodies in his boiler room as it was. But the law couldn't touch him"

At the mention of "boiler room", princess gives a shake.

"one day, we found his place and told the parents, What was needed were some private
citizens willing to do what had to be done"

He reels slowly, looking at princess is defiance.

"What did you guys do?"

"Not us princess, the parents, Bunch of the parents after webs sent his location, they Found
him in an old boiler room, just like before. Saw him lying there in that caked red and yellow sweater he always wore, drunk an' asleep
with his weird knives by his side...then theypoured gasoline all around the place, left a trail out the door, locked the door, then..."

"Who was there? Were Tina's parents there? Were Rod's?"

"Sure, and Glen's. All of them. But that was in the past, I thought it was It was over. They even took his knives. I thought I could protect you from the truth"

"But, why is he coming after me?"

"Because princess after what happened, we went to the boiler room to check on him, what we found...wasn't easy"

Flashback to years ago, They see his body is badly burnt, he turns to them and they hear his last words as he say's "I may be dead but I will kill your children where you can not protect them in their dreams" "and after that....he swore that he would come after our, since you are our daughter...princess it's our fault he's after you"

"All these years you've kept this a secret"

"Today marks the anniversary of his death, I never thought he would show up"

Princess shivers and looks down at her arm. The cut beneath her bandage has begun to bleed again. And from inside the furnace,
as if from deep below, the Pulsing of the boundless nightmare-boiler room can be faintly heard.

"I can't protect you in your dreams"

"No you can't...but I can"


Glam was yawning, crosses and picks up his telephone.

The moon is above the horizon. A cool wind
slides a bank of white fog inland. The valley and its lights stretch forever, an endless net of illumination and darkness. A coyote HOWLS on the dark hill.

A Tight On Glen's face. He clamps the earphones back on, and turns the volume up high. The music is so loud we can hear it resonating inside his skull.

"You said he's killing people through dreams right"

"Well not really-"

"So I can face him in my dreams"

"No we can't make that risk" wolf sets her on the sofa.

"What choice do we have" webs says and everyone turns to her.


"If we don't stop him, he's gonna keep coming for princess"

"No way I'm not gonna put our baby in danger" shark says.

"Shark's right, we can't put princess at risk here" wolf says.

"If we don't the next nightmare could be her last, she could wind up dead" piranha stated the facts.

"I think the best thing to do, is get it over with" snake says.

Then The nightmare theme song starts to play, princess feels sleepy all of a sudden.

She pinches herself hard -- until tears come and her flesh is nearly bleeding.

"I'm awake, I am awake. This is not a dream! I am --"

But then things get crazy.

"I'm just saying, let's let her sleep and if Freddy gets her, we could always get another kid"

Snake's words sent silvers down her spine and she starts to worry.


"What! I never really wanted a child, it's her problem now!" He turns to everyone and muttered in agreement.

Princess was feeling scared and betrayed but then she realized it wasn't real as she felt a familiar paw on her arm.

"Don't worry princess, I'll protect you" she Was familiar by the voice.

She slowly looks up to see it was her father but he was a rotting corpse: maggots and worms crawling from his inside body, his jaw tear open and he gawks at her.

"AH!" Princess tries to move back as the corpse grabs her.

But then she felt she was shaking but it was wolf trying to wake her up.

"princess! Wake up" she opens her eyes to see her family including snake worried.

"You ok kid?" Snake slithered up to her face, then she immediately felt relieved that it wasn't real and hugs snake.

"You were dreaming again!" Wolf holds her shoulders.

Cut to glen's room, The boy is breathing deeply now, slowly and gently. Then, unmistakeably, he begins to Snore. Very faintly, far in the background, The boy lies sprawled, still clothed, in the middle of his bed. Save for the bedside lamp, the room is dark.

looking down at him as from the eyes of some great fly hung on the ceiling. The music Reaches A terrifying Pitch Of anticipation Then Stops Abruptly.

There's a heartbeat's pause. Then with tremendous force, two powerful arms shoot up beneath the red and yellow bedspread and
grab Glen around the waist!

Next moment the young man's body is dragged straight down into the bed, as if some huge beast had grabbed him and heaved him down! His feet and his arms shoot up there's another hauling
yank and the boy disappears except for his hands and fingers down into the pit in the middle of the bed! His hands are last to go, clawing for a hold. But soon they vanish as well, dragging blankets and bedsheets, wires and stereo across the caved-in bed and into the abyss.

There's Hideous screeching of music jamming in with Glen's Echoing screams -- then an unholy, sudden silence.

Next moment what's left of glen is vomited up from the pit of the nightmare bed...a horrible mess of blood and bone and hair and wires...streaming out and over the bed. Then the pit in the bed is gone as if it were never there.

Drawn by the terribly screams and struggle, Glen's mother bursts into the room. The women stares for one moment of horrified disbelief, then reels back and lets out the most god-awful scream imaginable. The cry splits the night.

The sounds of the scream Cross-Fades With the Wail of the Ambulance as it screeches to a halt at the curb, followed by two Black and whites and an unmarked Car. Uniformed Policemen spill
out foreground.

Princess and wolf weee standing in front of each other, then his phone rang.

"Hello"but on the phone, his face dropped in horror then he faces everyone as he hangs up.

"What is it wolf?" Princess asked.

"There's been another murder" thru exit the unmarked car. By habit or by premonition MR LANTZ, pale as a ghost himself, waits on the porch; they can hear the mother's wailing inside.

They went to inspect the scene, shark stayed behind with princess, to keep an eye on her.

But after everything that happened, princess comes to terms and realized.

"He's not gonna stop, he won't stop till he has me too"

So she gets an idea as she turns to shark who looks concerned.

"Shark I know you guys are trying to protect me and he's coming for me cause of what happened, but now it's time I face my nightmares"

He stares at her wondering, then they got up in her room.

"Okay, Krueger, you psycho. We play in your court. I'm gonna go asleep, if it seems like im struggling wake me up immediately ok shark"

"Ok princess" he tucks her bed.

"Oh shark"


"Whatever happens I want you to know that, I don't blame you guys for what happened, everything will be fine"

"I know it will baby, we raise you to be stop, we been so proud of you" they both hugged.

Then as she lets go, they wait for her to fall asleep.

Meanwhile wolf is halfway across the living room when he stops. Something dark and red is welling from a crack in the ceiling. One of his men is rigging a bucket beneah to catch the leaking.

Then his phone rang, "hello?"

"Wolf, it's be shark, look I want you to know that princess is gonna end this, she's gonna fight him, in her sleep"

"What? No shark wake her up now!"

"Just want you to know everything will be fine, we're gonna finish this monster tonight, ok bye" he immediately hangs up.

"Shark. wait. no. don't." Wolf grunts

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