Taking Over

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At Gabi's Reef, Millicent examined her surroundings. Unlike Gabi, she knew nothing about fashion, so she wasn't quite sure what to do.

“So, Gabs, what design are we bringing to life today?" Monique asked eagerly.

“Um... Uh..." Millicent stammered. Then, she ran into a broom closet and said, “Gabriela, do you read me? Over."

“What do you want?" Gabi asked miserably.

“The Professor said you would answer any questions I had," Millicent pointed out. “Now, I have a question. One of the rats in the boutique asked me about bringing a design to life. What does that entail?"

“I don't want you getting into my stuff," Gabi said, “but since I don't have a choice... Look in the top drawer of my desk in the back room. That's where I keep all the dress designs we haven't worked on yet. Just pick one and show it to the girls. They'll know what to do."

“Thank you!" Millicent said, running out the broom closet and into the back room. She pulled open the drawer and grabbed a sheet of paper.

“Gabi, are you okay?" Brenda called out right before Millicent returned and showed them the design.

“Here, we're doing this one today," she said.

As Monique and Sapphire looked at the design, Brenda was more interested in the diamond ring on Millicent's fin. “That's a really pretty ring. Where'd you get it?"

“From Mr. Piranha, he asked me to marry him," Millicent answered. Monique and Sapphire then dropped the paper and gasped in delight.

“Gabi, you're engaged?!" Monique squealed. “That's amazing!"

“It is?"

“Yeah!" Sapphire said. “You and Piranha are going to spend the rest of your lives together!"

“We are?"

“Ooh! Ooh! We can help with the wedding!" Monique added. “Pick out your cake, do your makeup, flower arrangements!"

“And we don't even have to shop for the perfect wedding dress," Sapphire pointed out. “We can make one of your own design!"

“We can? I mean, uh, of course, we can!" Millicent said nervously.

“Sapph, Mo-Mo, cool it," Brenda interrupted. “Gabi literally just got engaged, let her enjoy it before we get serious about wedding plans."

“Thank you," Millicent replied. “So, uh... Let's get back to work, or something."

While Brenda, Monique and Sapphire sewed, Millicent decided to step away for a minute and ask Gabi another question telepathically.

“Hey, Gabi– I mean, Gabriela– I need to ask, why are the rats making such a big deal about this whole engagement thing?"

“Those rats are my friends," Gabi said angrily. “If you're going to mention them, you can at least call them by their names and not ’the rats.'"

“Oh, sorry," Millicent apologized. “What are their names?"

“The one with the fro-hawk is Brenda, the blonde one is Monique, and the one with the patch on her arm is Sapphire," Gabi answered. “And for your information, the reason they're making such a big deal is because lots of girls get happy when their friend gets married to the love of her life."

“But, uh, I don't love Mr. Piranha," Millicent pointed out. “Wouldn't they be upset if they found out I was marrying someone I don't– Gabriela?"

Before Millicent could finish her sentence, she heard a static sound coming from the other line. She tapped the back of her head to check the connection, but nothing seemed to work.

“Gabi, you gonna help us?" Brenda asked.

“Yeah, of course!" Millicent stammered, and went back to work not knowing what went wrong.


“Hey, Gabs, do you think we can take tomorrow off so we can throw you an engagement party?" Monique asked as they closed the boutique for the day.

“Are you just asking that so we don't have to work?" Sapphire said with a raised eyebrow.

“No! Maybe..."

“Well, I can't think of a reason why not," Millicent replied, secretly relieved she wouldn't have to make another dress for a while.

“You know, Gabi, you pricked your fins quite a few times today," Brenda pointed out. “You feeling alright, girl?"

“She's probably just overcome with emotion," Monique figured. “I would be, too, if I was engaged to a strong, handsome chinchilla."

“Eh, I'm more into flying squirrels myself," Sapphire admitted.

“Don't worry, Brenda, I'm fine," Millicent assured her. “I'm just... excited."

“Well, okay," Brenda said. “Come on, girls. Let's go home."

Once the Rat Pack left, Millicent rolled up her sleeve to call Marmalade on her watch.

“So, how was your first day?" he asked, feigning sweetness.

“Ugh, terrible!" Millicent groaned. “I'm just not good with needles! How long do I have to put up with this?"

“Just until the wedding," Marmalade answered. “Then, you'll never have to sew again."

“Well, that's a relief," Millicent sighed. “Speaking of the wedding... Why am I marrying someone I don't love?"

“Did Gabriela say something?" Marmalade asked in a disapproving tone. “Well, pay no mind to her nonsense. Not all people marry for love. Besides, once we make the Bad Guys pay, you can get an annulment and it'll be like you never met him. So, from now on, just ask the important questions, like personal information, nothing emotional."

“Yes, sir," Millicent muttered.

“There's a good girl! Well, goodnight!"

After hanging up, Marmalade peeked through the window to see Gabi lying on the floor shaking from the electric shock and the lack of food.

“Now, I warned you what would happen if you gave her ideas," Marmalade said. “I didn't create Millicent so she'd have a mind of her own."

“Is that why you took me in five years ago?" Gabi asked. “So I wouldn't have a mind of my own?"

“No, but I did enjoy watching you strive for perfection when you really had nothing to prove," he admitted. “And you were foolish enough to think you were meant for something."

Gabi tried to get up to give Marmalade a piece of her mind, but she was too exhausted. But oh, how she wanted to tell him how wrong she was.

“Cuddles, serve our prisoner her daily meal," Marmalade ordered before leaving the room. Through a small opening, Cuddles slid a bowl of soup and a roll of bread on a tray in the chamber. The soup tasted terrible, but Gabi was too hungry to care.

“Please..." she sobbed, “if anyone is out there... help me get out of here... I need to save my family..."

I know, this chapter was terrible, but I don't want people to think Millicent is pure evil. Don't worry, I plan to have Webs begin to catch on next chapter.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, in the Bad Guys book series (specifically book fourteen), Mr. Piranha did gain some sort of psychokinetic ability to send a message to his dad telepathically. So I thought, “Why can't I do something that in this book?" Of course, with Gabi and Millicent, it's more technical, but you know. It is what it is.

Until next time. 🌈

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