The Next Step

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“Psst! Webs! Webs! WEBS!!"

Ms. Tarantula woke up and screamed at the sound of her good... Well, good enough... friend, Mr. Piranha, yelling at her. Webs rubbed her head in frustration as he stared at her with big yellow eyes.

“Piranha, it's 3:00 in the morning," she groaned.

“I had that dream again," Piranha said. “You know, the one where every moment I've spent with Gabi was put together like a music video."

“And eight of them were by Ed Sheeran," Webs finished. “What's your point?"

“What's my point?!" Piranha exclaimed. “Don't you realize what this means?!"

“Will you two keep it down?" Mr. Snake grumbled. “I'm trying to sleep."

“Sorry, Snake," Webs apologized before returning her gaze to Piranha. “No. I don't realize what this means."

“It means..." Piranha began, only for Snake to hiss at him. He, then, decided to just whisper the rest to his eight-legged friend. “It means I'm ready to ask her to marry me."

Webs' eyes widened in surprise. “Oh. That's a big step. You sure you're ready for that?"

“Well, actually, my abuela shipped the ring to me last week for when I am ready, so I've never been more sure about anything," he answered. “Gabi means the world to me. I want us to spend every free moment we have together. Just the two of us forever."

“Right, just the... just the two of you," Webs mumbled sadly. Piranha caught on immediately.

“Webs, are you... Are you not happy for us, or something?"

“No, no, no! I am happy!" she insisted. “It's just... I'm really tired and we got that bowling tournament tomorrow, y'know?"

“Right, sorry," Piranha apologized. “Well, goodnight."

“Goodnight, Piranha," Webs replied before lying back down in thought. The truth was she was afraid if Piranha and Gabi got married, they would end up moving far away to live happily ever after together, leaving her without her best friend in the world. However, she decided it was best to just let them be happy and not say anything about it.


“What up?! It's Tiffany Fluffit, Channel 6 Action News!" Tiffany said on the TV in a boutique called Gabi's Reef. “A mother has been found dead in her home just yesterday when a neighbor heard her baby crying and went to check on them. Her husband was away on a business trip, but returned home quickly and safely to take care of his child."

“That's the third one in just this week," Gabi said nervously as she finished sewing a ball gown.

“Do you think all of these deaths are connected?" asked Brenda, one of her childhood friends and coworkers.

“I don't know," Gabi admitted, “but the fact that they all happen this frequently gets you thinking, doesn't it?"

“I guess, though you'd think the killer would leave a calling card," Sapphire replied. “My aunt was a master jewel thief and she always left a calling card after she stole something. Then, she tried to steal the Golden Dolphin."

“That reminds me, don't you think that award should be retired?" Monique asked. “If they keep giving it out, people will just keep trying to steal it. Plus, the guy who won two years ago didn't really deserve it."

Before anyone could answer, they all heard the bell ring as the front door open.

“Hermosa, are you here?" a familiar voice called out. Gabi gasped in delight.

“Piranha!" she exclaimed, running up to her boyfriend to hug him. “How are you, amor?"

“Doin' good, of course," Piranha replied, giving her a bouquet of lilies. “Oh, and tonight, meet me at the bowling alley tonight. I have a surprise for you."

“Well, I do like surprises," Gabi replied. “Is tonight the championship?"

“Yeah, and the competition is pretty tough," Piranha answered. “We're going against the Pin Masters! They won the championships four years in a row."

“Don't worry, honey," Gabi assured him. “I have the utmost confidence in you and the guys."

“Excuse me, miss?" a woman interrupted with a small child standing next to her. “My daughter's birthday is next week and she wants to look like a princess. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for her."

“Of course, ma'am," Gabi replied. “Sorry, sweetie, but I have to get back to work."

“I understand," he replied, kissing Gabi's cheek before she went to help her customers. “Even if we don't win, it'll still be a happy night."

That night, after closing up shop, Gabi grabbed her purse and headed for the bowling alley, not knowing she was being followed by another angelfish who looked exactly like her...

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