Meanwhile with charlie

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13 years ago

"Huh! Where am i?" Charlie finds him in heaven.

"Wolf? Wolf? Where are you?" Charlie looks around for wolf.

"This is the great hall of judgment"


Oh, not to worry, Charlie. You'll go to heaven. All dogs go to heaven Because, unlike people, Dogs are naturally good and loyal and kind"

"That's true"

"Welcome to doing whatever you wish"

"This is really a lovely place you got here. But hey have you seen my buddy Mr wolf, he's ya high-"

"Eating whenever you please, Follow a constant
temperate climate, We keep it 73 degrees We're still on Fahrenheit here"

"That's fine with me"

"Welcome to no more rat race"

"Oh, boy"

"To order and calm instead"

"Ah, great"

"Welcome...To being dead"

"What? You mean I'm--I'm-- Stone cold, I'm afraid. I can't believe it!"

"I've been murdered! I'm having trouble Finding any goodness or loyalty here, But let me see"

He killed me! I beg your pardon? There's a mistake been made here! I don't wanna die You got the wrong guy I was double-Crossed by a dirty rat Actually, this rat was a dog But his car ran me down, I just blew out of jail I just got back to town, have you seen my friend"

"Mr wolf survived"

"He did? Wolf's alive?"

"Hey, this is hard to explain"

"May I speak to your superior? 'Cause I don't
wanna die!"

"Welcome to doin'g whatever you wish"

"You've got the wrong guy"

"Laughing and singing all day"

"Listen! My time's not up yet"

"Oh, it is. There's no mistake about that. We know everything"

"Murdered in the prime of my life! Damn that Carface, I'll kill him. Hey, this must be the watch department"

"You might call it that. See, this watch is your life... and it's stopped"

"Well, can't you just wind it up or somethin'? And send you back?"

"Oh, no, no, no. No one's ever allowed to go back. Put your paw right here"

"What's that for? For our book of records. Everything about you that was or will be Is right here"

"Oh, isn't that wonderful? I love it here. You mean there's no surprises or anything?"

"Oh, no, no, no. We know everything. That's just lovely. The clouds, the grass, the air. Heaven is a wonderful place!"

"Yeah. No surprises, huh? Say... would you like to dance? You mean if I'm waiting for an inside straight up here, I'd know in advance whether I filled it?

"We know how it all turns out"

"You must have studied dancing. You have natural rhythm, unusual for a whippet"

"Oh, I'm getting dizzy!"

"Everything is so lovely here-- So planned, so ordered. That's what's driving me crazy. I need brazil #
The throb, the thrill # I've never been there # But someday I will # Adventure and danger # Love from a stranger # Let me be surprised # La da da da da da
bo bo bo #"

"Ooh, la la la "

"Today there's sun # They said there'd be snow # E #
when all's said and don It's fun not to know #
What keeps my heart humming Is guessing what's coming # Let me be surprised # Oh, oh # Oh, ain't it great"

"Ain't it great"

"When fate makes you wait?"

"La la la la la la"

"The world seems mirthless # And you
feel worthless # And suddenly # There's a big bone
one on your plate #

Oh, Charlie, please remember # Down there's
a world of used cars # And singles bars #
Broken dreams # And out-Of-Reach stars #

"But...I had a family" Charlie pulls out an old picture of him and the bad guys.

But it isn't over # Not for this rover I don't like
to steal #

Ah ah ah #

But I don't buy
this deal #

La la la #

In 'bout 3 seconds # She'll have realized #

Ah ah ah ahh #

And she's gonna be #

"Charlie, what are you doing?"

Wait till you see #

"What's that you have behind your back?"

She's gonna be

"Charlie, don't wind that watch!"

Surprised! #


Charlie is given another life.

"You can never come back! I'm alive. Charlie, you can never come back. You can never come--"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I'm alive, IM ALIVE"

But then he remembers wolf.

"Wolf? Wolf? Are you you up there" he looks up at the heavens, "or are you down there" he looks down in the sea thinking he went in the bad place then he stares in between the sea and sky, "or are you still alive...anyway wherever you are partner, I hope you are ok"

(The present)

Carface is at the Telephone booth.

"Boss, I have..."

"Something happened. What's wrong?"

"You'll have the item today, just like we agreed. It's as good as in your hands. Nothing can go wrong"

"You contemptible canine"

"Don't call me canine. Do you know the meaning of patience?"

"Silence! As long as dogs are involved, anything can go wrong"

The phone gets very hot and Carface's paw feels the burn and he hangs up the phone as it cools off.

"I'll take that as a "no." Jeez, what a hothead" He looks in the slot for the quarter.

"Ah... keep the quarter"

As The phone gets very hot as Red Smoke appears and change into beautiful clouds.

"I am proud to present this special token...And now, our final honoree, voted most-rehabilitated by our heavenly jury...A dog who's lifted himself up from the depths of depravity, who proves that every dog deserves a second chance......for making the most of what he's had to work with, this first-class, diamond-studded angel wing pin goes to... Carface Carruthers.
Much to Charlie's Shock he was looking forward for an another life to see his friends again.

"What an honor. Ha. You're too kind. I don't know what to say. Thank you, Thank you very much. Bless you" She gives Carface the wing pin.

"I only hope that our other angels who have yet to distinguish themselves. Soon, follow your shining example" She leaves with other angels.

"Hey! Remember, Charlie. It never hurts to play the game"

"Halo polisher" then he pulls up the old picture again, "sorry guys, but it looks like I'm not coming back home, I wish I can see you guys again" As the horn plays, As Sparkly path appears.

"Whoa. I'm late" As he runs off, Carface sneaks away, As the horn plays, a magic gate appears, As Charlie runs to the Spa resort, He hops on three big dogs and a huge dog.

"That feels good"

As the angels dogs and Charlie arrived at the gate, As the blue angel dog arrives and opens the gate, But Charlie arrived quickly knocking the angel dogs away and knocks the blue angel dog right off into the hole.

"Sorry. Lousy brake pads. Have the newcomers touched down yet?"

"Uh, no. Not yet"

Then Suddenly, A Huge Pink Dog appears and lands on Yellow Angel Dog and gives him a Smooch.

"Put on some weight, huh, fluffy?"

"Check. Check. Move along. Sorry, sir" He grabs the vacuum cleaner as another dogs arrived, "Check. Check. Check. Move along. That's it. That's all dogs"

"Hold it. Let me see that list. There has to be more. I'm expecting company" Then suddenly Itchy pops up out of the clouds.

"Uh... Asta, Bandit, Bowser, Fido, Fifi, Hound of Baskerville, Pavlov Dog, Rex, Rover, Rufus, Shatzi, Spot, and..."

"Itchy. Ho, ho" He catches him but ends up getting knocked out.

"Oh, yeah. Right. He's right here on the list"

"Where am I?"

"You old fleabag, you"

"Charlie, is that you? Charlie, it is you"



"Gee, Itch, you shouldn't have"

As Charlie try to eat a Chicken stick, but the Angel Dog takes it.

"Sorry, sir. You can't take it with you" He throws a halo onto Itchy's head.

"Wait a minute. Ain't you dead?"

"Oh, yeah. As a dog that eats chicken bones"

"Oh, so that means..." As the Halo glows, The Blue Angel Shirt and Wings appear on Itchy's Back.

"Welcome to paradise, Itch. Come on. I'll show you around"

As the Mystical man places the Horn and the Magic Glass places it to keep it safe as the Heaven Gate vanishes.

"Well, I never would have. Imagine. Ha ha ha. Look at this" Bones fly up out of the whole.

"Hey, Charlie. Wait a minute. I'm not itchy"

"That's funny. You sure look like him"

"No. I mean, for the first time in my life, I don't need to scratch"

"This is heaven, Itch. Fleas go to the other place"

"Hey, bubba. How 'bout we go down to hog heaven and get us some ribs?"

"Ha ha ha. Everybody's flying. Uh, does that mean me too" Then Itchy is flying now.

"Ha ha ha"

"Oh, yeah. It's all part of the basic package"

"I'm gonna like it here, Charlie"

"Believe me, it gets old fast"

"Yeah, sure. Ha-ha-ha" Then, the floor pushes Itchy forward.

"What do you mean?"

"It's hard to explain, Itch. This joint is supposed to have everything; to be the best. But it's just too, I don't know, it's...It's too..."

It's too heavenly here
It's too peaceful and paradise-like
Straight and narrow, and much too nice-like
Endlessly sunny and clear
It's too heavenly here
It's too blissful to bear
Calm and quiet and much too mellow
All my brain cells have turned to Jell-O!
Everyday feels like a year
It's too heavenly here
I need some action
I need some juice
That crazy kind of feeling
Of playing fast and loose
Some razzle dazzle
And a little stress and strife
I gotta get some life in my life
But it's too heavenly here
There's no way you can be a sinner
Roll the dice; everyone's a winner
It's so legit and sincere
It's too heavenly here
What good's a hustler...
Without a scam?

"Hey! Hey! Hey! HEY! Hey!"

I'm wasted talent
That's all that I am
But this operator
Is at the wrong address
'Cause there's nothing to finagle

And no one to finesse

"It's so heavenly here"

Pure and perfect

Sublime and shining

Every cloud has a silver lining

Everyone's full of good cheer

It's so heavenly here

"They're all so saintly"

I just can't relate

There's gotta be an exit

Through that pearly gate

Behold, the canine who's been cut down in his prime

I may have done the crime,

But I can't do the time

'Cause it's too heavenly here

All "Hallelujah's" and "Hosanna's"

It could drive anyone bananas

I'm going out of my head

This joint is deader than dead

I'll give you 8 to 3

"It's too heavenly...(Alleluia, Alleluia, ALLELUIA!)

"Too heavenly here"

Fireworks start as the angels and heroes watch in amazement.

"Charlie, you gotta see a doctor"

Carface snickers and sneaks to the horn and he tries to open the glass container but fails many times to get it.

However, he uses his angel medal to slice through the glass and takes the horn and head toward the exit.

And then, he tries to blow the horn to get the gate open. But it gets crooked.

Then, he tries again and it opens slowly but hardly closes then he tries again as the gate opens and closes but he tries again, as he struggles to get the gate out, but he uses a halo, then he pops out of the gate.

"You're my ticket to fame and fortune"

He puts down the horn and he tries to take off his angel suit, until he bumps into the horn causing it to fall of the cloud.

"This is not good"

As he jumps into the hole and flies through the skies trying to get the horn and catches it with his mouth, but then the airplane appears and he gets hit and gets caught in the engine and the horn continues to fall towards San Francisco, and Carface get sprung out covered in black dust, but then he realizes he lost the horn and flies down to find it.

Back in Heaven, The Angel dogs are enjoying bones, and we go to Charlie, Itchy, and the others.

"Charlie, you're wrong about this place. The flying alone is worth the price of admission"

"That's perfect for you. But for me, there's still something missing. Our friends"

"Ooh. Charlie, look. Look" Annabelle appears.

"Quiet, quiet, quiet, everyone. I've got terrible news"

"Oh, yeah, the flying nun"

"Gabriel's horn has fallen from heaven and landed on Earth in the heart of San Francisco"

"Oh, no. This is terrible"

"But without the horn, the pearly gates can't be opened"

" And no more dogs would get into heaven"

"Lucky dogs"

"Reginald, you're our most-decorated angel. I need you to go back to earth to retrieve it"

"Annabelle, I would consider it a great--"

"Whoa, time out. You can't send Reggie. Look at him, for heaven's sake. They got rats down there bigger than this"

"He's right. I'll go" Charlie put Reggie into the Male Angel Dog 1's Mouth.

"We are talking the mean streets of Frisco here, ace, not mount happy-go-lucky"

"Send me, Anna--" Charlie takes a halo to his mouth.

"Annabelle, you'll need someone who can zip there and back before big gabe finds his horn missing-- someone who knows the ropes and the dopes, someone--"

"Just like you"

"Me? Well, I don't know. I'd have to check with my people and get back to you. Oh, what the heck? I'll do it"

"Maybe you can do something besides make a nuisance of yourself."

"Right, right. I'll be in touch"

"Hold it. To find the horn, follow your ears. Steady, heavenly tone that only angels can hear"
Charlie Barkin: Only angels. Got it.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're on your own. I can give you one miracle to be used only in an emergency"

She uses a magic power on Charlie to make it a Miracle.

"Ooh. One per customer. Got it" He walks off.

"Charles, Charles, Charles. This is serious. If the horn falls into the wrong hands, it could mean disaster for us all"

"You can count on Charles"

"You heard the king, let's move"

"Oh, just to make sure, I'm sending Itchy along with you"

"Oh, no. But, I just got here. Wait just a sec-- i--i still have death lag"

Charlie takes off his angel outfit. and jumps to the hole.

"I just remembered-- I have flying lessons after lunch" He goes to the hole along with them.

"Bring back the horn, Charles. Otherwise, there'll be heaven to pay"

"Got it" Charlie and Itchy land in San Francisco

Then a Bright Yellow Light appears and the heroes land on San Fransisco.

"Look at this mess, Itch. Trash, exhaust fumes, graffiti. We are home"

Then they move out of the way, for the bus goes through.

"You're tellin' me" Charlie sniffs something good.

"Ha-lo. Double chili cheeseburger with onions and pickles"

"Charlie, stay focus. Look, we find Gabriel's Horn and then it's straight back to heaven, okay?"

"What's the hurry, Itch? Let's have some fun"

As Charlie runs off but something catches his eye, "huh?"

"Charlie, wait. Wiener dog, here. Oh, my legs are short"

"Itchy look" he pulls him closer.

"Ugh, what!"

"Look, who it is"

He points out to the bad guys who are getting out of the car to visit his grave they had for him.

Itchy wheezed and gasped, "it's the-the-" then Charlie dropped him.

"It's the old gang, what do you say we give them a proper visit"

Wolf approached the grave, then he gets a PSTD flashback.

The night he almost died and he swam up the surface coughing up the water, he looks around for Charlie.

"Charlie?!" The only thing that was left was his collar that floated.

The flashback ends with wolf clutching on that painful memory.

Then he and the bad guys surrounded the gravestone marked: here lies Charlie b barkin: best friend.

"Hey Charlie. How you been, I know it's been awhile, but there is someone I want you to meet"

Princess approached the grave with a huge bouquet of red fresh roses.

"Hello Charlie, you don't know me, but I want to say I'm a big part of your family" she puts the roses down, "but I would've love to meet you, I bet you were an amazing person and I want you to know I'll always come visit you, you are my uncle"

But her speech only made wolf sad, "that's-that's very nice princess, why don't you guys...take-take princess home I need a few-I want a moment by myself"

"Come on princess" Diane takes princess hand and they all walk to their new place.

Wolf takes a knee looking rowing at his deceased friend, then he pulls out a bottle of a mixture of bourbon gin taquilla vodka rum whiskey and brandy, he tries to drown his sorrows.

"He's to you my old friend, it's been so hard for us but you know I try to keep it up I told her about you I know you would've loved her"

As he takes a huge gulp, Charlie sneaks up behind him.

"He's to you, and here's a song we used to sing"

Oh you can't keep a good dog down (No sir)
No you can't keep a good dog down

Then Charlie sings along: I've seen pain and hurt, I've eaten dirt

Wolf: (That's true)

Charlie: It's hard to buy but even I have been jilted by a skirt

Wolf: (He lies)

Charlie: But look out, I'm still around

Wolf: Cause you can't keep a good dog down
Ya can't keep a good dog down (No you can't)
No no no no, you can't keep a good dog down

Charlie: I've been bought and sold

Wolf: He's been warm and cold

Wolf was in deep depression he didn't even noticed Charlie was singing only thinking Charlie is there with him.

Charlie: But ten to one I'll still be runnin' rackets when I'm old

Wolf: Not in some cage in the city pound
Cause you can't keep a good dog
Can't keep a good, I say you can't keep a good dog down, your dead gone

Charlie: A pedigree a certainly ain't what I am
But the only way this pup knows is up
Ya can't keep a good dog down

Wolf: Ya can't keep a good dog down He's been fat and thin

Charlie: I've been out and in

Wolf: He tried a life of virtue

Charlie: But prefer a life of sin

Charlie/wolf: So tonight when we own this town

Charlie: I've known hunger, I've known thirst

Wolf: you Lived the best and seen the worst

Charlie: But the only way I know to finish best to finish first

Both: So watch out when you hear this sound

They both howl together but suddenly wolf's eyes opened as he made a realization.

Both: Cause you can't keep a good dog, no ya
Can't keep a good,

He slowly turns around as he sees a familiar face when he saw Charlie his face dropped when Charlie smiled at him, he was in shocked but didn't know if he was still drunk.

Both:I say you can't keep a good dog down
You can't keep a good dog down

"Charlie, is it you" wolf was overwhelmed with joy he drops his drink.

"Hey wolfie missed me"

"CHARLIE" he smiled and ran towards him.

"AH bring it in wolfie" they hugged.

"Charlie is it really you"

"Is it really me, of course it is wolfie"

"I can't believe it, you're alive, I thought we lost man, I don't understand we thought you died" wolf was shaking.

"Ah my death was exaggerated so good to see you agree wolfie how you been itchy told me you guys moved, what the heck buddy"

"Oh itchy, how is he"

Then itchy ran and jumps in his arms hugging him, "I'm so glad to see you again wolfie I missed you" they hugged and cried.

" I can't wait till the gang hears that your alive"

"Well m come on, let's not keep them waiting" Charlie wraps his arm around him and they walk to their new place.

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