Change of heart

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That night, mr. Bat felt so betrayed, his best friend, his only friend was abandoning him for a kid: even worst a little girl.

Mr. Bat was really angry and he blamed princess for it.

They did the number one thing they promised they wouldn't do: go soft for a kid.

He goes in princess room, he sees she was sleeping, cuddling with a stuffed bunny plush.

The way she smiled and nuzzled on the bunny, disgusted him.

He glared at her then he decided to steal from her, when he noticed she was wearing jewelry.

"This is all you fault, you turned my best friend soft, you took my friend away"

He was about to take her necklace, fueled by rage anger and hatred for her, but his hand paused when he sees how peaceful she was sleeping, she looked so innocent and full of love and life, he struggles to steal the necklace but princess was preventing him from stealing from her.

"ugh" he forces himself to grab the necklace.

But deep down, deep in his heart, something was telling him this wasn't right and princess was just a child, a innocent child that could give him a chance when no one else would.

But what really got him was when she snore softly and her smile broke him.

"ah...whatever, it's not worth it" he lets go and sits on the bed, frustrated at himself for letting a kid get to him.

But then...princess wakes up, she sits up, rubbing her eyes.

"It's beautiful isn't it" she asked as he gets spoke.

"Huh" he turns around to see her twiddling with her necklace.

"Oh yeah it's nice, it looks nice on you"

" was gift from my mother...I never really knew about my mother, the bad guys took me in after my own father tried to kill me and experimented on me, it's been so hard on me"

Me. Bat frowns, he feels bad for princess backstory.

"The bad guys have been devoted to protecting me, they're the only family I have left since my father was sent to jail, he blames me for my mother's death but I do love the bad guys, they are the best family I have I would never replace them"

Mr. Bat saw how upset princess looked, he wasn't so good with kids, he groaned as he was about to say something he was going to regret.

"It's not your fault kid, some parents are crazy, family is are people who put you first who are about you, who risk everything for you"

Princess smiles by his kind words, then she got closer.

"You are very sweet, why did you chose to be a criminal"

Her question hit him like lightning, "well I was chosen to be a villain because the way people treat me"

"Well you don't always have be, there's a life for you out there"

He looks at her then looks down, "it's not as simple as that kid, not all people were burned to be loved like you"

"Well everyone deserves a chance no matter what they look like"

"You're full of wisdom kid, if only that we're true"

"Oh I made this for you" she gives him another bracelet and puts it on his wrist.

"Oh thanks kid" mr. Bat looks at The bracelet and was annoyed.

"And I made this for you too" she hands him a drawing of him and her smiling and holding hands.

Mr. Bat was touched as he grabs the picture, "oh thanks kid that's very...very nice" but he puts the drawing down as something came to his mind.

"Say kid...why do you do it, why be so nice to me"

"Because I like you...and I think that deep down inside you, you are a very sweet man and you need a hug"

"You're nice kid...but you have bad judgment on characters"

"Well I know you have a good heart inside, you just someone to find it" she smiles at him.

Then unexpectedly, princess wraps her arms around his neck, mr. Bat eyes open wide in shock.

He was surprised by princess hugging him, then he felt something inside.

Mr bat then grabs her and pulls her off gently, "well you should probably get to bed now"

"Yeah good night mr. Bat and everyone may hate you but I like you"

"You have a heart full of gold kid, I guess that's one good thing about you"

Princess smiles again then she reaches up and kisses his cheek.

Mr bat was shocked, "good night" princess went back to sleep and the cat sleeps next to her.

Meanwhile mr. Bat blushed as he touches his cheek that princess kissed, he felt...good about it.

Then his ears started to wag from princess, "huh..AH...stop that" he grabs his ears trying to stop them.

Could this be it, could he be feeling what Zander was feeling, that good tingling feeling for a unconditional love for princess.

And when his ears stopped, he goes back to being ignorant.

"Nah...cone on, she's just a kid, there is nothing special about her, tomorrow everything will be back to normal.

But when he went to sleep, he was having trouble sleeping, his eyes open wide as he tossed and turned, he was thinking about princess, about everything she did for him, she gave him a gift and gave him kindness.

He's been stressing about what princess said all  night, then he looks at bracelet she face him.

He frowns, she's been kind to him and what does he do in return, is stab her in not only her heart but in her back.

Then he starts to think, can he real betrayal princess after age gave him a bracelet.

It looks like princess finally got to be. Bat too but can he betray her or will he have a change in heart.

All he knows for sure, is tomorrow is not going to be a good day for him.

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