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Princess was in her room, she laid on her bed crying on her pillow, she felt betrayed after what mr. Bat did.

Wolf sat next to her bed, rubbing her back while giving her comfort.

It hurts wolf to see his daughter upset, everyone was in her room, they watch their daughter cried, feeling bad for her.

But snake had business to take care with shark and the others.

He turned towards them and growled.

"I can't believe were had criminals in our mansion and you three knew about it, why didn't you say anything" snake yelled causing the three to back away from the angry snake, feeling scared.

Then princess gets up, wiping her tear, "don't get mad at them, I knew too"

Wolf and snake gasped as they look back at princess shocked.

"What?" Snake asked.

"Wel-baby if you knew, why didn't you tell us"

"I thought since I made you guys good, I could make them good too but then-" she started to cry again as she fell on her bed.

Wolf bad snake look at each other with concern the wolf bends down to princess.

"Hey princess not every criminal can change, some are willing to change for a special treasure and some-"

"Are backstabbing lying rats" snake added causing wolf to glare at his direction.

Then he placed a hand on princess shoulders as she gets up.

"The point is, not everyone can change princess, but there are some good people out there that can change for the better, maybe some day those two will find a better life for themselves, you understand me"

Princess looks up at him, her eyes puffy and red.

"I want to be alone right now wolf" she goes underneath her blankets, "I'm just too tired and upset"

"Oh...Ok sweetie, are you sure you don't want me to stay with you" wolf asked.

"No wolf, I just want to be alone right now ok"

"Ok...we'll be here if you need us ok and everything will get better sweetie I promise"

Wolf and the others exit the room, they shut the door right before seeing the cat getting on princess bed, nudging it's face against hers the. Princess pulls the car in a hug.

After that wolf turned to the rest of his team.

"Guys why didn't you tell us we were being robbed" wolf asked.

"Because we had everything under control" webs says.

Then shark added "We made a deal with them, we told them that if they babysit princess for us we would let them go, we thought that maybe if they had a day with princess, she could make them go good"

"We were just thinking about, maybe we could add another member to our team" piranha says.

Wolf sighs louder and slaps his forehead, "guys not every criminal can change, some villains stay a villain and that's that, you can't change that"

Shark frowns then he looks outside the window, "no but these two were willing to change for the better"

Meanwhile mr. Bat was sulking as he and Zander were driven to the maximum security prison which was on a island, the same prison the bad guys went.

Mr. Bat looks up at the prison as he was thinking about princess, how that betrayed looked on face still haunts him.

He looks at the bracelet he gave her and makes a disgusted and sorrowful tearful look then he closes his eyes as a tear falls from his face the song I need you to turn too plays.

And I wonder sometimes, and I know I'm

He gets escorted inside as a sad face was still plastered on his face when he gets patted down for weapons.

unkind But I need you to turn to

He gets his mugshot as he still looks down.

when I act so blind

Then a guard shoves his prison uniform at him, he looks at the guard and walks.

And I need you to turn to when I lose control

Then he and Xander gets shoved in a prison cell.

You're my guardian angel who keeps out the cold

He looks outside the window as he could see princess smiling at him then he looks at the bracelet again and sits on his prison bed.

Meanwhile Zander pulls on the bars trying to break themselves free.

"Ugh...don't worry bat, I'll get us out of here" Zander grunts.

"It's not use Zander"

"Aw come on billy don't think like that we're find away to escape"

Just then Zander clutches his fist and gets up angry, "DON'T YOU GET IT" he snapped causing Zander to back up.

"It's over!! We're finished, Thomas won, it's over for both of us...we lost" he sat down.

"We lost everything, you were right, I shouldn't have done this and not it's thanks to me, I lost princess and we're paying the prince in prison...I shouldn't have gotten to close or her, I did the one thing I wasn't supposed to do"

Then Zander sits next to him, "but you did, we both did and it felt great, there's a chance we could have something with her, be a part of her life"

"Did you see the way she looked at her, she-I loved her as a child of my own"

Zander gasped, "so did I...we need to go back to her come on" Zander pulls his arm and rushes back to the bars.

But mr. Bat loos back at the window and Jaír stares.

"No Zander, it's too late for us, she'll never take me back...didn't you see how betrayed she looked, her eyes still haunt me, I can feel her...crying...I-I'm down Zander, it's time we took our place, we're criminals and she's just a sweet innocent kid, do you really think we could be something to her, how could a criminal be with a child"

"The bad guys were once criminals and looked what happened, they became good and started a life with princess...and that life is still there waiting for us...we just need to get it...come on" Zander hold his hand up to him.

But mr. Bat looks down and climbs in bed, "sorry Zander but I'm through, I'm done hurting that kid" he lays back down and Zander stares between the bars as he thinks about princess.

The tow dynamic duo that's never been seen were in a runt.

But when hope falls, it always finds a way to rise back up.

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