Punishment and miracles

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"Oh, Lord, help my child. She's lost"

Carrie gets inside to see her mama banging her head.

"Mama, stop it. Mama! I don't want to upset you" she tries to help her.

"So, you're a woman now. And God made Eve from the rib of Adam. And what, Carrie? Say it"

"No, Mama"

"Say it"

"Talk to me Please just talk to me"

"And Eve was weak"

"I just want you to talk to me"

"And the first sin was the sin of intercourse"

"Why didn't you tell me, Mama?"

"And God visited Eve with a curse. And the curse was a curse of blood"

"I'm not going to say that"

"That's not even in the Bible. It doesn't say that anywhere"

"Oh, Lord. Help this little girl see the sin of her days and ways. Show her if she had remained innocent, the curse of blood would not have come upon her as it did on Eve"

"I'm not Eve, Mama. I didn't sin"

"You showered with those other girls You had lust-filled thoughts"

"Everyone has to shower, Mama. Everyone. That's just the rules"

"You must be different, because He can see you"

"I don't want to be different, Mama. I want to be like them"

"He can smell the sin on you. And He will punish you, I will not let that come down upon you. I will not. Lord have mercy"


"The Lord is good. His unfailing love endures forever, "and his faithfulness continues through all generations Psalms 100, verse 5. I'm going to keep you away from that school"

"You can't"

"We'll pray. We'll pray together.To save our women-weak, wicked, sinning souls"

"You didn't tell me and they laughed. I didn't sin, you sinned"

"I did not"

"I did not sin"

"Go to your closet"

"No, Mama"

"Go to your closet and pray. You pray"

"No No! No! Get off me! Mama! Stop it!"

"Go to your closet and pray for forgiveness"


"You pray"

"Mama! Help! No, Mommy! Come on. Please! Help!"

"You pray, little girl. Pray for forgiveness"

"Mommy, let me go! Let me out! Mom! God, you suck! Help me. Help me"

Then suddenly something snapped inside Carrie, she cracked the door...using her mind.


"I'm sorry"


"Hey. What's wrong?"

"I really messed up today, Tommy"

"What, that thing with Carrie?"

"You know about that?"

"Yeah, everyone knows about it, but you're not responsible for what Chris does"

"Yeah, but it was me, too"

"You threw tampons at Carrie White?"

"I kicked a kid in the ribs once Yeah, while he was knocked out. Because this kid, he used to beat the living shot out of me every day in sixth grade. Danny Patrick. Did you apologize to Carrie?"

"Did you apologize to Danny Patrick?"

"No, but we're not in sixth grade anymore"


"He was a dick to me, What did Carrie White ever do to you?"


"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why he lost his license"

"Then why are you still driving?"

"I don't need a license if they can't catch me"

"Jackie's email, Jackie's email!"

"Chris no. No!"

"Wow. Why don't you two kiss or something while you're at it?"

"Oh, baby"

"Don't be stupid"

"Wait. Do you think we're going to get detention because of that? Because that would suck"

"No, They should be thanking us for helping her through her first period. I got her a tampon. So what? You were only trying to help her, right?
We should post it"

"No, I'm in it"

"No one's going to see you, Teenie"

"What? What are you doing? Carrie White.
Favorite movie?"


"Favorite drink?"

"Bloody Mary"

Somewhere at the bad guys house, princess was watching a glimpse of the video Chris posted.

"Ugh" she rolled her eyes and faces her screen on the table to ignore the video.

She was doing homework on the kitchen table as wolf was doing some paperwork.

A lot came across her mind, "hey wolf can I ask you something-"

He immediately puts his pen down and looks up at her.

"Sure baby, what is it?"

"Have you ever had a friend, who was treated bad because they were different"

" the only friends I ever had were the guys, we were treated differently but decided to fight back"

"But did you ever met someone who different from everyone"

"If we we're all the same, we all be clones" he uses hus charisma charm to make her laugh.

"Why do you ask though"

"Oh no reason" princess thinks about Carrie.

Meanwhile, Carrie's mom was making new clothes.

"Brightly beams Our Father's mercy From His lighthouse evermore But to us He gives the keeping Of the lights along the shore Let the lower lights be burning"

She opens the closet to find Carrie sleeping.

"Did you finish your prayers, little girl?"

"Yes, Mama"

"That's my good girl. I love you"

"I love you, too, Mama"

The next day at school, it was decided for the girls punishment.

"All right, stand up. Line up, please. You have a big week coming up. A big month, actually. Probably the biggest month of your lives. Prom and then graduation. Are you excited? You probably all have your dresses. You have your dates by now. What about you, Chris? Who's the lucky guy?"

"Billy Nolan. You don't know him. He doesn't go to this school"

"Are you going to get him a boutonniere? Or are you just going to pin a bloody tampon to his lapel?"

"I so don't need to hear this"

"You're not going anywhere. What about you, Sue? Are you and Tommy busy campaigning to be Prom King and Queen? I would have voted for you. Not now. You all did a shitty thing yesterday. A really shitty thing. And one of you had the audacity to post a video. Somebody made a video of it?"

"This is bullshit"

Princess was passing by when she overheard, "well you all did deserve it for how you treated poor Carrie, did any of you ever think about her feelings"

"Yes, this is exactly what I mean" she wraps her arms around princess.

"Why can't you all be like the new girl princess, at least she helped Carrie while the rest of you just attacked her, thank you princess, you may go"

Princess nodded then she walks off.

"Who cares what the new girl did"

"That's it. Thanks to Miss Hargensen, you're all running suicides"

"I'm not doing it"

"That's up to you. That's up to all of you, but anyone who stops running is suspended. And if you're suspended, you're not going to prom.
While you're running, I'd like for you to think long and hard about what it would be like to be Carrie White"

On that note, Carrie white arrived, " I'll be okay, Mama"

"I'm going to leave work early today and pick you up after school"

"She can't do this to me"

"Just let it go, Chris. We're almost done"

"Then every day this week? All because of Carrie White? Like hell I Will"

"Keep moving, Hargensen. Keep running or you're not going to prom"

"Screw you! This is child abuse"

"What did you say to me?"

"I'm not going to run another goddamn inch because Carrie White got her period and was too stupid to know what it was"

"What? You're suspended. You're out of prom and you're out of my class. Now"

"No. No? You can't decide that. She can't do this to us"

"Goodbye, Chris. The rest of you, keep at it"

"Someone could die of dehydration. Tina, you have a heart condition, right? If we all stick together, they're not going to suspend all of us.
They're not going to keep us all from prom. There would be no prom. Nik, Lizzy?"

"Let's go, ladies!"

"Heather? This is bullshit! We didn't do anything wrong"

"All right, let's go"

"Right, Sue? You're with me on this, right? Come on. Sue.Come on"

"Keep going, ladies"

"This isn't over. This isn't over by a long shot"

"That's Carrie White"

As she wanders the halls getting unpleasant stares, she goes to the bathroom, she let all her anger flow through her head till the bathroom mirror shattered to pieces.

Carrie was amazed by what she can do, she goes to the library for answers. She searches for miracles on the computer.

But then she gets visited by princess, as she gently taps her shoulders.


Carrie was a bit nervous, as princess sits next to her.

"It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanted to see if you were ok"

"Yeah, I'm fine" Carrie says without making eye contact.

"Look, I know what's it like to be treated differently, my family is a bit different from everyone else"

"How do?"

She pulls up a picture of the bad guys and Carrie was a bit surprised.

"To tell you the truth, I'm a bit different too, I'm not like all girls, but I think you are just misunderstood and I think you just need a friend" princess cups her hand and it made carrie smile.

"Oh hear, i got you some of my old clothes, I figured you could wear something nice for a change" she hands her a bag.

"Princess could I ask you something? Do you believe in miracles?"

"Well...um...can I show you something"

Carrie nodded as they both get up and head outside.

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