The big night

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Princess was walking home when Ms. Desjardin called her.

"Hey princess...can I see you for a minute"

At first princess groans and rolls her eyes thinking she got in trouble.

"Alright what Did i do this time, if it is, I didn't do anything-I wound never do anything bad, I'm a good kid"

"Oh it's nothing bad sweetie and I can see that you are according to your records, I just wanna say what you did for Carrie at the's nice for what you did"

"Well I thought even Carrie could use a friend"

"I hope you don't mind me asking why, you don't seem like all the other girls"

"Well where I'm from, everyone loves me, I like to make new friends and everyone gets to be treated fair"

"Unlike here"

"You know, I'm kinda different too"


"My family aren't exactly normal" she turns to her daily who arrived in the car.

"You're family is-"

"The bad guys yes but they are good people so me and Carrie are more alike it's what I like about her and I agree with you, Crazy, right? Tommy Ross and Carrie White. I don't trust them I'm afraid they might hurt Carrie"

"I will say this, Carrie is lucky to have a friend like you"

"I was kinda thinking...if it's ok with you....I want to take Carrie to the my date but as friends"

"Sure princess, if Carrie trust you so can I"

"Even Carrie deserves a nice night, now all I to do now is convince my dad in letting me go"

Carrie was walking home when all of the sudden, "Carrie Carrie Carrie!" She turns to see princess.

"Hey! What are you doing here"

"I want to invite you to prom"


"Lease, come to prom with me, I think you deserve a wonderful please...come with me..."


"I'm be by your house at 7:30 bye" princess ran off and Carrie arrived home with her mom waiting.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick. Come on. Come inside"

"I'm sorry I'm late, Mama"

"Just get inside, Your supper's cold. I'm going to have to heat it up, I didn't know...You're immodest. I didn't know where you were. I didn't know"

"No, Mama. I took a bus to Main Street and I bought cloth for a dress"

"You are not to go anywhere but to school and back. You know that"

"Mama, before you say anything else, I've been asked to prom, Mama, I've been asked to prom"

"Oh, God, why?"

"It's next Saturday and with s friend, Her names princess and she's very nice to me, she'll come and meet you before and she promised to have me home by 10:30"

"No, no, no"

"I already accepted I know this scares you.
It scares me, too. The other kids, they think I'm weird. But I don't want to be. I have to try to be a whole person.Before it's too late"

"She'll hurt you"

"No, Mama. No, Mama, there are bad people, but not princess she'll good. You'll like her. She's a very nice girl"

"She's a slut just like he rest of them"

"Stop it, Mama.princess isn't like that at all, she protected me"

"She'll going to claw at you until she kicks you to the curb"

"Stop being so crazy"

"You tell that friend you're not going"


"We'll move from here. We're never going to stop moving. You're going to go to your closet and you're going to pray. You're going to get in there and you're going to pray for forgiveness"

"No, never again, Mama!"

Then it happened again, carrie lifted everything from the floor with her mind out of anger. It terrified her mom to the floor.

"Mama, stand up.Mama, stand up! Mama, I'm going" she lifts her up and starts choking her


"I'm not a witch, Mama. There are no witches"

"The devil's got her now. Like he did before"

"It's not the devil, Mama. There are other people out there like me who can do what I can do"

"You poor child. Don't you know he's working through you?"

"Mama, it's inherited. it was passed down from Grandma and it skipped you. You know that. Maybe it came from Daddy"

"He gave me a cancer. I thought you were cancer"

"That's awful"

"Don't say that"

"She's lost to me"

"Pray all you want, Mama, but I'm going And nothing's going to stop me. And I don't want to talk about it anymore"

But Chris had other plans.

"What are we doing? What does this have to do with Carrie White?"

"Baby, you said you wanted us to do something about her" her boyfriend billy took her to the school..

"There we go" he shows her a can of red paint.

"Billy. Hurry up"

"When the time comes, I'll let you pull the rope, okay?"

"Oh, I plan on it"

But later on that same night... princess approached wolf, she tries to muster up the courage to let her go to prom.

He was doing paperwork on the kitchen table when princess takes a deep breath and walks in.

"Uh wolf...can I-can I asked you for something"

He looks up at her, "sure baby, what is it"

She was terrified as her heart beat like steady drugs, she fidget with her fingers.

"Ok, so you know how you guys says you can give me whatever I want right?"


"Well, I was wondering if I can ask for something"

"Sure princess, was it?"

Anxious, she lets it out...

"I was wondering....if I can go to prom"

Wolf face drop and his pencil, snake faced by and overheard.

"What? Now why would you want to go to prom, it's just a dance trying to create ways for students to spend their and their parents money"

"And don't forget the dress today are so...revealing and the dresses, their like bloodhounds looking for innocent pray to attack" snake added.

"Why would you want to go to prom for?" Wolf asked again.

"Because I have this friend who reminds me of you guys"

"What do you mean?" Wolf asked.

" I have this friend her name is Carrie and people billy her a lot just because she's different and they treat her bad before they could give her a chance and it makes me sad since she reminds me of you guys, someone who wasn't giving a chance because they are different from everyone else...I just wanted to give Carrie a good time"

Then something appeared on wolf face, a smile he could see how important it was for princess to go to prom.

"This friend is that important to you?" He asked with concern.

"Yes wolf"

He turns to snake who made a worried look but he finally gave in.

"Ok honey, if it's that important to you...then you can go to prom"

"Really, thank you wolf" she hugs him then snake.

"As long as it's a girl and not a boy, that's fine by me"

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