Saving the world from bratt and thomas

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Cutting back to bratt or Thomas, let's say Thomas, he was on the phone with bratt.

"Hello bratt, today is the big day, so excited right"

"I know right, soon the world will tremble underneath the feet of the legendary crimson paw-"

"And Balthazar bratt" both Thomas and bratt laughed sinisterly.

"But seriously thought is everything in plan"

"All set, the bad guys are on board"

But they weren't, wolf was running, he was running in a panic.

He saw the others in the living room, they see wolf looking terrified.

"Hey wolf what's going on?" Diane asked as they see him packing in a hurry.

"We need to get out of here, right now"



"How come?"

"This place seems too great to leave"

"Why do we need to leave? What's wrong?" Snake asked.

"Because princess dad: is nuts"

"What?" They all shouted.

"We need to leave now, he's crazy, it turns out he's the legendary crimson paw"


"No way"

"Thomas is the crimson paw?" Diane asked.

"Yes and he wants us to help him rule the world and he doesn't care about princess, he wants to get rid of her ever since she was born" he grabs princess and now everyone was terrified by Thomas misdeeds.

"He what?" Snake hissed.

"And he was the one that put them in a car accident just to kill his wife"

"But why?" Webs asked.

"I don't know but that's why we need to leave now"

But before they could exit through the elevator, they heard sarcastic clapping and see that it was Thomas.

"Oh wolf"

They all gasped in horror as Thomas shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm so disappointed, really, I thought you would've wanted to rule the world with me, we could've ruled together"

Wolf and the others glared at him, as he holds princess closer who was terrified by Thomas.

"Sorry Thomas but we're retired, we got a new life now"

"Oh" Thomas chuckles, "you call this a life, giving up being a criminal for a child"

"Hey! that child is yours, you gave up such a good thing, for what? To be known as the greatest criminal ever, to have your name in the books"

"My life was perfect till she came along"

"We can't let you do this" wolf growls.

"Oh but I believe I can" he snapped his fingers and right behind they see marmalade looking guilty.


"I'm so sorry" he holds up a gun at them, they all holds their hands in the air confused.

"Wha-" they they look back at Thomas who snickered evilly.

"It really is a shame wolf, we could've been brothers"

"We are nothing alike, I'm a wolf and you're a sneaky manipulated criminal minded cat"

"We'll look who's talking or in case you forgotten you were a criminal too"

"Was a criminal but now i change and you can't change that"

"Oh, well wolf if that is your decision, if you won't join me...then I'll make you" he hold up princess by the back of her shirt, she looks terrified.

"Princess" wolf gasped as the others were shocked.

They were terrified and furious that Thomas was threatening to kill princess.

"You wouldn't"

"Oh but watch you either help me and bratt take over the world, or else you won't see princess again"

"You won't get away with this" wolf growls.

"Oh...but I already have"

Thomas laughed as everyone glared at him, tormenting them.

As the bad guys were being forced to world domination  Cut to Gru, Dru and Lucy flying on their hovercraft.

"Listen, brother, what about what I said..."

"No, I'm the one"

"But I shouldn't have... I'm... I'm sorry"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Gru"

"Aw. Ooh, look out!"

"What is that?" the Minions look at Gru, Dru, and Lucy.

"Hey. Hey"

"Uh, huh?"

"Caramba! Caramba! Caramba!" the Minions go right, then the rocket goes left.


"Huh? Gru!" the rocket continues flying away, then the Minions continue riding away.

"Gru! Gru!" cut to the beach, with the people walking down, then the Bratt mecha appears, with the people running away, screaming.

"Hello, Hollywood! I'm back and bigger than ever"

"Whoa! I'm scared!"

"Thank you. Thank you so... Oh"

the people continue running away, screaming, then the Bratt mecha continues walking.

"No! No, you can't leave me here! I'm famous!"

"Clive, arm the cannons" the bubble gum shooters appear from the shoulders.

"Chew on this!" He shoots bubble gum at everything, with the people continue running away, screaming, shooting everything.

"Why?!" the woman screams.

"Hey, mullet head! Let us out!"

"Oh, don't worry, girls. I've prepared a front row seat for you"

the girls look down at the people, Bratt's robot hand takes the girls to a tall building and drops on the ledge.

"Once again, I win, and Gru loses! Enjoy the show, girls"

they all gasp, looking at the bubble gums, then the rocket flies down to Hollywood.

Then he looks up in the sky or see a black and sliver ship.

"We'll look who's here Clive"

Thomas smiles as he looks back at the bad guys who were tied and lglsrijg at Thomas.

"You ready to decide mr. Wolf  or...would you rather let princess die"

They turn to princess who was locked in a cage that was hooked to electric wires that with one press of a button would electrocuted.

" well, it looks like we don't have a choice do we?" Wolf asked.

" it doesn't"

Wolf turns to the others and they all nodded sadly.

"Alright Thomas" he sighs, "you win"

"That's better, now don't you think it's better now, how it's better this way and look on the positive side, you and princess get to still be together's world conquest"

"What about her mother, I thought you love her"

"Bah, I never loved her, where do you think I got the money from, I married princess mom only for her money and once she died she gave everything to me but I could afford to have princess in there way so I gave her away"

"You are one sick twisted father" webs shouts.

"Why just what kind of a father are you" piranha says.

"Giving away your own daughter like that" shark says.

"You are a terrible father" Diane added.

"Why thank you"

Then wolf turns to marmalade who still looks sad.

"How could you do this to us"

"I'm sorry wolf" but then he winked at him.


"It was the only way, he has my nephews and nieces" he goes to piranha making sure Thomas wasn't looking and cutting him.

"What in the heck?"

"Oh! I hope the girls are okay"

"Bratt! Bratt at 9:00. No! 3:00! He's on the left! No! I've seen this episode! He's gonna bubble gum the whole city and send it up to space!"


the Bratt mecha kicks the Hollywood logo, saying, "HOL"

"Oh, this is it! This is it! Lights! Camera! Laser!"

he shoots a laser, tracing to the people, then Agnes screams, electrocuting the "RECORDS" sign. Lucy spots at Agnes, Margo, Edith, and Lucky.

"Look! I've got the girls. You two, go take care of Bratt"

"Wait! What are you doing?"

Lucy hops on the bubble gum, running to Agnes, Margo, Edith, and Lucky.

"Look, you guys! It's Lucy!"

"Lucy, over here! Help! Help us!"

"Mama's comin', girls"

"Lucy! Lucy!"

"We're up here! Lucy!"

"Look at that laser go. I love it when a plan comes together"

"It's Gru!" the missles appear from a rocket.

"Get ready, Bratt. You're about to be blasted back to the 80's!"

the missles fire at the Bratt mecha, sliding down meanwhile wolf his friends and the help of marmalade who is betraying Thomas was having a plan of their own to stop him.

"Once we get to bratt, your spider friend will hack into the system claiming to the world that we rule the world now and if anyone gets in the way, they'll have to deal with the mighty return of the bad guys"

"Yeah, can't wait" wolf muttered as marmalade cuts him free then he carefully approached him quietly.

"You know wolf, I have to say I'm quiet impressed with you"

"How do?"

"You become quiet a good father figure to princess, much better then me, you might even teach her how to be bad"

"Yeah, I might say I'm even a better father then you" he ambushed him by taking the wheel.

"AH! Hey what are you?!"

Thomas tires to take the wheel as they both struggle.

"What is Thomas doing?" Bratt saw.

"Oh-ho! We got him!" the Bratt mecha gets up.

"Oh, no!"

"Don't worry. There's more where that came from"

"It'll take more than that to stop me" Clive beeps.

"Let go" Thomas grunts.

"Bratt Pack, go get that barf bag"

Clive laughs, then the Bratt figures fly to Gru and Dru, laughing, taking the missles out again.

"Oh, incoming!" the Bratt mechas continue attacking Gru and Dru.

Then wolf and Thomas crabs the ship into a building and was sent falling down.

"Everyone hang on" wolf shouts bad they brace for impact.

"You little..."

"Get away! Get out of here!"

the Bratt figures fly to the rocket, putting fire on it.

"Quick, jump!" they both jump out of the rocket.

"Bonus! Did you see that, Clive? All gone" Clive beeps.

"Buh-bye, Wonder Twins"

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