Stealing, Decisions, and Unicorns... Oh My!

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Gru and Dru continue driving down, knocking the candy truck.

"Wait for me here"

"Oh. Stop that! Ow! You kicked me"Dru opens a door.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?" Dru grabs some lollipops.

"Did you just steal candy?"


"That's a lot effort for two lollipops. Seriously my friends would've done a better job" the policemen go down to Gru and Dru.

"Oh, oh, no! The police! What do we do, what do we do?"

"Come on this is gonna be fun!"

they all go down, while they continue charging at Gru and Dru.

"THE POLICE ARE GONNA GET US! I'M FREAKING OUT! PIGS!" the car stops by the pigs.


[the policemen continue riding down, landing by the pigs, then they continue driving faster, going left.

"Ha! Whoa! They're back!"

"Ha-ha. All right" presses a button, then the car flies up, putting a drill on, going underground, then going on the water.

"Ooh, ooh, man, that was crazy! We were so close to getting busted"

"Tell me about it. I thought you were going to pee your pants"

"I did!"

"You did!"

cut to the Minions, walking down

"Hey, Mel" the man passes by the Minions.

"Huh? La pizza"

the Minions run down to get the pizza, while the Minions continue chanting, looking at the TV.

"What are you doing? Intruders! Intruders!"
the Minions continue running to get the pizza.

"There they are!"


"Hey, you! Don't move! Halt!" they all go inside.

"Call for backup!"

they all go in the dark, then the light turns on, then the microphone appears, then "Modern Major General" begins playing, pushing the Minion, then they start singing in Minionese.

"Get 'em! Go! Go!"

the Minions continue singing "Modern Major General" in Minionese, with a guard walking to the Minions, taking a breath, then they continue singing, forming a heart shape, giving applause.

"Hey, you!"


"Don't move!"

"Hands in the air!"

Back with the bad guys, Thomas was giving them a tour around the streets of London.

"Welcome to Oxford Street: the most famous shopping streets here in London"

There were many stores, princess was koki king through a toy store.

It was all amazing but the bad guys had a lot on their mind.

"Yeah this is all great mr. Chesterfield" wolf says.

"Please call me Thomas" Thomas interrupts him.

"Right, Thomas"

"I hope you don't mind us asking but why now?" Webs asked.


"Why did you choose now to see princess again"

"Well I was waiting for the right time, I couldn't afford to provide for her and when I saw you in the papers, I knew the moment was right, so I sent marmalade to find you"

"Huh, so I guess this means you'll be taking her back now"

They moved on to have lunch at a place called: Bentley's Oyster Bar & Grill.

"Oh but on the contrary wolf, I have a proposition for you and your friends" Thomas puts a napkin on his nap.

"It wouldn't be fair to take princess away from her family now would it?"

"So what do you suggest"

"So here's the would you and your friends like to here in London with princess forever"

"What?" Wolf was surprised as the others were.

"Yes, you and your friends could live here in London with us, princess will still have her family and I'll still get to have my daughter, I can provide for you guys and everyone wins...what do you say?"

Thomas offer stunned wolf when their food came in.

"Mmm, good oysters"

But that would mean if they leave then they'll have to leave gru forever.

Speaking of gru, cut to Gru and Dru, taking their clothes off.

"Ah. Face it, Gru, villainy is in your blood. You can't tell me you don't miss the rush, a little?"

"Uh, yeah, maybe a little"

"And now you've got the chance to get back on top, get your mojo back, become Gru again. How awesome would that be?"

Dru: Oh, please, come on Just one heist. There's got to be something out there, somewhere, that you still want to steal"

"Hmm. There is something. How about we steal the largest diamond in the world?!"

"Yes! I love it!" He kicks the water, "Oh, thank you, brother! Thank you from the bottoms of my heart!" they all dance on the water.

"Oh, you know what? We should do something to celebrate!"

"Oh-ho-ho! I have got the perfect idea!" cut to the dining table.

"Fritz, my good fellow, could me another napkin, please?"

"Ah, yes. Of course, Miss Edith" he opens the door.

the Minions blare the horn at Fritz, then they laugh, taking a napkin to Fritz.


"Hey, where are Gru are Dru?"

"Here we are!"

"Oh. How's it going? It's me, Gru"

"And me, Dru" Gru snickers.

"I hug everybody whether they like it or not"

"Why are they pretending to be each other?"
Edith scoffs, putting brocoli down.

"Oh. What's for dinner? I probably won't like it. I'm so grumpy all the time"

"Hey, I laugh a lot. And I'm kind of an idiot" they both laugh, falling down from the chair.

"Oh, I'm busting a gut"

"Look at them! They have no idea! Total burn. Oh, look, it's me, Gru!"

"And I'm Dru! We switched places!"

"Oh, it's nice to see you two getting along"

"Oh, we're getting..."

"Along perfectly. Wait. Did we..."

"Just finish..."



"Sentences?" they both laugh.

"Oh, that's delightful. Not creepy at all. And you're gonna stop now, thought, right?"

"Sorry, it's a twin thing"

"Uh-huh. So, uh, what did you guys do today?"


"Okay. What does it..."

"All done" he gets out of her chair, "Pardon me. Out of the way. Good night, everybody!"

"Hey, hey, hey. Put the brakes on. What's the rush?"

" I need to get to bed so I can wake up and find a unicorn! Good night!"

"What was that about?"

"Agnes thinks she's gonna find a real unicorn in the woods tomorrow She's totally freaking out"

"I feel like someone's got to tell her the truth. Not it!"

"Oh, don't worry. Parenting 101. I got this" he gets out of his chair.

"Um, and please bless that when I find the unicorn, he'll want to come home with me and sleep in my room. And that I can ride him to school every day. And he'll use his magical power to help me do math. Amen. Oh. Hi, Gru"

"Hey. So, big day tomorrow"

"Yeah, I'm finally gonna get to see a unicorn. For reals. If I do, can I bring it home? Please?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. Tell you what, every unicorn you find, you can bring it home. I'd better build a big pen, right? But, you know, there's a chance that you might not find one"


"Uh, um... It might not be good unicorn-finding weather. Um, they're tricky to find them. And I don't know, maybe ju... maybe unicorns don't really ex... explore that part of the woods"

"But the man said a maiden could find one if she was a pure in heart. And I'm pure in heart, right?"

"The purest"

"Can we stop talking now? I need to get to sleep"

"Good night, sweetie"

"Good night, Gru" Gru kisses Agnes.

"Unicorns, I love them. Unicorns, I love them"
Gru falls off a ladder, I'm okay" groaning and turning off the light.

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