Fighting back

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"All right, let's start planning. Who knows shorthand? Great. Linda, Lutra Lutra, you got some dry paper? Here we go. Mole, Taipa Europea, what do you got?"

"I can see in the dark?"

"That's incredible. We can use that. Linda?"

"Got it. Rabbit, or Oryctolagus Cuniculus"

"I'm fast"

"You bet you are. Linda?"

"Got it. Beaver, Castor Fiber"

"I can chew through wood"

"Amazing. Linda?"

"Got it"

"Badger, Meles Meles"

"Demolitions expert"

"What? Since when?"

"Explosions, flames, burning things"

"Demolitions expert, okay. Linda?"

"Got it. Weasel, Mustela Nivalis!"

"Stop yelling"

"Oh, all right Ha! Whoo-hoo! All right, Ash, you get these little kids organized and put together some kind of K.P. unit or something to keep this sewer clean. It's good for morale"

"Done What's K.P.?"

"Um, I think it means janitors"

"Hey, hey. Yo, over here. Hey. I want to go with you, too. I want to fight"

"Good, fabulous. Microtus Pennsyvanicus"

I-I-I didn't get a job yet, or a Latin name. What's my strength?"

"Listen, you're Kylie"

"You're an unbelievably nice guy. Your job is really just to be available, I think. I don't know your Latin name.
I doubt they even had opossums in ancient Rome. Wolf! You guys follow me"

Diane uses her painting skills to paint a map, "It's stupendous. Where's us?"

"Right here"

"Paint an "X."

mr fox after mr fox and wolf send a message to the farmers they coming out to surrender themsleves.

"Dear farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean, "I and Mr wolf have no alternative but to agree to your terms. "Move the station wagon and open the manhole cover below the foot of the drainpipe "next to the cobbler's shop "and meet me there today at 10:00 a.m. sharp. "I will hand myself over to you in exchange along with Mr wolf who has agreed for the boy's safe return. And the little kitten to be unharmed Cordially, Mr. Fox. And Mr wolf" Mr wolf left a paw print on the letter signing his name.

"Why did he write this in letters cut out of magazines?"

"I don't know, but you did the same thing"

"I don't trust this guy. Anyway, set up the ambush"

they secretly prepare their rescue mission after the planning is done they execute the plan.

"Synchronize your clocks. The time is now 9:45 a.m. Here, put these bandit hats on" Mr fox and wolf gives everyone bandit hats.

"Did you bring the boy?" Mr fox asked.

"And the kitten" wolf says.

"Of course we did. Say something, kiddies"

They play a recording of Kristofferson, "Excuse me. Excuse me..."

Wolf and fox look at each other rolling their eyes, "Come on. That doesn't sound anything like him. It's amateur night in Dixie"

they use flaming pine cones to cause fires in the town as tatical advange.

Wolf hands Mr fox a pine one which he used his lighter to burn it.

Then Mr wolf pulls out a cigarette and uses his lighter to smoke.

"What the cuss is he burning?"

"Is that all you've got, Mr. Fox?"

"28 pinecones fired. 22 targets hit. Decoy phase, go"

"Yes, sir. Dominus..."

and the other animals becomes the distraction that where mr fox, the bad guys and diane use a smoke screen thanks to mrs fox to head to a near by motorcycle to head towards mr beans farm.

"Ha-ha! Yah! Ha-ha! D-Dad's on fire!"

"Foxy, you're on"

"We're ready. I'm going to find him, and I'm going to bring him back"

"I know you will. Contact!"

"Are you scared of wolves?" Piranha asked.

"Scared? No. I have a phobia of them"

"Well, I have a thing about thunder. But are you afraid of me?" Wolf asked.

"What? No! That's stupid. Of course I'm not afraid of you, I'm a big fan of you and beside you're married to Diane and if she trust you so do I-"

"I don't like needles, myself"  but unknown to them ash has gotten on board.

"Where did you come from again?" Mr fox asked.

"And How did you get in the sidecar?" Piranha asked.

"I feel like I'm losing my mind"

"Come on let the kid, I mean what do you got left to lose" snake says. and have no choice but to take him with them

"I've got a fox on a motorcycle with a littler fox and, uh, what looks like to be an opossum in the sidecar, riding north on Farm Lane 7. Does that sound like anything to anybody?"

"Red, it's Franklin Bean. Turn around, get the cuss back here and pick us up on the ASAP"

they make it to the farm, "Here we go" he tries to open the door.

"Allow me Mr fox, Kylie, you got a credit card?"

"Sure" Kylie hands wolf his card.

"See, this is what I was saying about how good you are, just being available for... A titanium card? How the cuss did you qualify for this?" Mr fox asked.

"I pay my bills on time. I've always had good credit"

"Ha. Ha. Come on. Wait. Wait a second" wolf asked.

"What's this thing you do, the whistle with the clicking sound?"

"What do you mean? That's my trademark"

and after using a credit card to open the door they confronted by a rabid beagle they plan to use a blueberry but forgot to get one.

"Give me a blueberry"

What? Hmm?"


"You didn't say anything..."

"You forgot the blueberries?"

I did say it. I wrote it on your paw"

"Oh... Yeah. It's written on the front of your paw."

"Oh, yeah"

"What's that white stuff around his mouth?"

"I think he eats soap"

"Don't be ridiculous" piranha says.

"That's foam you idiot" snake says.

"Yeah That's not soap"

"Well, why does he have that bubbly..."

"He's rabid. With rabies. I've heard about this beagle"

"You guys go ahead while we'll distract him" wolf says.

so mr fox and mr wolf will distract it while the others save kristoferson and princess.

"Hey. I can fit through there. You want to know why?"

"Why? Kid" snake asked.

"Because I'm little. Give me that shoelace"

"Psst. Psst. It's me. I'm rescuing you"

Snake slithered right through and he wraps himself around princess.

She muffled and grunts trying to break free, then snake lifts her up to the ceiling for shark to grab her.

"I've got mixed feelings about that"

"I don't blame you"

"Can you give me a karate lesson real quick?"

"Okay. Stand like this. Position yourself on the balls of your feet. Close your eyes. You weigh less than a slice of bread"

"I feel like there's a tenderness in your eyes, isn't there? Yes, I'm right"

"Let's review the principal agility techniques. Jumping, flipping, landing"

Wolf pulls out a bone trying to communicate with the dog.

"You're a good boy. A bit lonely, maybe, but terribly sweet. What's your name, Spitz? That's German, isn't it?"

"Now, for a rudimentary version of the cyclone chop.
First, you need to get a running start-- which obviously, I can't do in here-- then, as you arrive at the destination of the chop, lean and thrus into the point of contact-- paw remains open and straight-- then withdraw instantaneously. Remember, it's the pull back that matters. The pull back generates the force of the impact"

"Got it. Yeah, I'm just going to chop this thing right off"

"He's gonna do it"

"Why, you're just a sweet as...."

"What are you doing?" Wolf saw me fox loookgvat the beagle, "what?"

"I thought he said, "Never look a beagle in the eye."

"Did-did you chop it?"

"Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no"

The cage tips slowly backwards and falls off the shelf. Ash looks horrified. Kristofferson braces himself. The apple crate hits the floor and shatters into pieces.

"Kristofferson? Kristofferson?"

"Uh, I-I'm okay. I'm okay"

"I'm sorry"

"That's all right. You were just trying to unlock the apple crate"

"No, I mean I'm sorry about..."

"Oh, you mean from before? The apology you owed me which you never actually said"

"Right. I'm grumpy. I spit. I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm just... different, apparently. But it won't happen again. Kristofferson, I'm sorry"

"That's all right, too. Throw me the shoelace, please"

"You okay?"

Wolf and Mr fox outran the beagle, wolf was easily to get away but wolf was not as fast as wolf was.

after they free them they make their way out only to be confronted by the farmers.

"He's wearing it" wolf says.

"Your tractors uprooted my tree. Your posse hunted my family. Your gunmen kidnapped my nephew. Your rat insulted my wife and you shot off my tail. You attacked my good friend Mr wolf and his firends, kidnapped his daughter I'm not leaving here without that necktie"

"Kill him!" but that remark results into a shooting squad.

"Actually, we should just go" wolf says.

"Ok Where did I park?"

"I weigh less than a slice of bread" ash says.


"What? I'll be right back"

"Ash" then princess went after them.


"Dodge the grabbers, duck the taggers, jump the twig basket and knock the cedar stick off the cross rock" wolf and Mr fox tells princess and ash.

"Hi-ya! Whoo! Hotbox!"

thanks to ash and princess abilities, they break the lock on the door release the rabid beagle where it gives the chance to escape after mr fox gives both.

princess and ash victory bandit hats for their bravely as princess jumps and grabs mr foxes tail.

"Ash, that was pure wild animal craziness"

"And princess....don't ever do that again ok" wolf holds her shoulders.

"Well I did learn from the best and Mr fox I think this belongs to you" she hands him back his tail.

"Thanks sweetheart, you're a peach, Mm-hmm. Here, put this bandit hat on you two"

"Goggles! ♪ Boggis, Bunce and Bean ♪

♪ One fat, one short, one lean ♪ ♪ These horrible crooks, so different in looks ♪ ♪ But nonetheless equally mean ♪

♪ Boggis, Bunce and Bean ♪ ♪ One fat, one short, one lean... ♪ Are you gonna... Oh...

"Petey, bring us a ladder, please"

"Stand by. I just intercepted a high-frequency radio signal with the can, and I think they're on their way home!"

"Don't turn around" Kylie says.


As they make their way out before they make it home they get a glimse of the lone wolf far out in the hills.

"Where'd he come from? Where'd you come from?
What are you doing here? Canis Lupus. Vulpes Vulpes. I don't think he speaks English or Latin"

But wolf gets up and he stared at the wolf like he was communicating with him.

"Wolf what are you-" fox asked.

Then Mr wolf stared howling then the other wolf started howling

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Wolf what are you-" Mr fox asked.

"I'm asking if he thinks we're in for a hard winter, He doesn't seem to know"

"Can you tell him I have a phobia of wolves"

So wolf howls again and the other wolf howls back then Mr fox and the wolf raised their fist up.

"What a beautiful creature"

"Wish him luck, boys" wolf says.

"Luck to you"

"Good luck, Wolf"

"Good luck out there"

"These three, in this reporter's opinion, obsessed farmers remain convinced the fox in question will eventually reappear. Why?"

"Because foxes aren't meant to live in a sewer"

"They're refugees!"

"All they have to eat down there is, um..."


"And not much of it"

"Uh-huh. Thank you, farmers. For Action 12, this is Dan Peabody"

♪ Old man river ♪

"Well, what are we looking at?"

"It's just his tonsils, they're a little swollen"

"Well, is it serious?"

"No, hopefully he won't have to lose them"

"Lose the tonsils?"

"I'm hungry"

"Well, have some, uh, water. Here"

"Try to keep things as simple..."

"I like wallpaper"

"This is the first time"

"I've been to a party where no one serves anything"

♪ He keeps on rolling ♪


"My darlings"

"Where are we going?"

"Nobody knows"

"We were in the middle of a meditation practice"

"Watch your step. Let's see now. Where does this lead?"

"Oh, no. Foxy, it's filthy"

"Keep a good grip, everyone"

"This better be worth it"

"I think I see a little sliver of light What's this? Is it a door?"

"You're a terrible actor, Foxy"

"Do you smell something?"

"Is that...Freon?"

"Shh! I'm gonna crack open this trapdoor and see if something's on the other side. I highly doubt it though. It's probably just more sewer You know, wouldn't it be surprising if..."

"Open it!"

"Hey, look! There's a whole enormous, glorious, gigantic supermarket up here. And they close early on weekends. Oh! Oh..."

"Wow! Wow, nice job! You really are kind of a quote, unquote, Fantastic Fox"

"I try. Get enough to share with everybody and remember, the rabbits are vegetarians and badgers supposedly can't eat walnuts"

"I guess now that Kristofferson's dad's already down to a single pneumonia and getting better, you'll be going home soon, huh?"

"Actually, when he spoke to me from the hospital, he said he was already talking to Weasel about real estate availabilities down in our sewer system"

"Oh, really? Well, now is the time to buy"

"Ha! Okay, I get it. Is that your trademark?"

"I'm pregnant again"

"Wow. I think we're both glowing"

"Do another toast, Dad"

"Okay, uh... Let's see, uh, right, okay. They say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum. But it's cool to the paw. Try it. They say my tail needs to be dry-cleaned twice a month. But now it's fully detachable. See? They say our tree may never grow back. But one day something will. Yes, these crackles are made of synthetic goose and these giblets come from artificial squab. And even these apples look fake. But at least they've got stars on them. I guess my point is, we'll eat tonight and we'll eat together and even in this not particularly flattering light, you are without a doubt, the five and a half most wonderful wild animals I've ever met in my life. So let's raise our boxes.To our... survival. How was that?"

"Mm... that was a good toast" Diane says who wolf's hands with wolf who carries princess.

It was was their last party before they move back home tomorrow.

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