Roxy Raceway and Don't Wake up DJ Music Man

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They go into the construction area in Roxy Raceway. There was a chained gate preventing them to go in, but with Glamrock Freddy's claws, they were able to go in. They opened another door to finally be in Roxy's Raceway.

"Is that mean you can trust Freddy" princess asked but snake frowned.

"Ok let's not get overdo it"

"Hey. I'm Roxanne Wolf. If you were looking for a high speed motor mayhem, Roxy Raceway is the place to be. Sign up today and be a winner! Nobody likes a loser." Roxy said.

"You got that right" webs says.

"She's so full of herself" wolf says.

"I Can think of someone she can relate" snake says as he looks at wolf.

"Hey" wolf said.

"Cool raceway room." Webs said.

they explore the raceway to find what they need. They come across a driver assist bot and it's head fell off when shark taps his head, then he collected it.

Webs looked at her watch to see it's 5:15 AM.

"Good job. You found a driver assist head. I do not believe it will work in that condition. However there is a S.T.A.F.F. repair station in the West Arcade. You need a Dance Pass to access the West Arcade. Have you checked the party garages? The raceway was close very abruptly prior to a new construction. Guests tend to leave things behind during emergency situations." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Okay, then. I guess we're going to the West Arcade." Webs said.

"Cool. I wonder what games they have there?" Piranha said.

"Piranha, we're not going to play games. There's no time for that." Wolf said.

"Fine." Piranha said in defeat sadly. They searched the garages until webs found the present with the Dance Pass. After finding it, they then headed out of the Raceway. After leaving the raceway, they head into the atrium and go to the elevator that goes to the West Arcade.

"I must stay here. I wish I could join you, but after tonight stage incident, I am not allowed to perform. When I step onto the West Arcade dance floor, I cannot stop myself. It is a programming bug. Head to the security office. You should find that S.T.A.F.F. bot repair machine there. If you see the DJ, say "Hello." He is such a nice fellow." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Oh, okay Freddy ." Princess said.

"What DJ?" Everyone asked.

"It's another animatronic?" Princess said, he performs music in his DJ booth for the kids" she explained.

The elevator opens and they come out into the West Arcade.

" so what kind animal animatronic is he" snake asked.

Then as they entered the room, they looked around in the dark room and There in the center of the room, laying asleep was a giant robot with big black eyes, 6 arms, headphones, and a big smile on its face. This was DJ Music Man.

"Whoa, that's a big bot." Wolf said in fear.

"You said it." Snake said agreeing with him.

"DJ Music Man? Guess that's it's name." Shark said.

"He seems to be asleep." Webs said.

"Best if we don't wake him up. We need to find that security office." Wolf said

They search the arcade for the office. While doing that, they avoided security bots and Glamrock Chia in the area. They found the security office and went in.

Princess looked at the DJ music man and smiled as it reminded her of webs.

"Hey webs look it's you" princess giggled.

"That's doesn't look like me" webs said.

Then piranha laughs as he started to joke.

"It kinda those look like webs"

"No it doesn't" webs says.

"It does too" piranha jokes.

"Does not" webs argued.

"Hmm let's see, you both have extra arms, big butts, both have headphones and both are computer geeks" he laughs hard making web more angry.

Suddenly, the lights went off and back on.

"The West Arcade was not shut down properly. Someday data may be corrupted. Initializing startup sequence. Before proceeding, reset the audio manager circuit breaker, located next to the dance floor." The console said.

"Bad guys. The security system knows you are there and has locked you out. Reset the breakers and restore the power to the west arcade, then you can repair the S.T.A.F.F. bot head." Glamrock Freddy said.

They then headed back to the dance floor and found the breaker and flips the switch it shows that there's three breaker to flip.

"Great job. Safety protocols deactivated. Pram zapped. Brun DJ protocols. Recalculating splines. Please reset circuit breakers to all zones. Three zones remain: janitorial service. Arcade." The console said.

Suddenly as webs was fighting with piranha, princess started to see music man started moving.

"Shut up you jerk" webs yelled as she starts punching piranha.

"Uh guys" princess says.

"But it's funny" piranha laughs.

"Guys!" Princess yells to them.

"STOP IT you Moron" webs said.

"GUYS" princess yelled out enough to finally get their attention.

"WHAT" they both asked then they saw her pointing and as music started playing, they turn around to see DJ Music Man was gone.

"Uhhh... where did he go?" Shark asked nervously.

"No time to think about that, we need to find the other breakers." Webs said as they run off to find the breakers. Wolf finds one and flips it.

"Two zones remain." The console said.

They continue on looking for the remaining breakers. They go up some stairs, but as they do, princess felt a chill in her tail, she turns around spotted DJ Music Man crawling on the walls going through the holes built for him.

She started shake, her heart racing in fear, then she screamed.


The bad guys turned around to see what frightened princess then their faces dropped when they saw the DJ music man.

"Oh, boy! That's not good!" Said said panicking as he picks up princess.

"The sooner we do this, the sooner we get out of here." Wolf said as they continue to go up.

They go into a bathroom and in the janitor's closet was the breaker and wolf then flips it.

"Rerouting encryptions. Almost done. There is a software update available. Reset the final circuit breaker located in the south end of the arcade maintenance hallway." The console said. DJ Music Man then sticks his hand through the door trying to grab princess.

"Aaaaurgh! We're trapped!" Shark said.

Princess screamed again and snake held her against his chest keeping the DJ away from her, They waited for him to stick his hand through and escaped out the other door.

There was one more left. They run to back garage filled with old arcade games.

Wolf finds the breaker and flips it. They continue on looking for the last breaker. All of a sudden, Chica spots them and charges at them.

Wolf pulls out the Faz Cam and flashes her, causing her to malfunction. This gave them a chance to run away from her. They head to back garage of arcade games and found the last switch. Wolf the flips it. Suddenly, coming out of the hole above them was DJ Music Man.

"OH NO!" Wolf shouts. They knew DJ Music Man would catch them. They needed to get back to the office.

Then webs jumps on top of the DJ's head as she gets an idea.

"Guys I got an idea, I'll see if I can override his system"

"RUN!" Wolf shouts. They begin running back, as they did, DJ Music Man would throw arcades at them.

They dodged the games as webs opens the panel on the DJ's head, slides in her USB drive in its main system and tries override protocol.

Then when the DJ had them pinned to the wall, the DJ raised its hand up ready to strike them, they all covered princess to protect....

When webs overrides it, it stops and breaks down causing webs to fly off and landed on the floor with a dizzy headache.

"AH, whoa" webs dizzy from the fall.

"Good job webs" wolf said the finally made it to the office.

"Phew, that was too close." Snake said as he catch his breath. He then sees a Freddy head and grabs another security card.

They then repaired the head. Shark sees on his watch it is now 5:30 AM.

"Good job! Take it back to Roxy Raceway." Glamrock Freddy said.

"Okay, let's go before the the DJ reboots and finds us." Snake said.

They started to head back to the raceway to deal with Roxy.

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