Chapter 4 - Settling in

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As they got onboard, the gang looks around the inside of the cruise as they went to a hallway where the cabin rooms are before Diane says, "Our rooms aren't exactly next to each other, but I assume that's not a big issue?" Wolf was relieved and says, "Thank god." The others started to tease as Webs was the first to say, "Aw, Wolfie wants peace and privacy, huh." "Remember this ain't just your romantic getaway. We're all suppose to spend time together." Shark spoke next until Piranha spoke last, "Even if you want to stay in your room with your sweetheart Diane." Wolf was embarrassed while Teresa was trying her hardest not to laugh before they get to their rooms. They were split up into three: Wolf and Diane, Snake and Shark, and Webs, Piranha and Teresa as they open their room doors.

Each rooms have two beds, a great view of the ocean, a small tv on the ceiling and a nightstand. Teresa looks around and says, "Okay...I thought ship rooms were poky cabins with bunk beds and stuff." "I know, right! This might be first class or something." Piranha spoke as soon as Teresa and Webs lie on one bed, both sighing with relaxation before Webs says, "Sure is." The two relaxed for a minute before Piranha asks, "Sooo...what are we gonna do now?" Teresa shrugs and says, "I dunno...chill, I guess." Piranha asks in Spanish, "¿Eso es todo?"

Webs responded, "I mean, we're gonna eat tonight but outside of that, I'd rather we can just...settle in." Piranha stood there and it didn't take him long to tap his foot impatiently before he grabs Teresa's hanging arm and says, "Aw c'mon, chica. I wanna tour the ship!" Teresa decided to play around and says, "Aw man, I want to, but I don't think I can get up." Piranha starts to pull on her arm while Webs gets up, saying, "I'm gonna go check on the others." She leaves the two alone as Piranha got behind and tries to push Teresa off the bed, saying, "Get...up...and...let's...go!" She rests her tail on top of his whole body, holding him down as he struggles while making muffled noises. She finds his struggling adorable that she couldn't help but laugh.

She sits up, held him with her arm and says, "Ok, I'm just messing with ya, puff cheeks. Let's take a look around." Piranha pouted from that. Webs texted Diane that she's coming over and as she got to the door, Diane opens it for her to come in. Webs looks around and says, "Okay, this just, exceeded all my expectations." Diane was facing the other way and says, "Well this is a very upscale cruise, for one it's not entirely human normative if you catch my drift. "Uh, I do not actually. What does that mean?"

Webs asks as Diane answers, "Well, basically all the restaurants and stores etcetera are also prepared for tinier customers." Webs was shocked before a smile spreads on her face, saying, "Ok Diane, you are officially the best!" Diane smiled and says, "Webs, please. I didn't even buy this trip, remember?" "Yeah but still." Webs said before asking Diane, "So, when will you do the 'right time'?" Diane blushed and says, "I dunno. Probably this weekend or next week."

"Oh come on, Diane, you've been dating Wolf for months after we got out of prison. Speaking of Wolf, where is he?" Diane replied, "He's helping Snake and Shark with the beds. But I probably should've told them something about the beds." In Snake and Shark's room, Wolf was explaining to Snake, "The beds are attached to the walls! They can't be pushed together or pushed away!" Shark was laughing before Snake yells, "WHAT KINDA SHI-" Hours later, the sunset was shown as Wolf and Snake calmed down a bit with Wolf on his phone and Snake looking out through the window.

Shark broke the silence, "Okay, to be fair, we'd even fit in the bunk beds back in prison, and this room could definitely be a lot worst." Snake mutters, "Mhm. Can't complain about the view at least." He nods before saying to Wolf, "Ooh, I know a perfect time for you to propose! Imagine it was, like, under a full moon or somethin! With fireworks and stuff!" Wolf slows him down and says, "Shark, buddy, I get that you want to help me, but I still need more time to figure it out." Shark understood and says, "Oh, right."

"Eh, if you won't propose soon, Piranha might beat you to it if he would propose to Teresa." Snake said, until Wolf spoke, "I dunno. I don't think she could handle all that crazy." "Oh please, a rugged one like Piranha, a more rugged one like Teresa. They're perfect for each other." He was about to say until his phone rang. He checks to see that Webs was calling before answering the call, saying, "Yeah?" Webs spoke, "Open up, would you?"

"Alright, one sec." He said before getting up from the bed and goes to the door. He opens the door, but doesn't find anyone as he mutters, "What the..." Snake yells, "If it's a prank or some shit, I'm gonna bite all of them!" Webs pops out from the doorknob and says, "Yo, over here, Wolfie." He sees her as she continues, "I'd try knocking, can imagine how that did." "So, what'a up?" He asks before Webs answers, "It's getting kind of late, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm STARVING, so should we start going to dinner?" "Yeah, sounds good."

"Give us a few minutes and we'll be ready." Wolf answered, until Webs asked another question, "By the way, have you seen Teresa and Piranha? They're not answering their phones nor are they in their room." Snake goes over and says, "They're what?" Outside, Teresa and Piranha were around the dock as Piranha gets on top of an umbrella, saying, "Do it again!" Teresa rubs her neck and says, "I don't know. I don't want you to lose your lun-ok!" She held onto the umbrella and asks, "Ready?"

Piranha repeating my said, "Yeah" as Teresa spins the umbrella. After it stops spinning, Piranha gets dizzy as he gets off, saying, "Terry, where are you?" She starts to laugh until Piranha climbed onto the rails, saying, "Oooo, look at this, so pretty." She gets cautious and says, "H-hey, I know crazy's your thing and all, but that doesn't look very-" "Pfft, relax chica. I ain't afraid of-" Piranha spoke until he lost his balance and nearly fell off the ship. His eyes were closed, thinking that he was falling, but when he opens his eyes, he sees Teresa holding onto his body. She pulls him up and says, "Holy crap, you almost gave me a freaking heart attack." He blushed softly from her fur and mutters, "Lo...siento..." Just then, an announcement was made, "Would Miss Teresa Foxington and Mr Piranha come up to the guest service desk please?"

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