Chapter One - Unexpected Change of Plans

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Inside Diane's car, Diane was driving with one of Wolf's friend, Miss Tarantula or Webs for short, sitting on the passenger seat as she asks her, "Alright, Miss Tarantula, what's on today's schedule?" Webs looks through the schedule and says, "A meeting at the office at 9:30 - 10:20, and then just going through the latest bills." Diane takes a sip of her coffee, expecting there to be more, but to her surprise, there was none. She turns to Webs and says, "Yeah?" Webs shrugs and says, "That's all." Diane got confused and says, "Wait, how is that even possible?" Webs has a sly smirk and says, "Well, someone MAY have rescheduled some of your less urgent for later." Diane realized and says, "Ah, Webs!"

"Being the Governor is a serious job. I can't just procrastinate my work." Webs shrugs and says, "Being the governor's assistant is a serious job too. But fine, if you'd rather do paperwork than hang out with your awesome friends and boyfriend." She then chuckled and said, "Wolf was hoping you'd be free early, so you two can go to the movies or something." Diane smiled and turns back to the road before saying, "I know you mean no harm Webs, but from now on, run all the schedule changes for me first, okay?" Webs held her hand out and says, "Okay, sorry, I promise. Word of honor."

She checks the schedule and says, "But hey, you have the whole weekend empty, and it's not even my work!" Diane then spoke, "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday." Webs was confused and asks, "Huh?" Diane continued, "Yeah, on a cruise." "Oh. With friends, or...?" Webs asks. Diane explains, "Eh, five people from the government...not too thrilled about the whole thing if I'm being honest."

Webs asks, "Why not? Don't like ships?" Diane spoke, "No no, of course cruises are great. But it's more of a representation event, y'know. They most likely have something on their mind and went to discuss through classy dinner and stuff." Webs listens and says, "Oh, this must be one of the downsides of being the Governor. Having to go on a weekend cruise, aw man!" Diane giggled and said, "Well it's like you said."

"I'd rather spend a trip like that with my friends than with people I barely know outside work. It'll be a nice change. It's been a good while since I was on any kind of vacation." Webs chuckled a bit and said, "Well, I hope you'll have-" Diane's phone starts to ring, so she grabs her phone and answers the call, saying, "Foxington." Webs takes out her phone and goes to Wolf's contact, texting him, 'What'll be your plan with Diane when she gets out, Wolfy? Nighttime boat ride? Dinner date?! Anything!?'

Wolf texts her back, 'Don't rush me! I have to really think about this. Maybe go to the diner again? Damn! Sounds basic!' She then heard Diane's surprised tone, "Oh no, I completely understand, you really don't need to-" She froze from the further conversation before a smile spreads on her face as she said, "Why...thank you! I...yes I'll gladly accept. Oh yes, I'm sure."

"No no, thank you. Alright, thank you. Have a great day." She hangs up before Webs asks, "Was that about the cruise by any chance?" Diane answers, "It was. Turned out my companions got some kind of hindrance so the cruise isn't gonna work for them this week. But, they offered me all of the tickets and urged me to still go, but with some friends of mine instead." Webs was busy processing what Diane was saying until Diane asks, "Whaddya think, Webs? Are the five of you and Teresa free this weekend?"

Webs brightens up and says, "Are you kidding!? Heck yeah! We've never been on anything like that!" Diane then spoke, "Seems like one of the downsides of being the governor is also one of the benefits of being the governor's friend?" Webs says, "Darling Diane, you should know these things are the only reason we hang around ya." Diane spoke next, "You atrocious bad guys, shamelessly taking advantage of me like that!" Webs chuckled and said, "Hey, you just invited us yourself." "Pfft, I'll give you that." Diane admitted. Webs adds, "No really, this is gonna be great. Can't wait to see their faces."

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