What love is

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"I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" for the first time Anna notices the rider of horse who is a handsome regal man.

"Hey. Uh...no. No. I'm...I'm okay"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I...I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I'm great, actually" Hans jumps off his horse and steps onto the boat.

"Oh, thank goodness" he offers her his hand, she smiles and places her hand in his and he helps her up, he bows and Anna curtsies.

"Oh. Uh...Prince Hans of the Southern Isles"

"Princess Anna of Arendelle"

"Princess? My Lady" suddenly he drops to his knee and bows his head, then as Hans horse goes to bow the boats nearly tips over the dock again, but Hans catches Anna before the boat tips over.


"Um..." both looking awkward as they hold onto each other.


Hans horse slams its hoof back onto the boat to tip it back making Hans and Anna tumble back the other way with Anna falling on top of Hans.

"This is awkward"


"Not you're awkward, but just because we're...I'm awkward"

Anna gets off of Hans and as he goes to stand he holds her hand to help her up.

"You're gorgeous. Wait, what?"

"I'd like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...and for every moment after"

"No. No, no. It's fine. I'm not that Princess. I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, it would be... yeash! Cause, you know..." she turns and pats Hans horse.

"Hello. But, lucky you, it's...it's just me" Hans chuckles in amusement

"Just you?"

Anna smiles at Hans and she gets caught up in looking at Hans when suddenly she hears the bells ringing.

"The bells. The coronation. I... I...I better go. I have to go. I better go. Uh..." she turns to leave but quickly turns and waves goodbye.

"Bye!" she rushes off, Hans waves goodbye and Hans' horse takes his hoof off the boat to wave goodbye.

"Oh, no" suddenly the boat tips over the dock with Hans in it and lands upside down in the water, Hans raises the boat up and smiles.

In the church, the coronation has started with a choir singing in a foreign language.

Elsa stands at the alter with Anna beside her, Anna looks into the seated crowd and sees Hans waving at her from his seat and she waves back, at the same time the Bishop places the crown on Elsa's head, he then presents the scepter and orb and as Elsa goes to pick them up the Bishop clears his throat and whispers.

"Your Majesty, the gloves"

Elsa hesitates and slowly removes her gloves, with her hands shaking she picks up the scepter and orb and turns to face the crowd, the crowd rise to their feet and the Bishop finishes off the blessing in old Norse.

"Sem hón heldr inum helgum eignum ok krýnd í þessum helga stað ek té fram fyrir yðr...As she holds the holy properties and is crowned in this holy place, I present to you..."

Elsa looks down and sees the scepter and orb starting to freeze over.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle" as the Bishop finishes Elsa quickly places the scepter and orb back on the pillow and puts her gloves back on.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle!"

Elsa turns to crowd and smiles and they clap, she finds a strange crowd (cough) wolf piranha snake shark tarantula abs when she sees princess smiling and waving she returns the wave and smile.

in the castle ballroom the guests dance to music and then Elsa is announced.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle!" Elsa turns and faces the guests smiling.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle!"

Anna rushes in then smiles and waves awkwardly at the guests, Kai then ushers her to stand beside Elsa.

"Oh, here? Are you sure? I don't think I'm suppose to..." Kai places her beside Elsa, "Oh. Okay"

Anna looks at Elsa and takes a step away from her, the guests clap and the music starts to play, Elsa peaks at Anna and says quietly.


"Hi...Hi me...?" Elsa nods, "Oh. Um...hi"

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you. You look beautifuller. I mean, not fuller. You don't look fuller, but more...more beautiful" Elsa smiles.

"Thank you" looking at the guests celebrating, "So, this is what a party looks like?"

"It's warmer than I thought"

"And what is that amazing smell?"

the girls both close their eyes, inhale the smell, then open their eyes and look at each other.

"Chocolate!" they both laugh, as Anna is about to say something Kai interrupts them.

"Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown"

"Weselton! The Duke of Weselton" taking a step closer to Elsa, "Your Majesty, as your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as Queen.

the Duke does a little fiddle with his feet then as he bows his head and holds out his hand his toupe tips forward making both and Anna and Elsa giggle, then Elsa clears her throat

"Uh...thank you, only I don't dance"


"But my sister does" Anna laughs then realizes what Elsa has offered.

"What?" the Duke quickly takes Anna's arm.

"Lucky you"

"Oh, I don't think..." the Duke yanks Anna onto the dance floor.

"If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you" as Anna looks at Elsa in desperation.

"Sorry" on the dance floor, Anna stands as the Duke dances around her showing off.

"Like an agile peacock..." he steps on her feet as he dances around her.

"Ow! Ow"

"Speaking of, it's so great to have the gates open. Why did they shut them in the first place? Do you know the reason? Hmm?"


"Oh. Alright. Hang on" he suddenly grabs Anna and dips her back.

"They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing"

Anna notices Elsa giggling at them and smiles, he tips Anna back up and spins her.

"Oh!" he starts dancing around Anna again.

"Like a chicken with the face of a monkey...I fly!" as the music ends Anna walks back towards Elsa.

"Let me know when you're ready for another round, my lady" after her dance with the Duke Anna joins Elsa and they both laugh.

"Well, he was sprightly"

"Ah! Especially for a man in heels"

"Are you okay?"

"I've never been better. This is so nice. I wish it could be like this all the time"

"Me too..." then Elsa catches herself, stiffens and looks away, "But it can't"

"Why not? I mean, if we..." Anna goes to grab Elsa but she pulls away.

"It just can't"

"Excuse me for a minute"

Anna turns and walks away sadly, as she walks through the crowd a man bows and bumps Anna making her fall, just before she hits the ground Hans catches her.

"Glad I caught you"

"Hans!" he places his drink on the tray beside him, lifts Anna up and starts dancing with her. later Anna and Hans chat and have a drink.

Far ahead the bad guys see queen Elsa alone, "there she is snake, the queen"

"Guess we better go make our acquaintance" snake and the others follow when the duke bumps shoulders with wolf.

"Oh my bad"

"Your majesty may I present to you...the bad guys" Kia introduced them.

"You're highness" wolf and the others bow.

They had walk through the guests in the ballroom towards Elsa.

"Your majesty it is such an honor to finally meet you...is there a place where we can talk privately" wolf whispered.

"Uh sure" she takes him to her throne room.

"Oh week Elsa we are actually here on business"

"How so?"

"We got a tip that a spy is sent here to take over your kingdom and throne do we will be staying to find them and take them to justice"

"Oh that those sound horrible you stay as long as you need to"

"Thank you your highness and I would like you to meet our daughter princess" he moves for them to motion to princess.

She approaches Elsa, the queen bends down, "aw, princess what?"

"Oh no, she's not a actual princess that's just her name"

"Oh my apologies"

Iribxess looks up at Elsa smiling, "I like you dress" princess walks up to hug her but Elsa immediately panicked.

"Oh no, please sorry but I don't feel uncomfortable with people touching me"

"Oh my apologies queen Elsa" wolf picks up princess.

"But please do enjoy the party"

"Thanks your highness, and we promise we will find who this spy is don't worry" they all head back to the ballroom.

"Excuse me. Pardon"

"Sorry. Can we just get around you there? Thank you. Oh, there she is. Elsa! I mean, Queen" Anna curtseys as she reaches Elsa.

"Me again. Um...may I present..." she takes Hans' hand and brings him next to her.

"Prince Hans of the Southern Isles"

"Your Majesty" they both laugh and start talking at the same time.

"We would like..."

"Uh...your blessing..." they laugh again as they say together.

"Of...our marriage!" Elsa looks shocked and confused.



"I'm sorry, I'm confused"

"Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves. We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. Of course, we'll have soup, roast, and ice cream. And then...

"Wait. Would we live here?"




"Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us"

"What? No. No, no, no, no"

"Of course we have the room. I don't know, some of them must..."

"Just wait. Slow down. No one's brothers are staying here. No one is getting married"

"Wait, what?"

"May I talk to you, please? Alone"

"No. Whatever you have to say, you...you can say to both of us."

"Fine. You can't marry a man you just met"

"You can if it's true love!"

"Anna, what do you know about true love?"

"More than you. All you know is how to shut people out"

"You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. Now...excuse me" Elsa starts to walk away.

"Your Majesty, if I may ease your..."

"No, you may not. And I...I think you should go. The party is over" to the guard as she walks off, "Close the gates"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"What?" Anna goes after Elsa, "Elsa, no. No, wait!"

Anna grabs Elsa's hand and as Elsa turns Anna accidentally pulls off her glove, the commotion caused everyone even the bad guys to watch.

"Give me my glove!" Elsa goes to grab the glove by Anna takes a step back.

"Elsa, please! Please! I can't live like this anymore"

"...Then leave"

Anna looks shocked and close to tears, Elsa turns to walk away.

"What did I ever do to you?!"

"Enough, Anna"

"No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?!"

"I said, ENOUGH!!!" as Elsa turns suddenly ice shoots from her hand which spikes across the floor shocking the guests as they back away, wolf covers princess face.

"Sorcery. I knew there was something dubious going on here"


Elsa opens the door and rushes out as Elsa bursts out of the castle door there's a crowd waiting outside.

"There she is!" the crowd cheers, Elsa starts running through them when she is stopped by a man in the crowd.

"It is her! Queen Elsa" Elsa pushes past him and tries to run through the crowd again.

"Our beautiful queen" she's stopped by a woman holding a baby.

"You Majesty? Are you alright?"

Elsa backs away but knocks into the nearby fountain and as she grabs the edge the fountain and water in it freeze, the crowd gasps in shock.

"There she is! Stop her!"

Wolf puts princess down, "stay right here honey" then he ran outside.

"Please, just stay away from me. Stay away!" Suddenly, her ice powers malfunction by it shooting out of her hand freezing the ground and castle steps which makes the Duke and his guards fall.

"Monster. Monster!" Elsa looks at her hand, as she turns the woman with the baby steps back in fear as does everyone else in the crowd, Elsa runs off.

"Hey we resent that" piranha says.

"Elsa! Elsa!" as Elsa reaches the lake's edge the ground beneath her feet freezes.

"Wait, please!"

as Anna rushes after her Elsa takes a step onto the lake water and the water freezes under her foot, she starts running across the water as the water freezes under her feet.

"Elsa, stop!"

Anna goes to step onto the frozen lake water but slips, Hans who's been following Anna rushes to her side.


"No" they watch as Elsa runs across the lake as it freezes towards the forest.

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