Birthday ritual

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Time has passed and many years ago, the bad guys were just kids and on this Halloween night since they were young, they done this ritual every year.

The kids were running and laughing then they head up in the dark woods where it started, all dressed up.

Wolf dressed up as a knight, snake a dragon, webs a wizard, piranha a jester and shark a king.

"Oh ok, I have this crazy idea" webs says.

It Webs' idea since she always imagine themselves as wizards.

Everyone gathered around in a circle and lit up a black candle.

"You sure about this webs?" Wolf asked as they joined hands.

"Don't worry it'll be fun I promise, now let us befan"

They shut their eyes began to chant together, "By karmic power of the number three, This spell tied and knotied be. So that its contents stay together, And can't harm human, beast, nor weather" the candle shined bright.

And that's when the ritual began, they did it ever since then.

Time passed as the kids grew, they soon realized how serious the ritual was to keep the curse form beginning.

However, they stopped once they adopted a baby...named was grow up.

In the bad guys mansion, wolf was pacing back and forth while on the floor princess was playing with building blocks.

"'s time" webs says.

"I know but I don't think we can do anymore"

"But we do it every year, you know what happens if we can't do it"

"I know...but I'm not so sure if we can do it this year, we have a child to raise"

Looking down at princess, she holds up her doll but seeing princess, webs gets an idea.

"Besides I think we're getting too old for this, time time to grow up and move on" snake says.

"Hang on guys, I think I have an idea"

eventually Webs decided that she will teach the ritual to princess since she's a child and so she can do it.

They head to the forest, princess dressed as red riding hood, she and webs sat in a circle everyone watched.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea webs" wolf says.

"Hey, if we can't do it, then who can"

the others are unsure but they agree since it could be another way to continue the tradition.

"Ok princess now watch me" she lights up the candle then snake joins her.

"By karmic power of the number three, This spell tied and knotied be. So that its contents stay together, And can't harm human, beast, nor weather"

So Snake and Webs show her how the ritual is and she repeated it. And ever since then, she is been doing it....till her fifth Halloween when she was five.

When she was five, she was doing the ritual till she opened her eyes to see two new friends: Becca and Izzy holding her hands and repeating the chat, they smiled her, webs and snake watched.

"Would you look at that, she's made new friends to continue the ritual, I'm so proud of her"

she is been doing it with two of her school friends untill some days before Halloween, when she was six, she meets Diane's niece Dinah...

Princess heard the did knocking and at the door, was Diane and a young fox in a blue dress, she and princess looked at each other.

"Princess meet you're cousin: Dinah" wolf Introduce them.

And when princess and Dinah approached, they both smiled and hugged, they have been friends ever since.

But growing up together....they started to part, they became popular, although one was too cool for the ritual, the other was cool enough to do the ritual but one became jealous of the other.

It was Halloween and once again, princess was 16, it was time for the annual tradition, but the only problem is....Dinah started hating princess.

At the bad guys mansion, princess who was dressed up for the occasion, still happy go lucky as always since she was young.

"So long guys I'm off to class"

"Oh hey princess" webs calls her.

"Don't time...for the annual tradition"

"I know webs I know"

"Are you gonna do it with Dinah this year" wolf asked.

"I don't think she's gonna do it this year"

"Oh...well have fun princess"

Then at school, Diane was just dropping off Dinah.

"So I will see you later, be good and please spend some time with your cousin" Diane says.

Dinah was wearing a black turtleneck and a Torque color skirt, her hair was short.

"She's not my real cousin, she's just an orphan you guys adopted"

"Dinah! She is your cousin and you will spend time with her weather you like it or not, you guys used to be so close till middle and you started pushing her away, just remember when your parent gave you up, I took you in and remember how close you and princess were, you guys used to be best friends"

"THAT WAS BEFORE AUNT DIANE, before she became better then me in every way" she slammed the door and ran off.

Yes everything princess did, appeared to be better then Dinah.

Diane always thought she was in a competition with princess although she doesn't see it that way, but as she storms off, she sees her friends: Becca and Izzy who were her friends first before princess.

"Oh, incoming"

"Hey. Happy birthday"


"Uh... So what are you guys doing tonight?

"Birthday rituals, scary movie marathon.
Same as every year, you know? And it's the same ritual as always..."

" witches" princess gets between Becca and Izzy, they both laughed causing Dinah to get jealous.

"Happy birthday by the way, I got you something" she gives her a basket of cookies.

"Thanks princess, you're the best"

"I know I am darling...hey cousin how you been I haven't heard back from you for awhile, you haven't answered my 20 calls or my 35 text messages or my 50 emails" princess mushed over and tries to hug her but Dinah pulls away.

"I been busy"

"Oh...anyway you guys ready for the ritual tonight"

"Heck yeah" Izzy shouts.

"As always" Becca answered.

"What about you Dinah, you coming to the ritual, it'll be fun"

"Oh...actually, no...I can't"

"Oh...I mean I figured you might or would've come with us this time since we don't do it anymore"


"Hey, babe. Sorry, I'm late. I decided to have two breakfasts"

Princess makes a mocking hanging expression getting Kaufman from the girls.

"Oh, and you got to come check out Brian's car.
We covered the entire thing in tinfoil"

"And Why on earth would you do that?" Princess asked.

"Because it's funny. Oh princess you sure are looking hot" mike checks her out, and Dinah is already offended.

"Buzz off buzzard"

"Hey it's cool babe"

"Don't call me babe, my father would tear you to shreds"

"Mike, come on, let's go. Come on"

"See you."

"Well, that's a start, right?" Princess turns to the others who looked upset.

"Come on now at least we tried"

"Why would she ask about our plans? She knows what we're doing"

"Maybe she was hoping we invite her?"

"Izz, if she wanted to hang out with us on my birthday,  she'd probably have hung out with us
one other time in the last four months"

"Alright alright I know things haven't been the same since middle school but still, it's our tradition"

"Yeah, maybe. But I just wish she would stop hating you"

"She does not hate me"

"She's been neglecting you for since...I can't remember"

"It's this thing we have, she's just playing around I know she loves me"

"What do you need good luck for?"

Ten bucks says we have a pop quiz today"


"Good luck you guys" princess waved.

"Hey, Dinah? About tonight, I was.."

"Dude, it's gonna be awesome"

"What is?"

"Our party"

Hearing this made princess tail rise up, "wait? What? You're having a party?"

"At dinah's  mansion You're coming, right?
We invited the whole grade. Even Glenn.
Yo, Glenn, Glenn"


"That's so Glenn"

"You're throwing a party tonight?" Princess exclaimed.

"How is that even possible?"

"Yes who?" Princess asked.

"Your aunt would never let you do that"

"It was my idea"

"I told you I wanted to talk to them about it first"

"Oh, do you guys want to talk now?"

"You can't have a party" princess shouts to Dinah.

"And why not?"

"You can't have a party at the mansion, you know my family prohibits it"

"No, it's fine. We don't have anything to talk about"

"Have fun at your party"

"Becca, come on"

"No forget it, you're not gonna have a party"

"What are you gonna do tell aunt Dinah"

"Well yes, how can you throw a party without even telling her"

"Because she's gonna be too busy with something else"

"Are you guys gone a be busy doing witchery?"

"Can it This doesn't involve you" princess holds her paw.

"Don't talk to mike like that"

"Dinah I'm just trying to protect you, bad things happen at parties"

"You not my family"

"What? The three of you used to do witch stuff every Halloween"

"It's not witch stuff" the three of them shouted.

"Then what's that?"

"A good luck charm in case there's a pop quiz"

"Well, I hope not, because I didn't do the reading.

"Good morning, ghouls and goblins"

"In honor of Halloween, I've prepared the scariest class possible"

" he a banana?"

"A pop quiz"

"I know right"

"Of course"

"You knew that was gonna happen"

"Oy" princess slapped his arm.


"Leave her alone"

"Mr. Wilke's a jerk"

"Of course, he'd give us a pop quiz on Halloween"

"Princess Oy make the effort if you study like me, popular kids study too"

"I made an inference"

"Is that a spell?"

"I said Leave her alone"

"Okay. Let's begin"


"princess...can I copy off of you" Dinah whispered.

"What? No! Dinah that's cheating"

"Tempeh, soyrizo, aquafaba, garbanzo,
cacao, spirulina, crimini, seitan!"

"What did you do?"

"Everyone settle down"

"Here's your quiz"

"She was muttering some weird, scary language, right, babe?"

"You leave her alone you BIG BULLY, Dinah if I didn't know May better I say you were walking with a bad crowd" princess says.

"You heard it"

"I...It did sound like you said "Satan."

"I said "seitan. I was literally listing vegan food"

"See. She admits it"

"That's enough. Mike, Becca, Principal's office. Now"



"Quiet down"

"I hope you're really round of yourself" princess says to Dinah.

After class, Dinah and princess walked right through the festival.

"Look, your aunt is going to find out about your party. And when he does, you're gonna be grounded until at least college"

"Why do you care? You're not even coming"

"Like I want to risk being in trouble, I'm a good kid"

"That's right! Because you're so perfect in every little way, you're the perfect little princess"

"Ok, what's that supposed to mean"

"We're not coming because we just heard
about it from Mike" Becca says.

"As if that would have made any difference, Can't believe you guys are still doing the birthday ritual"

"This ritual has been in our family for generations weather you like it or not"

"We started doing that, what, when we were, like, 5?"

"We get it, dinah, You're too cool for it now. at least princess is cool enough to stay by our side"

"Guys, come on. It's clear Dinah doesn't want to be seen with us"

"Saturday detention"

"Thanks a lot"

"You deserve it" princess says.

"This carnival gets crazier and crazier every year"

"Oh, wow"

"Yeah but my family has been attending this carnival since I Was kitten, it used to be so much fun when Dinah was around"

"At least she made it on the billboard this time. Huh"

"You know, the foxington family dates back
to the witch trials"

"Must be why this is your mom's favorite holiday"

"I thought the spider was her mom?"

"I have two moms"

"Well she sure did a great job with the decorations"

"Looks pretty good"



They both ran and hugged each other, "How's it going?"

"Ok I guess, I love what you did for this year"

"Yeah, Are you heading to the old sacred circle?"

"We actually don't call it the sacred circle anymore"

"Felt, felt a little bit dramatic"

"Oh, that's a bummer. I remember when Dinah would bring, 10 flashlights Right. Remember that"

"Oh yeah I remember, I could never forget that night"

"You guys used to be so close, oh where is Dinah?"

"Uh, uh... Well..."

LShe, um... She's running late"

"She had a..."

"A make up crisis"

"Oh, Right. I'm sure, she'll be fine.Okay. Oh, listen, are you going to the magic shop?"


"Can you pass out some of these campaign flyers for me? I would really appreciate it"

"Sure. Diane Yeah. No problem"

"That is why you're my favorite, I'm gonna see you at the festival tonight"

" See you guys later"

"See you"

"She really is the nicest women alive, you're mom is super cool"


But then she sees Dinah trying to sneak away from her aunt.

"Why don't you guys go on without me, I'll be back"

"Uh...sure, see ya princess"

"People of Salem, gather round. I am Gilbert the Great, here to terrify and amaze you with the most bone-chilling legend of All Hallow's Eve.
That of the Sanderson Sisters. The Sanderson Sisters were the most powerful coven that ever lived, thanks to Winifred's book of spells"

"You really don't want people opening that book, huh?"

"That's not to keep people from getting in, No, it's to keep the book from getting out"


"That very book contains the recipe to the potion
the sisters used to kill Emily Binx on Halloween night, In that same night, the three witches hanged. But not before they cast the curse!
Ah! Fools. All of you. That if a virgin should light the Black Flame Candle on All Hallow's Eve
with a full moon in the sky, the Sanderson Sisters vowed they would one day return to take revenge on all of Salem"

"What's a virgin?"

"Uh, that is a... a person who has never...kissed
But perhaps the sisters have already returned.
Twenty-nine years ago, on Halloween night, some swear they saw three figures fly across the moon"

"Sounds like someone had a little too much candy"

"Well, then, how do you explain this?"

"Behold, the Black Flame Candle burned to the wick"

"Oh, so the witches have been walking among us for years"

"Look out, everybody"

"No, man. The candle's magic only brings them back for one night. They disappear at sunrise. Okay? Just, can I finish this? Thank you. But if the candle's melted, then no one can light it and they can't come back"


"You are right. They cannot return"


"That is unless there is another candle"

"Witches are real. We're all gonna die"

"And if you two would like to try your hand
at resurrecting the Sanderson Sisters, Black Flame candles are half off for Halloween So.What can I get for my favorite customers? Wait....where princess?"

"She had to take care of something"

"Oh, I had a special present, would you mind giving it to her"

"Uh...sure, Just this"

"What? That's it?"

"But it's your birthday. You can't just come in here for one crystal like it's any old Tuesday. You know, legend has it, it's on the th birthday that a witch gets her powers"

"And like most legends, I'm assuming that's based on some sort of patriarchal fear of female aging"

"Yeah, probably that too. But either way, I have a gift for your empowerment"


"Just the thing for a young mystic"


"It looks like it drowned"

"Well, looks aren't everything, Besides, I charged that candle with a very powerful magic just for you. It's perfect for your birthday ritual. It's on the house. And speaking of trollies... You know, if you're looking to kill some time before your birthday plans..."

"We're not doing the ghost tour"

"Oh, well...I'm sorry"

"It's just we basically know it by heart"

"Ooh. Free stuff. What are these?"

"Angelica leaves. You burn them to lift curses.
You should take some. For you never know
when you may be cursed on Halloween"

"Hey, Take it off, You don't taunt the Devil Book"

"I can't let you do this" princess was still in an argument with Dinah and by argument, she was trying to convince her to cancel the party.

"It's not too late to stop this, I don't want you to get her"

"Ok why don't you take the weird sisters and go brew up some potions"

"I'm just helping you as my cousin"

"You're not my cousin and you'll never will be"

Princess was so angry, she burst right out loud.


"What?" The sound of her voice made Dinah winced, Becca and Izzy chuckled.

"Someone's busted"

Then Dinah turned to princess glaring at her.


"Aunt Diane, I can explain"

Then Diane grabs her arm, embarrassing her in front of a lot of people even kids from school.

"We are gonna go home and have a chat young lady, this is unacceptable"

Then princess turns to her family, "hey listen, I'm gonna go to the ritual ok" she says to wolf.

"Ok, be careful out" he says in his most gently voice.

"Don't worry I done these a lot since I was 5 I'll be fine"

"We'll see you at the festival tonight...right"

"Yes wolf, I promise..bye"

They watched her leave with her friends, it made them frown as they take a trip down memory lane.

"She's growing up too fast" snake says.

"I hate it"

"You know, I still don't get why you chose
the creepiest part of the woods to have a ritual"

"I just kind of feel drawn to it. And besides, it's nice to be in the comfort of nature"

"It's also the place where we commune our friendship, the birth of our friendship, our spark"

Then Izzy puts an old picture of the four of them together.

"What? Felt like we needed her here with us"

"Well I like It"

"You know she's still angry at you, right"

"I can live through it, I know we be friends again, anyway, ready?"

"Yeah" they both said as princess Lira up the candle.

"All right"

"Another year begins anew, Maiden, Mother, and Crone too. We call on thee with one request, help our intentions manifest"

But something strange happened, the candle lights up big.

"It won't go out"

"I got it" princess pours her tea out.

"Thanks a lot, Gilbert"

"Almost started a forest fire"

"Ok let's not lose our heads, I'm sure he didn't mean to burn us"

"Oh, okay"

But then the candle lights up by itself.


"What the..."

"Something's wrong, this never happened before" princess says.

"How, how is that?"

♪ Come little children ♪

♪ I'll take thee away ♪

♪ Into a land of enchantment ♪

"Izzy? Becca?"


"Why is everything so quiet?"

"I don't know" princess says.

"Um...What is that? What is that? Why is everything... What..."

"Here we go"

"What, what is happening?"

"Alright just calm down" princess says.

-"Here we go"


"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God"


"Go, go, go!"

"Are you still here?

"It's just lightning guys It's just lightning" princess says.

"It's lightning"

"It's lightning, right? Yeah"

But coming out of the lightning....were the Sanderson sisters.

"Lock up your children. Yes, Salem. We're back"

"Are those the Sanderson Sisters?"

"We're back. We're back. We're back"

"Bloody hell"

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