Poltergeist: something weird is happening

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Then something came out if the screen And flew around the room, it was a spurt of some sort, it twirled around the chandelier then around princess.

Then it went right back into the tv, princess was no spoke as the fur on her tail stick up.

The next morning, princess couldn't get any sleep, that image last night hunt her and she was now worried about the house.

She was sitting on the table with a distraught stare on her face.

Then Wolf came in pouring himself a cup of coffee when he noticed princess was looking a bit worried and she didn't eat anything.

"Hey princess what's wrong?" He asked as he sat next beside her.

"Uh what? Oh it's nothing I just-had a very bad dream"

She didn't wanted to tell him what really happen, then he wouldn't believe her and that she was making stuff up.

The best thing she can do was ignore what happened and hopefully it'll go away.

But wolf was concerned, he sat down beside her.

"Oh, what Is it about that clown again, don't worry we threw it away so you won't have to worry about that creepy doll again" he scratches her neck causing her purr, they smiled but just then....

"PIRANHA!!" Webs yelled causing princess and wolf to jump from their seats and flinched.

They see her getting angry at piranha while holding up her phone, the screen was broken and had a glitch problem.

"I didn't do anything" piranha was surprised that she was accusing him.

"Yes you did, you broke my phone, the screens not working anymore"

"It wasn't me"

"Then who was it then?" She asked with sarcasm

Then snake slithered in, "maybe it was the ghost" he snickers.

"Come on snake you know there's no such thing as ghost" wolf says as he gets.

"Do you believe in ghost?" Princess asked wolf.

He turns and bends down to her, "of course not baby, the ghost around her is snake"

"Hey guys, there's something wrong with the tv?" Shark yelled from the living room.

Everyone ran to the living room and they see shark flipping the channel but on the tv it was static glitch on the screen.

"What happened to the tv?" Wolf asked.

Then princess realized what happened, last night whatever came out of the tv must've damaged web's phone too.

"Maybe piranha broke it too" webs stormed away mad.

"I told you it wasn't me" piranha say setting angry at everyone blaming him.

"I'm sure we'll figure out something" wolf says.

Then princess left the kitchen so she wouldn't see what else the adults arguing.

Then she gets dressed in a nice pink dress suit.

She goes outside to see the cat scratching something form the dirt.

"What is it kitty?" But she looks down to see something from the dirt.

She pulls it out to find that it was a bone.

"Huh?" She examines it.

Then wolf was in the phone with Diane, "we love the new house, it's great"

"Well that's great and what does princess thinks of the house?" Diane asked.

"She'll get used to it, so...are we good for tonight"

"Yeah, I know this nice restaurant that serves this nice seafood dishes"

"That's good to hear"

"So...did you tell princess about us"

He frowns a bit, looking nervous, "does she really have to know"

"She's your daughter wolf, You're going to have to tell her eventually"

"I just don't think she'll like the idea of me and you together"

"Well you know what she doesn't like...you keeping secrets from her, you know how she feels about that"

"I know but right know I just want her to be happy"

He sees princess coming inside, "look I got to go now, I'll see you later tonight, goodbye"

He quickly hangs with Duane frustrated by him, but he wasn't the only one with a secret.

Diane was driving when she pulls a piece of paper from her glove department: it was a doctor note.

Then princess walks up to wolf, "wolf look what I found"

"Let me see that" he grabs the bone and looks at it carefully.

"Is this a bone?" He asked then everyone heard.

"A BONE" he sees piranha and webs hugging shark as they were frightened.

Then snake came in grabbing the bone, "let me see that?" Snake asked.

"was someone killed" shark asked.

"Where's the body?" Piranha asked.

"Everyone relax, where did you find it princess?" Wolf asked.

"Actually it was The cat, he found it outside" she pointed.

"Yeah he found a filthy thing" snake throws the bone on the floor.

Princess looks down as she walks passed it, then she was on her room.

She was she was put her books off from her bed to the shelf.

And when she turns back, "AH!" She gets scared by the clown doll.

"Ugh" she gets mad and thinks it was snake messing with her.

So she grabs the doll, opens her window and drops it in the trash can that was below her.

Then downstairs piranha takes out a pack of playing cards then he sets them on the table, he was about make a house of cards.

He removes stuff off the table, then when he left in the living room for a minute but when he came back, he was startled when he sees all the cards were stacked up like a house already.


Shark came in when he saw that, he was impressed.

"Wow piranha, that was fast"

"But I didn't do that"

Meanwhile upstairs, princess came back in her room when she saw the doll on her chair...again.

"AH!" She was frightened then she was getting annoyed and angry.

"Snake this isn't funny anymore" she grabs the doll and marched downstairs.

But at the same time as everyone gathered around piranha's house of cards, wolf came in wearing a blue suit.

"What's going on" he asked.

"Piranha build the stack of cards real fast" shark says, "but I don't know how?"

"I told you it wasn't me" piranha says, "snake did you do this" he asked.

"No not my thing but if I may ask, what's with the suit buddy?" He asked wolf, "getting ready for your date.

Then at that time princess was standing on the staircase when she over heard.

"Yeah I got a date with Diane tonight"

"That's great buddy but don't you think you should tell princess, I mean she should know"

"Look I'll tell princess when the time is right"

"And when's that, when she's 20 years old" webs says.

"Look she's too young to understand, I just don't think she'll like the idea of me and Diane together"

"You can't keep a secret from her" shark says.

"Yeah you know how princess feels about you keeping secrets from her" piranha added.

Then princess started to get upset, then shark turned and he panicked when he saw princess was watching them, her face was unhappy.

"I don't think princess should know"

"You're doing it again" web says.

"Doing what?"

"Keeping secrets from her and pushing her away"

"I am not pushing her away"

"Then why Don't you tell her anything anymore, it feels like you're just pushing her away, she barely knows you anymore"

But just then as wolf was fixing his the, everyone turns their attention to princess, all their faces dropped.

"I just don't think princess would understand"

"Uh wolf" snake called him.

"I'll tell her some day just not now"

"wolf" webs called him,

"and you guys won't say anything to princess"

"Hey hermanó" piranha called him.

"Just Don't say anything to her, ok"

"WOLF" then they all shouted his name grabbing his attention.


"Princess" snake says as shark pointed up to the stairs.

Diane arrived inside wearing a red dress, wolf saw the betrayed look on princess face as she dropped the clown doll.

"Ah geez" wolf groaned, "princess I-"

But before he could explain, princess ran upstairs crying.

"Princess wait, princess! Ah! I'm such a idiot" he facepalm himself.

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