The bad guys in: THE CONJURING

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The beginning starts with pitch darkness.

"Scares us just thinking about it. When you hear it, you're gonna think we're insane"

"Try us. Please, from the start"

Then a image of a creepy doll appears you all know her as....Annabelle.

"It started out small, a hand or a leg was
in a different positions. in a different positions.
Then one day it was in a completely different room. It's moving around by itself"

"Ever think that maybe somebody had a key to your apartment? Or just playing a trick on you?"

"That's exactly what we thought. But never once that we find any sign or evidence of intrusion"

Zooming out were three people, two girls and one guy.

"And these all had led you to believe that
the doll was possessed?"

"Yes. Camilla got in touch with a medium.
We learned from her that a 7-year-old girl
named Annabelle Hagen had died in this apartment. She was lonely and took a liking to my doll. All she wanted was to be friends"

"When we heard this, we felt really sorry for her. I mean we're nurses, we help people.
So... we gave her permission to move into the doll"

"Wait! You did what?"

"She wanted to live with us by inhabiting the doll. We said yes. But then things got worse.

The girls returned home and they find a note of the floor.

"Miss me?" It said in red...

"When we came home, she was sitting in the hallway. But we had left her in the spare room"

They approach the doll in the hallway and saw that it had red crayons.

But the they see the spare room was in a horrors mess, red scribbles on the wall? A busted lamb, Pictures scratched up and on the ceiling.

"Miss me?"

They heard something rolling then they looked down to see the crayon.

"Debbie! Debbie, wait!" Creeped out, Debbie grabs the doll then she threw it in the trash.

But the next day...they hear banging on the door.

The banging gets louder and when they open the door, they find a note.

Then they get jumpscared by a banging coming from the spare room.

Thud thud thud


They carefully open it then Debbie's gasped in horror, the image was too shocking to reveal.

"We were beyond terrified. We don't know what's going on or what to do, Can you help us?"

"Yes, we can" out of the shadows was a blood hound dog.

"But firstly, there is no such thing as Annabelle. And there never was"

And next to him was a female Saluki  red hair dog.

"Ghosts don't possess such a power. But I think what we have here is something extremely manipulative. It's something inhuman"

"It was a big mistake acknowledging this doll.
And through that the inhuman spirit trick you.
You gave it permission to infest your life"

"What is an inhuman spirit?"

"It's something that's never walked the earth, in human form. It's something demonic"

"So the doll was never possessed?"

"No, no, it was used as a conduit. It moves
around to give the impression of possession.
Demonic spirits don't possess things. They possess people. It wanted to get inside of you"

But in reality, it was a video playing, " Alright that's good, Drew. You can shut it down now"

The two dogs were in a classroom, the dogs named were: Ed and Lorraine Warren.

"Hit the lights. So we get the church to send a priest over to perform a blessing on the house and the occupants.Whatever was oppressing the apartment, was no longer with them. Any questions?"

A lot of hands were raised up, " Yes"

"Where's the doll now?"

"Someplace safe"


"So, what are you guys? I mean, what do people call you?"

"Uh, We've been called demonologists,
it's one name for us. Ghost hunters, paranormal researchers..."

"Kooks" Lorraine says making the whole audience laugh.

"Whackos...But we preferred to be known simply as Ed and Lorraine Warren"

Since the 1960s, Ed and Lorraine Warren have been known as the world's most renowned paranormal investigators. Lorraine
Is a gifted clairvoyant, while Ed is the only non-ordained demonologist recognized by the Catholic Church....

Out of the thousands of cases throughout their controversial careers, there is one case so malevolent, they've kept it locked away until now.

Based on a true story....but in this crossover, the bad guys meet Ed and Lorraine Warren to deal with a dark force they are being hunted by.

Somewhere out of town, far from a city or town or neighborhood, surrounded by trees.

Was a nice big house, looked decent enough, through the window.

A familiar car pulls in the drive way, and out of the car comes the big bad wolf himself, the retired ex con.

Mr. Wolf, looks around the place, takes a deep breath and smiles.

"Well, Here we are" he says as everyone gets out.

"This looks like a nice place" webs says as she gets out of the car, Piranha helps her.

But snake wasn't please, he looks up at a cracked glass window.

"Kinda shabby don't you think, and it's so old and dusty"

"Aw come on, there's nothing but a few decorations it won't fix" shark says as he carries his red duffle bag.

"Yeah all we need is a couple tools, fresh coat of paint, nails, a bucket of kerosene and a blowtorch" snake says.

"Oh will you relax it's not even that bad" wolf tries to assure his friend.

"Well I'm not so sure this place is even safe for princess"

"Oh really? Well...what do you think princess"

They both turned back to the car when the door opened.

Then stepping out of the car was a nine year old princess, she was wearing a mint color dress suit with white high heels.

She had sunglasses on, she looks up at the house then she takes her glasses off.

"I think it's nice" she smiled.

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