The conjuring: seeking help

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"Fear is defined as a feeling of agitation and anxiety... caused by the presence or eminence of danger"

Ed and Lorraine were teaching a classroom as they played a film.

"Whether it's ghost, spirit or an entity, they all feed on it.

"Take Maurice here. He's a French-Canadian farmer, had nothing more than third-grade education. Yet after he was possessed, spoke some of the best Latin I've ever heard. Sometime backwards. He's been molested by his father, who also tortured him repeatedly.
A dark spirit made its home in this man"

"Now, If you look into his eyes, you can see him tearing blood. And, like that, an upside down cross started to appear from within his body"

"Alright Drew, can you hit the lights?"

"Do you personally perform the exorcism?"

"No, I'm not authorized. But I've assisted on many, see an exorcism can be very dangerous,
not only for the victim, but for anyone in the room"

"So, what happened to Maurice?"

"Well, he tried to kill his wife. But instead he shot her in the arm and he turned the gun onto himself. Maurice had a very troubled life..With little to live for. It not even an exorcist could bring him back. Which brings us to the three
stages of demonic activity: Infestation, oppression, and possession. The infestation that's... that's the whisperings, the footsteps, the feeling of another presence. Which ultimately grows into oppression, the second stage. And this is where the victim, and it's usually the one who's the most psychologically vulnerable. It's targeted specifically by an external force. Breaks the victims down, crushes their wills. And once in a weaken state... leads into the third and final stage, possession" but in their classroom, Diane was there.

"Hey Ed! Lorraine!"


"There's someone here that would like to talk to you"

"Oh, hi?"

"Thank you"

"Sure, I'll see you later"

"Governor, How can we help you?"

"There is something horrible happening in this house. Could you come take a look?"

"You know, uh... It's getting kind of late, we really need to be heading home"

"No, you don't understand"

"Owh but we do. As usual, some sort of rational"

"It's not my house, it's a house for a friend and they have a daughter who's scared to death"

Then wolf came in, "I'm so afraid this
thing wants to hurt us" wolf says.

"You have a daughter, won't you do anything
you could to protect her?" Diane says.

"Please! Please can you come and take a look?"
Wolf begged.

"Of course we will. Of course we will"

In the living room, webs was asleep on the couch and princess was in a cave made out of stuffed animals.

They were watching tv hoping it calm her nerves, when Ed and Lorraine arrived.

"Hey, would you guys turn it off? Our help has arrived.

"Hello!" Wolf and Ed shake hands.


"Thanks for coming" wolf says then the other's gathered around except webs she was still sleeping.

" this is snake, that's shark, this is piranha and over there is webs"

"What's happened with her?" Ed asked.

"She's been having night terrors, she can barely sleep at night" piranha says.


"It's nice to meet you, guys"

"Ed Warren" Ed greets snake.

"Thanks for coming" snake says.

"Please, come in" wolf let's them in.

"Thank you"

And as they entered inside, princess crawls out form her stuffed animals.

"So...Oh, my god! Look at you Who is adorable young women?"

"This is princess, our daughter"

Ed pills at her weird, "this is your daughter? A kitten"



"Princess, this is Mr. and Mrs. Warren. He's going to help us with our problem" wolf says.


"Sorry, We... we all sleeping down here now.
The guys feel safer and it's warmer. And we think it's best to keep princess down here, I'm constantly turning up the heat but the house is always freezing"

"It's not the problem with the furnace thoughI mean, not that I can find" shark says.

"It's gotten a lot, worst the past few nights.
There this...The awful smell like rotting meat...
that moves around the house"


"What? What is it?"

"Well, the rancid smell could... indicate some type of demonic activities"

"Oh, my God! You mean we got a demon in our house" shake panicked as he holds on to princess tight.

"Shark, calm down" wolf told him.

"Oh, that's to keep those doors from banging at night. All night long...." Snake explains.

"Does it comes in 3's?"


"Stops at dawn?"


"Sometimes it meant as an insult to the Trinity.
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit"

"You know, there's the damnest thing, but...
we also get all kinds of birds that were just flying against the sides of the house and break their necks"

"Huh! Really?"

"Yeah, and the next day after we moved here, princess found a dead animal near the house yesterday"

"And the clock stopped at 3:07 AM" snake says.

"All of them?"

"Every one"


Lorraine looks at the pile of pictures frames.

"We were hanging those along the stair and Something just kept knocking them down, so we stop hanging them up" snake says.

"That's what I was talking about. It was here when we moved in" wolf says as he was talking about the dresser.

"There are also a lot of junk in the cellar" snake says.

"Show me the cellar"

In the cellar, Lorraine gets visions.

"You picking up anything in here, Hon?"

Bad things happened here

"Something awful happened here, Ed"

"Those bruises, it from something that happened here?"

"It's some iron deficiency things I've have" snake says.

"You know, with all that's going on, why haven't you just moved out?"

"Well this is a vacation home, a gift from diane" wolf says.

"How do you know the Governor?" Ed asked.

"Uh...well you can say that, we are very close"


"But we didn't know anything bad would happen till last night, That's why we tracked you down"

"We're glad you found us! All right. Lets get started. My name is Ed Warren. I am sitting here with Mr wolf Joey, who with his family,
has been experiencing supernatural occurrences. Okay, go ahead"

"Gee, Where to start?"

"From the first occurrence"

"It guess it was the clocks"

Then Lorraine talks to princess who was in her room surrounded by stuffed animals.

"Your family tell me that you have a friend"

"Yeah, His name is Rory. He lives here, too.
But he always sad"

"Why is that?"

"He won't tell me, But I think something bad happened to him.Do you mind if I try to see Rory?"

She places the music box and in the mirror then she sees a small box.

She head out to get some fresh air, then she approach the tree, looking out into the lake.

"Hey!" Ed greeted her.

And she hears a rope squeaking and up above Ed a women was hanged.

"What is it?"

That's when Diane came in, "i bought it at auction from the bank. So, you know, i never
knew who have lived here. I wanted to give the bad guys a present, a summer home for vacation" Diane says.

"Well, Lorraine and I both feel, that what your house needs is a cleansing. An exorcism"

"What? Exorcism?" Wolf asked as he and Diane looked at each other.

"I thought that was something that you do to people"

"No, not necessarily. No"

Then everyone started to panicked then snake picks up princess.

"Ok, We need to get out of here" he tries to reach for the door when...

"I'm afraid that's not going to help"

"Why not?" Snake asked.

"Lorraine saw something. Why don't you just go ahead on it?"

"I've been seeing the dark and its even haunt your house and your land. I saw it first when I
came through your door. It was latched to your back. And then I saw it again with princess when we walked in the living room. It doesn't matter where you go, this dark entity has latched itself to your family. And its feeding off of you"

"Even if we... leave?" Shark asked.

"sometimes when you get haunted is like you stepping on gum. You take it with you"

"Look, i gotta tell you, you have a lot of spirit in here. But this is the one that I most worried
about because it is so hateful"

"OK, so what do we do? Do we call a priest?"

"I wish it was that easy. Performing an exorcism is archaic procedure. Required years of training and...And even then, I have seen
it go horribly wrong. But before we can get that far, the Church has to authorize it first.
Means we got to investigate, gather evidence and provide proof. And that's the hard part"

"What proof do you need, we got a child here that needs protecting" snake hissed.

"Snake calm down" wolf tries to ease him shark grabs princess form snake.

"Has your daughter been baptized?"

"No, we never get around to that. We're not really Churchy family"

"Well, you might want to rethink that. Our presence here could make things worst"

"Why?" Snake asked.

"Because we are a threat. Whatever you're dealing with here, isn't gonna... like us. So far, it hasn't done anything violent. That's a good sign. So we gonna have our guys do some homework on the property to see what we're up against"

"The only thing that matters to me is protecting princess" snake says, "I thought you were experts"

"Snake! I'm sorry he's very protective of princess"

"So are you"

"We'll see you guys tomorrow"

Back at home, "Judy, what are you're up to?"

"I got you a present"

"Me and Nana got this at the Church's yard sales"

"Honey! Oh!"

"One for you and one for me I put a picture of you and Daddy into mine. Nana said with this we will always be together. You'll be with me and I'll be with you.I miss you and Daddy"

"Hey, Hon!"


"You're not gonna believe this. Wolf's voice didn't record"

"What do you mean?"

"Listen. My name is Ed Warren. I am sitting here with Mr. Wolf Joey And his family who have been experiencing supernatural occurrences. Alright, go ahead"

"Hurm, from the first occurence"

"Nothing! The whole time. I don't know, you find anything?"

"A lot. That makes no wonder they going through what they are. That the original farm house, built in 1863 by a man named Jedson Sherman, He was married to a woman named Bathsheba. And she related to Mary Town Esty.
She's one of the woman accused of witchcraft
and assailant, she hindering a trial. So, after Bathsheba married Jedson, they had a baby.
And when the baby was seven days old, Jedson
caught her sacrificing it in front of the fireplace. She ran out to that tree by the dock,
climbed up, proclaimed her love to Satan,
cursed anyone who tried to take her land,
and hung herself. Time of death was pronounced at 3:07 in the morning"

"Well, that explains a few things"

"Here, so does this. Her last name was Walker, she lived there in the 30's. She had a boy named Rory, who mysteriously disappeared in the woods. Then she killed herself in the cellar.
And that's not all. See what was the original 200 acre farm, has been subdivided and sold off. There was another boy who drowned in the pond here. He lived in the house over here,
And the woman worked as a maid in the
neighboring home, she committed suicide, too.
People who took her land"

Then suddenly the record turns on, "I am sitting here with Mr. Wolf Joey And his family who have been experiencing supernatural occurrences. Alright, go ahead. From the first occurence"

In the background they hear a women wailing and girls screaming then the clock stopped at 3.

The next morning they arrived at the house with backup and friends.

"Owh, here's Brad"

"You find it okay?" A golden retriever sheriff asked.

"Oh, yeah"

"Drew, this is Officer Brad"

"Officer Brad Hamilton, Harris Ville Rhode Island PD"

"Nice to meet you, man"drew was a Pekingese.

"So, you're lucky new cop, huh?"

"Guess so"

"You're here to catch some ghost, right?"

"Take it easy, Adam Drew"

"Okay, so help me get the stuffs unloaded"

(In this room where you sleep plays)

"Take this"


"When you're finished here, why don't
you head upstairs, alright?"

"You got it"

Wolf was helping Ed and upstairs Lorraine was chatting with Diane.

"What's wrong with the Chevy?"

"Uh, what's not wrong with her. Needs a new carburetor to start"

"Oh, yeah?"

"Kind of put fixing her up on hold for a while"


"You hand me in the thermostat, would you?"

"What's this, uh, do?"

"Owh if there's an instanst drop of the temperature, thermostat triggers the
camera to take a picture. Do you actually caught things on film?"

"Yeah, that's the point"

"Why, uh... Why out here?"

"Well, this is where the witch committed suicide. She hung herself from the branch
right above where you're standing"

"How could a mother kill her own child?" Diane asked.

"He was never a child to her. She just used her god given gift as the ultimate of fence against him. Which is believed will elevate her status in the eyes of Satan"

"Hm. Well... that's a nice stay at the beach, huh?" Lorraine touches her paw and she gets a vision of princess and Diane at the beach.

"How did you know?"

"Some insight, it's like a peek through the curtain in another person's life"

"Hmmm. Princess means so much to the guys but to me, I'm just a...a second mother to her, We're driving along the coast. Princess pointed out how pretty the view was. I thought this is the perfect opportunity for a family photo. They just wanted a break from Thomas"

"Who's Thomas?"

"Princess real father"

"So let me ask you a question" Ed asked wolf.

"Sure what is it"

"You and Diane are dating right"

"Uh yep"

"So how did you-I mean your daughter...she's so-"

"I know, I know, she looks nothing like me but the thing, she's adopted"


"Yeah, her real father Thomas chesterfield was a nut job, he tired to hurt princess but I willing risked everything for her and where we are, for years since she was a kitten Thomas had been trying to get his revenge on us, that's why we came to this house, to getaway from Thomas and spend some family time together"

"Ok now that is just messed up, what kind of father would do that to his own daughter"

"I know right" both dogs chuckled.

"Put your hand flat on the desk" drew was with princess showing her something.


"Now take it off, Here we go. See? It's just revealed source that naked eye can't see. Pretty amazing, isn't it?"

"Wow, it's magic" princess was amazed

But then snake comes in and he picks up princess and hissed at drew.

"Whoa chill man"

"Find some other girl"

"Drew, you get the bullet ready for Brad?
Yeah, already locked in on, sir"

Then the bell rang and they see the door opening, everyone immediately gets spoked and takes a closer look, snake held princess back.

But they hear the toilet flushed and just saw officer brad.

"Ugh" everyone groans.

"What? I had to go"

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