The conjuring: stake out

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"All the rooms are coming in pretty good"


Wolf could see Ed unpacking lots of crosses

"What's in the bottle?"

"Holy water. The presence of religious icons will...get the reactions from any thing unholy.
Sort of pisses them off. So I set these throughout the house, see I can stir things up a bit"

"Like holding a cross to a vampire?"

"Yeah, exactly. Except I don't believe in vampires"

Then they hear a bell ringing, everyone looks concerned.

"Alright who was it this time" snake asked.

"Wasn't me" brad says.

They turned to the hallway to see the cellular door opening then the camera catches something.

"Brad, get the camera"

"Right, it's 9:18, we headed down to the
cellar with the door just open on its own.
Have Lorraine and Officer Brad Hamilton with me, Lets keep the cellar light off" they head downstairs to the basement.

"Give us a sign that you want to communicate with us. Everything alright?"

"Definitely something's in here"

"Alright close the door, do something! Come on"

"Now. Come!"

"I get on this"

They headed back up when nothing happens but then hear something and turn around to see nothing.

"Well, like I said, doesn't always work when you want it to. Yeah, maybe the camera
picks something up.Watch out"

Then suddenly the door slammed shut, and brad a d drew were watching the video.

"For a guy who doesn't believe, you looked a little freaked out when the door slammed shut"

"It must have been a draft"

"Owh, it's funny. A draft never put that look
on my face before"

"I believe the clock. It's 3:08"

The next morning, everyone gets breakfast.

"I think I might take princess or ice cream later on" Lorraine says and princess immediately looks excited.

"What do you say about that?"

"Yeah, please" princess pled.

"Uh, yeah, sure" wolf says.

"Diane you wanna come?" Lorraine offered.

"No, I'm exhausted from last night I'm just gonna take a nap"

"I'll go with" webs asked as she crawls on princess head.

"The late night, they're getting to me"

"Probably it's a good idea" wolf says.

"Why don't you get some rest, Lorraine and I watch over things for a bit"


"I better take off, my shift starting in an hour"

Then piranha approach webs, "are you sure that's a good idea, after whats going on"

"Don't worry I'll be fine" webs says as she cups his hand, "besides someone as to keep an eye on princess"

"Oh, the house doesn't felt like this in a long time. I think the other feel a lot better that princess is safer with you around guys" wolf says.

"I can get used to this"

"What, me doing laundy?"

"Your funny"

"A nice place, nice, fresh country air, huh?"


"They have... such a beautiful
family, don't they?"

"Yeah, the little one, princess, it is a shame about what happened with her real dad? Trying to kill her and all"

"This child means a lot to them"


"We've gotta help them"

"I know. I'll start with the Chevy"

Just then, a large gust of wind blew on the sheets and Lorraine felt a dark presence.

As the dark skies rolled in, she tries to ignore it but the sheets covered someone who wasn't there.

Then the sheet flew to the window where Diane was sleeping and in the window she saw it.

And as Diane was sleeping in the bedroom, snake took a nap in the recliner when his bruises started to vanished.

Then marks started to appear on Diane's arm, then something took over her, she tossed and turned, She screamed and was staring in the eyes of Bathsheba, she spew red blood in Diane, but she immediately wakes up coughing.

Lorraine could sense she was in trouble, so she ran towards the door, banging hard, trying to get in.

"Diane, are you okay? Diane, open the door! Diane, open up!"

Then Diane finally opens up, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Diane seems ok

"You sick?"

"I just I woke up, just feeling little nauseous, that's all. Don't worry about me"

"I thought I saw.."

"I hear princess and wolf"

"A minute"

Wolf arrived, he gets out after taking princess to the park, he carries her out of the car then he saw Ed working on the car.

"Here, why Don't you go play with shark" he says as he puts her down.

"Ok" she ran inside

"I thought that was you"

"Hey, I hope you don't mind. Get a good deal on a rebuilt, the a wrecking yard in Smithfield"

"Nice. Looks like you know what you're doing"

"Yeah, we'll see...Got a nice place here, wolf.
Lorraine and I always wanted a spot in the country"

"I'll sell you this one"

"Hey, get me the wrench, would you?"

"Hey, uh...Really means a lot to us
to have you here. I gotta admit I was a little
bit skeptical going in. I just want to say thank you, though for coming out, what you did"

"I can't take the credit. It, uh... It's all Lorraine's"

"I didn't want to!"

"Oh, why is that?"

"Whatever Lorraine sees, feels, touches...
it helps people, but it also takes a toll on her.
Little piece each time.Couple months ago we
worked on a case. She saw something"

A flashback to months ago, Lorraine gets grabbed by a posses man when she sees something and starts to panicked.

"It took a real big piece. When we got home, she went into our room, locked herself in.
Didn't talk, didn't eat, didn't come out for 8 days"

"What did she see?"

Lorraine fell on the floor and Ed held her, "Get out of here!"

"I do not know. And I won't ask her"

"You know princess has a special gift too"

"Really what's that"

Moments later, wolf and Ed see princess staring at a squirrel and her eyes began to glow bright pink and the squirrel ran inside and gave her a drink, Ed was surprised.


"What she called cutism"

"Cutism? What's that?" Ed asked.

"It's where she hypnotized anyone or thing with her cuteness"

" did she get it"

"It's parto f the reason why we hate Thomas, when princess was born, he experimented on, electrocute her, he did all sorts of bad things to her, we used to be criminals"

"Yeah i remember you guys, the bad guys, so what made you guys go good"

"When I met princess, i kidnapped her, it was supposed to be a kidnap ransom thing but then it turned to Let-turn-ourselves-in-to-be-good, so you can say princess is the reason we became bad guys, i Don't know what it was but she gave me this warm feeling inside and i wanted to keep her as my own daughter, we gave up crime to raise her after we had her real dad sent to prison when he tried to kill her"

"Uh huh, remind me that if I ever see Thomas to punch him, what kind of father would hurt his own daughter"

It was nighttime, which meant time for another attack.

"I need to reload. You want some?" Brad asked drew when he sat next to him.

"I'm good. Thanks"

"All right"

Brad gets up but outside, princess looks through the window, surrounded by darkness.

She was terrified then wolf closed the curtains and shark pulls her back.

"Don't worry princess nothing bad is coming to get us from outside as long as we stay inside, I promise" wolf says.

But in the kitchen as Brad pours some coffee, he hears something coming from outside.

He then noticed the chair rocking by itself then when it stopped, he heard a voice.

"Look what you made me do.

He heads to the back, turns on the pouch lights then he mistakenly heads outside but he soon gets back inside when he sees nothing.

He locks the door, he was getting freaked out then as he steps back and sees a strange woman.

"Look what she made me do" she shows him the cuts on her wrist.

"Hey!" As the women walks off, he follows her but she was gone the next second.

"Ed?" He was spoked when she jump right behind him.

"Look what she made me do!" She screamed

"Ed! Ed! Ed!"

As princess was immediately fast asleep when they heard Brad panicking they ran towards him to see him on the floor.

"Dude, you're okay?"

"Hold on. Brad, what's going on?"

"I saw someone, there was a woman dressed like a maid. This..."

"A maid?" Wolf asked.

"Great now we're dealing with a maid" snake says.

But then princess started sleepwalking again and the camera gets a shot of her.

"Ed, we're getting something"

"Oh no, It's just She's just sleepwalking, she's been doing this-" wolf tries to explain when....

"No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, we need this"

"Why do you need pictures of princess?" Wolf asked then snake gets ticked off.

"What's your angel here bub, she is just a child"

"No no, it's Because she's didn't trigger it"

Then wolf and snake approach him at the same time.

"What do you mean she's didn't trigger it?" Wolf asked.

"Somebody's with her"

"Who?" Snake growled.

They see her go in one of the rooms and the door immediately shut behind her.

Which made everyone panicked, "princess!" Wolf ran up the stairs and the others followed.



Everyone tries to get the door to open and the camera takes more pictures.

Then through the mic, drew could hear another voice.

"Hey, over here!"

"There someone else in there with her. I'm hearing another voice. Here, listen"

"Follow me, this way. This is where I hide"

"It sounds like a boy?" Drew says triggering snake's parental instincts again.

"A BOY? UGH!" He used his head to bash the door open and they see princess is gone.

"Princess?" Wolf called her.

"Alright Where did she go, Ed?" Snake hissed at him while shark looks underneath the bed.

"Windows are locked"

"Hey! Ed, where did she go?" Snake was getting upset.

"Brad, get the UV light"

"The what?"

"Just ask Drew"

"Drew! I need a UV light"

"Uh, here. That's it, go, go, go!"

"Turn off the light"

"Get out of the way!"

"Whoa!" Webs was amazed by the light.

He finds handprints inside the closet, which meant, there was a secret department.

"Okay. Hit the lights, Now!"

He slides the door and sees a small hole there he sees princess

"I found her" everyone was relived.

"Oh my Poot baby" shark whined, he goes in and pulls princess out, wolf pulls off his coat and wrapped it around princess.

"Here we go" shark says.

"My girl!" Wolf cups her head.

"That's where Rory hides when he's afraid" princess pointed out then Lorraine gent an idea.

She goes inside and noticed something, a shelf full of old toys and she sees one is missing, in an hexagon familiar shape.

"Uh Hon, could I have princess's music box, please?"

"All right" Ed grabs the music box from princess room.

"How's princess?" He asked when wolf came in.

"She doesn't remember a thing"

"There you go"

"Thank you!"

She puts the music box back then she looks around and finds a rope, but as she pulls on it, at the very was a Noose.

She gets a horrible thought then as she quickly gets up, she fell right down to the cellar.


"Lorraine!" Ed quickly ran back downstairs looking for her.

"No! Lorraine! Lorraine! Lorraine! Lorraine!"

Webs and piranha watch him, then snake gets impatient.

"She's in the cellar you idiot"

But when she fell, music box fell with her, she turns it on when she hears something.

Then she hears a woman crying, and in the mirror, she sees a woman holding a knife and a boy.

She turns around but saw nothing, then she looks back in mirror and sees a face.

Then the women appeared again and this time, her eyes were covered in running mascara.

"She made me do it. She made me do it"

Then they both looked back as if she heard something then Lorraine saw the women was gone,so as she continues to look around, then suddenly a hanged body fell in front of her.

She is terrified and backs away then the body turns, coming towards her.


"Ay! Lorraine!"


Lorraine rushes upstairs but her necklace was pulled back and it snapped off then she made it to the door.

"Ed!" Ed immediately open the door and Lorraine ran in his arms.

"I know what she's did"

"I got you, Lorraine?"

"Ed, I know what she did!"


"She possessed the mother to kill the child.
She visited snake every night. That's what the bruise marks are. She's feeding off of him" everyone turns to snake and he looks worried.

Then they hear the crosses moving and they all fall down.

Then Turing to webs, they see her holding was being pulled up.

"Uh...webs?" Wolf asked.

Then she gets pulls and thrown to the door, "AH!"

"Webs?" Piranha and shark yelled as they ran to her.

"Are you okay?" Wolf asked as he tries to grab her then she gets dragged around the room.


"Help!" Webs cried.

Princess is so scared, snake held her and she burning her face in him.

"Webs!" Piranha grabs her But he gets slammed into the door.

"AH!" But it doesn't stop him, he ran and grabbed webs with the others helping, princess whimpers and drew grabs some scissors.



"Arrghh!" Then they cut off a piece of her hoodie.

"Are you okay?" Piranha asked as he held her, cradling crying webs.

"Web's okay, I got her" piranha says

"You get that?"


It was morning already, the bad guys get out of the house immediately.

Wolf carried sleeping princess as piranha carried sleeping webs, it was a long night and the two had it fought, they needed some sleep.

"I'll have the footage developed and get it over
to Father Gordon. He's our liaison at the Church. I imagine we'll get a pretty fast response. Listen, wolf?"

"Yeah?" Wolf placed princess in the car gently and shark gets between her.

"I'll get the exorcist, I'll be back but Lorraine.."

"Yeah, I totally understand"

"Until then, Drew's gonna keep an eye on you"

"Hey Ed, thank you for everything"

"You're welcome"

"I Can get us a room in Hilton" Diane suggested as she gets in her own car.

"Goodbye haunted house, hello free complimentary breakfast" snake smiled.

And in the back, webs curled up her legs and pulls them up as she rested her torso body on piranha's lap, resting against his chest, he brushed her fur and rubbed her head as he puts his arm around her.

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