The conjuring: the ending

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"I'm coming with you" Ed heads out the door when Lorraine follows behind him.

"No way! You stay with Judy!"

"The only way to protect Judy is if we stop this where it's started. Otherwise, she's going to
latch on to us again" she grabbed his arms.

"That's exactly why I'm going" he pulls away.

"And you think I'm going to let you walk on this alone?"

He turns around to face her, "I can not lose you"

"You won't" she takes his hands in hers, "Let's finish this together!"

They weren't the only ones to arrive to the house, officer Bradley came too, sirens wailed very loudly.

They get to the house, "cole in guys let's hurry" wolf says.

But the door was locked.

"It's locked" shark says as he bangs on the door.

"Diane!" Lorraine yelled.

Then wolf yelled, "DIANE OPEN UP"

"Wolf!" Ed yelled

Then he saw Bradley getting something out of the trunk.

"Get out of the way!" Bradley says.

He shoots the handle opening the door and hears screaming.


"Wolf!" Ed called him.

And they see webs battling Diane, she was on her back try to pull on her shirt, trying to keep her from killing princess.

Princess stands back terrified and crying, as  Diane held a knife, she tried to stab webs.

"Diane! Snap out of it, don't hurt princess"

Wolf snapped when he heard webs, she was coming from in the cellar.

"Princess! Diane!" Wolf ran

"Wolf" snake followed him.

"We're down here!" Ed called

Diane grabbed webs and pinned her against the wall trying to stab her.


"DIANE, DON'T" wolf and Ed both grabbed Diane along with drew and Bradley and as she drops webs piranha caught her

"Baby" he hugs her

And shark grabs the knife out of her hands.

"Here we go!"

"Diane, no" snake grunts as he tries to tangle her with his long body.

Webs was panicking when she grabbed piranha.

"She tried to kill princess, I had to stop her"

"It's ok baby" he hugs her.

"We get to get her to the car" Lorraine says.

"We go where?" Wolf asked.

"Just take her to the priest, for the exorcism"

"wait. Where's princess?" Wolf asked as he looked around

"Princess!" Shark called her.

"Piranha put webs in the car, then help shark and drew find princess"

"Princess!" Shark ran to find princess

"Come on!"

But as they tried to exit the house, something was wrong, Diane couldn't go, and marks appear on her body, getting darker.

"She won't let her leave her house"

"What?" Snake hissed.

"What do you mean?" Wolf asked.

"We take her out, the witch will kill her"

Then diane was pulled back into the house and dragged in the cellar.


"Diane!" They ran back to the cellar, they saw her getting thrown to the wall then she fell on the ground, they surrounded her.

Meanwhile piranha placed webs in the car, "piranha don't leave me here" she grabbed his arms.

"It's okay. Stay in here. no matter what. I'll be back. I promise" he grabbed her hands.


"I have to find princess, okay? I'll be back. I promise"

He ran back inside to see shark and drew looking for princess.

"Princess?" Shark yelled.

"Princess!" Piranha repeated him.

"You're okay?" Wolf helped Diane but she growled.

But then she bounced on Ed, chocking him, snake and wolf the to pull her off but she was proven too strong for them to handle, she threw them across the fool , she had the strength of any demon in the world.

Brad tried to grab her but she bit his neck, "AH!"

Then Lorraine came with a sheet and wrapped it around her head pulling Diane back.

Then we and wolf pick her up and Lorraine grabs a chair.

"Get something to tie her up!"

"On it" snake grabbed a rope and tied her up.

"Hold it!"

"I got her on cuff" brad handcuffed her.

"I have to go get Father Gordon out here"

"He's too far away. She won't make it, look at her"

"Well you got to do something" wolf says.

Then Ed realized what he needs to do, "I need you to leave"

"What are you talking about?"

"I have to do it, the exorcism"

"What?" Snake and wolf asked.

"Wait on a second I thought you said we need a priest" snake says "You're not a priest"

Well it doesn't look like we got any more options, do we snake?" Wolf asked.

"He can do it. You can do it!"

"You got to get out of here"

"I'm not leaving you"

"I'm not doing this with you in here"

"God brought us together for a reason, this is it.
I'm going to get the book"

"Princess" piranha checks the rooms and can't find her.

He goes in another room where shark already searched, "PRINCESS!"

Lorraine brought the book, it was time for the exorcist.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. "Vade retra, Satan!" "Go back, Satan!" "Sante Michele Arcangelo, defende nosceo prelio." He splash holy water on her.

"Ah" webs could hear Diane screaming but her screaming was causing something else.

Webs looked carefully outside and a bird came crashing through the window.


"Princess!" Piranha and shark came running downstairs.

"Did you find her" drew asked

"No" shark says.

"She's got to be around here somewhere" piranha says.

"Don't worry guys we'll find her"

But suddenly they heard something.

"What was that?" Shark asked.

"It sounded like it came from the kitchen" piranha says as they ran.

They hear a loud banging sound, piranha looks outside then a crow swoops by.

"Ah!" It startled him, causing him to fall back.

Then one. Ame crashing through the window.

"AH! What was that?" Shark asked as he was freaked out.

And outside the house, webs could see a swarm of crows surrounding the house.

Then one came crashing through the cellar.

"Ah!" They all panicked.

The cellar all around them was shaking along with the ground.

Then Diane started to move, "hold her still! Hold her still!"

Then the guys ignore the birds and continue looking for princess.

"Princess?" Piranha turns on the lights.

"Princess?" Shark looked underneath the table.

"She's around here somewhere I can feel it" drew says.

Then both predators heard her whimpering.

"Princess?" Shark says.

The sound was coming from underneath the floor.

"Princess?, you're under there?" He bang on the floor.

"Princess!" Piranha yelled.

But the others were fight for Diane's life.

"Diane! Diane, don't give it! Don't let her take you!"

Lorraine was encouraging Diane but wolf was getting impatient.

"Hey! Warren, stop, stop, you're killing her!" He was holding by his friend.

"He can't"

Then underneath the sheets, she spew up blood.

"Warren, I'm serious, stop it!"

"understand this, we are fighting for her soul!"

"Wolf they know what they are doing you have to trust them" snake says

"In the name of Jesus Christ, the saints and all the angles, I command you to reveal yourself!"

And underneath the sheets as they ripe revealing Bethsheba and a savage side of Diane, it sure spoke snake.

"Whoa, I did not see this part of Diane" snake says.

"It's not her snake" wolf says.

Thrn drew tries to open the floors with a object.

"Move guys" but shark hold him back.

"It's ok, i got this" he then starts punching and stomping the floors.

"Wolf! Help me!" Diane went back to normal but it gets stronger

"...omnes inimici, et invisibilium, et liberabitur!" (...all of his enemy, visible and
invisible, and shall be freed!) "Omnes fantasma, omnis legio, in nomine Domini nostri lesu..." ("All of a ghost, every legion, in
the name of our Lord Jesus..."

But suddenly, she stopped and she levitates up in the air, turned upside down hitting the ceiling.

"Put her down! Put her down! Put her down!"

She of course dropped Diane but breaks the chair and unleashing her.


They came to grab her when a shelf starts coming down towards Ed.

"Ed, look out!" Luckily he rolls out of the way.

"Are you okay?"

Then Diane rise up and laughed.

•Hold her still! Don't let her out. Don't loose her, wolf"

But wolf gets angry and he grabs the demon possessing Diane.

"Damned you! You leave my daughter alone.
You hear me, I don't know what you're are.
Just leave my wife alone. God dammit. Let her go. You hear me? Let her go. Let her go! God dammit! Let her go!"

The demon turns to him slowly, "She's already gone. And your daughter's next"

Ed sees the gun aiming for him and snake pushed him out of the way before it could shoot him.


"Don't mention it"

"Princess!" Shark was relived when he and the other to saw her.

"Shark" she cried, then he reach his arm down as she tries to Reach up and they try to grabbed each other hand.

"Hey wolf, we found her. She's under the house. Under the kitchen" piranha shout.

"Hang tight baby" shark says.

Snaje and Rolf we're relieved but then Diane slipped through the little hold in the wall.

"Diane don't"

they try to stop but it's too late, snake race to princess, he grabbed her hand for comfort.

Then when princess saw Diane, she got scared.

"AH" she ram and wolf heard her.


"She's in the hole, right there" shark pointed down but the hole wasn't big enough for wolf.

"The hole? Oh, my God! Can't get to her" wolf says.

"But I Can" snake slithered in and shark makes a bigger hole for wolf.

They get underneath the house, wolf grabbed princess but Diane also grabbed her, snake wrapped around Diane's arm trying to pull princess out of her grip and push diane away.

"Wolf" princess whimpered.

"It's ok princess i got you, daddy's got you, I'm not gonna let go"

Then wolf saw Diane holding up a knife, "DIANE NO!" The hall yelled.

"Bethsheba!" Ed called her name revealing herself.

"By the power of God, I condemned you back to Hell!"

"Ah!" Then Lorraine touched her.

"This is your daughter. You can't give in!"

"Wolf, we need to get her to fight from the inside"

"That's easy She's the strongest women we know" shark says as he used one hand to grab princess.

"Don't let her do this to you, okay? you gotta to fight it. I know you're stronger than us!" Wolf kept his arm around princess, she held on tight to his arm, shaking and trembling, shark rubbed her and snake hold her head.

"You got to fight it Diane" wolf says

"Keep it going, wolf!"

"You got to stay with us, all right? At least for princess sakes" snaje says.

"Come on back Diane!"

"Alright that's it, get her back!

"Remember what you show me! Remember that day that you said you would never forget"

Lorraine shows Diane a flashback of her and princess.

"You said she meant the world to the guys.
This is what you'll be taking away"

Then Diane from the inside fought her with all her might then she threw up the demon, everyone watched.

And it was safe to say...that Diane was back.

"Diane?" Princess says.

It was morning and the marks on Diane's body were vanished.

"It's over" wolf says as he held princess and help Diane out.

Princess was so tired, she rest a little on wolf's shoulders and piranha grabbed we s out out of the car, they both hugged.

"I'm so sorry princess, I'm so sorry" she rubbed princess face waking her up.

"It's ok" princess flutter her eyes

"I'm just glad to see that everything is bad to normal" snake says.

"You said it hermano" piranha walks up with webs in his arms.

Badly was still bleeding from the bite, he had to cover it it up.

"The draft did that to your face?" Drew asked him.

"I'm taking guy with gun any day"

"You did good"

"No, you did"

Lorraine and Ed kissed then they looked down to see princess approached them.

"Excuse me, I think this is yours" she headed Lorraine back her her necklace.

"Oh, thank you so much"

"Nice kid, reminds me of our own" Ed says.

"Come on guys, it's time we go back home, let's go princess" wolf says as they get in the car and dove away from the house.

The next thing, Lorraine and Ed return back to their own home, with a new collection.

"I'll call Father Gordon, let him know what happened"

"Sounds good"

Ed goes downstairs and placed the cursed music box with the others.

"The Vatican approved the exorcism"

"Huh, nice timing!"

"And if we can, he'd like to meet us tomorrow.
There's a case in Long Island he'd like to discuss"



But as they leave....

The music box plays, which indicates two things: the music box is an entrapment for the spirits in the Perron family house, and it establishes Ed's theory that spirits can be contained but not nullified.

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