Bedtime Stories/Metal food for the robot

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The giant robot is asleep in the shed and he wakes up as Hogarth comes in with a flashlight and comic books.

"If you're gonna stay here, you gotta keep better track of yourself. Sheesh. Anyway, I thought you'd like, you know, a bedtime story or something. I've got some really cool ones.Mad Magazine, very funny. The Spirit, very cool. Boy's Life? Ehh. Oh, here This guy is Superman. Sure, he's famous now...but he started off just like you. Crash-landed on Earth. Didn't know what he was doing. But he only uses his powers for good, never for evil. Remember that" The robot felt curious as he looks at the Atomo comic book.

Hogarth sees the Atomo comic book.

"Oh, that's Atomo, the metal menace. He's not the hero, He's the villain. He's not like you. You're a good guy. Like Superman"

he places the Superman comic book over the Atomo comic book to get the giant's mind off Atomo.

"Superman" the iron giant feels his stomach rumbling.

"You're hungry, aren't you?"


"But I don't have any metal here. Just follow me"

The scene switches where Hogarth climbs on the robot's hand.

"Pick me up, okay?" The robot stands up and he holds up Hogarth he sees the night sky

"Wow. Okay, now march!" The robot starts walking and Hogarth looks down to the ground below.

"Whoo! Yee-haw!"

As the robot continues walking with Hogarth in his hand he sees the town of Rockwell.


"Oh, yeah. That's Rockwell. Nice place huh?"


"Yes, I was born right down there"


"Stop! No, stop! Look out for the cow! Come on, no not there! Please stop. No stop! We can't go there yet. People aren't just ready for you"

"Awww" he Walks away from the town sadly.

"That was close. We can't go running around like that, okay?"


"Hey, look!"


"I guess that would be okay to eat. It's been there for months" Sees the tow truck coming, Shocked.

"Oh no, we gotta hide! You know hide! It's when you-- You know, when you-- Just get behind something, quick!"

As the tow truck approaches Hogarth hides behind the robot's head.

"Don't move"

Dean hooks the used car as the robot pretends to be a picture on the billboard.

Hogarth comes out from behind the robot's head he see's the McCoppin Scrap tag he smiled as he gets an idea. As Dean drives away with the old car. The robot tries to get the old car and he sighed.

"Our troubles are over"

The robot and Hogarth arrive at the McCoppin scrap yard. The robot felt happy upon seeing lots of scraps.

"This is it. All you can eat"

The robot eats the scraps of metal, he picks up the old car and the horn goes off. Hogarth covers his ears.

"Shh, Turn it off!" The robot sits on the car then he crushes it with his fist.

"Come on, just turn it off!" The robot throws the damaged car to the distance. This causes the lights in Dean's warehouse to turn on.

"All right, who's out there?" He holds a crowbar but See's Hogarth outside his door.

"Hey, I know you. Squirrel boy"


"By night, known as Hogarth. Got it. Well come on inside, kid. Sorry about the crowbar" Hogarth comes in Dean's house and looks around.

"You'd be surprised how many people wanna steal scrap. But, man, once I turn it into art, I can't give it away. I mean, what am I? A junkman who sells art or an artist that sells junk? You tell me"

" I like it, I think. Listen you're not gonna call my mom, are you? She doesn't know I'm out"

"Don't worry kid. Look, it's not my style to report a guy to the authorities"

outside the window he waves to Hogarth and he quickly closed the shade.

"I'm gonna have some coffee. What do you want, some milk, or what? Milk?"

"Coffee's fine. Yeah, I drink it. I'm hip"

"I don't know. This is espresso, you know? It's like coffee-zilla"

"I said, I'm hip" Dean shrugs as he starts to make coffee.

A bit later, Hogarth speaks rapidly under the effects of espresso.

"So she moved me up a grade because I wasn't fitting in, so now I'm even more not fitting in. I was getting good grades, you know? Like all A's. So my mom said, "You need stimulation," and I go, "No I'm not stimulated enough right now!"

"That's for sure"

"So she goes "Uh-uh. You don't have a challenge." So now I'm challenged, all right. I'm challenged to hold on to my lunch money, because all of the big mooses who wanna pound me because I'm the shrimpy dork who thinks I'm smarter than them. But I don't think I'm smarter I just do stupid homework! If everyone else just did the stupid homework, they could move up a grade and get pounded too. Is there anymore coffee?"

"Look, it's really none of my business kid, but who cares what those creeps think, you know? They don't decide who you are. You do. You are who you choose to be," The crashing sound is heard from outside.

"Did you hear that?"

"No, wait. Stop!"

Dean comes out of his home with a crowbar in his hand, he looks around. Then, he turns around and suddenly caught sight of the giant on the other side of his warehouse.

"It's okay"

"Oh my god"

"He isn't gonna-"

"Run kid! Run!"

They run off, Dean's voice attracts the giant's attention and he jumps up angrily.

The giant lands in front of them, they run the opposite way.

"It's okay, he isn't-" he was cut off when the giant slams his hand in their way. They turn around and they trip.

"It's okay, he isn't gonna hurt me"

Suddenly, the giant grabs hold of Dean by the collar of his nightgown.

"Whoa! Hey, hey!" he gasps when the giant raises him high.

"Don't squash him! No, don't! Do not!" the giant narrows his eyes at Dean, then he looks at Hogarth, confused.

"Squash him. His name is Dean We like Dean" the giant draws his attention back to Dean, but this time, he didn't narrow his eyes.

"Dean" Dean cowers in fear

A little later, Dean sees the Giant eating some metal junk and shakes with fear as he is about to take a sip of his coffee.

"So...where'd, uh-- Where'd he come from?
Hogarth: He doesn't remember. He's like a... little kid"

"Little. Yeah. Wait a minute. You can talk to him?"

"Kinda. He can't say a lot of words yet, but he understand things pretty good"

"Oh, yeah, I see"

Hogarth and Dean start chuckling as the Giant is still eating some metal junk, then they stop.

"He needs food and shelter" Dean has a blank expression on his face, he silently gets up from his chair, pours his coffee onto the ground, and walks back into his office, slamming the door, cutting the screen to black.

A caption reading "37 minutes later" appears in the middle of the screen, cut to Hogarth is still pleading to Dean to let the Giant stay in the junkyard, but to no avail, and sun begins to rise.

"You got plenty of room here. This place is perfect!"

"Go away"

"I can have him push the door down. You know I can!"

Dean finally tired of Hogarth's pleading; opens the door.

"Hogarth! I-I-I can't hide it here!"

"Him. Not it"

"Whatever. You don't even know where he came from, or-or-or what the Hell he is!"

"He's my friend"

"Yeah, yeah. What am I? Am I your friend?" He starts walking back in to his office.

"Bring some Franken-bot with out-of-state plates over here and make me change my tune. I don't like that jazz. God, I'm tired"

"So, he can stay?"

"Tonight. Tomorrow-- I-I don't know about tomorrow"
Hogarth closes the door and breathes a sigh of relief.

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