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The scene changes to the President's office where two guards come in.

"Mr. President, we have a situation, sir"

As the Air Force jets take off, back to town where Annie is in the car driving and she almost hit one of the army solders.

"Watch it, lady!"

The Air Force jets fly into the town of Rockwell as Annie continues driving and the giant robot continues running still holding Hogarth safely. The jets flew past the robot and Hogarth see's the bus below.

"Look out for the bus!" The robot gasped and he tripped through the power lines then he slid off the cliff with Hogarth in his hand as he screamed.

Then the rocket thrusters came on the bottom of his feet and he began to fly.

"You can fly!" The robot went up high, "You can fly!"

"Amazing the robot can fly"

Annie came out her car and she is shocked to see the robot fly up into the sky.


""Try pointing your arms straight ahead, like Superman!"

The robot holds out his arm and flies like Superman. He felt very happy but suddenly the jets flew past him and one of them start shooting. The robot got angry and he targeted the jet.

Iron Giant covering his eyes to stop himself from firing the lasers.

"No, no!" The robot dodges the shooting to avoid getting hit.

"I've lost visual, Repeat I've lost visual!"

"Man, that was close!"

Suddenly the blast hit the robot he falls down from the sky. Annie sees what happened.


Kent sees the robot fall from the sky with his binoculars.

"Ha! Gotcha!"

The robot lands on the ground below and he groans. General Rogard looks through his binoculars.

"Good call, Mansley. Secure the area. Let's find out what this thing is and who sent it"

The army drives up to the robot. The robot recovers and sits up then he see's Hogarth unconscious and he gasped in shock.

He tried to wake up Hogarth then he begins to mourn Hogarth. The army approaches him.

"It's still alive!"

"Just, shoot at it!"

The army starts shooting at the robot. Then the robot gets angry and the dent disappears on his head. His eyes turn to red then he activated a gun and he shoots the combat vehicle. General Rogard and Kent are shocked to see what the robot did. His body activates more weapons.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Let's get out of here!"

The army drives away as the robot comes after them continuing to shoot. Annie comes out of the car and Dean arrives. Then they check on Hogarth who is unconscious.

"How the kid?" Wolf asked.


"He's unconscious, but he's okay"

"Let's get him in the car" back to where the army is fighting the robot.

"Drive, baby, drive! Step on it! Floor it! It's gaining on us. Faster! Faster! Hurry!"

The army went back to town as the robot keeps shooting then he hits the combat vehicles and General Rogard stops the jeep.

"All battleships fire at the robot!" He Sees the robot approach them, "Now! Now, that it, now!" The battleships shoot the robot and it hits the robot on the back. Then he heads for the battleships, "Nothing can stop this thing! We've hit with everything we've got!"

"Not everything, general. The bomb" General Rogard removes his glasses, looking speechless, "The Nautilus first strike capability is not far off shore"

"You scare me, Mansley. You want us to bomb ourselves in order to kill it?"

"General, the giant seems to follow whatever attacks it. We can lure it away from the town, then destroy it"

"Radio the Nautilus, tell it to target the robot and await my command"

The camera changes inside the Nautilus submarine and the pilot answers the call.

"This is Nautilus. What's the giant's position?"

"67.71972 degrees west by 44.50177 degrees north"

"Locked and loaded"

back to Dean driving the car while Annie holds an unconscious Hogarth.

"Oh, my baby, I'm so sorry" Then Hogarth wakes up.

"Stop the car."

"Hogarth, Oh my God, Honey you're all right"

"Go back! We've gotta help him!"

"Are you crazy kid? You're lucky to be alive! We're taking you to a hospital"

"I'm sorry son" wolf says, "but it's too dangerous and princess could've been hurt next"

Then he felt shocked as he stops the car. Then they are shocked to see the robot changed.

"Everyone, out of the car! We're evacuating the area" Pulling Dean of out the car.

"What are you talking about? We gotta get this boy to a hospital"

"What boy?" He grabs Dean among with another soldier.


As the soldiers grab the bad guys, wolf breaks free, "KID!" Wolf ran after him

Hogarth runs up to the robot as Dean and Annie look on.

"Hogarth, no!"

The robot targets the Nautilus as Hogarth arrives to stop him.

"Hey, no stop!"

The robot turns to Hogarth and he shoots to sky as the army reacts in shock. Kent looks at General Rogard.

"This is General Rogard. Ready the attack and prepare to retreat to the fallback position"

The soldiers escort Dean and Annie safely then Annie hears what's going on.

"No!" He Runs to Kent as the soldiers stop her, "No! Stop! My son is out there!"

Wolf shoves one of the soldiers running toward to Hogarth.
Then as Hogarth gets to the robot. The robot points the weapon at Hogarth.

"No, wait. It's me Hogarth. Remember? It's bad to kill. Guns kill. And you don't have to be a gun. You are what you choose to be. You choose. Choose" The robot's eyes return to normal.

"Hogarth" He returns to his normal form, he felt regretful for what he had done.

"It's okay, It's okay. We gotta show them you're good"

Then inside a submarine.

"Nautilus to Rogard. Missile armed and ready"

back to Kent, Rogard and Dean where the second former is informed by the latter about the robot.

"What are you saying, he's friendly?"

"Yes, attacking him is triggering a defense mechanism"

" Don't listen to him, General! Destroy the monster while we still have the chance!" The robot approaches in the mist as the soldiers hold out their guns.

"General, you shoot now and the whole thing starts all over"

"Stop it now, General! Our future's at sake!"

"Orders, sir?"

"Which is why you have got to stop, General"

"It's getting closer! Orders, sir?!"

Hogarth in the robot's hand, emerging from the mist.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"


"Hold your fire! The boy's alive?"

"It's a trick! Launch the missile!"

"Don't listen to him sir" wolf says.

"Are you mad, Mansley?"

"All units, stand down! Rogard to Nautilus. Come in, Nautilus"

Kent looks up to the robot and he glares down at him.

"This is Nautilus standing by" Kent grabs the walkie talkie.


The captain pushed the red button, launching the missile up to the sky. Back in Rockwell, General Rogard confronts Kent.

General Rogard Furiously, grabbing Kent by the coat.

"That missile is targeted to the giant's current position! Where's the giant Mansley?!"

"What?" He Turns to see the robot holding Hogarth behind him glaring a him, then he turns back to Rogard.

"Oh, we can duck and cover. There's a fallout shelter right there"

"There's no way to survive this, you idiot!" Rogard grabs hold of Kent again.

"You mean, we're all going to--"

" To die, Mansley, for our country"

He lets go of Kent, who stands around, shocked.

"Screw our country! I want to live!" He Throws the soldier out of the jeep and gets in. He tries to drive away but the robot stops him and he glares down at him.

"Hold him, men" The soldiers held him gunpoint to prevent from escaping.

"Make sure he stays here, like a good soldier"

The alarm goes off and the crowd gets worried and scared. The robot sees princess running to wolf all scared, she holds on to him and he embraces her, then he puts Hogarth down then he walks up to Annie and hugs her.

"Oh no" He looks to where the missile is heading. The robot slowly walks briefly to get a closer look. Hogarth turns to the robot.

"It's a missile. When it comes down, everyone will die"Annie placed her hand on Hogarth's shoulder.

"There it is!" The crowd sees the missile up in the sky as the robot looks at it then he looks to crowd knowing that the missile will kill everyone.

"Shouldn't we get to a shelter?"

"It wouldn't matter"

Wolf consults either his friends about princess safety.

"I fix" Hogarth feels surprised and he walks up to the robot.

"Giant?" The robot kneels down and gently placed his finger at him.

"Hogarth. You stay. I go" He gently lifts Hogarth's chin, and sadly wags his other finger, "No following"[
He backs slowly.

"I love you"

Then the robot turns to wolf who holds princess, "Wolf you are a Good Wolf"

"See ya you giant metal head" wolf smiled.

The robot takes off as Hogarth looks on and Annie comforts him.

The robot continues taking off and he went into space as the missile approaches him. He remembers Hogarth's advice "You are who you choose to be" which echoes around his mind.

"Superman" He closed his eyes and the missile hits him. Then, an explosion occurs, and the camera zooms back to earth where the explosion is a bright light in the sky as the crowd looks on in shock.

They all cheered that they're all safe and Hogarth felt very sad about the sacrifice of his friend as Annie hugs him comforting him.

General Rogard To soldiers whilst taking off his helmet.

"Let's go home"

Hogarth sadly looks up to the night sky and he will never forget his friend as the camera zooms slightly to the bright light where the explosion of the robot and the missile.

After everything, Annie and Hogarth watch the bad guys packing up get ready to leave.

"It's a shame you guys have to leave so soon it was nice to have another kid hogarth's age" Annie sadly watches them leave.

Hogarth was too sad to say goodbye, he was upstairs and he sees Annie shaking hands with wolf and Diane.

"We were hoping you would stay longer, Hogarth seems to like your company"

"I wish we could, Hogarth seems like a really nice kid but I'm afraid we can't stay, we're needed back home, in Los Angeles but thank you so much for letting us stay, ready to go princess"

Princess approached them with her suitcase, "bye" she waved.

Then wolf heads upstairs, he sees how upset Hogarth was.

"So kid I guess this is goodbye, and I wanna say thank you so much for helping us"

Hogarth hugs him, "thanks for helping me Mr wolf"

"We'll see ya real soon kiddo" he gets up and leaves.

Hogarth watches the bad guys leave, The scene changes to a park one month later where a statue of the giant robot is and it says "Dedicated In Memory of the Iron Giant by the town of Rockwell" and Hogarth is playing with the boys. Dean sits on the bench and Annie walks up to him.

"Your best work yet, honey. No doubt about it"

"You think this is my best? Really?"

Well, ...You know, next to the bug thing. You know, the one with the shovels..." she Clears her throat and calls Hogarth.

"Hogarth, come on, honey. Time to go"

"See you later, guys" he Runs to Annie and Dean.

"See you later, Hogarth"

"Oh, uh, hey, Hogarth. the general sent this to you"he Gives him a small package.

"What is it?"

"He said it was the only part recovered. He thought you should have it" Hogarth opens the package and it's the robot's jawbolt.

"I miss him"

Annie placed her hand on Hogarth's shoulder as he looks back the memorial statue then Hogarth, Dean, and Annie leave the park.

Then the scene changes later that night in Hogarth's bedroom where Hogarth is in his his bed sleeping.

Then suddenly he wakes up and he sees the jawbolt out of the box. He gets out of his bed and looks around.

The jawbolt is at Hogarth's bedroom window glowing and beeping it taps the window. He smiled and he opens the window then it lands on the ground.

"See you later"

The jawbolt rolls away as the camera pans up to the sky then the camera changes to Langjokull Glacier, Iceland we see the robot's parts as the camera pans to the robot's face he opens his eyes and he smiled at the audience, then the camera fades to black, and then the credits roll.

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