Collège Françoise Dupont

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After Marinette sings, she lands on her rear in front of civilians, embarrassing herself in front of them.

She gets up on her feet quickly and runs away. On the same building, a car arrives in front of them. Nathalie walks towards the car to assist Gabriel as he steps out of the car.

"Mr. Agreste!"

"The teams are ready for you in the showroom"

Gabriel grunts in reply as him and Nathalie enter the showroom.

Camera shutters are heard everywhere as models pose in front of the cameras, modeling Gabriel's designs.

"To die for! Bravo! Yes! Ahh!"

Inside the showroom are more fashion designers who are in their busy schedules organizing the photoshoots. The elevator opens as Gabriel and Nathalie step out.

"In other news, the show was a success in every way"
"I want copies of every review as soon as they come in"

"Yes, sir"

Gabriel sneers at a designer, "Take three centimeters off the right. Lower the hem. And get rid of that sash"

Vincent looking at Gabriel's critiqued dress, "Oh! To die for!"

Nino arrives at school with his skateboard and high-fives with Alix. He spots Nathaniel and greets him as well.

"'Sup, dude?"

Meanwhile, Marinette stands before the school, her eyes shifting from side to side looking at every student around her, feeling anxious as she holds on her backpack strap more tightly.

"Working out?"

"I'm getting swole!"

At the same time princess arrives at the school, Max is seen getting chased after by Alix while Marinette bumps onto a student.

By the school's main entrance, Chloé performs a quick run through of her checklist with Sabrina.




"Check. Adrien?"

"I promised to show him around. If all goes well according to plan, he'll escort me to the ball come December. Everything must go according to plan, okay, Sabrina?"

"Plan? Check"

Marinette takes a deep breath and begins her way towards the school, long before Nino bumps onto her...

"Watch out!"

...and Marinette bumps onto Chloé, spilling a drop of coffee on her shirt, making her furious.

"You just ruined my Gabriel Agreste sweater!"

"I... I'm so, so..."

Chloé grabs Marinette by her collar, "Marinette!!
You... are so—"

Alya is heard clearing her throat as the camera pans to her, showing that she's already recording the whole thing between Chloé and Marinette.

"Don't stop on my account. I'm just a fly on the wall"

" gonna be my new best friend!" lets go of Marinette and dusts off her jacket.

"It's just a priceless cashmere sweater. Come on, Sabrina" snaps her fingers while smiling forcefully.

"Let's get to class. We have much to study" pulls Sabrina along with her towards the school entrance.

"I am so angry right now! I could eat... a piece of bread with butter!"

"But that's carbs and fat. You could break out!"

"I know!" Chloe proceeds to walk dramatically inside the school.

Marinette and Alya walk the along the corridor.

"You didn't have to do that"

"Oh, sorry. Did I need to take a number behind the line of friends coming to your rescue?" Marinette frowns.

"Joking. Name's Alya" puts out her hand for a handshake.

"Thanks, I... I'm Marinette"

"You have a rep around here: a magnet for catastrophe. You do not disappoint. Some people have to try to fail that hard"

"Yeah, I try... not to. You might want to stay away"

"Are you kidding? I live for the action shots. I'm gonna stick to you like glue"

"Think you and I were meant to be"

inside the classroom. Marinette plays the recorder in front of the class, only to produce cacophony with it, making the whole class cover their ears.

"Is that a dog whistle?"

Everyone in the class begins to complain, except for Alya, who raises her two thumbs at Marinette.

In the gym, Marinette tries out gymnastics, observed by Mr. Damocles and Ms. Bustier, only to fail as well, falling down the balance beam and hitting the ground head first. Alya reassures her once more by giving her another thumbs-up.

Chemistry class. Marinette hesitantly pours a chemical from a test tube into another flask, causing an explosion inside the classroom. The students outside the classroom gets shocked as well.


"That is so cool!!"

Back at the showroom, Gabriel wanders around his creations placed on mannequins. Emilie begins speaking to her in his mind.

"My love, where is that dress you promised me?"

Gabriel stops in front of an elegant silver gray dress.

"Honey, I'll get to it" Emilie's ghost appear in the dress as if she was wearing it.

"We have all the time in the world"

"And I don't mind waiting forever"

"I would give every moment I have left... for just a glimpse off you in that dress, Emilie" he looks down on his hand the Butterfly Miraculous, and the longer he looks at it, vague mysterious voices begin speaking to him.

Flashback: During the time Gabriel first found the Butterfly Miraculous...

"To be honest, I've never seen such a strange artifact" presents a small box containing the Butterfly Miraculous.

"It gives me the chills"

End of flashback.

Scenarios of Paris in chaos, the rivers turning into lava and people screaming in terror appear before his eyes. Gabriel gasps and snaps out of the horrid vision that was shown to him.

Classes are over and so Marinette and Alya walk out the classroom.

"Hey, you keep your head up, girl"

Marinette frowns yet again. Alya rushes to her and gives her a tight embrace.

Alya gestures a telephone with her hand, "You call me, okay?"

Students along the corridor begin gossiping about Marinette.

"I wish I could make an explosion like that"

"You're too much, Marinette!"

"It's like she does it on purpose!"

"She's crazy clumsy!"

"Whatever she does, better stay away!"

"Were you born clumsy?"

Arriving at her locker, Marinette takes a deep breath and opens her locker door, only to be greeted by Chloé as soon as she opens it.

"Hey, Marinella!" closes Marinette's locker.

"Why don't we braid each other's hair after school? Then, I could strangle you with it! How does that sound?"

"Wait, is that another girl wearing an Agreste sweater?"

"Who dares??" notices that Marinette has run off.

"Hmph, you won't escape me, Marinella!"

Running off, Marinette bumps onto a few students.

"Excuse me! Sorry"

She ran outside only to bump to princess, where wolf arrived, she steps out of the car and he gasped when he saw marionette pushed princess to the ground.

"I'm so sorry" marionette tries to apologize.

"It's alright, accidents happen, I'm princess" princess greets her.

"Hi, I'm marionette, you must be the new girl"

"Oh yes, how did you know?"

"Well I do see a lot of familiar faces and you seem different"

"Yeah me and my family just moved here, for a little vacation and to visit my uncle"

"Oh you have a uncle here"

But then they get interrupted by wolf who wraps his arms around princess pulling her closer and he growls at marionette scaring her.

"AH!" She ran back inside the school.

Wolf took pride of himself but princess was angry at him.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"What? I was saving you"

She was so angry, she shoved him off and storms to the car.

Meanwhile marionette pushes open the door to the library and runs inside to hide behind the shelves.

Before the door closes, Marinette takes a peek at Chloé who is already by the library door.

Luckily for her, Chloé didn't see her that easily as she hid quickly. She takes a quick peek again before walking around.

"There must be an exit. An emergency exit" leans on a shelf and groans.

"My life is over. I'll have to leave Paris, change my name, dye my hair!" She groans and leans back on the shelf.

"A little luck here, please"

Leaning her head on the shelf, Marinette pushes a book and falls off.

Looking through the hole on the shelf, she sees Adrien on the other side.

She stares at him briefly and notices her after a few seconds, making her wide-eyed.

"Are you okay?" removes one of his ear-pods.

"Oh, uh—uh... me?"

"Are you crying?"

"What? No, I'm not! Um... This is just, uh, allergies. There's a lot of pollen in here. I mean, not pollen, dirt— I mean... Dust! I must have it in my eyes"

Adrien simply smiles and lets out a chuckle in reply as he walks towards a table to grab a seat. Marinette, from the other side of the shelf, watches him from behind the books on the shelf.

Finally arriving to the other side where Adrien is, Marinette unknowingly leans on a cart of books and pushes it, causing her to fall on the floor.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Anxious, Marinette bumps on the shelf, with books falling on her head.

She quickly grabs a book with a black cat on it to cover her face and takes a little peek, seeing Adrien reaching a hand out to her.

"Need a hand?"

The two share a brief moment staring at each other. Marinette stretches out to take Adrien's hand, shaking. As their hands make contact, Adrien pulls her up and proceeds to pick up the books on the floor.

Standing up, Marinette couldn't move her feet from Adrien's gesture and stare at the hand that Adrien held. Seemingly, the young girl is beginning to develop feelings for the young boy.

"Wait, do you think we should— Hello?"

As she turns around, she sees nobody, not realizing that Adrien had already left.

She notices the door slightly opened and closes completely. Outside the library, Adrien says to himself...

"She's so weird"

Before he could wear his ear-pods, Nino calls him from the other side of the corridor, riding his skateboard.

Nino skateboards to Adrien, "Hey, bro!" bumps into students in the hallway.

"Scuse me! Sorry! Sorry! Bummer you're missing all the action, man"

"Yeah, it's kinda lonely in there"

"Yo, fair's opening tomorrow. You should come with. There's some sick new rides, dude. It'll be awesome! You know that I'm here for you, right?"

"Alright, dude" frowns as he wears his earpods and walks away.

The Agreste mansion. Nathalie runs over some of Gabriel's upcoming plans to him.

"Anything else?"

"Your world-fashion interview, tomorrow, first thing"

"Fine. Merci, Nathalie"

"Dinner? With your son, sir"

"No, I have work to do"

"He needs his father"

"And I'd appreciate if you minded your own business"

He pushes open the door to his office as he enters and the door closes behind him, leaving Nathalie standing right outside the door.

As footsteps are heard by the stairs, Nathalie turns around and sees Adrien, who was eavesdropping between her and his father.

"I'm sorry, Adrien"

"I know the drill" goes up the stairs

As he goes up, the camera pans to the giant portrait of Adrien and Gabriel placed by the staircase.

Nathalie, with nothing else to do, takes her leave as well.

The scene changes to Gabriel's office, where Gabriel looks at their family picture with Emilie.

It match cuts to Adrien's copy of the picture as he looks at it too with a frown.

Gabriel closes the curtains; Adrien walks by one of the halls with a bigger copy of their family picture as he looks at it as well.

The scene once more changes to Gabriel locking a safe in his office, then to Adrien now on the train station, walking on the sidewalk with his earphones on.

Back at the mansion, Gabriel presses the combination on Emilie's portrait in his office.

At the same time, Adrien is now in front of a theater, where Emilie used to perform.

He walks towards the curtains and brushes his hand against them, sentimental. He stops at the center of the stage as a memory of Emilie flashes before him, where Emilie is greeted by applause while she waves back to the audience, holding a bouquet of roses.

Looking to her right, she sees Adrien and reaches out a hand to him, gesturing his son to join her in the spotlight.

As soon as he tries to hold hands with the memory, the spotlight turns off. Adrien notices a brochure of Emilie on the floor and picks it up with a melancholic face and says...

"Happy birthday, Mom"

Back in the Agreste mansion, Gabriel still stands before Emilie's portrait.

"I cannot keep this dark secret anymore"

He looks at the Butterfly Miraculous on his left hand as several memories of him acquiring the said Miraculous flashes on the screen.

"Give me the ultimate power so I can bring my wife back!"

In the memory, as he opens a box, a burst of purple light appears before him, revealing the Kwami, Nooroo.

"Master, I cannot grant you this wish. Only the Ladybug and Cat Noir Miraculous possess this power"

"How do I find them?"

"They can only be summoned in times of chaos"

The scene returns to the Butterfly Miraculous in Gabriel's hand.

"If chaos is the way, I will burn the world and lose myself in the flames to do so!" He wears the Butterfly Miraculous on his tie as it trills, summoning the Akumas upon his transformation.

"Let darkness rise"

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