When hero's collide

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Marinette looks at herself in the mirror as Ladybug and screams.

A Guard checking out Notre Dame

"The one night. The one night I have off and they call me" Looking around the area.

"There's gonna be hell to pay, I tell ya! Oh, yeah! They're gonna hear me tomorrow"

"Huh? There's nothing to report. What a waste of my time! Wait... What is that?" looks to the villain and shrieks.

Meanwhile with wolf he runs into shark, "hey"

"Hey" shark waved.

"Where did you went" wolf asked.

"I went to go see my uncle"

"Oh really and how's he doing?"

"He's doing great" then shark noticed something in his paw.

"What's that?" Shark asked.

"Oh I found it when I was confronted by a wolf"

"Huh?" Shark says.


"Oh it's nothing the same thing happened to me too, but I was attacked by a shark"

"What seriously" wolf laughs.

"Yeah, but he left a truth, something fir me to add to my collection"

"But really you got frightened by another shark even though you're a shark"

"Very haha"

The two laughed but then they heard tiny giggles, they were suspicious then they look down at the miaricious then two kwami emerged.

Wolf and shake were shocked by this, speechless, didn't say anything all they could do was stare as their kwami looked at them.

"You must be the ones we choose, in lunno" says the wolf kwami.

"And I'm Chomppy"

"AH!" The two panicked.

"Hey! Where are you two going" lunno asked as he and chomppy look at each other and follow wolf and shark.

"Come back"

Meanwhile back in master fu's shop.

"Wow..." Noticing a yo-yo she tries to toss it but it does nothing.

"First a song, now a yo-yo? What's next, a tea set?"Then the yo-yo starts to move on its own twirling around her and sending her through a chimney.

Outside on the rooftops, Ladybug screams out of a chimney as she's rushing to the Notre Dame.

Then Inside the Notre Dame, Ladybug slams into Cat Noir, and they both crash through a stained glass window, and get trapped by Ladybug's yoyo.

"Where... am I?" Looks below and screams.


The yoyo loosens, sending the heroes plummeting to the ground of the Notre Dame at the same time wolf and shark came screaming.

They shut the doors, "what was that wolf" Shark asked.

"I don't know, it looked like wolf" wolf says.

"Really what looked like a wolf" just then Lunno and Chomppy were behind them smiling.

"Ah!" The two panicked.

"What are you two?" Wolf asked still freaking out.

"I'm lunno. And this is Chomppy"

"Hi" Chomppy waves.

"And we're miraculous kwami, and you been choose to be the next hero's" lunno says.

"The what?" Wolf says.

"Oh my uncle told me about these guys" Shark says, "Kwamis are divine beings of great cosmic power. They are immortal beings that have existed since the birth of the universe billions of years ago"

"That's right" chomppy says.

"Alright are you guys ready" lunno asked.

"No" Shark says.

"Ready for what?" Wolf asked.

"You guys were chosen to be the next hero to harness our power" lunno explains

"What? Oh no no no no there has to be a mistake" wolf says.

"No mistake, you showed no fear when that wolf came up and you did picked up the pendant, whoever is in possession of it is chosen"

"No no, there has to be some sort of mistake" wolf tries to decline

"Oh there is no mistake" lunno says.

"You touched the miraculous"

"No just wait a moment-" wolf and shark try to get away.

Then suddenly they started to emerge, wolf's suit changed to gray costume.

Then shark changed to an aquatic blue suit, the pendant turns to a bow and infinity of arrows and the shark a tooth emerged to a trident.

Cat Noir lands effortlessly, while Ladybug lands on her face. Bats fly away.

"Oh no no no no no" wolf drops the bow as shark checks out the trident.

Ladybug groans and sits upright. Cat Noir somewhere out of sight.

"What do you think you're doing?"


"This is a dangerous place for a young lady"

"Excuse me, I'm no damsel in distress" looks around some more, "Who even are you?"

"Name's Cat Noir"

"Do I know you?"

"I'm the new hero in town. Here, to save the world"

Ladybug snorts and makes air quotes with hands, "HA! With what, furballs?"

"And what are you supposed to be? A watermelon?"


" Guess... that'll work for a sidekick"

"What?! I'm... here to save the world" huffs as flung up yoyo bonks her on the head, "...Too"

"I can see that" jumps from a statue back to the ground.

"Coming in here all loud and messy," knock down a vase, "giving away your every move"

Cat noir knocks over a large candle holder, which lands on the ground with a loud clang. Ladybug looks panicked.

"So much for the element of surprise!"

"Ever heard of a decoy?"

"I don't understand what's happening. This is all wrong"

"All you have to do is follow my lead sidekick"

"I'm not a side-"

Hearing a noise.

"Shhhh.... Don't move"

Gargoyle growling as its shadow is outside but the heroes turn around to see nothing there.

"Do you have a plan?"

"A plan? Do I have a plan? I have more than a plan" Ladybug smiles.

"I have nine lives" She then frowns. Then a footstep is heard.

"The devastating power of Destruction" The gargoyle slinks closer.

"Night Vision" Leaning towards Ladybug.

"Sharp senses!" imitating a cat then backs away.

"Nothing can sneak up on me"

Ladybug tries to point out to Cat Noir that something is behind him.

"Not to mention my weapon" pulling out his stick, "This all in one thingamajiggy Ready for take down"

Realizing he poked the nose of a gargoyle with it.

"RUN!" The hero runs with the gargoyle chasing him.

"Yelp, not on the first date"

"It looks like you guys have it off pretty well"

Wolf tires to leave with shark following with lunno and chomppy.

"This is crazy I can't do this" wolf says.

"Yes you can, you were chosen to save the world" lunno explained.

"But I'm just a wolf"

"You are more then that and I can show you"

"How?" Wolf asked.

Cat Noir jumps from railing to railing with the gargoyle flying after him landing in front of an organ, which made them jumped.

"I've got this, sidekick!"

He ducks and the gargoyle crashes into it, "what is that?" Shark asked who was horrified.

"That's one of us, tikki and plagge must've found new heroes" lunno says.

"What?" Wolf says.

"Come on we got to help them" Lunno says.

"What how can we help them" wolf says.

"Don't just stand their use the bow"

"The what?" The he sees lunno points down or his bow.

"Cat Noir!"

But the gargoyle slams into him knocking Cat Noir and heading to the other side of the room with the hero ending up on its back, then he feels a arrow hit his back, he turns to see it was wolf who shot the arrow at him.

But the arrow had no effect on him and as the gargoyle glared at him, wolf smiled nervously.

"Well that didn't work" wolf says then he ran when the gargoyle chased him.


"Wolf!" Shark panicked then he lols down at the trident.

"Don't just stand there help him" Chomppy says.

"Sidekick! What are you doing back there? Help me! It's my first time"

"What? Who are they"

"I don't know but it looks like we got some competition"

Cat Noir shouts noticing they're heading for the window meanwhile Ladybug to get control of her yoyo.


Shark used his trident to blast the back of the gargoyle who turns his attention to shark.

All wolf could do was stare then lunno guides him, "don't you stand there use the ripple tone"

"The what?"

"You have The power to create a sonic howl to disorient enemies as well as blow them away. Use it" So he hole his breath and releases a howl blowing the gargoyle.

The gargoyle turns his attention back to wolf, till ladybug sees the yoyo grab on the gargoyle's tail taking her with them while they fly through the window the hero and garogyle land outside Ladybug lands on her feet and trio are seen by a crowd.

"Is that a watermelom?"

"Told ya"

The gargoyle takes off into the sky taking the heroes with him.

"For a so-called cat you don't seem to land on your feet"

The gargoyle crashes through church buldings with Ladybug still tailgating behind but she hits slams into several church bells.

"We got to do something" wolf says.

"But how?"

"I don't know use your powers"

Shark thinks for a moment then he jumps in the seine, he uses his uses the water to pull the fragile I'm where wolf jumps mad uses his arrow to get him to safety.

"That's music to my ears!" Ladybug screams as The gargoyle dives into the Seine.

"Cannonball!" Alya recording with her phone.

"I'm reporting live from the Notre Dame attack" Ladybug goes waterskiing.

"That was incredible! Oh, my God! Did you guys see that she's a hero. A she-ro!"

Cat Noir is seen holding his breath underwater where he sees shark who helps j.

"I've think we've hit rock bottom" Cat Noir briefly surfaces spitting out a fish.

"At least the fish is fresh"

Then he dives again while Ladybug continues skiing.

"Are you Ok?" Cat Noir gives a thumbs up.

Then they turned to wolf and shark, then after they left they went back to normal.

"See what did I tell you were destined to be superheroes" lunno says.

"But we can't we have a daughter"

Later that night, princess was asleep when shark and wolf introduced her.

"See" wolf whispered.

"She's so pretty" Chomppy pets her it made her groaned as she was about to wake up, which the guys panicked.

"Get away form her" shark grabs him.

"Look I'm saying his is a lifetime job but if you could maybe do this for her" lunno says.

Wolf looks at princess then he feels empathy,

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