Gold Skyfall

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"Should we send in the Carabinieri?" Stefano says.

"We don't have hard evidence on him yet" professor marmalade says.

"We'll have to Get a line to NATO. I'll tell them we have an unidentified jet that's a terrorist threat, and we need to shoot them down"

"But foxington could be on it"

Marmalade try to see for another option when a male huskey named Huxley says: "We can't risk chesterfield getting that gold, Get me NATO"

"No wait!" Marmalade tries to stop them.

"Copy. NFR 180, proceed to waypoint to confirm visual"

Desperate for the gold to not reach Thomas, Huxley orders the plane shot down by NATO.

Meanwhile at Thomas the Leviathans arrived: who are a group of cheetahs.

"Oh, Leviathan. Welcome. Nice to meet some of you in person" Thomas fakes a smile.

"Where is the gold?" The female cheetah asked.

"Ah" Thomas tries to stall them, so he invites them inside for tea.

"Leviathan didn't send me here for small talk. My colleague in Zurich says your plane did not land"

"Uh...That was our plan to distract the authorities.
The gold will arrive here"

"Well, I hope so. We don't want to have to empty all your bank accounts"

"What do you mean?"

"The Caymans, Monaco, Panama, Switzerland, Singapore, and the Maldives. We know where your money is. And we can make it all disappear in seconds.
That's why we only deal in gold. Unhackable, untraceable" she flex her claws.

"It will be here within an hour"

Back on the jet, Hector began to noticed the jets coming towards them.

"Oh shit" even harry saw it, "Get me NATO" he asked.

"This is NATO First Response. I say again, this is NATO First Response. You are in direct violation of civilian aviation regulations. Identify, or we will engage with force"

Princess panicked as she held on tight to wolf, he sees how worried she is so he holds her close to him.

"Civilian aircraft..."

"Don't answer" Arthur tells Hector.

"I say again, you are in direct violation of civilian aviation regulations. Establish radio contact immediately, or you will be fired upon with live ordnance"

"November Foxtrot Romeo 180, please be advised, you're tracking a private aircraft There are civilians on board. And a child, Repeat, there are civilians and a child on board" harry tries to stall them.

Meanwhile marmalade Huxley and Stefano were in a helicopter ride.

"NFR to marmalade, We have unconfirmed reports of civilians on board"

"Say again" asked marmalade.

"Unconfirmed from Brussels ATC, civilians on the aircraft. and a child Repeated attempts to contact have been met with radio silence. Please advise"

"Ok well stand down" marmalade says but Huxley couldn't risk it.

"Look, we don't know if they're on that plane"

"But there is a child on that plane" marmalade says.

"Dr marmalade If that plane makes it, then people are gonna die, We can't let Leviathan get that gold. Do you hear me? Whatever they're planning is bigger and deadlier than Madrid, and we can't risk it"

"What's your order, Commander?"

"Shoot it down. Even if there is a child on that plane"

"Copy. NFR 180, continue to attempt contact"

"No!" Marmalade yells.

"If unresponsive, commence 60-second warning on aircraft"

"Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit" harry panicked.

"They're gonna shoot us down" Hector says.

"They're bluffing!" Arthur says.

"Systems armed Weapons hot"

"Whoa hey hey hey" wolf gets up concerned about princess.

"What about the kid, I'm mean she's innocent do you really want to harm Thomas daughter, I don't think he'll like that" Arthur says.

"Thomas doesn't care about her, he hates his own daughter" everyone gasped.

"He never wanted a child" webs and shark heard they all felt mad for princess.

"He wanted her dead in the plane till you ruined now, so if they do shoot us, I'm not going to risk losing the gold for a child"

"Uncle Arthur" princess had a pain in her neck.

"Sorry princess but I gave a job to do, and now I must finish it" he aims a gun at her.

"Uncle Arthur please" princess begged, wolf was furious so he unbuckled his seat and pulls out the pole.

Unidentified aircraft, be advised. You have 60 seconds to establish radio contact on 132.175"

Wolf kicks the gun down and he punches Arthur, cormac came at wolf but Diane gets out and kicks him down.

"Stay down sweetie" wolf takes princess and hides her behind the seat, she nodded and felt calm.

Then wolf gets in a fist fight with Arthur as Duane took care of the henchmen.

"Diane! "Ball so hard!"

"Twenty seconds! Ten seconds!"

Diane grabs the remote to type something, Hector saw and once she was finished, she jumps on the lion and kicks the bear.

Hector turns the plane upside down and wolf grabs on to princess and the chair.

"Hang on" he says to her.

"Oh my God!" Hector was dizzy.

Harry, the crew's contact at air traffic control, works with Hector to get a message to the pilots that there are hostages on board.

Civilian hostages on board.

"Control, we have contact. Civilian hostages on board"

"That's what I've been saying!" Harry says.

"Please advise"

"NFR 180, stand down. Repeat, stand down" he says.

"Commander Huxley, we have confirmation of civilians on board" Marmalade glares at Huxley, "We're tracking the flight now, and we'll notify the local authorities upon its descent and landing"

"Copy" marmalade says.

"Stand down and break off Repeat, standing down and breaking off" forcing them to stand down.

"Yes! Yes!" Harry cheers.

Another fight between the crew, wolf throws princess to Duane as Arthur pounce on him, they wrestle.

"Hang on sweetie" Duane has princess hold on to the poke while she deals with the last two henchmen.

"Make sure she lands the damn plane!" Arthur tells comac.

"Right the plane!" The lion threatens Hector.

"Sorry about that" Hector says he turns it over and everyone starts falling back down.

"Ah!" Princess slips and wolf caught her.

Hector gets out of the sit and tries to beat up cormac but he gets the best of Hector and sits him down.

"Take it down! Now!"

"Okay! I'm sorry"

But he pulls the lever diving the plane, cormac pushed his arm, breaking hector's wrist.

"AH!" Hector yelped then as he dives down, cormac gets slammed against the window and breaking his neck.

Then as they dive down, everyone fell back, princess slides down.

"Ah!" But then she gets caught by wolf as he held her tight.

"Get the remote!" He tells Diane.

She unbuckles herself and crawls for the remote unaware Arthur was behind her and he grabs on her leg. Threaten, wolf tries to kick her off.

"Hit it now!" Wolf says.

Diane opens the door and wolf kicks Arthur out, he went flying out of the plane.


"Bang-bang" Diane shuts the door.

"We gotta get to the cockpit!" Wolf helps princess onto the pole and she holds on tight.

But when they get to the cockpit, they see Hector was injured.

"Grab him! I can't fly" Hector says. "Ah! My wrist!

"Okay, switch. Switch. Switch" wolf helps him out when he and Diane get in the sits.

"Hector, tell us what to do!" Wolf asked.

"Pull up! Pull up! Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!" He shouts.

The two pull up the plane and saw they were getting close to the estate.

"Okay. You okay?" Wolf asked her.

"I'm loving every second of this" Diane chuckled.

"What was that? What just happened?" Wolf says.

"No!" Hector says.

"What happened?" Wolf says.

"Hector! What just happened?" Wolf asked.

"We lost the hydraulic pump!" Hector says.

"What does that mean?" Wolf asked.

"Steering is almost impossible" Hector says.

"We've got to land now, or we'll lose control!"Hector says.

"I'm gonna try to steer us using the engines. Yeah!" Hector puts his only good hand on the lever, Diane helps him as he grunts from the pain.

"That's Thomas compound" Diane points out.

"No, no, no. We're coming in too fast! We can't make the landing strip!" Hector says.

"We're gonna have to use the road" wolf says, "KID! Buckle yourself in and hang on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride" wolf tells princess and she immediately straps herself in.

Thomas saw the plane, "ah! There's your gold, right on time. Just as I promised"

"We're coming in hot! Hector says. "Pull up! Give it everything you have! Pull up! Pull up!"

results in the jet crash landing on the grounds of of his villa.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As they went crashing, princess sinks her claws into the fabrics of the seat tearing it, she was frightened, Thomas saw the plane coming in too hot, they crashed right in his villa.

"I can't believe it. We did it. We did it" Diane says and webs and shark were relived.

"Yeah. We successfully landed the gold on Thomas estate, I'm gonna go check on princess"

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