Hal the hero

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Cut to Roxanne dropping Hal off at his Apartment.


" See you tomorrow, Hal"

"I'll leave the door unlocked in case you want to check on me later"

"Who is this man we've infused with god-like power?"

Hal trips and falls onto Megamind's invisible car, with the bad guys watching in the car.

"Ah! Ow! Augh!"

"Well sir, his name is Hal Stewart. He's twenty eight years old" webs hacked into his system.

"no criminal record, actually no records at all" webs says.

"Apparently this man hasn't accomplished anything"

"He l sounds like a loser" snake says.

"What just happened?" Hal looks puzzled.

"Not yet, Minion. Not yet!"

"Could this day get any more fun-tastic?"

"So, I will just go ahead and defuse him since this is clearly a mistake-" he switches the gun into DEFUSE mode.

"Good idea" snake says.

"No, Minion! There's something much more powerful at work here"

He tosses the gun into the back seat. This will be important later.

Then wolf Lola worried as he gets a bad feeling along with the others.

"Oh megamind! I Don't know what You're thinking but it's a bad idea" wolf warned him.

"There's no such thing as a bad idea wolf and This is no mistake. It's destiny!"

"Yea there is, you make them all the time"

Megamind gets out and as minion follows then bad guys stay behind.

"Ok, I don't know what you are planning but we are not going to be part of this" wolf says when he had the guys get out max they walk home.

"Fine then, we don't need you"

Megamind breaks into Hal's apartment, folding Hal's bed on himself, trapping him in the wall.

"Hal Shtewart! Prepare for your destiny! Hal? Hal Shtewart? Am I saying it right?"

" It's "Stewart.""

" Ah!" Minion pulls the bed down, releasing Hal.

"Ah! Is this a robbery? Cause the lady across the hall has way better stuff than me.
Megamind: Oh, look! It's Hal Stewart. Quick, the spray!"

Minion squeezes The can but it squeaks, empty.

"Oops! All out!"

"Well, use the forget-me stick"

"Oh, right!" He knocks out Hal with a bat.

"Just look at him"

" No, he doesn't look quite the hero type to me"

"Oh, you're such a pill, Minion" They fold the bed on Hal again, hiding him in the wall.

"A potter couldn't ask for finer clay, I smell a hero"

"I smell something burning"

"I think it's working! Places! Places! Pla...places!"

" Do you have your disguise?"

Minion puts on an apron and wig and Megamind activates his disguise of a space-themed old man.

" What?"

"Hh, you look fantastic"

the pull out bed bursts and reveals a buffed up Hal.

" Rise, my glorious creation. Rise. And come to Papa!"

"What's going on?" Looking at his changed body.

"Easy, my child"

"Who are you?"

"I sent you to this planet to teach you about justice, honor and nobility. I am your father.
Hal: So you're like... my space dad?"

"...Yeah. I'm like your space dad"

" And you are what?"

"I'm your space stepmom! I've had some work done recently"

"Is this some kind of dream?"

"This is a dream come true. You've been blessed with unfathomable power"

"What kind of power?"

"Unfathomable. It's unf...with...without fathom"


"Yeah. We've come to guide you on your path to be Metrocity's new hero and battle the super genius of Megamind!"

He replaces a newspaper of Metroman carrying Roxanne with Hal's face. Hal notices Roxanne and it finally clicks for him.

"I know this is a lot to take in. It may take months for you to come to grips-
Hal: No freakin' way!" He flies out the wall.

" I wasn't finished!"

Hal crashes into the street, accidentally lodging himself in a car while dancing.

"Whoo-hoo! I'm gonna be a hero! I'm gonna be a hero!"

" See, Minion? He's perfect!"

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