Chapter 9

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At the hospital, Nancy's dad came immediately when he heard Nancy had a accident.

He went to the front desk asking for her, "over there"

He sees Nancy with mr. Shark, both in the room with princess who was laying still unconscious, she had a bandage wrapped around her head.

"Hi, Dad"

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Just your run-of-the-mill car accident-"

But before she could explain, shark splat out, "she was being by crooks, I'm sorry to say this but you're daughter has been sleuthing on my cases, I specifically told her to stay away but she disobeyed me and she got my daughter involved"

"So I heard i am very sorry mr. Shark"

"It's detective Lou, and thanks yo your daughter my baby got hurt, I'm sorry to say but yesterday I covered for your daughter because she begged me yo give her another chance...but I am done her, I am done with both of you, I don't want you're daughter anywhere near my case, she doesn't seen how things work around the end of the week I want you out of my town, you are banned from setting one foot near California...good bye. I'm gonna give you two some time"

He storms out, shutting the door behind him

"I started to tell you today"

" You could have been killed, Do you realize that?"

"I was just trying to do the right thing"

"This is a very dangerous city. The world is not like River Heights"

" I know I mean, I tried to be normal. I really tried. I just start working on something and I can't stop"

"I wonder where you got that from. I mean, the idea of a girl out there without her mom..."

"Dehlia wanted to leave Jane the estate, and I found the will. Like you always say, "Others first"

"I just wish that you'd talked to me about this. And you worked with detective shark"

"I was helping him get justice for her friend,
I'll be okay, Dad. We'll work it out. You're my guy"

"I'm not sure detective shark wants you on the case with him"

"Hey, kiddo"

"Mr. Biedermeyer"

"Uh, your father and I were going over some business when we heard, I hope you're all right"

"I'm fine"


"He's offered me some consulting work.
I can do it from we can go back to River Heights in time And he pays a lot"

"Oh" Nancy was sad, she was going to leave without saying goodbye to princess and solve the mystery, she felt like she let everyone down: princess ned and detective shark.

"You know, I couldn't help butoverhear before about the mystery"

"Did you ever find the will?"

" I did"


"Dehlia used one of her movies as a clue"

"Ha, ha"

"It was the secret compartment
of a Chinese box"

"Nancy always gets to the bottom of things"

"Well, my firm would certainly be interested in seeing that will"

"You know, Mr. Biedermeyer wasn't always just Dehlia's lawyer. He was her manager as well,
from the start. He made her who she was.
Then he brought her account to his law firm, and...Well, it's time to sign on the dotted line"

"I remembered an old friend she used to have, an very odd fella named Lou"

"Ah, ha. Funny thing, we just met a Lou, detective shark Lou"

"Lou?" Nancy started to put the pieces together.


"Where is the will?"


"Where is it, honey? Do you know? You know, this is a little awkward. His firm stands to lose
more than a little income......if the money from the will really does go to Jane"

"Dad, we have to get out of this car now"



"Excuse me, sir can you please stop the car?"

But when she looks in the rear view mirror, she sees that he has a blue and green eye.

Then Nancy jumped out of the car, "Nancy!

Her dad tries to go after her but he gets trapped.

"Dad, get away from them!"

Nancy ran and she meets the same old lady form the laundromat.

"Excuse me, miss?"

"Oh, hello, honey Oh, the phone's over there, honey"

She calls detective shark who was in his office doing some paperwork.

"Detective Lou here" he answered the phone.

"Detective Lou"

But when he hears Nancy's voice, he groaned, "oh not you again, I already told you I'm not giving you another chance-"

"I know I know but just listen to me for a second Do you know if a Dashiel Biedermeyer
rented in this building?"

"No. No, he owns it. He owns the house you're in too. He's a very rich man"

She looks out the window and it was the same men that tried to kidnapped her.

Shark heard her gasped, "Nancy? What's wrong?" He was a bit concerned.

"I got to go..."

"There she is"

"Um, is there a back door anywhere?"

"Yes, honey, right over there"

"Uh detective Lou, you might want to send a car to the house"

"Why? Are you in trouble"

"Get her!"

"Open up!"

"Open this door!"

"Break it down"

"Come here"

Traving through the sewers she gets spoked by Dashiel Biedermeyer.

"Where's the will?"

"I don't think I should say"

"It's my insurance that you won't hurt me"

"I'll squeeze it out of you. Tell me something first. I'm just really curious"


"Why did you kill Dehlia?"

"After she gave up the baby, she went kind of crazy. She was gonna quit the business and run off with that lowlife ex criminal detective Lou shark, He was the father Whatever. She was my only client. She was gonna fire me. I spent 20 years of my life building up her career. I got mad. I reacted violently. I felt kind of bad about it for a while, but I'm okay with it now"

"But if detective Lou is Jane's father. Does he know about the baby?"

"It doesn't matter! Now where is the will?
It's right here"

"Come here"

He tries to take the will but she attacks him and ran.

"Give it to me! Give me the will!"

He pulls her down the stairs, they had her trapped in her house.

"Ah, ah, ah, just do it." He aims a gun at her.

"If you shoot me, it'll leave all sorts of evidence. Very messy. Strangulation leaves a traceable handprint"

"What do you suggest? The best way to kill me?
Hm, let me think about that. Um..."

"Enough of this crap"

But one of the secret hatched opens and shark came to the rescue.

"Oh I Don't think so" shark says as he hits them with a shovel.

Then one guy with the green and blue eye came. Charging at him, he was about to pounce on shark when shark hits him with the shovel and sent him flying to the wall.

"Hello...Thomas" he pulls the mask off revealing to be Thomas.

Nancy was a bit curious, "who's Thomas" she asked.

Shark helps him up and handcuffs him, "Thomas is princess real dad, he was behind this little caper"

"Alright I admit it yes I met Mr. Biedermeyer, we agreed to help each other, I take care of Nancy while they bring me back princess and kill you"

"Well it's time to take you back to your cell, it's been upgraded"

But before he left, "Hey!"

He hears Nancy calling for him and turns around.

"I'm just really curious. Why did you kill Dehlia? After she gave up the baby...
...she went kind of crazy. She was gonna quit the business and-

"Oh, my God!" Mr. Biedermeyer groaned.

"You're the father, You're mr. Lou"

"Ok yes I admit that I mr. Lou but I'm not the Leasing is"

"Huh" she turns to see me. Leasing entering.


"Nancy?" Then princess came out of the hospital, she hugged her friend.

"You seen when I was just a young pup, Delia found me, I became her faithful friend who was there for her when she needed a shoulder to rest, her work was giving her too much pressure, so we hid away with leasing, after the baby was born and Delia was killed I was framed for her murdered, I couldn't take the baby with me, not with the reputation I been studied with so I left her at the orphanage hoping she'll be taking in"

Nancy then approach shark, "mr. Shark thank you so much"

"But it's me who should thank you and apologize, Nancy i am so sorry, I was wrong about you, you have been a kid but you are one of the best damn detectives I ever seen, you're okay kid"

Then Nancy approach leasing, " mr. Leasing, There's something you should know....It's about Jane....She's your daughter"

"Eh- Uh" he didn't know how to responded to that"

Then police came In Along with Mr. Carlson drew.

"Hey, you with the shovel"

"No. It's him, Have you seen my father?"

"Nancy, darling, are you okay?"

"Oh, good, good."

"I was locked in a trunk. What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Okay, let's get him up All right, easy, easy, easy"

"Looks like my new job might not work out now"

"Yeah. Maybe not" shark says as he had his arm around his own daughter, "but you're daughter did a good think today, she's very good, you must be proud"

"Ok, So, what exactly happened?" He asked.

"do you really wanna know?" Princess asked as like she saw the whole thing.

"Yeah. Uh. Do I?"

"No" the three of them shook their heads, not really.

"I don't know what to say" Jane was surprised to find who her dad was.

Then they all went to help her get her child back.

"Nancy, I want you to know I appreciate how hard it was......for you to do the right thing.
I'm very proud of you"

She felt a two in her shoulder, she turns around to see princess.

"It really is a Shame you have to leave...I started to like you"

"Don't worry I'll come by to visit"

"Thanks again Nancy for all your help, I really appreciate it" shark says as they shook hands.

"Thank you mr. Shark but I just got one question: you said we took princess in, who is we"

He takes out his wallet and shows a picture of the bad guys with a five year old princess.

"I used to be a member of the bad guys till we went good"

"What happen to them"

"Mode's one a honeymoon with Diane, Pepa and web went on a romantic getaway and Marc went to visit his dad, so I was left alone with princess but...we all took very good care of princess"

"So I see, you are all great parents"

But it became time for Nancy to leave, princess was sad to see her new best friend leaving.

"You know, Barbara Barbara Realty would be continue to rent this property for you"

"Thanks, but no, thanks"

"Well, what are you gonna do with this place?"

"I'm gonna live here, with my kid and anyone else who needs a place"

"Well, I think maybe you and I should talk this over before you make-"

"Feel free to leave at any time."

Shark and princess went home when they see the team came back, princess ran to wolf and they hugged.

He looks back at them and smiles then when he gets inside, he looks at an old picture of him and Delia.

As for Nancy, she was back in river heights, where she belonged.

"There it is...Just like clockwork" Ned was fixing her car.


"Postpartum depression You're sad the case is over"

"That's ridiculous. I'm glad it all worked out"

"You're only happy when there's trouble. This I know for sure. But that's who you are and it's all right with me"

"Ned, that's so sweet"

"Nancy?" Her dad called for her...


"Phone call. Long distance from Scotland. Something about the Loch Ness monster
and some missing diamonds"

"Another case"

She was back in the game...

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